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Instructor: Mr. Hollenbeck
Chapter1: From Human Prehistory to Early Civilizations Questions 1. What was the Neolithic Revolution and its impact on humans? 2. What are the characteristics of CIVILIZATION? 3. Explain intellectual achievements of the Sumerians? 4. What are some of the characteristics that all river valley civilizations shared? Terms 1. Paleolithic 6. Fertile Crescent 11. Hwang He River 2. Neolithic 3. Hunting‐Gathering 7. Cuneiform 8. Hammurabi’s Code 12. Indus River 13. Phoenicians 4. Catal Huyuk 5. Mesopotamia 9. Homo Sapiens 10. Shang 14. Monotheism 15. Polytheism Chapter 2: Classical Civilzation: CHINA
Questions 1. What were the major achievements of the Zhou dynasty? 2. What is the significance of Confucius? 3. What were some of Shi Huangdi notable achievements as leader of the Qin Dynasty? 4. Describe the political and cultural achievements of the Han dynasty. Terms 1. Middle Kingdom 6. Daoism 11. Gobi Desert 2. Mandate of Heaven 7. Civil Service Exam 12. Analects 3. Wu Ti 4. Bureaucrats 8. Rites of Zhou 9. State Confucianism 13. Filial Piety 14. Sunzi or Sun Tzu 5. Patriarchal Society 10. Lao Tzu 15. Mencius Chapter 3: Classical Civilzation: INDIA Questions 1. How did geography impact Indian History? 2. What were classical India’s greatest political features? How did these features differ from classical China? 3. Briefly summarize classical India’s two major religions: Hinduism & Buddhism. 4. What were some of classical India’s most important cultural contributions? Terms 1. Dravidians
6. Varna
11. Jati
2. Aryans
7. Kshatriya
12. Sudras
3. Sanskrit
4. Gupta dynasty
8. Mohenjo-Daro
9. Brahmin
13. Sati
14. Asoka
5. Caste system
10. Vaisyas
15. Ramayana
Suggested Assignment: Refer to the website for the textbook World Civilizations: The Global Experience. Click on Student Resources. Click on each chapter to find a page devoted to that chapter. Hint: Chapter Outlines. If you cannot find the answers using this website; search other sites on the internet for help. For each question, you are expected to write at least a two paragraph answer. For each term, you are expected to write at least two sentences: one defines the term and the other stating the significance to world history. You may also answer the Multiple Choice and True/False questions and email the scores to me by clicking Instructor and inputting my address: [email protected]. Have a Fun Summer! ‐Mr. H