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Cells and Organ Systems Study Guide
Next to each of the questions is where the information can be found. Students should have these in
their own notes. If not, they can be found online at:
Cells in General:
What are the three tenants of cell theory? (The Cell, 1/21)
What are some of the features of life? (The Cell, 1/21)
o Don’t have to know all, just a few examples
What is the definition of an organelle? (Cellular Organelles of the Central Dogma, 2/1)
What is diffusion? (Diffusion and the Mitochondria, 2/8)
o Given concentrations, know where particles would move due to diffusion
What is osmosis? (Osmosis and the Membrane, 2/9)
o Given concentrations, know where water would move due to osmosis
What is ATP? (Diffusion and the Mitochondria, 2/8)
What is a virus? (Viruses)
o How are they similar and different from living cells?
Central Dogma:
What is the Central Dogma? (Cellular Organelles of the Central Dogma, 2/1)
What does DNA do? What do we call its shape? (Cellular Organelles of the Central Dogma, 2/1)
What is a gene? (Genes, 2/2)
What does RNA do? Why do our cells use it? (Cellular Organelles of the Central Dogma, 2/1)
What is a protein?
o A: Proteins are the machines of the cell (definition is not in notes)
Cell Parts:
Be able to identify the following organelles on a diagram, as well as know what they do for the cell. Also
know which organelles animals have and which plants have.
Nucleus (Cellular Organelles of the Central Dogma, 2/1)
Smooth ER (Cellular Organelles of the Central Dogma, 2/1)
Rough ER (Cellular Organelles of the Central Dogma, 2/1)
Golgi apparatus (Cellular Organelles of the Central Dogma, 2/1)
Mitochondria (Diffusion and the Mitochondria, 2/8)
Membrane (Osmosis and the Membrane, 2/9)
o What can pass through the membrane? What cannot?
Vesicle (Final Organelle Notes, 2/16)
Lysosome (Final Organelle Notes, 2/16)
Peroxisome (Final Organelle Notes, 2/16)
Cytoskeleton (Final Organelle Notes, 2/16)
Cell Wall (Final Organelle Notes, 2/16)
Chloroplast (Final Organelle Notes, 2/16)
Central vacuole (Final Organelle Notes, 2/16)
Organ Systems in General:
What are the levels of organization in living things? (Levels of Organization, 2/18)
What is keratin? Where is it found? (The Integumentary System, 3/4)
What is collagen? Where is it found? (The Skeletal System, 3/10)
Why do some organs have a high surface area? (The Digestive System, 3/1)
Organ Systems:
Be able to identify the function(s) of the following systems. In addition, know some of the major
organs/parts involved. Students are not expected to know the function of every individual organ (unless
noted). Notes for the listed systems are titled the same as their system.
Nervous System
o What do sensory and motor neurons do?
Digestive System
o What are the organs of the digestive system in order?
o What are the functions of each of the organs/parts of the digestive system?
Renal System
Respiratory System
o By what process do lungs exchange gases?
Circulatory System
o What are arteries, veins, and capillaries?
o What is the cardiovascular system?
Integumentary System
Immune System
o What is a pathogen?
Muscular System
o What are the three types of muscle?
Skeletal System
Endocrine System
o What is a hormone?
Reproductive System
Final comments:
This is our most memorization-intensive test this year. There is no way around simply having to know
what things are called and what they do in biology. I would highly recommend flash cards for the many
terms involved.
That said, my emphasis on this test will be on associating terms with their function, not recollection of
lists. There will not be questions such as, “What are the eleven organ systems?” on the test. Instead
expect a focus toward understanding why these organelles/systems are needed for the proper
functioning of the cell and body, respectively.
Finally, I will not be grading on spelling so don’t fret about that aspect.