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Set up your notebook in AvidInteractive Notebook Style
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Warm Up – Make a list of facts you
already know about volcanoes
• Warm Up: List of things I
Already Know about
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
• etc
Read and Answer Questions:
“The Global Distribution of
•Pages 891-895
•Add “Geo Words” to your glossary
•Answer the 6 “Check Your
Understanding” questions on page
895 in full sentences
Bill Nye Video:
List some notes from
the video
(click below)
• Warm Up: List of things I
Already Know about
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
• etc
Read and Answer Questions:
“The Global Distribution of
•Pages 891-895
•Add “Geo Words” to your glossary
•Answer the 6 “Check Your
Understanding” questions on page
895 in full sentences
Bill Nye Video:
List some notes from
the video
(click below)
1. What evidence do geologist
have that volcanoes occur on the
ocean floor?
• Scientists have observed these volcanoes with
underwater, deep-diving submersibles.
Click on volcano
2. What is the “Ring of Fire” and
where is it located?
• The Ring of Fire is a very
active tectonic zone
around the Pacific plate.
• All around the shores of
the Pacific Ocean.
3. Where do most volcanoes on
land form?
• Most volcanoes on land form at the edge
form along subduction zones such as the Ring
of Fire.
Click below
4. How are rift valleys formed?
• Rift Valleys form when two continental plates
move apart from each other.
Click on map
5. What are hot spots? Provide an
example of a hot spot on Earth.
• When a large amount of
magma is under a plate, it
vents upward and is called a
“hot spot.”
• Hot spots can be volcanoes, as
in the Hawaiian Islands, or just
be areas where gases are
vented, as in Yellowstone.
Click on
image for Yellowstone thermal vents
6. Why does the horizontal scale of
a Mercator projection increase
with latitude?
• The horizontal scale of a Mercator Projection
increases and becomes distorted because it
takes a spherical Earth and tries to place it on
a flat map.
Basic Notes (you may have missed from the video!)
• Three Types
Basic Notes (you may have missed from the video!)
• After a volcano erupts,
there is a caldera
Basic Notes (you may have missed from the video!)
• Magma is
inside the
• Lava is what
flows out of
the volcano
Do we still have
active volcanoes
in Washington?
• Yes – 5!
Any questions?