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Unit 3: Forces Within – Jeopardy Review
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Earth’s Layered Structure
Which seismic wave travels faster (S or P)?
Which seismic waves compress and expand rocks in the direction the wave travels (S or P)?
What layers of Earth make up the lithosphere?
Most of the information about Earth’s interior is obtained by studying ____________________ .
Through which Earth layer are S waves NOT transmitted?
Earth’s core is made of an alloy of ______________________ .
Earth’s inner core is solid because of _______________________ .
How would you characterize an S wave?
Deformation in which the object returns to its original shape and size after the stress is removed is called
________________________ .
The type of deformation in which the object permanently changes size and shape without fracturing is called
____________________ .
Plate Tectonics
What hypothesis states that the continents were once joined to form a single supercontinent?
What was the main reason Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis was rejected?
The lithospheric plates move an average of _________________ .
In the plate tectonic theory, a plate can be made of _______________________________ .
What kind of plate boundary occurs where two plates grind past each other without destroying or producing
A divergent plate boundary at two continental plates can result in a ______________________ .
Unit 3: Forces Within – Jeopardy Review
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What type of boundary occurs where two plates move together, causing one plate to descend into the mantle beneath
the other plate?
New ocean crust is formed at ____________________ ,
Which of the following results when divergence occurs between two oceanic plates?
Oceanic lithosphere is destroyed at __________________ .
Plate Tectonics and The Nature of Volcanic Eruptions
The thermal convection that drives plate motion is caused by _____________________ .
A magma’s viscosity is directly related to its __________________ .
As the temperature of lava increases, the viscosity ______________ .
Which factors affect how explosively or quietly a volcano erupts?
Explosive volcanoes tend to have what type of magma (i.e. silica content, gas content, and viscosity)?
The particles produced in volcanic eruptions are called ____________________ .
What is the most abundant gas associated with volcanic activity?
The broad, slightly dome-shaped volcanoes of Hawaii are _______________________ .
A volcano that is fairly symmetrical and gas both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits is a _______________________ .
What plays a major part in determining the form of a volcano?
Because of the property of paleomagnetism, _____________________ .
The main source of downward convection flow in the mantle is called __________________ .
The most explosive volcanic eruptions are associated with what type of volcano?
What factors affect the melting point of rock?
What is responsible for the partial melting of rock beneath ocean ridges?
Unit 3: Forces Within – Jeopardy Review
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Which type of landform develops at plate boundaries where one oceanic plate descends beneath another?
Most intraplate volcanic activity occurs where ___________________________________________ .
All changes in the original shape and/or size of a rock body are called _____________________ .
Under what conditions do rocks exhibit ductile deformation?
The process of establishing a new level of gravitational balance.
Mountains and Plates
A material that undergoes tensional stress tends to __________________ .
Folding is usually the result of ___________________ .
Tensional stresses commonly cause what type of fault?
What is formed at a continental-continental convergent boundary?
What can be produced at an ocean-continental convergent boundary?
What type of stress is dominant at divergent plate boundaries?
As erosion removes the tops of mountains, the crust will rise upwards. This is an example of
________________________ .
What force controls the isostatic adjustment of Earth’s crust?
Because of isostasy, a mountain will ultimately __________________________ .
The process of isostatic adjustment states that ____________ sections of crustal material float ______________ than
thinner slabs.
Unit 3: Forces Within – Jeopardy Review
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