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Chapter - IV
Today we are the citizens of a free and democratic country India, but 50 years back
was India a free country? No, British’s ruled India and a long struggle were carried out to
achieve freedom from India.
This Indian freedom struggle could have been a total
impossible dream if it had not been people like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and
Netaji Subash Chandra Bose. These people towards the attainment of independence guided
the whole India ably. We call them leaders. A good leader is not only a good commander
but is also able to extract work from his followers and channalize them towards the
attainment of the goal. So not only giving commands but also acceptance of requests also
becomes an essential part of the leadership behaviour. The leader applies his qualities and
skills for achieving the group goals. So we can define, as “Leaders are those who have the
ability to influence the behaviour of others without the use of force”.
Styles of Leadership:
A Style is a patter of behaviour associated with the specific role of the leader, i.e,,
the manager in the organization. Me Gregor (1967) defines ‘style’ as the method of coping
with organizational reality, which evolves out of trial and error and is not deliberately
adopted or eventually recognized by the leader. The predictable ways of coping with the
reality of the work environment, according to him, may be termed as managerial styles. A
major problem in research in the context of leadership behaviour has been the identification
on behaviour categories. Different taxonomies have emerged form the different research
disciplines, and it is difficult to translate from one set of concept into another. It also points
out the difficult of attaching a single style to all leaders.
Sometimes, it is hard to tell
whether a leader is a salesman or a bonafied visionary, a promoter or an entrepreneur.
Styles also differ from one culture to another.
There are several basic dimensions that
differentiate cultures and hence leadership styles differ. Hyundai and Daewoo have had
much success than their Japanese counterparts and have posed a new threat to the American
business leadership. The Koreans have flexible styles, whereas the Japanese are from a
homogeneous society, so they are less of anything that is not Japanese1.
There are many different ways of leading others. Some styles may be considered to
be the old mainstream ways of leading. Yet the majority as being difficult and not very easy
to learn and apply may view others. However these leadership styles may be what shall be
used as guidelines in the future to measure how good a leader actually is. If one was to
really look at the differences between these styles, they will find that they are totally
different in some respects. The old style wants the employees to conform and not stand out.
Although, one will also find that they are actually very similar in many ways. For example,
the old style says the leader is recognized as a change agent. The new style says that a
transformational leader supports people to engage in a wide variety of personal development
programs. They give power and responsibility to people to
make a difference within their
own area of influence. Leaders of transformation are constantly on the look out for people
with the courage to be different; they encourage those with an alternative point of view.
Trend-setting bosses know that when people take control of their own lives they can bring
increased value to organizations through increased effort, insights and innovation. Some of
l.D.P.S. Verma and Kamlesh Jain(2000), Leadership styles of Indian managers. The Indian journal of commerce,
Vol.53, No.4, October- December, 2000, p.37.
these newer styles can include such styles as transformational leadership and transactional
Certain patterns of behaviour or activities become associated with specific roles. The
leadership role is no different Managers in business enterprises, while making decisions,
behave in characteristic ways which are usually termed ‘leadership styles’ the style is a
distinctive but adaptive behaviour of a manager. An administrator, executive or a supervisor
in the environment of his own decision-making and administrative action. It reflects how
the manager or administrator behaves or will behave in an adaptive relationship to an
environment or a situation. This also means that the style. Which a manager adopts at a
time in his social and individual behaviour, is shaped and conditioned by the environments
in which he acts.
In this paragon of leadership style the leader and the followers collaborate, the result
of recognition that they are part of an interdependent system, their destiny is co-determined.
Energy and information flow both down from the leader to the followers and up from the
followers to the leader. If a leader aligns with the followers, positive feedback amplifies the
It is difficult to separate theories of what leadership is and on what does it depend
from the descriptions of behaviour and styles of leaders. However a number of researchers
have concentrated primarily on the behaviour of leaders on the assumption that ability to
lead and willingness to follow are based on leadership styles.
One of the dimensions upon which leadership behaviour has been classified is the
locus of decision making in the group. Some leaders make all or almost all the decisions
regarding the groups activities, this leadership behaviour is typically classified as
‘authoritarian’ Other leaders delegate a great deal of decision making responsibility to group
itself, this type of leadership behaviour is classified as ‘democratic’, in other groups, neither
the leader nor the group makes many decisions.
Individual behaviour is left up to the
individual; the leader in essence abdicates his leadership role.
This kind of leadership
behaviour is called ‘laissez faire’. Main emphasis, however, has been placed on the two
‘opposites’ the authoritarian and the democratic. The authoritarian leader has been variously
described as directive, production centered, and homothetic. The democratic leader has also
been called participatory, employee centered and idiographic
In India the studies on leadership began in the mid 50s. There are two definite trends
in the studies, the first one are the studies done by Indian researchers following the western
models, ignoring the Indian cultural characteristics and the second are the studies conducted
by the American organizational behavioral scientists visiting management institutes in India
in the 60s and opined on the basis of a limited data. Both the types of studies have their
limitations in the sense that they have presented a lopsided view of leadership of the Indian
The Research studies have been conducted by the behavioral Scientists on leadership
to find out the answer to the question, what makes a leader effective? Is leadership success
due to his personality or, his behavior, or the type of followers he has or the situation in
which he works, or a combination of all these?. These researchers, however, could not give
a satisfactory answer of the question.
These researchers have been presented various
theories or approaches on leadership.
The understanding of the various theories of
leadership will provide guidelines to judge as how a leader emerges. Leadership styles are
related to the theories of leadership. The styles practiced by the Managers based on the
theories of leadership.
Leadership theories reflect people’s concerns at a particular point of time. There was
a time when autocratic, paternalistic leadership was accepted form. There was another time
when the military style was dominant. Later on, benevolent leadership was valued. Not long
ago, half of the last century, the focus has been on change leadership, action leadership, and
transformational leadership. And during the past decade, because of the abrupt down turn m
the fortunes of leading fortune 500 companies, the manipulation of markets and stock
markets scams in the United States and even in India, there is an upsurge of literature on
value based leadership2.
Classification of Leadership Theories:
Many Authors can classify leadership Theories in to various types.
The important
theories can be classified into the following.
1. Trait Theory:
Trait is defined as relatively enduring quality of an individual. The trait approach
seeks to determine ‘what makes a successful leader’ from the leaders own personal
characters. Trait approach leadership studies are quite popular between 1930 and 1950. The
method of study was to select leaders of eminence and characteristics were studied. It was
the hypothesis that the persons having certain traits could be successful leaders. A number
of research studies were conducted during the last 50 years. The cumulative findings of
these studies concluded that some traits increase the likelihood of success as leaders, but
more of the traits guarantee success3.
2. Dharani P Sinha(2004) “Leadership". ‘From vision to execution’ Indian management, May 2004, p73.
3. L.M.Prasad “ Principles and practice of management” Sultan Chand and Sons. Educational Publishers, 2001,
Trait theories of leadership sought personality, social, physical or intellectual traits
those differentiated leaders from non-leaders. Trait theorists refer the people like Mahatma
Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela, and describe in terms of
charismatic, enthusiastic and courageous. Thus trait theories assume that leaders are bom,
not made. The research studies focus on personal traits to characteristics that distinguish the
leaders form the followers and a successful leader from an unsuccessful leader 4. The
characteristics of successful leaders can be presented in the following in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1: Characteristics of successful leaders
Trait/ characteristics
Desire for achievement, ambition, high energy, tenacity,
Honesty and integrity
Trustworthy, reliable, open
Desire to exercise influence over others to reach share
Leadership motivation
Self confidence
Trust in own abilities
Intelligence, ability to integrate and interpret large amount
of information
Cognitive Ability
Knowledge of the business
Knowledge of industry, relevant technical matters
Ability to adapt to needs of followers and requirements of
Jerald Greenberg and Robert A Bazron, “ Behavior in Organizations,” Prentice Hall of India, 1999, p501.
Stodgill has presented a review of various research studies.
According to him
various trait theories have suggested, these traits in a successful leaders. The following are
1) Physical features
3) Emotional stability
2) Intelligence
4) Human Relation
4. P. Subba Rao “ Personnel and Human Resource Management” Himalaya publishing house, 2001, P307.
5. L.M.Prasad, “ Principles and practice of management” Sultan Chand and Sons. Educational Publishers, 2001,
Pp 636-638
5) Empathy
8) Technical Skills
6) Objectivity
9) Communication Skills
7) Motivating Skills
10) Social Skills
Though all these qualities contribute the success of leadership, but it cannot be
said for certain that the relative contributions of these qualities. Moreover, it is not
necessary that successful leader in equal quantity possesses all these qualities. The list of
qualities may be only suggestive and not comprehensive.
Evaluation of Trait Theory:
The Trait theory is very simple. However, this fails to produce clear-cut result. It
does not consider the whole environment of leadership of which trait can be only one
factor. More over, no generation can be drawn about various traits for leadership, as
there were considerable variations in traits established by various researchers. Jennings
as concluded, 50years of study has failed to produce personality trait or set of qualities
that can be used to discriminate leaders and non-leaders. In brief this approach presents
the following problems:
1. There cannot be generation of traits for a successful leader. This was evident by
various researches conducted on leadership traits.
2. No evidence has been given about the degree of various traits because people
have various traits with different degrees
3. There is problem of measuring traits. Though there are various tests to measure
the personality, traits, however no definite conclusion can be drawn
4. There have been many people with the traits specified for leader but they were not
good leaders.
However, this approach gives indication that leader should have certain personal
characteristics. This helps to management to develop such qualities through training and
development programmes.
2. Behavioral Theory:
This approach emphasizes that strong leadership is the result of effective role
behavior. Leadership is shown by person’s acts more than by his traits. Though trait is
influence acts, the followers also affect these. Goals and the environment in which these
occur. Thus there are four basic elements in this approach such as leaders, followers,
goals, and environment, which affect each other in determining suitable behavior.
Leadership acts may be viewed in two ways. Some acts are functional (favourable) to
leadership and some are dysfunctional (unfavorable). These dysfunctional acts are also
important in leadership because they de-motivate employees to work together. As such a
leader will not act in this way.
The dysfunctional acts am inability to accept sub­
ordinates’ ideas, display of emotional immaturity, poor human relations and poor
communications. This approach uses three skills by leaders such as technical, human and
conceptual skills to lead his followers. Technical skills refer to a person’s knowledge and
proficiency; human skills are ability to interact effectively with people and to build
teamwork, conceptual skills deal with the ideas and enables mangers to deal successfully
with abstractions, to set up models and devise plans.
Behavior of a manager in a
particular direction will make him good leader while opposite of this would discard him
as a leader. Setting goals, motivating employees for achieving goals, raising the level of
morale, building teamwork effective communication etc are the functional behavior for a
successful leader6 7
Critical Evaluation of Behavioral Theory
The basic difference between the trait approach and behavioral approach is that
former emphasizes some particular trait to the leader while latter emphasizes particular
behavior by the leader. It is true that favourable behavior provides greater satisfaction to
the followers and the person can be recognized as leader. However, this approach suffers
from one weakness i.e., a particular behavior at a time may be effective, while at another
times may not be effective. This means that the time factor becomes a vital element,
which has not been considered here.
3.Situational Approach:
The prime attention in this approach is given to the situation in which leadership
is exercised. Since 1945, much emphasis in leadership research is being given to the
situations that surround the exercise of leadership. For the first time, this approach was
applied in 1920 in armed forces of Germany with the objective to get good Generals
under the different situations. Winston Churchill was treated as the most efficient Prime
Minister during the Second World War.
However, he was failed afterwards when
situation changed. Ohio State University research has given four situational variables that
affect performance of leadership. These are 1.
i) The cultural Environment: Culture is a man made social system of belief, faith and
value. Many of lives have a significant influence upon behavior and understating of
employee’s behavior requires the understanding of culture in which he lives. Culture
may interfere with rational production efficiency by requiring actions unnecessary or
I bid Pp 638-639
I bid Pp 639-640.
unrealistic from a national point of view, but necessary from culture point of view. Thus
leadership should be directed to influence behavior of followers in the context of culture.
ii) Differences between individuals: Human behavior is caused by some combination of
antecedent factors.
Besides for any given aspect of behavior, there may be many
contributing factors which affect behavior in different ways such as aptitudes, personality
characteristics, physical characteristics, interest and motivation, age, sex, experience etc.,
within this frame work, individuals in the leadership process may be classified the
leadership process. Some persons may perceive particular leadership style suitable while
other may have different perception.
iii) Differences between Jobs: People are performing different types of jobs in the
organization. Placing of individuals in jobs, which they can perform at a satisfaction level
stems from four different considerations such as economic, legal personal and social.
Different conditions are also influenced leadership behavior differently. It is because of
the fact that demands of job almost inevitable force a leader into certain kinds of
activities. Such requirements do much to set the framework within which leader must
iv) Differences between the organizations: Various organizations differ on the basis of
their size, ownership pattern, objective, complexity, managerial pattern, organization
structure leadership pattern and cultural environment etc., in different types of
organizations, leadership process tend to differ. For example, in military or Government
administration, leadership behavior will be different as compared to business
Critical Analysis of Situational Approach:
The situational theory of leadership gives the analysis how leadership behavior
differs with situational variables.
Thus the question, why a manager in particular
situation is successful while in the other situation is unsuccessful, it is answered by this
theory. However, this approach is not free from certain limitations such as this theory
emphasis leadership ability of individual in a given situation, organization factors become
helpful or constraints to great extent to an individual leader in exercising the leadership
and theory does not emphasize the process by which good leaders can be made in the
organization. Thus, it puts a constraint over leadership development process.
4. Path- Goal Theory of Leadership (PGT)
The Path- Goal theory of leadership is usually associated with Martin Evans
(1970) and Robert House (1971) who developed a theory of leadership effectiveness
using a contingency approach based on the expectancy theory of motivation. In effect,
their theory states that leaders can exercise four different kinds of styles- Directive
leadership (giving directions to the subordinates rather than seeking their participation),
supportive leadership (being friendly and approachable to subordinates), participative
leadership (asking for suggestions from subordinates before making decisions) and
achievement-oriented leadership (setting challenging goals and assignments for
subordinates). The path -Goal theory postulates that any of the four styles can be used
effectively by the leader, depending upon situational factors such as subordinate
characteristics (ability, internal-external locus of control), and attributes in the work
setting (task characteristics, formal authority system and the nature of the primary work
groups). If there is a good in between the leadership style and the situational factors in
the work setting, then subordinates will experience job satisfaction, accept and value the
leader as a dispenser of valued rewards, and will engage in motivated behaviours because
they will know that their effort will lead to performance and that performance will lead to
valued rewards
The rationale behind theory is that the leader can help the subordinates to achieve
their goals by providing what is missing in the situation. Employees are helped by the
leader to see the path by which their efforts will lead to performance, and performance to
desired rewards. This leader can do by providing the missing links in the situation. For
instance, if the task is very ambiguous the leader can help the subordinate by providing
grater clarity, through directive leadership; if the task is too repetitious and boring, the
leader can provide socio-emotional support; if the employees have good skills and desire
to contribute to the success of the department, the leader can engage in participative
leadership; and if the employees have a high need for achievement, the leader can engage
in participative leadership; if have a high need for achievement the leader can engage the
employees on to higher performance by giving them more challenges and responsibility,
thus exhibiting an achievement oriented leadership style.8
There is some empirical support that the desired outcomes such as motivated
behaviour and job satisfaction do indeed occur when the leader provides the subordinates
with whatever is missing in the situation—Challenge, support, direction, etc. However,
more empirical research is needed to substantiate the usefulness and validity of the model
and to test the various hypotheses that can be generated there from (Schriesheim and
Denisi, 1981).
8 Umasekaran, Organizational behavior Text and cases leadership and managerial effectiveness, Tata Me GrawHill publishing Ltd, New Delhi, 1996. P 158-159..
5. Fielder’s Contingency Theory:
Social psychologists began the search for situational variables that affect the
leadership roles, skills, behavior and follower’s performance and satisfaction. Numerous
situational variables were identified, but no overall theory pulled it all together until Fred
Fiedler proposed a widely recognized situation-based, or contingency, theoiy for
leadership effectiveness.
Fiedler (1967) developed a model to predict work group effectiveness by taking in
to consideration the 'fit' or match among- (i) The leader's style (task/relationship oriented)
(ii) The leader-member relations (iii) Task-structure and (iv) The position power of the
leaders. Contingency approach of leadership states that management leadership styles
that best contributes to the achievement of organizational goals might vary in different
type of situations or circumstances. Fred Fiedler developed theory of leadership after
having conducted extensive research on leadership for thirty years. This theory is known
as Contingency Theory of leadership. This theory can be presented in the following9
9. Umasekaran, Organizational behavior Text and cases leadership and managerial effectiveness, Tata Me OrawHill publishing Ltd, New Delhi, 1996, P 157.
Fig. 4.1: Fiedler’s Contingency Styles
Situational characteristics
Good Good
Good Poor
Strong Weak Strong Weak Weak Strong Strong Weak
Control of Leader
Umasekaran Organizational Behavior Text and Cases, Leadership and managerial effectiveness, Tata Me
Grew- Hill, New Delhi, 19%. PI 57.
6. Me Gregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X and Theory Y are two theories of management, which are based on
antithetical assumptions about human nature and work. Theory ‘X’ the Traditional, work
centered, authoritarian approach, assumes that employees dislike work and must be
coerced by management. Theory Y believes that people can and will enjoy fully
productive work if permitted to participate significantly in decision-making. It is as such
a people centered, democratic, human relations approach 10.
Douglas Me Gregor first enunciated the two theories in 1960 in an attempt to
explain the inadequacies of authoritarian types of management and to devise a better type
on the basis of modem behavioural science and Maslow’s definition of human needs and
10. Lester Robert Bittel, Encyclopedia of professional management, Vol.2, Me Graw- Hill, 1978, Pp 1166-1167.
The implicit assumptions of the managers of an organization will determine its
modus operandi, down to the smallest action. Theory X management assumes:
1) There is no intrinsic satisfaction for people in work.
2) Humans will avoid work as much as possible.
3) Therefore, management must direct, control, coerce, and threaten workers in
order to achieve management goals.
4) The average human seeks to avoid responsibility, lacks ambition or
imagination, and craves direction and above all, security.
On the basis of these assumptions, theory X management, to achieve its goals,
apply external motivating force, or authority, which in turn determines that: 1) locus of
decision will be solely in the nominal head of the organization; 2) the structure of the
organization will be pyramid with authority flowing from the top down; 3) the
supervisor’s main functions are to transmit orders (not to make decisions) and to
emphasize production; 4) the role of the w orker is that of an isolated cog in the machine,
communicating only with his or her supervisors.
Theory Y, at the opposite end of the continuum, assumes:
1) Expenditure of effort in work and play is natural to humans
2) External control and threat are not essential to bring about effort toward
organizational goals to which humans are committed.
3). The satisfaction of individual ego and self- actualisation needs can be direct
products of efforts toward organizational goals.
4) . The average human learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but also
to seek responsibility.
5) The capacity for creativity is widely distributed in the population
6) Modern industry rarely utilizes the intellectual potentialities of the average
human. Theory Y assumptions thus lead to a participatory organization in
which authority is accepted by workers, not imposed on them. Accordingly,
(i) the locus of the decision may be wide spread, at any level; (ii) the group,
including its supervisors, becomes the primary organizational unit; (iii) the
supervisor deals with groups; (iv) the worker has become a group member
who participates in setting organizational goals and therefore works willingly,
intelligently. In sum, theory X management will rationalize problems by
blaming the nature of its human resources, but a theory participates in setting
organizational goals and therefore works willingly, intelligently. The concepts
of theory X and theory Y have been of great service in defining the limits of
the approaches to organization theory and in focusing attention on their
opposing assumptions. Criticism centres on their extreme and rather sweeping
generalizations. The theories pay insufficient attention to the specific of
interrelationships between particular jobs, to the great variety of conditions
and human individuals. Finally, neither Theory X nor theory Y seems to be
consistently supported by research findings.
Modern Theories of Leadership:
The modem theories of leadership can be classified into two types; they are,
Charismatic leadership theory
Transformational leadership theory
7. Charismatic Leadership Theory:
The Charismatic concept, charisma, goes as far back as the ancient Greeks and is
cited in the Bible, its modern development is attributed to the work of Robert House.
According to House, the charismatic leaders are characterized by self-confidence,
confidence in subordinates, and high expectations for sub-ordinates, ideological vision,
and use of personal example. Followers of the charismatic leaders identify with the leader
and the mission of the leader, exhibit extreme loyalty to and confidence in leader,
emulate the leader’s values and behavior and derive self-esteem from their relationship
with the leader 11.
Mahatma Gandhi’s characters of self-confidence, ideological vision and personal
example of made him as a charismatic leader. Mr. Dheerubhai Ambani’s character of
self-confidence, Mr. Ramalinga Raju’s (of Satyam Computers) character of confidence in
subordinates and high expectation for subordinates made them charismatic leaders.
Table 4.2.
11. P. Subba Rao “Personnel and Human Resource Management", Himalaya publishing house, 2001, Pp 315-316.
Table 4.2:
Key Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders
1. Self-confidence: They have complete confidence in their judgment and ability
2. A vision: This is an idealized goal that proposes a future benefit than the status
quo. The greater the disparity between this idealized goal and the status quo, the
more likely that followers will attribute extraordinary vision to the leader
3. Ability to articulate the vision: They are able to clarify and state the vision in
terms that are understandable to others. This articulation demonstrates on
understanding of the follower’s needs and, hence, acts as a motivating force
4. Strong convictions about the vision: Charismatic leaders are perceived as being
strongly committed, and willing to take high personal risk, incurs high costs, and
engage in self-sacrifice to achieve their vision
5. Behavior that is out of the ordinary: Those with charisma engage in behavior
that is perceived as being novel, unconventional, and counter to norms. When
successful, these behaviors evoke surprise and admiration in followers
6. Perceived as being a change agent: Charismatic leaders are perceived as agents
of radical change rather than as caretakers of the status quo
7. Environment sensitivity: These leaders are able to make realistic assessments of
the Environmental constraints and resource needed to bring about change
Based on J.A. Conger and R.N.Kanungo, Behavioral Dimensions of Charismatic leadership, in J.A.Conger
and R.N.Kanungo, Charismatic leadership (San Francisco, Jossey- Boss, 1988, P 91.)
Charismatic leaders, thus,
lure and motivate the subordinates towards
performance beyond expectations, innovations, creations, and create the work culture
among the followers. Charismatic leaders tend to be portrayed as wonderful heroes.
However there can also be unethical characters associated with these leaders.
8. Transformational Leadership Theory:
of leadership -
Transformational. Transactional leadership occurs when one person takes the initiative in
making contact with others for the purpose of exchange of something valued; that is, “
leaders approach followers with an eye toward exchanging” (Burns,
1978, 4).
Transformational leadership based on more than the compliance of followers. It involves
shifts in the beliefs, needs, and values of followers. According to Burns, “ the result of
transforming leadership of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into
leaders into moral agents”.
Bass (1985) argued that transactional leaders “ mostly consider how to marginally
improve and maintain the quantity and quality of performance, how to reduce resistance
to particular actions, and implement decisions” (Bass, 1985, Pp27). In contrast,
transformational leaders “ attempt and succeed in raising colleagues, subordinates,
followers, clients, or constituencies to a greater awareness about the issues of
consequence. This heightening of awareness requires a leader with vision, selfconfidence, and inner strength to argue successfully for what he or she sees as right or
good, not for what is popular or is acceptable according to established wisdom of the
time” (Bass, 1985; 17).
In a study carried out by Russ, (Me Neilly and comer, 1996) among sales
managers, it was found that the more a manager display transformational style of
leadership, the higher
is the level of performance. In another study carried out by
Dubinsky, (Yammarmo, Jolson and Spangler, 1995) a transactional style of leadership
was preferred for enhancing sales people’s affective and behavioural responses over the
transformational style.
Table 4.3 Characteristics of Transactional and Transformational Leaders
Transformational Leader
Transactional Leader
Contingent reward: Contracts
Charisma: Provides vision and sense of
exchange of rewards for effort, promises mission, instills pride, gains respect and
rewards for good performance,
recognizes accomplishments.
Management by Exception (active):
Watches and searches for deviations
from rules and standards, takes
corrective action.
Inspiration: Communities high
expectations, uses symbols to focus
efforts, express important purposes in
simple ways.
Intellectual Stimulation: Promotes
Management by Exception (Passive):
intelligence, rationality, and careful
Intervenes only if standards are not met.
problem solving.
Laissez - Faire: Abdicates
responsibilities, avoids making
Individual Consideration: Gives
personal attention, treats each employee
individually, coaches, and advises.
(Source: BemardM.Boss, "From Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Learning to Share the Vision”,
Organizational Dynamics, Winter 1990,p 22)
Leadership styles axe the patterns of behavriour used by the leader in influencing
the behaviour of his subordinates in the organizational context. The styles practiced by
leader may be positive or negative. These patterns are different from one leader to
another leader. The patterns are also different from manager to manager. Leaders are
followed various styles to influencing the followers to do the work basing on the situation
and attitudes, belief, values of people in the organization. The pattern is also depending
upon the leader's role and his objectives. The patterns, which are followed by leaders also
depends up on the nature of leader and organization structure. Various researchers have
proposed different, leadership styles based on the different theories and these can be
classified as given below 12
Styles based on the behavioural theories.
Situational Theories
Modern theories
I. Styles Based on the behavioural theories
Power orientation
Leadership as a continuum
Employee production orientation
Likert’s management system
Managerial grid
Tri- dimensional grid.
II. Styles Based on situational Theories
Fiedler's contingency model
Heresy and Blanchard's structural model.
Path goal model.
III. Styles based modern theories
i2. P. SubbaRao “Personnel and Human Resource Management”, Himalaya publishing house, 2001, Pp3l5-316.
Styles based on Behavioural Theories:
Power Orientation; Leadership styles are classified into three types based on the power
orientation. The leader to influence the behavior of his subordinates uses these styles.
These can be analyzed as given below:
I. Autocratic Leadership Styles:
An autocratic leader is work-centered or leader-centered. He concentrates all the
authority and all decision-making powers in himself. He structures the complete work
situation for his employees. There is no participation by his subordinates in the decision making process; they simply do what they are told to do. Autocratic leader tolerates no
deviation from the orders. Here subordinates fully depend upon him and aware of the
goals of the organization. The leader takes and assumes full responsibility for decision­
making for initiating action, and for directing, motivating and controlling his
subordinates. The Autocratic leader may think that he is only competent and capable and
his subordinates are incapable
Fig. 4.2
Figure 3.1
Autocratic leadership
Source : Rustom $. Davar, The Management Process
(Progressive Corporation Private Ltd., Born bay)
There are three categories of autocratic leaders.
They are (1) Hard-boiled
Autocratic (2) Benevolent Autocratic and (3) Manipulative Autocratic.
1. Hard-boiled Autocratic: Leader or Manager follows autocratic leadership styles in a
very strict way. Method of influencing the behaviour of the subordinates is through
negative motivation. Penalties and punishments imposed by the leaders through this
2. Benevolent Autocratic: In this approach, leader or manager who tries to use many of
the techniques of positive leadership, e.g. praise and pats on the back, to secure personal
loyalty for achieving acceptance of his own decisions. Some degree of participation may
be allowed based on the situation. He can be effective in getting efficiency in many
situations. Some people may be willing to work under strong authoritative structure
followed by the leader. Thus this style may be provided satisfaction through the positive
3. ManipuIative Autocratic: Who makes the subordinates feel that they are actually
participating in decision-making even though he might take decisions himself. However,
Manipulative autocratic leadership styles cannot be used for long time to achieve the long
run objectives of the organization..
Advantages of Autocratic Leadership Styles:
Most of the subordinates may be preferred to work under the strict rules,
regulations and strict discipline. Hence they get satisfaction from this style.
This style provides strong motivation and rewards to a manager.
Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership styles:
Subordinates lack of motivations, frustrations, low morale and conflict develop in
organisation jeopardizing the organisational efficiency.
Autocratic leadership style cannot help the subordinate to develop the leadership
skills based on the more dependence and less individuality in organisation.
II. Participative Leadership Styles:
This style is also known as Democratic, consultative or ideographic. Participation
is defined as mental and emotional involvement of people to contribute the goals and
share responsibility among the group members. Here the leader tries to lead or guide his
subordinates through persuasion and example instead of fear, status or force. He
encourages participation in decision - making. A participative manager takes decisions
based on the consultation and participation of his subordinates. Suggestions and ideas
given by subordinates, manager can achieve the objectives of the individuals and
organization. There is positive motivation of employees working in the group. Employee
also increases the morale and job satisfaction through the leader's participation approach.
The participation is either real or psuedo . This style can be presented in Figure.
13. Robert l annenbaum and Warrant 11.Schmidt" 1 low to choose a leadership pattern,” Harvard Business Review,
March-April, 1958, Pp 95-101.
Fig: 4.3
Figure 3.2
Democratic Leadership
Source: Rustom S. Davar, The Management Process
(Progressive Corporation Private Ltd., Bombay)
There are various advantages in real participative style of leadership. These are as
The participative styles is highly motivating technique to employees based on the
preference given for the suggestions and ideas of employees.
This style also helps to increase the productivity of employees basing on their
wholehearted involvement.
This approach is suitable for organisational success based on the effective
participation, suggestions programmes and multiple management. However this style has
some limitations, which are as follows.
Some of the employees may not able to understand the complex nature of
organisation, structure and rigid policies etc. Here participation is not meaningful.
Some people in organisation want minimum interaction with their managers or
superiors or leaders. Thus participation techniques are discouraging for them
instead of encouraging.
III. Free Rein:
This style is also called as Laissez-Faire technique. The Laissez-Faire is a French
word meaning “to let things alone”. This style of leadership is based on the let things
take their course attitude. Adam Smith was an advocate of the Laissez-Faire style of
running a nation. He was quoted by saying the term meant “as if by an invisible hand”.
This will help the subordinates to develop their leadership qualities and skills. This style
is not practiced in business organisations and institutions because people cannot be
controlled and manager participation or contribution is almost nil. This style can be
presented in figure.
Fig. 4.4
.............. .....
-............................... .... —........................................................ ....................... -«
Hgure 3.4
Free-Rein leadership
(Happy Employees Work Harder?)
Source: Rustam S. Davar, The Management Process
(Progressive Corporation Private Ltd., Bombay)
Leadership as a Continuum:
The originators of this theory are Tannebaum and Schmidt. They identified a
broad range of styles on a continuum moving from authoritarian leadership behaviour to
free rein behaviour .In fact these styles all variety of patterns used by leader based on the
autocratic and free rein. This style can be presented in Fig. 4.5.The figure presents a
range of leadership behaviour used by the management. These styles represent the degree
of authority used by leader and degree of freedom enjoyed by his subordinates. The left
side shows that the manager controls people and right side shows that manager has given
full freedom to his subordinates14.
Fig: 4.5
Leadership behaviour Continuum
^Subordinate Centered
Use of Authority
By the Manager
Area of Freedom
for subordinate
Decision Decision
ideas and
to change
Manager Manager
limits tasks subgroup
to make to function
with in
defined by
C.B.Mamoria(1999), Personnel Management. Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, p.813.
14. C.B.Mamoria(1999). Personnel Management, “ Leadership”, Himalaya publishing house, New Delhi, P 813.
Employee-Production Orientation:
A study was conducted by survey research center at the university of Michigan,
USA. This research was made to study the leadership behavior by locating clusters of
characteristics, which are related to each other and various indicators of effectiveness.
This study identified two concepts such as the employee orientation and production
orientation. This is called Employee production oriented style. The employee orientation
stressed on the relationship aspect of employee’s job. These styles are similar to
democratic styles. On the other hand production orientation emphasized production and
technical aspects of jobs and employees for accomplishing the tasks. This is similar to the
authoritarian style of leadership behavior.
In 1945 study was conducted by Bureau of Business Research at Ohio State
University to identify the various dimensions of leader behavior. This study was
identified two dimensions such as initiative structure and consideration. The research
studies concluded that these two are separate dimensions. Initiative structure refers
patterns, methods and procedures by the leader on the other hand consideration refers
friendship and mutual trust between the leader and members. This is similar to the
participative styles of leadership. This can be presented in figure 4.6.
Fig. 4.6: The Ohio State Leadership Dimensions
High consideration
Low Structure
Low Structure
Low consideration
High Structure
High consideration
High Structure
Low consideration
C.B.Mamoria(l999) Personnel Management,’ Leadership’ Himalaya publishing house,
Mumbai, p 816.)
The managerial grid is a two- dimensional model of the various styles of
leadership. Based on the theory that managers can be simultaneously and to varying
degrees both task and people oriented, the grid permits analysis on a scale of 1 to 9 of the
degree of a leader’s concern for people and for productivity.
Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton developed the well - known managerial grid,
registered, in 1962 in the course of research into leadership. They designed it as an
alternative to the Ohio State University’s quadrant model, which in its turn evolved from
Likert’s linear continuum model of leadership.
Blake and Mouton labeled the vertical axis of their managerial grid concern for
people, the horizontal axis concern for production, and divided into a scale of 9. Five
leadership styles are highlighted in this conception. A 1,1 manager is abdicative,
“impoverished”, concerned neither for people nor production, only for maintaining the
status quo. The 1,9 manager, fairly of not often been called the country' club type, who
shows great concern for people by emphasizing a friendly atmosphere and harmonious
relationships but shows little interest in production. In contrast, the 9,1 manager is a slave
driver, the autocratic task manager. The middle- of - the - road 5,5 manager shows a
balanced concern for people and their morale and concern for production, but the middleof- the- road manager also needs to move in the direction of the 9,9 team manager who
evokes high production from people committed to the goals of the organization and
relating to one another in trust and mutual respect.
Blake and Mouton have used the managerial grid both as a tool for the analysis of
a leader’s style and as an aid in setting goals and designing training for the development
of effective managers. They have devised a six- stage training program to enable
managers to move toward 7,7, 8,8, and 9,9 positions. The phases include laboratoryseminar training, team development; inter group development, organizational goal
setting, goal attainment, and stabilization, all factors to be measured in placing a manager
on the grid.
The research findings of Blake and Mouton, as epitomized in the managerial grid,
have changed the thinking of many theorists and led them to accept the concept that
effective managers can be both hard and soft, both task and people oriented. Many
companies have found the grid to be a practical tool for helping managers to increase
their effectiveness, particularly in redirecting their orientation toward people, in the case
of the 9,1 manager, or toward production, for the 1,9 manager. While the concept of the
grid itself is widely accepted, it has not been established that most effective managers are
indeed at 9,9 although the research of Blake and Mouton reveals that 99.5% of managers
in their seminars do believe that this is the soundest way to manage. (The second most
popular style among these managers is 9,1 and the third is 5,5.) Follow up research 2 to 3
years later in companies using the grid finds managers retaining these opinions to the
same degree. Blake and Mouton themselves, how ever, recommended the situational
approach, using the style that works best in the particular situation15.
15. Lester Robert, Encyclopedia of professional management. Vol.2, Me Graw-Hill, 1978, Pp666-667.
Fig: 4.7 Managerial Grid
1,9 (Democratic)
Thoughtful attention to
needs of people for
satisfying relationships
leads to a comfortable
friendly organisation
atmosphere and work
9,9 (Team) Work
accomplishment is from
committed people,
interdependence through a
common stake in
organisation purpose leads to
relationships of trust and
5,5 (Middle-of-the-road)
Adequate organisation
performance is possible
through balancing the
necessity to get out
work while maintaining
morale of people at a
satisfactory level
1,1 (Laissez faire)
Exertion of minimum
effort to get work done is
appropriate to sustain
organisation membership
9,1 (Autocratic)
Efficiency in operations
resulting from arranging
conditions of work in such a
way that human elements
interfere to a minimum
Source: Lester Robert Bittel, Encyclopedia of professional management, Volume 2, Me
Graw - Mill, 1978. Pp 666 - 667.
Likert’s Management and his associates have studied the patterns and styles of
managers for the decades at University of Michigan, USA. They have developed some
important concepts and approaches to understand the behavior of leadership. He has
presented a continuum of four systems. He has selected seven variables of different
management systems, such as leadership, motivation, communication, interaction
influence, decision-making process, goal setting and control process. Likert’s four
systems may be selected to Autocratic, Benevolent Autocratic, Participative and
Democratic styles. This study has presented in
Fig: 4.8: Likert’s system of management leadership
System 1
System 2
System 3
System 4
confidence and
Has no
and Trust
confidence and trust in
confidence in
subordinates trust
such as master
has in servant
Substantial but
not complete
confidence and
confidence and
trust, still wishes
trust in all matters
to keep control of
Subordinates do Subordinate do
not feel at all
not feel very
free to discuss free to discuss
feeling of
things about the things about job
job with their with their
Subordinates feel
rather free to
discuss things
about the job with
their superior
Subordinates feel
completely free to
discuss things
about the job with
their superior
Seldom gets
Sometimes gets
ideas and
ideas and
opinion of
opinions of
subordinates in subordinates in
solving job
Usually gets ideas
and opinions and
usually tries to
make constructive
use of them
Always asks
subordinates for
ideas and opinions
and always tries
to make
constructive use
of them
Adapted from Rensis Likert, The Human Organization, New York: McGrawHill. 1967, p.4.
W.J.Reddin identified this style. He has presented three dimensions such as task
orientation, relationship orientation and effectiveness. Reddin has integrated the concept
of leadership styles with the situational demand of a specific environment. This style is
used by leaders a combination of task orientation and result orientation. Planning,
organizing and controlling characterize task orientation. Relationship orientation is
characterized by mutual trust, respect for subordinates ideas and suggestions. Leader is
used for basic styles which they represent four basic types of behavior. Each of these
styles has a less effective as well as more effective equivalent. Thus the four basic styles
result into eight styles. These eight styles result from the eight possible combinations of
task orientation, relationship orientation and effectiveness16. This can be presented in 4.9.
Each of these styles has a less effective as well as more effective equivalent.
Fig: 4.9:
Tridimensional grid
Source: C.R.Mamoria(1999) Personnel management” leadership" Himalaya publishing house,
Mumbai, p 802.
16. W.J.Reddin. “Managerial Effectiveness" New York. Me Graw- Hill. 1970.
Styles Based on Situational Theories:
Fiedler's Contingency Style: Fiedler has identified leadership styles on two Dimensions
such as task directed and Human relations oriented. Task-directed Styles are primarily
concerned with the achievement of the task performance.
Human relations style is
concerned with achieving good interpersonal relations and achieving personal position.
Fiedler used two types of scores to measure the styles
adopted by a leader. They are
least preferred co-worker and co-worker is based on liking and disliking of an individuals
and measured on sixteen items such as pleasant-unpleasant, accepting, rejecting, trendy, I
un-trendy and so on. Fiedler also identified three critical dimensions of a leader's most
effective style. They are leader's position power, task structural and leader member
relations. This can be presented in figure 4.10(A).
Fig. 4.10:
Fiedler's Contingency Styles
Situational characteristics
Good Good
Good Poor
Strong Weak Strong Weak Weak Strong Strong [Weak
Control of Leader
Task Oriented
- Oriented
Source: Umasekaran, Organizational behavior Text and Cases, Leadership and managerial effectiveness, Tata Me
Graw- Hill, New Delhi, 1996. p 157.
Hersey - Blanchard’s Situational Model:
Paul Hersey and Kennett H. Blanchard have classified the leadership into four
categories based on the combination of relationship behavior and task behavior.
Relationship behavior is socio - emotional support provided by the leader. Task behavior
in the amount of guidance and direction provided the leader. They identified four styles
based on two dimensions, which can be presented in fig 4.10(B).
Fig. 4.11(A):
Hersey Blanchard’s Situational Model
High relationship and low High relationship and
high task
Low relationship and low Low relationship and
high task
Task behavior
P.IIerscy and K.H.Blanchard, Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources(5Th
ed), Englewood Cliffs, N.J.Printice Hall. 1988.
Combination of leadership styles with maturity:
There are four leadership styles, each being appropriate to specific level of
maturity17. They are selling, Telling, Participating and delegating. The four styles of
leadership is presented in fig III.l 1.
Telling style: This is high task, low relationship style. It is effective when
followers are at a very low level of maturity.
Selling style: This is high task high relationship style it is effective when
__followers are on the low side of maturity.
17. L.M.Prasad “ Principles and practice of management” Sultan Chand and Sons. Educational Publishers,
2001, Pp 650-652.
Participative style: This is low task, high relationship style. It is effective
when followers on the high side of maturity.
Delegating style: This is low task, low relationship style. It is effective when
followers are at a very high level of maturity.
Fig. 4.11(B):
Hersey - Blanchard’s Situational Style
Source: Pau! Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard, Management of Organisational Behaviour: Utilisation of Human
Resources, Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs N.J.. 1988.
Path Goal Leadership styles:
Robert House and his association have studied the path Goal styles of leadership
based on the path goal theory was developed Evansin 1957. They have identified the
four styles based on the situation they are directive, Supportive, participative and
achievement orientation. These styles are based on the two situational variables
Subordinates and work environment Characteristics18. These can analysed below various
situational variables and styles have been presented in Exhibit III. 7.
Directive Leadership: Subordinates know exactly what is expected of them, and the
leader gives specific directions. There is no participation by subordinates.
Supportive Leadership: The leaders shows friendly and approachable behaviour to the
employees, he shows his concern for their needs and welfare creates pleasant
organizational climate.
Participative Leadership: The leader makes the decisions with active participation of
the employees, shares information with them and seeks suggestions from them.
Achievement oriented: The leader sets challenging goals for subordinates, seeks
improvement of performance by displaying confidence in the abilities of subordinates.
18. Stephen P. Robbins, “Organizational behavior" Prentice Hall of India, 1999, Pp 316-362.
Table 4.4:
Path Goal Leadership Styles Variables
Situations in which appropriate
Leadership Styles
Positive effect on satisfaction and expectancies of
subordinates working on unstructured task.
Positive effect on satisfaction of subordinates working
on dissatisfying, stressful or frustration task.
Positive effect on satisfaction of subordinates who are
ego-involved with non-repetitive task.
Achievement oriented
Positive effect on the confidence that the efforts will
lead to effective performance of subordinates working
on ambiguous and non-repetitive task.
Uma Sekaran,(1996) “Organisational Behaviour text and cases", Leadership and managergial
effectiveness, Tata McGraw Iiill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.)
Fig. 4.12: Path Goal Leadership Style
Uma Sekaran,(1996) “Organisational Behaviour text and cases", Leadership and managerial effectiveness,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, p. 159.)
Styles Based on Modern Theories:
Modern leaders generally use high technology and competitive organisations
exhibit inspirational style with vision and perform the work effectively. They do the right
things; these styles are based on the charismatic and transformational theories. These
styles can be classified into three types: they are: 19 Envisioning, Energising and
Enabling. These can be presented as follows.
Envisioning: This style includes creating a picture of the future or desired future state
with which people can identify. Envisaging generates excitement. Thus this style
emphasizes on articulating a compelling vision and setting high goals and expectations.
Energizing: The leader in this style directs the generating of energy, the motivation to act
among the organizational employees. This style is also includes demonstrating personal
excitement and confidence seeking finding and using success
Enabling: The leader helps the followers psychologically to act or perform in the face of
challenging goals, this styles including empowering, expressing personal support and
The Effective Leadership Styles of Indian Managers:
Most of the Indian managers are generally believed autocratic style with limited
degree of participation to their subordinates. Subordinates are closely supervised and
appreciated by the Mangers based on the situations.
Sometimes employees are
considered for the participation to maintain the cordial relations and to create positive
motivation to do the work effectively and efficiently various research studies have been
conducted so far as leadership effectiveness.
The review of various research studies
failed to give generalized result. The findings are sometimes contradictory which
19. Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior'", Me Graw Hill, International education, 1995, Pp 371-372.
indicates the absence of clear-cut managerial behaviour and direction. They reflect a lack
of managerial conviction and values. Since, managerial styles are determined by various
factors such as forces in superiors, subordinates and situations it is unlikely to expect the
uniform leadership style.
From this point of view, Indian work organizations all
classified into three types and which all having different features and consequently
followed different styles. They are classified as below.
1. Professionally managed Indian organizations and foreign owned organizations
2. Family managed traditional organizations
3. Public sector organizations
Manager working in family managed traditional organization’s they follow
autocratic style. Today sons and great grandsons of the entrepreneurs are automatically
promoted without having minimum educational background and knowledge etc. These
people are involved by inheritance or management by chromosome with out
consideration to efficiency and suitability are highly centralized in their organizational
structure and authorization in their approach.
Most of the family managed organization are managed by head of the family
members they have attitude of highly paternalistic oriented the same paternalistic attitude
can be developed in influencing their employees in the organizations. At the initial stage,
authoritarian style is more suitable for these organizations. Which are followed this style
has inherited by successors with appreciable change or modification. On the other side,
there are many private sector organized and owned by Indians or multinationals They
have attitude of consideration and participative to encourage their employees The
manager working in private sectors generally used practical participative style or
democratic style.
Managers are applied modern technique ensuring their styles to
motivate the employees based on the modern approach of management. Thus there is a
grater participation of employees in such organizations.
The third category organizations are in public sector the present study is also
related to public sector Managers at the different levels and areas. At the initial stage
most of the public sector Civil servants who brought bureaucratic culture with their
people managed organizations.
Entire organizational process all governed by
bureaucratic approach, this is against to participative style. Recent years it has been
change to participative approach based on change made by government in the economic
structure, and global competitive world.
The Right Style:
What is the right and appropriate style for Indian manager is a difficult question to
be answered. There are numerous variables, which are to be affected on leadership style.
Thus what is the effective style of manager, may not equally appropriate to others. The
style is followed based on the situations and important variables in the context are
superiors and subordinates. Analysis of different variables through some light upon the
adoption of the right and appropriate style.
Indian Society
Indian Society is consider as traditional one power and authority is an important
characteristic of the society and it is highly considered Indian society is based on three
important aspects such as joint family, caste system, ritualism. In joint family elders are
having the authority and the family members follow responsibilities Respect for power
and authority from the Beginning childhood. Head of the family member exercises the
authority on the entire family members. This respect for authority spreads through every
type of social system including working organizations similarly, caste system is also
emphasized so much which creates conflicts among the different castes besides, there are
many rituals in the Indian society which reduce the anxiety like other given way of doing
things provided by tradition and society. Rituals help the people for smooth functioning
of an organisation and also reduce the tension and anxiety.
There are many changes social attitudes and cultural life of the people based on
the industrialization. Manager has to identify the rituals, which are developed by the
society based on the situations. Thus participative style is more suitable basing on the
changing business environment, and changing situations.
Indian Managers:
There is no uniformity in the attitude, personality, educational qualifications and
experiences of Indian Managers. Most of the top managers are also just literates along
with the fully qualified professional manager. The former group of managers are all selfdeveloped and self-contained. As such they present very little scope for participation on
the other hand young professions have applied more interdependence and integrated
approach. Hence they are generally followed more democratic approach. The satisfaction
of such managerial class depends up on the degree of responsibility and trust. Based on
the survey some available research data on the value systems of Indian managers,
researcher has been unidentified the following characteristics Most of the Indian
Managers show autocratic style of management2n,
20.A. Chadra Mohan, The Leadership Styles of Indian managers” AndhraPradesh Industrial Portal”, Sep Ist, 2001,
> Indian managers evaluate higher status positions more positively
> Most of the Indian mangers have ethics and morals to accomplish a task
> Indian managers have been feeling powerless to influence political decision­
> Indian mangers have sense of dependence on external environments.
Considering the above different variables, the effective leadership style is
participative. It is to general description to be a practical use in both private and public
Enterprises. The participative leadership style attaches high importance to both work and
people. This style helps in gaining services form a more satisfied and cohesive group In
fact, no manager can perform effectively over an extended period of time without some
degree of employee’s participation. Some times authoritarian leadership style is also
effective in case of firms using mass production technology such as autos, foods and
clothing etc, Here the product is standardized and market for the product also exists. The
leader has to apply unity of command for efficient operation of duties and
Responsibilities of his workers but this is not suitable in all situations. Finally, the
researcher can conclude that most of the profit making public and private enterprises in
our country, have been following the participate leadership styles for better results. Thus
participates style is more effective it is considerable for the success of an enterprise
objectives. Most of the reputed and enlightened company’s have been following
participative style. 21
21. Aruna Vaidyanandhan, ” The Corporate India XT', The Economic Times, June 4, 1999, Pp 1-3.
Most of the highest profits making public and private sector in Indian have been
following participated leadership style. Authoritarian or autocratic style is practiced by
some of the company's based on the situation. They may be only 10 to 20 per cent. Thus
most of the managers, nearly about 90% follow participative style. However it should not
be taken granted in all circumstances. This may be changed based on the future changes
in the work culture and its environment.
* * * * *