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<> Q. 1
There are .......... pairs of twin prime numbers between 1 and 50.
[1] 6
[2] 8
[3] 2
[4] 4
Q. 2
Which of the following numbers will give the greatest three digits
number after dividing by 5?
[1] 4705
[2] 4895
[3] 4995
[4] 4990
Q. 3
In the number 23.427, how many times is the place value of 2 on the
right to that on the left?
[1] 100
[2] 1/100
[3] 1000
[4] 1/1000
Q. 4
Add together : 21.7, 13.21, 15.721, 3.815, 9.813, 0.814, 0.316 and
[1] 65.48
[2] 65.385
[3] 65.580
[4] 65.284
Q. 5
Ascending order of the rational numbers 3/5, -5/8, -1/4 is ...............
[1] -5/8, -1/4, 3/5
[2] -5/8, 3/5, -1/4
[3] 3/5, -1/4, -5/8
[4] 3/5, -5/8, -1/4
Q. 6
Which of the following fraction is greater than 3/5, but lesser than
[1] 8/15
[2] 17/20
[3] 7/10
[4] None of these
Q. 7
7 m long rope is to be cut into 35 equal parts. Find the length of each
part. (1996)
[1] 0.02 m
[2] 0.12 m
[3] 0.2 m
[4] 2.0 m
Q. 8
Point R represents the numeral x on the number line. Find the
numeral corresponding to the point S which is q units to the right of
R. (1999)
[1] (x + q)(x - q)
[2] (q - x)(q + x)
[3] (x + q)
[4] (x - q)
Q. 9
56 decameter 7 meter + 43 decameter 3 meter = ? (1990)
[1] 1 km
[2] 10 km
[3] 10 decameter
[4] 110 decameter
Q. 10 LCM of two numbers is 105. Greater of the numbers is greater by 6
than the smaller one. Which one is the smaller number?
<> [1] 15
[3] 18
[2] 21
[4] 24
Q. 11
= ? (1992)
[1] 1/5
[3] 5
Q. 12 (-2)-2 x 23 = ?
[1] 1
[3] 0
[2] 3/4
[4] 1
[2] 2
[4] 1/2
Q. 13 Find the ratio of Rs. 1.2 to 60 paise. (1987)
[1] 1:50
[2] 2:1
[3] 1:5
[4] 5:1
Q. 14 From the values of x and y in the table state the relation between
them. (2003)
[1] x varies directly as y
[3] x2 varies directly as 1/y
[2] x varies directly as 1/y
[4] x varies directly as y2
Q. 15 What is the average of highest three digit number, smallest 4 digit
number and 500?
[1] 555
[2] 750
[3] 1500
[4] 833
Q. 16 35% of 9/21 = ? (1987)
[1] 1.5
[3] 2.25
[2] 0.15
[4] 15
Q. 17 Makarand purchased a school-bag labeled Rs. 365. The shop-keeper
gave him a disount of 4%. Then how much money did Makarand pay
to the shop-keeper? (2003)
[1] Rs. 376.60
[2] Rs. 361
[3] Rs. 350.40
[4] Rs. 350.00
Q. 18 How much money should be invested at the rate of simple interest of
8 pcpa to get income of Rs. 1000 per month?
[1] Rs. 150000
[2] Rs. 90000
<> [3] Rs. 100000
[4] Rs. 240000
Q. 19 Which of the following amounts is the greatest?
[1] 5% commission on 15000
[2] 8% commission on 12000
[3] 6% commission on 14000
[4] 4% commission on 32000
Q. 20 A bookseller sold 25 books at 10% profit. Which of the following
statements will be true if he sells 50 books at the same rate? (1986)
[1] The gain percent will be
[2] The gain percent will be
[3] The gain percent will be the
[4] Nono of these
Q. 21 9 workers do a certain job in 6 days working 6 hours a day. If the
same job is to be completed by 9 workers in 4 days, find out the
additional hours of work which each laborer will have to put in each
[1] 3 hours
[2] 9 hours
[3] 2 hours
[4] 8 hours
Q. 22 (102 × 98) + (52 × 49) = ?
[1] 15244
[3] 16200
[2] 12600
[4] 12544
Q. 23 Which of the following are the factors of 1 - 81x4? (2002)
[1] (1 - 9x3)(1 + 9x)
[2] (1 - 9x2)2
[4] (1 + 3x)(1 -3x)(1 + 9x2)
[3] (1 - 3x2)(1 + 9x)(1 - 3x)
Q. 24
then x = ? (1992)
[1] 161
[3] 170
[2] 152
[4] 146
Q. 25 4x minutes past 9 O' clock and 2x minutes to the 10 O' clock are the
same, then what is that time? (1999)
[1] 30 minutes past 9
[2] 20 minutes past 9
[3] 40 minutes past 9
[4] Information is incomplete
Q. 26 The following graph shows the number of people attended the
Sahitya Sammelan each day. Observe the graph carefully and
answer the following questions.
<> For how many days the number of present persons was above
[1] 2 days
[2] 3 days
[3] 4 days
[4] 1 day
Q. 27 ................. non-collinear points define a plane.
[1] 2
[2] 3
[3] Infinite
[4] No
Q. 28 The sum of the complementary angle and the supplementary angle
is an angle is two times the difference between the supplementary
angle and the complementary angle. What is the measure of the
angle? (1991)
[2] 900
[1] 00
[3] 450
[4] 300
<> Q. 29
Observe the given figure and find out the number of angles
congruent to
17. (1990)
[1] 17
[2] 1
[3] 2
[4] 14
Q. 30
In the figure, m
[1] (5x - 120)0
[3] (180 - 12x)0
A = (5x+10)0, m
B=(2x+5)0, find m
[2] (7x + 165)0
[4] (165 - 7x)0
Q. 31
In the given figure, seg AD||seg BC. m ABC=m ADC=900. Then
by which test
ABC and
ADC are congruent?
[1] SAA test
[2] SSS test
[3] SAS test
[4] None of these
Q. 32 The groups of lengths of three segments are given below. From
<> which group will a right angled triangle will be formed? (2001)
[1] (4, 5, 9)
[2] (20, 25, 30)
[3] (16, 30, 34)
[4] (12, 16, 24)
Q. 33 Which of the following statement is true?
[1] All the angles of a
[2] All the angles of a
quadrilateral can be acute
quadrilateral can be obtuse
[3] All the angles of a
quadrilateral can be right
[4] None of these.
Q. 34
Seg AC is a diameter, seg OD is perpendicular to seg BC.
If diameter of the circle is 10 cm & l(OD) = 3 cm, find l(AB).
[1] 6 cm
[2] 8 cm
[3] 10 cm
[4] 4 cm
Q. 35 The water tank with length 4m, breadth 1.5m and height 1 m is
completely filled with water. It is to be emptied using a bucket of a
capacity 8 liter, find how many times the bucket should be used to
empty the tank completely? (2000)
[1] 75
[2] 750
[3] 300
[4] 600
Q. 36 Which of the following kings in medieval India was known as for
his valour, wisdom and taste?
Q. 37 In medieval India, a big dam at Korgal In Karnataka was
constructed by ---.
[4]Harihar II
<> Q. 38 ‘Din-i-Ilahi’, a new religious order, was founded by ---.
Q. 39 What is a ‘jagir’?
[1]Land revenue
[3]Subjects in an area
[4]None of these
Q. 40 Who was the last of the powerful Mughal emperors?
[1] Akbar
[2] Aurangzeb
[3] Murshidkulikhan
[4] Shahajahan
Q. 41 Which of the following structures is known for its magnificence?
[1]Red Fort
[2]Buland Darwaza
Q. 42 In order to fight against the Siddis, Portuguese and British,
Shivaji Maharaj had to have --- .
[2]strong forts along the coast
[1]more money to buy big guns
of Konkan
[3]a strong naval force
[4]None of these
Q. 43 Which of the following bodies of water has the second highest
[1]Red Sea
[2]Great Salt Lake
[3]Dead Sea
[4]Caspian Sea
Q. 44 Sea waves are caused by --- ----[1] the earth’s rotation
[2] winds
[3] the gravitational pull of the [4] the gravitational pull of the
Q. 45 In which of the following States do you find more women than
[2]Uttar Pradesh
Q. 46 The continent of North America is the --- largest continent.
Q. 47 At which of the following places in the USA do you find a very
famous national park?
[1]Los Angeles
[4]San Francisco
<> Q. 48 Who looks after the government of villages?
[1]Zilla Parishad
[4]State Government
[3]Gram Panchyat
Q. 49 The President’s term of office is of --- years.
Q. 50 Which of the following statements is the correct one?
[1]“In Maharashtra, we have only
[2]“We have only one house, but is
one house – the Legislative
the Legislative Council”
[3]“We have two houses – the
Legislative Assembly and the
Legislative Council"
[4]“We have neither, we have
Vidhan Sabha”