Download ENZYMES There is no life without enzymes. In fact, our DNA itself is

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There is no life without enzymes. In fact, our DNA itself is a template for
different enzymes. Without enzymes, the chemical reactions that make
up our bodies would happen so slowly that life (as we know it) wouldn’t
be possible. Life would be like a very slow motion video; things still
happen, but not fast enough to enjoy!
Food Enzymes are digestive nutrients that have the ability to promote
digestion beginning in the stomach. Use of plant based, acid-tolerant
digestive enzymes lessens the need for excess stomach acid production.
However, the health benefits to be found with food enzyme
supplementation go far beyond simply relieving the symptoms of
occasional indigestion.
An example is Vitamin A. When you eat beta-carotene, an enzyme in the
stomach turns it into Vitamin A (retinol). You need enzymes to get
benefits from the foods you eat!
The body breaks down foods with a series of different enzymes that are
mixed with food at various points as it passes from mouth to stomach to
small intestine. Digestive enzymes in your body and plant based digestive
enzymes help to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into usable
pieces that can safely be carried in the blood stream to where they are
needed. Foods which are cooked or preserved, or packaged foods, are
very difficult for our body to break down completely.
Food which cannot be broken down sufficiently can accumulate in our
intestines and eventually weaken them. Sometimes, larger molecules of
improperly digested food will break through a weakened intestinal wall
and enter the blood stream. There, the large food molecules might
stimulate the immune system and can eventually lead to an overactive
immune response. Over time, incorrect digestion can lead to other long
term health issues.
Food enzymes literally take the load off of the body. By breaking down
food into molecules which are able to be absorbed into the blood stream,
enzymes ensure that our food can be safely utilized.
It is not only a matter of what we eat—it is a matter of how we
can use what we eat!