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● Evidence used to determine differences/relationships between living things
○ Structure
■ Homologous structure ­ same basic structure in organisms, different functions
■ Analogous structure ­ similar functions/appearance of structure in organisms, different structure
○ Biochemical and DNA evidence ­ chemicals and similar DNA structure in an organism
● Binomial Nomenclature ­ naming things with 2 names (latin) ­ first is “genus,” second in “species”
● Hierarchy of Classification ­ Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species ­ KPCOFGS
○ Domain was added to the system because of the discovery of archaebacteria ­ they needed another stage of classification because they needed to be more specific
● 5 Kingdom Classification
○ Monera ­ unicellular, prokaryotes ­ archaebacteria, eubacteria
○ Protista ­ unicellular, eukaryotes ­ silem mold, diatoms, algae
○ Fungi ­ mostly unicellular, eukaryotes ­ mushrooms, mold, yeast
○ Plantae ­ multicellular, eukaryotes ­ moss, cacti, broccoli
○ Animalia ­ multicellular, eukaryotes ­ monkey, butterfly, polar bear
● 4 animal phyla
○ Cnindra ­ soft body, tail, symmetrical (hydra ,jellyfish)
○ Annelia ­ ring­like, segmented body, 2 openings, breathes through skin (earthworm, leech)
○ Anthropod ­ tough exoskeleton, segmented body (grasshopper, crayfish)
○ Chordata ­ tail, spine, sexual reproduction, heart, vertabridge, bilateral symmetry, notocard, dorsol (human, pig, turtle, chick, frog, mouse, bird)
● Dichotomous key
Biodiversity Lab
● Species Z is most closely related to botana curus ­> species z would most likely produce curol
○ They both have scattered arrangements, similar pigments, and similar molecular structure
● Molecular evidence is more helpful than structural evidence when making the decisions about if two species are alike because two things can look alike but the genetics determine the actual relativity
● All 4 species have in common: blue pigment, mRNA sequence, leaves, seeds, veins
● Although the species may be different, they are all still similar because they have common ancestry and genes
● Additional evidence that you could use to further prove hypothesis: physical characteristics, amino acids, indicators for other enzymes
● How you can endanger botana curus: destroy natural habitats, pollution, overhunting
Why we should preserve botana curus: we depends on it for food clothing and shelter, contains curol (possible cure for cancer), might contain unknown medicine
● Why we should NOT preserve botana curus: expensive to keep it if its endangered, other plants might have the same medicinal
● Biological time ­ earth formed, oldest known fossils and first prokaryotic life, oldest cells with nuclei, oldest complex organism (multicellular), oldest plants, oldest mammals
● Concept of evolutionary tree ­ shows how closely related different species are from one common ancestor
● Definition of a species ­ group of organisms that only mate with each other and produce fertile offspring
● Lamark’s Theory of Evolution
○ Law of use and disuse ­ species develop based on if they need to/don’t need to use a part of their body. If a certain body part is used a lot it becomes stronger, and passed down for generation (also weaker parts stop being passed down)
○ Inheritance of acquired characteristics ­ species inherit the characteristic of the previous generation that used a lot
■ Weisman ­ cut off mice tails to see if it would affect the next generation ­ it did not ● Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
○ went on a voyage in galapagos islands and saw similar yet slightly different species ­ must be that some evolved, others didn’t
○ Natural selection ­ when nature determines what survives
○ Survival of the fittest ­ the species that are able to survive in nature (not get eaten/die, ie. the “fittest) survive and evolve
■ note: doesn’t apply to the fitness of individual organism, but rather which species can survive as a whole
● What do the protists look like?
○ Paramecium ­ oval, swimming
○ Amoeba ­ blobs
● How do the protists carry out life functions?
○ Paramecium ­ cilia sweeps food into oral groove, and into mouth opening
○ Amoeba ­ pseudopods (fake feet) close in on food
● Cyclosis ­ transport ­ circulation/streaming of cytoplasm within some cells
● Respiration and excretion ­ oxygen, dissolved in water, pases through the cell membrane into cytomplasm through diffusion. The carbon dioxide formed by cellular respiration diffuses out of cytoplasm into surrounding water
● Contractile vacuole
○ What does it look like ­ circular ○ What is its function ­ pump out excess water so cell doesn’t burst
Transport Through a Membrane
● Properties of the membrane
○ Selectively permeable ­ only lets some things in
Large molecules can’t enter membrane. The lipids dissolve through the phospholipid bilayer, so they are permeable
○ Proteins ­ protein receptors allow the cell to recognize target proteins like hormones and other chemicals; protein channels act as carrier to allow certain molecules in the cell
Methods of transport through the membrane
○ Passive transport ­ doesn’t require energy
■ Diffusion ­ when particles move from an area of high concentration (amount of substance per space) to an area of lower concentration
● Equilibrium ­ when there is equal concentration on both sides
■ Osmosis ­ when water particles move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration (concentration of the solute)
● solute ­ thing that is being dissolved; the sugar particles
● solvent ­ thing that is doing the dissolving; the water
● Hypotonic solution ­ when there are more particles inside the cell than outside the cell. The movement goes into the cell
○ Effect of cells in spring water ­ expand
● Hypertonic solution ­ when there are more particles outside the cell than inside the cell. The movement goes out of the cell
○ Effect of cells in saltwater ­ shrink
● Isotonic solution ­ equal particles inside and outside the cell. No movement
○ Importance of .9% saline solution
○ Active transport ­ requires energy. ATP molecule stores energy
■ Pinocytosis ­ membrane folds in to take in food and forms vesicle
■ Phagocytosis ­ taking in large molecules with pseudopods and enclosing them in vacuoles