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Year 5 Fantasy Corridor
There were a few changes to the Year Five classrooms
during Term 1. The doors to our rooms were magically
transformed. The students were busy writing fantasy
narratives which must have caused the changes to our
environment. Each door became the entrance to a
different fantasy setting and some doors even
required you to solve a riddle before you could
In Science last term, we investigated the
structural features and behavioural adaptations that
assist living things to survive in their environment.
We visited the Botanical Gardens at Mt Coot-tha to
learn about the factors that influence how plants
and animals survive in their environments, including
those that survive in extreme environments.
On Wednesday 29 March my class went to the Botanic Gardens to learn
about different plant environments. My favourite part was the mini
models of trees in the Japanese garden. I learnt some interesting
facts about rainforests:
 Humidity: 81%
 Temperature: 25.9
 Light reading: 015
Thareen 5E
We learnt that humidity, temperatures and light help plants to
survive in harsh environments. However, in rainforests plants don’t
get much light so they have adapted to this by using the other
factors like humidity and temperatures more efficiently compared to
plants in arid zones. Plants like cactus and agave grown in arid
zones still rely on humidity, temperatures and light but have to
conserve more water than plants in the rainforest.
Michael 5E
I really enjoyed walking through the rainforest region. I learnt
interesting facts about the plants and wildlife that live within a
rainforest environment. Different plants can survive in the
different layers of the rainforest. The plants that grow on the
rainforest floor have adapted to their habitat by having extra-large
leaves to capture water and sunlight.
Isobel 5C
The most interesting part of the day was walking through the desert
region. Here I learnt about how the plants that grow in these arid
regions have adapted to this environment by having a waxy external
surfaces and a moist inside to aid water conservation.
Aurora 5C
The Botanical Gardens provided Year 5 with new and interesting
information on plants and how their features enable them to live in
different environments. The rainforest has different levels and the
light in each level if very different so the plants in each level
have different features. At the bottom where it is darkest, they
have very large leaves to capture the most light.
Emily 5F
In arid regions plant have more light and heat and it is very dry.
The plants in arid regions are often covered in spikes. This means
they have a smaller surface area so they don’t lose too much water
from their leaves.
Lucy 5F
In Science this term, we will investigate key
features of our solar system including planets and
stars. We will also discuss scientific developments
that have affected our lives and explore how the
contributions of people have helped build on our
knowledge of the solar system.
At the Planetarium we learnt interesting facts about space. One
thing I learnt was that some planets have more than one moon and
some have none. Unlike Earth, Jupiter has 67 moons.
Mitta 5C
The room at the planetarium was very bright. We sat on the chairs
and looked up at the big dome. Then the room started to get darker
and darker and the screen on the dome showed our solar system. The
man went through all the planets and explained how long it takes
each planet to orbit the sun. Some planets take millions of years.
Oliver 5E
We learnt that the sun is our nearest star and it is made out of
dust and gas. The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way and
there are thousands of solar systems in our galaxy.
Zoe 5
Inside we viewed a simulation of the night sky on the ceiling of the
dome. I found it interesting that that stars are actually the suns
of other solar systems.
Chloe 5A
Visiting the planetarium was an amazing experience. We learnt a lot
about how the stars and planets were made. We were shown how small
we are in relation to the galaxy. The visit gave me a stronger
understanding of astronomy. I wanted to know who the first
astronomer was. Who do you think the first astronomer was?
Chloe 5B
While we were sitting in our seats we had to look up and we were
able to see the Milky Way on screen of the dome. The presentation
took us on a journey through our solar system and we even travelled
through an astrobelt.
Danika 5B
We have started learning about the solar system in our Science
lessons. So far we have learnt about the 8 plants and Pluto the
dwarf planet in detail. We’ve also learnt about theories such as how
the moon was created.
Euan 5D
We have learnt that the atmosphere protects Earth from cosmic rays
and solar winds and that Jupiter has 67 named moons. Venus is about
the same size as Earth and you can fit 1.3 million Earths into the
Sun. Mars is named after the Roman god of war and Neptune was named
after the Roman god of the sea. The solar system was also formed 4.6
billion years ago.
Ben & Raziel5D
Something interesting we have learned is that the atmosphere of most
planets is made out of hydrogen, helium, small amounts of methane,
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid and H20.
Another interesting fact is that the average day of a planet is 8-13
The planets are named after the Greek and Roman gods, such as
Jupiter, the king of all gods.
We have also learned about the diameter of the planets and their
average distances away from the sun. We have also learned about how
nebulas worked and about stellar and solar winds.
Mikhail, Hugo, Alex and Kushal 5D