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 Orthodontics studies the way in which the teeth meet
each other (occlude).
 Occlusion is defined as the normal position of the teeth
when the jaws are closed.
In normal occlusion, teeth come together in a scissors bite.
 The
mandibular canine tooth resides in the
interdental space of the upper third incisor and the
upper canine tooth.
 The upper fourth premolar tooth overlaps the
lower first molar, which together, constitute the
carnassial teeth.
 Mandibular incisors:
Normal Occlusion
Normal scissors occlusion in a dog:
Rostral view of incisors and canine teeth
Mesocephalic Breeds
Well proportioned skull width and maxillary length;
Ex. Dalmations, Labs, German shepherd dogs.
Narrow skull and long maxilla;
Sight hounds, collies & Siamese cats.
Brachycephalic Breeds
Wide skull with a short maxilla;
Pugs, Bulldogs & Persian cats
Normal Scissors Occlusion:
Lateral view of a dog skull. Premolars interdigitate toward the
opposing interdental space.
Review: Can You Name These Structures?
 Malocclusion is an abnormality in the position of
the teeth.
It can occur in any of the three head shapes, but is more
common in brachycephalic breeds.
 It is more common in dogs, but also occurs in cats.
 There are four classes of malocclusions.
(Class I, II, III, and IV)
Class I- easily fixed with orthodontic correction OR not needed
Class II-IV are skeletal malocclusions due to differing jaw length
Class I: Rostral Cross-bite
 Maxillary incisors are caudal to the mandibular
 Very common malocclusion in veterinary dentistry.
 Thought to occur secondary to retained deciduous
 Treatment consists of orthodontic movement or
extraction of the abnormal teeth.
Treat vs. not treat?
Rostral Cross-bite
Class I: Caudal Cross-bite
 Maxillary premolars/molars are positioned lingual to
the mandibular opposing premolars/molars
 Occurs occasionally in dolichocephalic breeds.
 More frequent professional prophylaxis will be
needed for these pets.
Caudal Cross-bite
 The maxillary fourth premolar
is positioned abnormally
inside of the lower first molar
 This condition did not require
treatment as the pet had a
comfortable and functional
occlusion (bite).
Class II: Mandibular Distoclusion
 Mandibular brachygnathism:
abnormally short mandible, normal maxilla
 Referred to as “overshot”
 Lack of self-cleaning ability and can create painful
palate abrasions.
 Not an accepted standard in any breed.
*Note: this appearance may also be
due to maxillary prognathism
(abnormally long maxilla)
Mandible is shorter than
the normal maxilla.
Class III: Mandibular Mesiocclussion
 Mandibular prognathism:
abnormally long mandible, normal length maxilla
 Referred to as “undershot”
 These dogs will lose some of their self-cleaning
ability and trap plaque and debris more easily.
 Maxillary incisors can traumatize the mandible.
 Accepted as normal in brachycephalic breeds
such as Bulldogs, Pekingese, Boston terriers, Pugs,
and Persian cats.
*Note: Could also be maxillary brachygnathism (not common)
Mandibular Prognathism
Mandible is
longer than
the maxilla.
Mandibular Prognathism
Asymmetrical Malocclusion
 Each upper and lower right and left quadrant of the
mouth is independent of the other, resulting in
uneven growth which produces a wry occlusion
(wry bite).
 In its mildest form, a one-sided prognathic or
brachygnathic bite forms. In more severe cases, a
crooked head and bite develop.
 A triangular opening (open bite) will also appear in
the incisor area where the affected incisors are
displaced vertically and do not meet.
In severe cases, the tongue protrudes from the open bite.
Wry Mouth: One quadrant develops unevenly
from the other quadrants
Persistent Deciduous Teeth
 Interfere with normal eruption pathway of
permanent teeth  malocclusion
Are a reservoir for debris  dental disease
Early detection is key!
Common in small breed dogs
Extraction is almost always necessary
Referred to as Interceptive Orthodontics
*Note: deciduous teeth are numbered differently in the
Triadan system (500, 600, 700, 800)
Persistent Deciduous Teeth
 Most permanent teeth will erupt
lingual or palatal to the deciduous
teeth. (babies in front)
 Exception: Permanent maxillary canine teeth will
erupt rostral/mesial to the deciduous canine teeth.
*Why is this significant?
Persistent Deciduous Canine Teeth
Leads to abnormal
 Supernumerary teeth should not be confused with
retained deciduous teeth.
 Radiographs aid in differentiation.
 Occurs in about 10% of dogs and rarely in cats.
 Unless extra tooth causes crowding, no treatment is
Occasionally the extra teeth will erupt in an abnormal angle or
be impacted.
 If crowding  increased chance of periodontal
disease. (Extraction necessary)
Supernumerary Teeth
Deciduous or Permanent?
 One or more teeth (usually incisors or premolars) do
not form in the dental arcade.
 Many breeds are affected.
 Unerrupted tooth or hypodontia?
How do you confirm?
 If permanent tooth is absent, a baby tooth will often
remain in the arch for months to years.
 No treatment; usually does not cause any problems.