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Quiz Name: SS Ch 5 Test ­ Ancient China Type: Multiple Choice (random answer order) Instructions: 1. The _________River, also known as the Yellow River, flows from Mongolia to the Pacific Ocean A­ Huang He B­ Anyong C­ Chang Jiang 2. The Emperor Qin built and extended it to keep out the Xiongnu A­ Great Wall 3. B­ Great Mall C­The Forbidden City Early dynasty ruled over the Huang He valley 1750­1045 BC A­ Shang B­ Dao C­ Qin 4. A network of trade routes that extended from China to southwest Asia is known as the _____ _______ A­ Silk Road B­ Yangtze C­ Sinclair Freeway 5. This emperor became emperor at age 13 and led his warring state and a large cavalry and a harsh rule
to conquer other states and set up a new dynasty which united China for the first time. He lived c. 259­210 B.C. and in his death he was buried in a tomb with thousands of terracotta soldiers. A­ Wu Wang B­ Qin Shihuangdi C­ Han Wudi 6. Philosopher who developed Legalism, he taught that people were naturally evil and they needed harsh la
punishment to make them live rightly A­ Confucius B­ Laozi C­ Hanfeizi 7. Han dynasty emperor who developed the Civil service examinations and he drove the Xiongnu back into
A­ Han Wudi B­ Liu Bang C­ Qin Shihuangdi 8. They made sure that government officials did their jobs A­ producers B­ investors C­ censors
9. Ancient China's first great thinker, this philosopher taught that people should put family and community n
above their own A­ Confucius B­ Laozi C­ Hanfeizi 10. This practice requires children to respect their parents and older relatives A­ filial piety B­ dynasty C­ daoism 11. The Chinese practice of filial piety, which has the eldest male of the family in charge as the patriarch, indicates that A­ people were very religious B­ old people had little status in society C­ women had little status in society 12. This was a period of violence that made people look for ways to restore order. A­ monsoon floods B­ the apocalypse C­ the Period of Warring States 13. Which of these were sent out of China by the Silk Road? A­ consumer electronics B­ milk and rice C­ silk, tea and spices 14. How did China’s geography affect its development? A­ Rivers encouraged extensive trade with other cultures B­ Isolated, Chinese culture developed independently of most other cultures C­ The lack of deserts and mountains led to plentiful farmland throughout China 15. What was new about the government under the Zhou dynasty? A­ Kings were chosen by heavenly law and claimed to rule under the Mandate of Heaven B­ The Zhou created a bureaucracy and a civil service examination C­ The Zhou kings divided the kingdom into smaller territories 16. Wu Wang led a rebellion against this group because they were so cruel. A­ Xia dynasty B­ Zhou dynasty C­ Shang dynasty
17. Who was the founder of Daoism whose name means “the Old Master”? He taught that people should give up worldly desires in favor of nature and the Dao. A­ Laozi B­ Confucius C­ Hanfeizi 18. Confucianism and Daoism developed partially in response to­­ A­ the teachings of Hanfeizi B­ a long period of unrest and violence that made people fearful. C­ the establishing of an official government religion 19. What is another name for the Yangtze River? A­ Huang He B­ Wei He C­ Chang Jiang 20. Why did the earliest Chinese people live in the Huang He valley? A­ Frequent floods left rich soil which led to productive farming and surplus crops B­ Frequent floods devastated towns C­ They were safe from invasion.