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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________
Chapter 2 American Government M
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Which feature did the State constitutions and the Articles of Confederation have in common?
a. bill of rights
b. principle of popular sovereignty
c. royal governors
2. Which colony was founded mainly as a place for personal and religious freedom?
a. Virginia
c. Massachusetts
b. Georgia
3. Which was an achievement of the Second Continental Congress?
a. raising an American army
b. preparing a Declaration of Rights
c. establishing a strong central government
4. In the charter colonies, most governmental matters were handled by
a. the British monarch.
c. the colonists.
b. a proprietor.
5. Benjamin Franklin's attitude toward the new constitution may be summarized as a combination of
a. relief and anger.
c. fatigue and thankfulness.
b. astonishment and optimism.
6. Which of these State constitutions is the oldest and still in force today?
a. Massachusetts
c. New Hampshire
b. South Carolina
7. The idea that the people have the right to abolish an abusive and unresponsive government was FIRST formally
expressed by Americans in the
a. Declaration of Independence.
c. Constitution.
b. Petition of Right.
8. Parliament first limited the power of the Crown under the
a. Intolerable Acts.
c. Petition of Right.
b. Stamp Act of 1765.
9. Much of the Declaration of Independence consists of
a. complaints of the wrongs done to the colonists.
b. threats of revenge for English mistreatment.
c. statements of the desire to separate from England.
10. At the Philadelphia Convention, the delegates agreed to
a. make minor revisions to the Articles of Confederation.
b. draft a new constitution.
11. Much of the work of the Framers centered around the proposals that had been set out in
a. the New Jersey Plan.
c. the Virginia Plan.
b. The Federalist.
12. The government set up by the Articles of Confederation had
a. no legislative or judicial branch.
b. only a legislative branch, consisting of a bicameral Congress.
c. only a legislative branch, consisting of a unicameral Congress.
13. The Second Continental Congress was similar to the first in the
a. creation of a monetary system.
c. composition of its members.
b. raising of an army.
Name: ________________________
14. The first State constitutions, adopted after independence,
a. placed most authority with the State legislatures.
b. extended voting rights to all adult State residents.
c. placed most authority with the State governors.
15. Which idea is NOT included in the Declaration of Independence?
a. The people may change or abolish the government.
b. God gives certain people the right to govern.
c. Government can exist only with the people's permission.
16. The Federalist was written to
a. condemn the Constitution for the absence of any mention of God.
b. win support for the Constitution in New York.
c. expose the lack of civil liberties protected in the Constitution.
17. After the Revolutionary War, the National Government
a. proved too weak to deal with growing economic and political problems.
b. refused to repay the war debt it owed to the States.
c. permitted the States to make agreements with foreign governments.
18. In Benjamin Franklin's opinion, the final Constitution created by the delegates can best be summarized as
a. absolutely perfect.
b. as near perfect as possible.
c. showing errors of opinion and self-interest.
19. Delegates met at Mount Vernon and Annapolis to
a. recommend a federal plan for regulating commerce.
b. recommend a way to start a national army.
c. recommend ways to end slavery.
Match each item with the correct statement below. You will not use all the terms.
a. bicameral
b. repeal
c. charter
d. constitution
e. Federalists
f. ratification
g. unicameral
20. From its one chamber, the ____ legislature of the Second Continental Congress exercised both legislative and executive
21. Some of the 13 colonies were established by ____, under a grant of authority from the English crown.
22. No one opposed ____ of the Constitution more vehemently than Patrick Henry.
23. The colonists organized a boycott of all trade with England, hoping to force the ____ of restrictive laws.
Match each item with the correct statement below. You will not use all the terms.
a. State representation proposals
b. features of charter colonies
c. trade regulation proposals
d. Anti-Federalist objections to the Constitution
24. ____ objections to ratification process, importance of States' rights, concern for God
25. ____ Connecticut Compromise, New Jersey Plan, Virginia Plan