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Breaking Down Rocks PPT
Name: _____________________________________________________ Period: ________ Date: _______________
Essential question: How is Earth’s crust shaped?
1. What are Karst topography?
2. How do sinkholes form from Karst topographies?
3. How do Freezing and Thawing (frost wedging) break rocks?
4. How do glaciation carve land?
5. What is an Avalanche?
6. Running water causes ______________________________________________________________________________.
7. What is Soil creep?
8. What is slumping?
9. What is a Rockslide?
10. What is Deflation (Wind Erosion)?
11. What is foliation?
12. What is graded bedding?
13. How does a V-shaped Valley form?
14. How does a U-Shaped Valley form?
15. How can wind be a mechanical agent of weathering?
16. What is root wedging?
18. What are lichens (Biological weathering)?
19. What are barrier islands?
20. Why are barrier islands important?
Multiple choice 1
____21. __ is a landscape created by groundwater dissolving sedimentary rocks such as limestone.
This forms an underground cave.
____22. __ form when the ground on top of Karst topographies (caves) collapses.
____23. __ is the result of water expanding by 9% when it freezes and wedges the rock until it breaks.
____24. _ is removal of material from the surface.
____25. _ is the mechanical scraping of a rock surface by friction between rocks.
____26. __ mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
(mass movement).
____27. ___ is the slow downward progression of rock and soil down a low grade slope.
____28. ___ is the movement of loose rock and soil that moves a short distance down a
slope. It is usually shaped like a spoon.
A. ablation
B. abrasion
C. sinkhole
D. Graded
E. Karst
F. creep
G. avalanche
H. slump
Multiple choice 2
____29. ___ is a type of landslide where rocks tumble downhill loosening other rocks on its
way and smashing everything in its path.
____30. ___ erosion of land by wind; can lower the land's surface by several meters.
____31. ___ is a weathering process that causes rock layers to peel away due to heat,
water, and wind.
____32. ___ is the way sediment settles. Large pieces on the bottom, medium sized pieces
next, and then the smallest particles on the top.
____ 33. A V - shaped valley was formed by ___.
____ 34. A U -shaped valley was formed by___.
____ 35. The greatest agent of erosion in the desert
____ 36. are composite organisms consisting of a fungus and a photosynthetic partner
growing together in a symbiotic relationship.
____37. Which of the following is the correct definition of "weathering"?
A: The breakdown of rocks.
B: The removal of rocks.
C: Neither
____38. Which of the following is the definition of erosion?
A: The process of disintegration of rock and soil.
C: Both
B: The processes that involve the movement of soil and rock.
D: Neither
____39. Which types of changes are included in the process of weathering? Check all that apply.
A: chemical changes
B: physical changes
C: Both
____40. Erosion can be caused by which of the following?
A: wind
B: water
C: ice
D: gravitational pull
E. All
____41.Is erosion a natural process?
A: Yes
B: No
C: Maybe
R. Angat
A. rockslide
B. deflation
C. foliation
D. River