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Biology and Society, Exam II
Name ____________________________
There are 50 multiple choice questions. Answer A for true, B for false.
Write your NAME on the scantron and above, and ID NUMBER in the “identification number” blank on the scantron. Choose the best
answer to each question. Make sure that you fill in one and only one scantron bubble for each question. If you feel a question or the
answer options are ambiguous, please ask me to clarify during the exam. If you have objections following the exam, we can look at
your reasoning.
1. Which of the following is a FALSE statement
about mitosis?
a. It is responsible for creating almost every cell
in your body.
b. It only occurs when cells form tumors.
c. It occurs more frequently when your body is
repairing a wound.
d. Some types of cells in your body go through
mitosis more often than others.
2. Benign tumors are different than malignant in
that benign tumors
a. Are non-invasive
b. Are metastatic
c. Usually have many more genetic mutations
d. Go through more mitotic divisions
3. Which of the following is the correct order of
events in mitosis?
a. prophase, anaphase, telophase, metaphase
b. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
c. prophase, metaphase, telophase, anaphase
d. telophase, metaphase, anaphase, prophase
4. Which of the following happens during
anaphase? Chromosomes…
a. Condense
b. Uncondense and the nucleus reforms
c. Line up in the middle of the cell
d. Are pulled apart into 2 chromosomes
5. When is DNA polymerase active in the cell
a. Anaphase
b. Gap phase
c. S-phase
d. Prophase
6. Which of the following is an example of a
negative feedback?
a. A person eats a lot of food, causing them to
feel full and eat less food.
b. Many people start wearing a particular style
of shirt. As a result, stores carry more of
them, and more people buy and wear that
c. A person becomes depressed, loses friends,
and becomes more depressed.
d. A population of rabbits is in an environment
with no predators and plenty of food. They
reproduce, and their offspring also reproduce,
resulting in more rabbits.
7. Which of the following is a role of proteins in
regulating the cell cycle?
a. They act as receptors for growth factors.
b. They repair damaged DNA.
c. They can cause the cell to kill itself.
d. All of the above are possible roles.
8. What is the most basic cause of cancer?
a. genetic mutation
b. tumors
c. damage to cell membranes
d. excessive blood loss
9. True/False: Proto-oncogenes produce proteins
that help regulate the cell cycle.
10. True/False: The difference between benign
and malignant tumors may be the number or type
of genetic mutations.
11. True/False: Cancer incidence (occurrence)
has decreased in the U.S. in the past fifty years.
12. True/False: Cigarette smoke can cause cancer
because it increases the rate of genetic mutation.
13. What describes cancerous cells that spread
through the body in lymph and blood vessels?
a. Metastatic
b. Benign
c. Proto-oncogenic
d. Tumorous
14. Which of the following cells is NOT a direct
product of mitosis?
a. nerve cell
b. sperm cell
c. muscle cell
d. skin cell
15. Suppose that a cell is unable to replicate its
DNA. Which of the following would NOT be
present in this cell?
a. centromere
b. sister chromatids
c. DNA
d. genes
e. homologous chromosomes
16. If a normal diploid cell has 8 chromosomes,
a. there are 4 chromosomes per cell after
meiosis I
b. there are 8 homologous pairs of
chromosomes per diploid cell
c. there are 8 chromatids per diploid cell
between S phase and the first division of
d. sperm cells made from this diploid cell would
have 8 chromosomes
17. The main difference between meiosis and
mitosis is that
a. DNA replicates during mitosis, but does not
during meiosis.
b. During mitosis, sister chromatids separate;
they do not during meiosis.
c. Mitosis increases chromosome number in
each cell, while meiosis decreases it.
d. Mitosis makes genetically identical copies;
meiosis does not.
e. None of the above.
18. True/False: The cell below is diploid.
19. Which of the following is a true statement
about the human life cycle?
a. Fertilization produces gametes.
b. Meiosis produces zygotes.
c. Zygotes go through meiosis.
d. None of the above.
20. True/False: A diploid parent cell is haploid
after telophase I.
21. Which of these cells is shown during
metaphase I of meiosis?
d. None of these.
22. A cell has 40 chromosomes during G1 phase.
How many sister chromatids does that cell have
during prophase I of meiosis?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 80
23. A cell has these chromosomes:
B b
If crossing-over occurs between one chromatid of
each chromosome, what gametes would be
a. BL, bl
b. BBLL, bbll
c. BL, Bl, bL, bl
d. BbLl
24. True/False: Random alignment results in
chromosomes that have different combinations of
alleles than they had before.
25. A human sperm cell joins with an egg to
produce a child with trisomy 21. If the egg cell
had a normal chromosome number, how many
chromosomes were in the sperm cell?
a. 46
b. 47
c. 23
d. 24
26. True/False: Interspecies hybrids are often
sterile, because they cannot make proper gametes.
27. True/False: A nerve cell is different than a
muscle cell, because the cells contain different
28. A heterozygous genotype is different than
homozygous in that it contains
a. 2 different genes
b. 2 different alleles
c. 2 homologous chromosomes
d. 2 sister chromatids
29. Albinism is a recessive trait. If a carrier for
albinism has kids with someone who is
homozygous dominant, what are their chances of
having an albino child?
a. 0
b. ¼
c. ½
d. ¾
30. What are the chances that 2 people who are
carriers of the sickle cell allele will have a child
with no anemia?
a. 0
b. ¼
c. ¾
31. True/False: A man who has AB blood type
has a child who is type A. The mother could be
any blood type (A, B, O, or AB).
32. What is the relationship between the IA and IB
alleles in blood type inheritance?
a. One is dominant over the other.
b. They are codominant.
c. They are both recessive to the i allele.
d. None of the above.
33. Two parents have a child that has sickle-cell
anemia, a disease caused by a recessive mutation.
Which of the following is true?
a. Both parents must be homozygous for the
sickle-cell allele.
b. One parent must be homozygous for the
sickle-cell allele, but the other can be
homozygous for the normal allele.
c. Both parents must have at least one copy of
the sickle-cell allele.
d. One parent must be homozygous for the
sickle-cell allele, but the other can be
34. True/False: Individuals who are carriers of
genetic diseases usually have homozygous
genotypes for the trait.
35. Which of the following is an example of a
qualitative (non-quantitative) trait?
a. Birth weight
b. Musical ability
c. Rh factor (+/- on blood type)
d. Skin color
36. True/False: Between identical twins, any
measurable differences in IQ are due to
environmental as opposed to genetic factors.
37. Traits that are highly heritable
a. Can be passed on from parents to
b. Are not strongly influenced by environmental
c. Are likely to be quantitative.
d. Are entirely the result of genetics.
38. A study shows a high correlation in
intelligence between adoptive parents and their
adopted children. This supports the idea that
a. is highly heritable.
b. is not highly heritable.
c. has a strong environmental component.
d. has little environmental component.
39. True/False: Viruses can reproduce without a
host cell.
40. Which does NOT occur in an HIV infection?
a. DNA is transcribed to RNA
b. RNA is incorporated into the host
c. Proteins are translated.
d. RNA is reverse transcribed into DNA.
41. In an immune response, which happens first?
a. Lymphocytes produce antibodies
b. Antibodies bind to lymphocyte receptors
c. Antigens bind to lymphocyte receptors
d. Viruses are destroyed by immune system.
42. How does HIV maintain itself in the body
during the asymptomatic phase?
a. It replicates very slowly.
b. It mutates every time it replicates,
becoming unrecognizable to the immune
c. Antibodies quickly recognize the HIV
d. It attacks and disables antibodies.
43. True/False: Natural selection is impossible
without mutation.
44. True/False: Organisms can be perfectly
adapted to their environments.
45. Which of the following is a Darwinian
explanation for why roses have thorns?
a. Roses needed thorns to protect themselves
from predators.
b. Roses acquired thorns in response to
predation and passed them on to their
c. Roses that had mutations for thorns
survived and produced more offspring
than those that did not.
d. Roses mutated rapidly in response to
46. Which of the following is NOT a central part
of the logic of natural selection?
a. Resources are limited.
b. Survival is random.
c. Variation is heritable.
d. There is variation in traits within a population.
47. A bird with too small of a bill cannot crack
open large nuts, but a bird with too large of a bill
also has limited access to food in that it cannot
pick small seeds out of their pods. Selection of
bill size in birds based upon food accessibility is
most likely
a. Directional
b. Stabilizing
c. Diversifying
d. Electrifying
48. True/False: A large bill on a bird is not an
adaptation in an environment with very small
49. Which of the following best describes HIV
response to single drug therapy?
a. HIV mutates in order to acquire drug
b. Resistant HIV mutants already present in
the system survive and leave more
offspring than non-resistant forms.
c. The drug increases HIV mutation rates.
d. None of the above.
50. True/False: Taking multiple HIV medications
one-at-a-time is just as effective as taking them