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Minerals, Igneous Rocks, Volcano, Plate Tectonics, Weathering
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
True or false, magma viscosity decreases as silica content increases.
True or false, a mineral must be formed by an organic process.
True or false, cleavage is the way a mineral is formed.
True or false, Isotopes are elements with a different number of electrons in their nucleus.
True or false, suspension moves the least material in a stream.
True or false, explosive volcanoes have high viscosity magma.
True or false, as pressure increases, melting temperature decreases.
True or false, continental crust is older than oceanic crust.
True or false, Mafic rocks are high in iron and magnesium, but low in silica content.
____ 10.
True or false, ice can transport sediments and sort them.
____ 11.
True or false, an icicle found outside in winter is considered a mineral.
____ 12.
True or false, the stronger a bond the harder a mineral.
____ 13.
True or false, as water content increases melting temperature of igneous rocks decreases.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 14.
What is the most common element in the earth?
a. Iron
b. Carbon Dioxide
c. Hydrogen
d. Oxygen
____ 15.
The rate at which temperature increases with depth is known as:
a. Partial Melting
b. Plate Tectonics
c. Geothermal Gradient
d. Bowen’s Reaction Series
____ 16.
Which of the following bond types are excellent conductors of electricity?
a. Covalent
b. Ionic
c. Metallic
d. Van der Waals
____ 17.
A type of chemical weathering that changes the oxidation state of atoms within a rock to a
more stable form is.
a. Dissolution
b. Oxidation
c. Ion Exchange
d. Frost Wedging
____ 18.
What does radioactive decay deep inside the Earth cause?
a. Rocks to form
b. Nothing
c. Rocks to Melt
d. Magnetic Field to Increase
____ 19.
Which type of volcano occurs at hot spots and is not associated with plate boundaries?
a. Composite
b. Flood Basalt
c. Cinder Cone
d. Shield
____ 20.
All of the following are major hazards of tephera fall, except for.
a. Impacts
b. Lahars
c. Burial of Structures
d. Suspension of abrasive aresols
____ 21.
This volcano is explosive, has steep sides, a high silica magma, and a high viscosity.
a. Caldera
b. Strato/Composite
c. Shield
d. Flood Basalt
____ 22.
The top half of regolith that has experienced continued weathering is.
a. Soil
b. Regolith
c. Clay
d. Minerals
____ 23.
What are the three factors that control the melting of an igneous rock?
a. Temperature, Pressure, and Mineral
c. Water content, Pressure, and Time
b. Location, Heat, and Energy
d. Temperature, Pressure, and Water
____ 24.
What are the parts of an atom?
a. Proton, Neutron, Electron
b. Anion, Proton, Electron
c. Cation, Anion, Isotope
d. Proton, Neutron, Isotope
____ 25.
Who came up with the theory of continental drift?
a. Michael Jordan
b. Ben Franklin
c. Alfred Wegener
d. James Hutton
____ 26.
Which type of chemical weathering breaks apart a mineral into ions?
a. Oxidation
b. Ion Exchange
c. Dissolution
d. Hydrolysis
____ 27.
A pyroclastic flow is.
a. A fire down the side of a volcano
c. Avalanches of hot, dry, volcanic rock
fragments, and gases, denser than air.
b. Hot and cold liquid of debris
d. Mixture of hot gases and fragments
that are less dense than air.
____ 28.
An ion with a positive charge is called a.
a. Cation
b. Isotope
c. Anion
d. Positivon
____ 29.
Volcanic explosions that eject rock fragments during an eruption or independently from an
eruption are called.
a. Cannon Balls
b. Bombs
c. Tephera
d. Ballistic Projectiles
____ 30.
When one ion replaces another, and the minerals inside a rock become more stable this is known
a. Ion Exchange
b. Dissolution
____ 31.
c. Oxidation
d. Frost Wedging
What type of plate boundary forms rift valleys?
a. Convergent
b. Divergent
c. Transform
d. Triple Junction
____ 32.
All of the following are requirements to be a mineral, except for.
a. Naturally Formed
b. Solid
c. Characteristic Crystal Structure
d. No Definite Chemical Composition
e. Formed By an Inorganic Process
____ 33.
What are the three main categories of rocks?
a. Igneous, Sedimentary, and
c. Igneous, Limestone, and Metamorphic
b. Granite, Coal, and Diamonds
d. Igneous, Fossils, and Metamorphic
____ 34.
What is igneous rock texture related to?
a. Cooling History
b. Rock Hardness
c. Water Content
d. Lithification
____ 35.
What are lava flows controlled by?
a. Water Content
b. Pressure
c. Topography
d. Temperature
Complete each statement.
When two or more elements combine we call it.
Match the following plate boundaries with their description:
a. Convergent
c. Transform
b. Divergent
____ 37. Occurs when two plates pull apart and move away from each other. Examples include rift
valleys and sea floor spreading centers.
____ 38. occur when two plates slide past each other. Earthquakes occur here.
____ 39. Occurs where two plates collide or at subduction zones. Subduction zones occur when an
oceanic plate is pushed underneath a continental plate. Volcanoes and earthquakes occur along
this boundary
Match the following types of mechanical weathering with their description.
a. Frost Wedging
d. Unloading
b. Salt Wedging
e. Thermal Expansion
c. Biological Wedging
____ 40. Occurs with repeated daily heating and cooling of rock, heat causes rock to expand and cooling cause
rock to contract.
____ 41. Occurs with the growth of minerals in cracks
____ 42. Occurs when there is a removal of pressure of deep burial.
____ 43. Occurs when water penetrates into cracks, freezes and expands rock.
____ 44. Occurs when plant roots penetrate into cracks causing cracks to widen
Short Answer
Define luster, and identify the two main types.
List the benefits of weathering.
Define Talus.
Volcanic explosions that eject rock fragments during an eruption or independently from an
eruption are called.
What are three ways that water and wind can transport sediments?
What is the difference between Phaneritic and Aphanitic rock textures?
What are two failed theories concerning plate tectonics?
List the types of volcanoes.
What are the two main types of weathering, and give examples of both.
Define plate tectonics and what drives it.
List some warning signs that can help volcanologists (people who study volcanoes) predict a
volcanic eruption.
What is the difference between an intrusive and extrusive igneous rock?
List the properties that are used to identify minerals.
Define Geology.
Which type of viscosity is associated with non-explosive volcanoes?
According to Bowen’s reaction series what type of rocks will crystallize (cool) first and
which will crystallize last?
What is the difference between lava and magma?
List some lines of evidence for continental drift.
What is the difference between Covalent and Van der waal’s bonds?
What is the difference between soil and regolith?
Define a rock.
What is the difference between rock and mineral striations?
What is Pangaea?
What is the difference between high and low viscosity?
What are the two main types of igneous rocks?
List three ways (processes) of breaking and removing rocks from a surface.
Describe the Prune Effect Theory and why it failed.
What are the three types of convergent plate boundaries?
What kind of charge does an anion have?
What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
List factors that influence weathering.
Describe the expanding earth theory and why it failed.
Define regolith.
Scenario: You are a prominent Volcanologist and are studying a volcano that is on the verge
of an eruption. You are trying to determine which type of volcano it is and whether it
will be an explosive of non-explosive eruption. Here are your clues: gentle slopes, high
magma volume, basaltic magma, low sio2 gas content, and has a low viscosity. Good