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Name: ______________________________
Date: ____________________
The Water Cycle
By Mrs. Oliva, Ms. Fixell, Mr. Parr and Pitbull
Water not working hard?
Yeah right, just take a sip
And better yet, go to the atmosphere
Take a video of water’s trip
Take a droplet from ground to air
And I just want ya’ll to know that
Water’s life, let’s enjoy the flight.
Grade 4 , let’s go…
That’s right…water droplets are in flight.
Water droplets are in flight.
It’s H2O, from the sky back to the Earth below
Water’s in flight
Then condensation
Cycle of water, cycle of water,
Cycle of water
Grab somebody soggy, tell them HEY!
Water droplets are in flight,
Water droplets are in flight,
Water droplets are in flight,
Water droplets are in flight
Up in the sky,
Wispy cirrus clouds,
Are on top of the world,
As you go down,
Cumulus puffs,
When they thicken so dark,
What they cause is,
Big thunderstorms,
Baby, baby it ain’t no secret,
The lowest ones: stratus,
Can cause some drizzle,
Or just a little fog.
Nimbus means rain, baby
Add it to the clouds, hazy
It changes the meaning,
And makes it rain,
Of water evaporate and then become vapor in flight
And then rise up and condense to form the
Clouds of white,
And it could rain, drizzle, snow
or sleet tonight
And this repeats tomorrow
That’s right…water droplets are in flight.
Water droplets are in flight.
It’s H2O, from the sky back to the Earth below
Water’s in flight
Then condensation
Cycle of water, cycle of water,
Cycle of water
Grab somebody soggy, tell them HEY!
Water droplets are in flight
Water droplets are in flight,
Water droplets are in flight,
Water droplets are in flight.
Name: ______________________________
Date: ____________________
Break, Move, Drop
By Various Teachers
Break, move, drop.
Break, move, drop.
All of these processes happen to a rock.
Break, move, drop.
Break, move, drop.
Weathering breaks it,
Erosion takes it,
And when the motion stops,
Deposition drops.
Wind and water moving around,
Gravity pulls it down.
Break, move, drop.
Break, move, drop.
All of these processes happen to a rock.
Weathering is the breakdown of rocks at the Earth’s surface, by
the action of rainwater, extremes of temperature, and biological
activity. It does not involve the removal of rock material
There are three types of weathering, physical, chemical and
Erosion & Transport
Erosion is the process by which soil and rock particles are worn
away and moved elsewhere by wind, water or ice. Weathering
involves no moving agent of transport.
Transport refers to the cycle processes by which the sediment is
moved along – for example, pebbles rolled along a river-bed or
sea shore, sand grains whipped up by the wind, salts carried in
Deposition is the laying down of sediment carried by wind,
water, or ice. Sediment can be transported as pebbles, sand &
mud, or as salts dissolved in water.
Salts may later be deposited by organic activity (e.g. as seashells) or by evaporation.
Name: ______________________________
Date: ____________________
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
By Mr. Parr
Earth circles the Sun all night and day
And the Seasons are what make Earth livable
We wouldn't want to have it any other way
Tilt of Earth makes Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Let me tell 'bout the Solar System
Of many in the vast Universe and
The Planets they are all Orbiting
The Sun's a Star and it's really gleaming, gleaming
Let's talk about Rotation
24 hours the Earth is Spinning
Takes a day from morning' to evening
When Planets spin like tops they are a whirling
Next is called Revolution
Planets Orbit in a circular motion
Takes a year for Earth to make one pass and
Sun's Gravity pulls on the Planets Orbiting
Hey maybe Earth's Tilt and Revolution is key
The Hemisphere in summer will get more direct heat
And we just can't get enough
Earth circles the Sun all night and day
And the Seasons are what make Earth livable
We wouldn't want to have it any other way
Tilt of Earth makes Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Honey let me tell about a Solstice
All happens cause of Earth's axis
23.5 degrees leaning
This is why the Earth has four seasons, yes
June 21st it's the right time
Summer Solstice day is the warm time
Sun's rays shining down on the Northern
Tilted Earth makes us feel like it's warmer
December 22nd it is cold, Yo!
Winter Solstice another day of snow blow
Leaning back Earth's like a recliner
Got me feeling like Frosty the Snowman
Hey maybe Earth's Tilt and Revolution is key
The Hemisphere in summer will get more direct heat
And we just can't get enough
Earth circles the Sun all night and day
And the Seasons are what make Earth livable
We wouldn't want to have it any other way
Tilt of Earth makes Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall
*This is mega switch up*
*Switch up*
*Switch up*
Vernal, Autumnal
*Switch up*
The Vernal Equinox
Sun, over the half spot
March 20th Spring's got
Equal day and night
*Switch up*
Autumnal Equinox
During the Fall, day is real long
Sun is real high, up in the sky
September 20th through 23
*Switch up*
The seasons...are caused by...the tilt of...Earth
Where shining...directly
*Switch up*
I want you learning 'bout the seasons so I wrote
This song for you memory