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Title: The Four Seasons
The students will take a picture in the same location in August, October, January, and April and write
about the changes they see.
Primary Learning Objective(s):
The student will be able to take a digital picture.
The student will be able to describe the differences and similarities between pictures taken at the
same place in different seasons.
The student will be able to properly handle the digital camera.
Total Duration:
Approximately 1 minute per student to take a picture. This needs to be done four different times. Take
a picture as soon as school starts in the late summer, then take a picture in the fall, winter, and
spring. Allow the children approximately 30 minutes to write about the differences and similarities they
Materials and Equipment:
Digital Camera, AlphaSmarts, Computer, printer, Kidspiration (to do Extension Activity)
The teacher needs to choose a physical site in advance that has deciduous trees, flowering plants,
etc. to make it easier for the students to see the differences between the four seasons.
Take a picture of students during each season. Discuss each season while outside taking the
pictures. Point out the falling leaves of autumn or the bare trees of winter. Let each student take a
picture or let each student take a picture of a friend with trees and flowers in the background. This
would allow you to include a discussion of the appropriate clothing for each season.
You may write a description using AlphaSmarts, computer, or paper/pencils after each picture taking
session. Once you have two pictures the students may compare the differences in these two, and
then three, and then all four.
Assessment Strategies:
Let the students help you plan a rubric of descriptors for each season. Grade the written description
using this rubric.
Make a Venn diagram comparing summer and winter. (This can be done on the computer quickly by
using the AutoShapes in a Word document. Then you can print it out to make a chart or create a
Use Kidspiration to make pictures of things you would see or wear during each season.
Cut pictures out of magazines to go with each season.
Draw a picture of things you see during one of the seasons.
Submitted by: Lee Hall