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Totally Crazy SOL Study Sheet
Here are a few friendly reminders to brush up on before taking the big SOL. Some of these things we have
yet to go over; the rest should be straight review!
Planets in order from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,(Asteroid belt)
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Planets in order of size: Pluto, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus,
Saturn, Jupiter
Planets closest to the sun orbit the fastest
Full moon during a lunar eclipse; new moon during a solar eclipse
Full and New Moon = Spring tide (highest); 1st and 3rd quarter = Neap tide
Dark areas of the moon are called Maria
Rotation is spinning in place
Revolution is going around a larger object
We only see one side of the moon because it rotates once for each revolution
Sun makes its energy from fusion in the core (hydrogen converted into helium)
The sun is an AVERAGE sized yellow star
Black holes and neutron stars are remnants of once very large stars
Our sun will turn into a red giant next, then a planetary nebula, then a white
Hot stars are blue and cooler stars are red
Sunspots occur on an 11 year cycle (magnetism/convection/photosphere)
We see the Sun’s corona during a solar eclipse
At any given time, 50% of the Earth is in nighttime
We have seasons because the Earth is tilted on its axis
From smallest to largest: Planet, Sun, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe
Our Milky Way galaxy is a spiral galaxy 100,000 light years across
Most stars are hydrogen and helium
Northern hemisphere tilted toward the sun = summer in North/winter in South; First days of summer and winter are
called the solstice; first days of autumn and spring are called equinoxes(equal parts day and night)
• Stars move in the sky at
night b/c the Earth is
rotating on it’s axis
• Red shift = object in
space moving away
from you / Blue shift =
moving toward you
• Apollo 11 took the first
men to the moon
• Meteor showers come
from the remains of
comets that have
passed by Earth’s orbit
Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are nonrenewable; meaning once they are used up, we can’t make more
An asteroid probably lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs
Atoms are the basic building block of all matter: Atoms make up elements, elements make up molecules, molecules
make up minerals, minerals make up rocks, rocks make up
the Earth!
Rocky mountains are younger than the Appalachian
Denser substances ALWAYS sink to the bottom
Density is the object’s Mass divided by Volume (D=M/V)
The mineral Calcite is a carbonate, it will react with acid
(fizzle and bubble)
The mineral halite is also known as rock salt (it has a cubic
The mineral sulfur is bright yellow and has a distinct smell
The mineral mica is flat and breaks off into thin sheets (good
A diamond is the hardest mineral
Talc is the softest mineral
The mineral magnetite has magnetic properties
Streak is the color of the mineral’s powder (see picture)
Cleavage is when a mineral breaks evenly; fracture is when it
breaks into random pieces
Youngest rock layers are almost always on top
From largest to smallest: Pebble, Sand, Silt, Clay
Convection currents in the mantle help to drive plate tectonics
Impermeable means water can’t pass through
Humus is in the “A-Horizon” of soil (The TOP)
Ice floats because it is LESS dense than water
Zones of a water table from top to bottom (surface, aerated zone, water table, zone of saturation, bedrock)
Words associated with Igneous rock: intrusive(inside earth), extrusive(volcanic eruptions), melting, magma, lava,
intrusions, dike, sill, laccolith, granite, basalt(makes up the ocean floor)
Small mineral grains = cool quickly; large mineral grains = cool SLOWLY
Words associated with sedimentary rock: fossils, stratification, sand/silt/clay, transportation and deposition, limestone,
sandstone, shale, delta, karst
Hard parts become fossilized (teeth, bones)
• Words associated with metamorphic rock: heat and pressure, regional(large scale), contact(small scale), foliation
(banding of minerals), gneiss, marble, slate, quartzite
On the Mohs scale of hardness, higher numbers will scratch lower numbers
Trenches occur at ocean-ocean subduction zones (deepest part of the ocean)
These words will always be found together: Calcite, Limestone, Karst, Caves, Sinkholes, Caverns, Concrete = Valley
and Ridge province of Va)
Most sand is quartz; glass can be created from quartz
You need 3 seismic stations to find the epicenter of an earthquake
Focus is where the earthquake actually occurs underground
Body waves (P&S), and Surface waves are generated during an earthquake; surface waves cause more damage,
body waves travel faster
CFC’s destroy ozone in the stratosphere
Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation (located in the
We live in the troposphere where ALL weather occurs
Ionosphere is part of the thermosphere (associated
with auroras and reflection of radio waves)
Currents in the atmosphere are generated by cool air
sinking and warmer air rising
A strong atmospheric current of wind at the top of the
troposphere is called the JET STREAM
Clouds form as air rises, cools, and condenses
(condensation nuclei (dust) are needed for raindrops
to form)
Words associated with glaciers: River of ice, moraine (piles of sediment and debris remaining after the glacier has
melted), esker, U-shaped valley, till, drumlin,
Anemometer measures wind speed; thermometer measures temperature; barometer measures air pressure
Isobars connect points of equal atmospheric pressure
Notice the cold front and warm front in the picture below: The cold front is associated with triangles; the warm front is
associated with semi-circles:
Stationary Fronts don’t move – they will give you rain for a few days
Fronts are traveling in the direction of the symbols (triangles or half-circles)
Air always moves from HIGH to LOW pressure (think of a deflating balloon)
* In picture “A” deposition of sediment occurs where the inside speed of the river is the slowest (point bar); erosion occurs on the
outside where the river speed is greatest. An oxbow lake appears in picture “B” after the river has broken off and changed its
course, leaving a lake of water behind. In pictures “C” and “D”, most of the original water is gone, leaving a swampy area
Ground water usually resides in aquifers
An aquifer is usually bordered on top and
bottom by two impermeable layers of rock
Wells suck water out of aquifers and leave a
cone of depression
Horizons are the layers of soil
Beneath all soil is bedrock
The Geologic Time Scale is used to show the
history of the Earth since its formation.
The Earth is about 4.6 billion years old
Eon is the largest grouping of time
Eons are broken into Eras
Eras are broken into Periods and Epochs
The current Era is Cenozoic
The current Eon is Holocene
Birds are relatives of dinosaurs
Humans and dinosaurs never lived at the same time
Examples of absolute dating (which give an exact age of rock or fossil) are radiocarbon and radiometric
Relative dating uses rock layers to show age comparisons
The ice age ended about 10,000 years ago
The great lakes formed during the end of the last ice age
The picture below is the international date line (it follows the 180 degree line of longitude)
The North Pole is at 90 degrees N latitude
The South Pole is at 90 degrees S latitude
Latitude are lines like: ________________ that are measured in degrees N or S
Longitude lines go up and down and are measured in degrees E or W
0 degrees latitude is the equator
0 degrees longitude is the prime meridian
On topographic profiles, lines are called contour lines
Contour lines show elevation
Contour lines close together = steep mountain
Contour lines far apart = flat landscape
Gradient is the steepness of a slope
Only 1% of the water on Earth is available for human use
Over 70% of the Earth is covered by water
Virginia Provinces are the different regions of Virginia (From right to left below)
Coastal Plain is flat and made of sand and gravel
Piedmont is the largest (where we live)
Blue Ridge has the highest peak (Mt.
Valley and Ridge has Limestone, Caves,
and Karst Topography
Appalachian Plateau has fossil fuels like
Ocean currents move water around the Earth
Cold water rises up from deep down bringing nutrients
to ocean plants, animals, and plankton
Warm currents bring warm weather to continents
A famous warm water current is the Gulf Stream in
the Atlantic Ocean (see picture)
Most hurricanes form in the warm waters of the
Atlantic and Caribbean Sea
Tornadoes can form over land or water (water spouts)
The Fujita scale measures tornado intensity
The Saffir-Simpson scale measures Hurricane
The Gulf Stream is a famous warm-water current in
the Atlantic Ocean
Clouds form when water vapor rises,
cools, and condenses.
In order for water to condense, you it
needs tiny microscopic particles of
dust called condensation nuclei
Hail is associated with strong
thunderstorms called super cells and
Cumulonimbus clouds give the
strongest storms
Nimbostratus give you rain
Cumulus are the big, puffy clouds
All clouds are in the troposphere
High Pressure weather is sunny with
clear skies
Low pressure weather is cloudy,
usually with rain or wind.
Porosity is the amount of space between the particles of rock. Materials that have a HIGH porosity (lots of space)
include sandstone, limestone, sand. Materials that have a LOW porosity (tiny or no space) include granite, marble,
and clay.
Permeability is the ability of water to pass through a substance. Usually a rock with high porosity will have high
permeability too, meaning water can pass through easily. However, the pore spaces have to be connected!
Sea Breezes happen during the day when wind blows in from the ocean
Land breezes happen at night when the wind blows out from the beach
Sea breezes and land breezes occur because land and water heat up and cool down at different rates. This causes
pressure changes. Pressure changes (From High to Low) make the winds.
Land heats up fast and cools down fast.
Water heats up slowly and cools down slowly
Our atmosphere is about 78% NITROGEN, 21% OXYGEN, and LESS than 1% Carbon dioxide
Plants, rocks, and oceans help to absorb Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere
Industry, cars, and animals all add to the amount of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere
Carbon dioxide levels are associated with temperature rise and global warming
The dew point temperature is the air temperature where the moisture in the air begins to condense or
change from a vapor to a liquid. In order for a surface to collect dew out of the air (like a glass of ice
water or blade of grass), the temperature of that surface must be at or below the dew point
A halocline (to the left) is different layers of water
separated by salinity levels (the amount of salt in the
Saltier water sinks because it is more dense than
fresh water
When Seawater freezes, the salt comes out and the
ice is simply fresh water
A thermocline (below) is how temperature changes
with water depth. As you go deeper and deeper, the
water becomes colder and colder.
This is a triple-beam balance, we use it to measure an
objects mass (in grams)
This is a graduated cylinder, we use it to measure an objects volume (in mL)
To find an object’s density, simply divide the Mass by the Volume.
This is the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Radio waves have the longest wavelength
Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength
Shorter wavelengths carry higher energy
Visible light is made from Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet
By looking at the spectrums of stars we can figure out their temperature, composition, and direction of movement
Ultraviolet, X-ray, and Gamma Rays can destroy your body’s cells and give you cancer
The Doppler effect is whenever sound or light waves become compressed (closer together) or elongated (spread far
Waves become compressed when the object is moving toward you
Waves become elongated when the object
is moving away from you
When objects in space like stars or galaxies
are moving away from us, their light waves
are elongated, this is called RED SHIFT.
Red shift is evidence that the present
universe came from one single location
during the big bang approx. 15 billion years
When objects in space like stars and
galaxies are moving toward us, their light
waves are compressed, this is called BLUE