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Date: __________________
Notes: The Respiratory System
The respiratory and circulatory systems work together to maintain homeostasis.
• The circulatory system transports blood and other materials.
– _______________________________________________
separates oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich blood
The respiratory system is where gas exchange occurs.
Picks up _______________ from inhaled air
Expels ______________________ and ____________
Respiratory System: A Closer Look
• A system of ______________________________ conveys air to the lungs
• Pathway of air
Air inhaled through the _______________ passes through the _________________ then the
_____________ into the ________________, ___________________, __________________, and
dead-end __________________, where gas exchange occurs
Other important structures:
– Epiglottis
• ___________________________ when you swallow in order to _______________________
Pleural membranes
• Two layers surround the lungs and line the rib cage in order to ________________________
• Also plays a ______________________________
• Large, _____________________ that divides the thoracic and abdominal cavities
• Important in _______________________
The respiratory system _____________________ into and out of the blood.
• The lungs contain the __________________,
_________________________, and _____________________.
Millions of __________________ give the lungs a
The alveoli __________________________ from the air you inhale.
The process that ventilates the lungs is __________________, the alternate
______________________ and ___________________________________
Humans ventilate their lungs by ______________________________________, which
Breathing involves the ___________________ and ___________________________.
Lung volume ______________________ as the rib muscles and diaphragm contract which causes
________________ of air into lungs.
Gas exchange occurs across specialized respiratory surfaces
Gas exchange supplies oxygen for ____________________ and ______________ of carbon dioxide
Animals require___________________________________ for adequate diffusion of gases _______________
their _____________ and the ________________________, either air or water
Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli of the lungs.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried by the blood to and from the alveoli.
oxygen diffuses from ______________________________________
oxygen binds to _____________________ in red blood cells
carbon dioxide diffuses from _____________________________________
Control of Breathing in Humans
In humans, the main breathing control centers are in two regions of the brain, the
___________________________ and the ______________
The medulla _______________________________________________________________________________
in the cerebrospinal fluid
pH changes are caused by ____________________________ in the blood
The medulla adjusts breathing rate and depth
Sensors in the _______________ and
_________________________ monitor O2 and CO2
concentrations in the blood
These sensors exert secondary control over breathing