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Chapter 13
Section 1: Atmosphere and
Climate Change
Weather: state of the atmosphere at a
particular place at a particular moment.
Climate: long-term prevailing weather
conditions at a particular place based
upon records taken.
What Factors Determine Climate?
Atmospheric circulation
Oceanic Circulation
Local geography of an
Solar activity
Volcanic Activity
Distance from the equator
Distance from the
equator measured in
degrees north or
south of the equator.
Low latitudes:
temperatures high
year-round. No
summers or winters.
High latitudes: yearly
temperature range is
Atmospheric Circulation
Cold air sinks
As cold air sinks, it
compresses and
Warm air rises,
expands and cools.
Solar energy heats the ground, which
warms the air above it.
 This warm air rises, and cooler air moves
in to replace it. (WIND)
 Circulation pattern determines
precipitation pattern.
Areas near equator are warmer, warm air
holds more water. As water cools, it cannot
hold as much water—this leads to rain.
Global Circulation Patterns
Cool air over the equator is forced toward the
Cold, dry air descends at the poles, which are
essentially very cold deserts.
Coriolis Effect – air defected from its path due to
earth’s rotation
Three Prevailing Winds
Due to Coriolis
 Westerlies
 Trade Winds
Prevailing Winds
Prevailing winds: winds that blow
predominantly in one direction throughout
the year.
Trade winds: Blow from the northeast in the
Northern hemisphere and the southeast in the
Southern hemisphere. Near the equator.
 Westerly's: northwest winds in Northern
hemisphere, and southwest winds in the
Southern hemisphere. 30-60o latitude
 Easterlies: cold dry air – cold deserts
Oceanic Circulation Patterns
Surface currents affect the
climate in many parts of the
El Niňo: Pacific ocean is
warmer than usual. Causes
increased rainfall in some areas
and droughts in others.
 La Niňa: (opposite) Pacific is
cooler than usual.
Mountains trap clouds, which can cause
rain on one side and dry air and climate on
the other.
Other Influences on Earth’s Climate
Sun: Increased UV
rays = increased
ozone = warmer
Volcanic eruptions:
sulfur dioxide
released reflects
sunlight and causes
global temp. to
Seasonal Changes in Climate
Seasons change as a
result of the earth’s tilt
on its axis.
Northern hemisphere
tilts toward sun in
summer and away from
it during winter.