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Chapter 1 Summary
(below 50% maximum heart rate), there
is enough stored fat to provide energy for
hours or even days. By-products formed are
carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) as a
result of chemical reactions. The system will
fatigue when the stores of carbohydrates and
fats are exhausted.
How does training affect
Carbohydrates are an ideal source of energy
for the body and are the main nutrient which
fuels exercise of a moderate-to-high intensity;
while fats are the main energy source for
long and low-to-moderate exercise. Fats are
broken down to provide energy for activity
into glycerol and free fatty acids.
Proteins are not normally used for energy or
production of ATP.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is made
up of a large molecule called adenosine
molecule and three smaller molecules called
phosphates. It is the energy source used in
muscle contraction. A small amount of ATP is
stored in the body and provides 1–2 seconds
of activity, then a process of resynthesis is
needed to reproduce more ATP.
The alactacid system (ATP/PC) is an anaerobic
energy system which uses creatine phosphate
as a fuel. It lasts for approximately 10–13
seconds as long as the creatine phosphate
lasts in the body. There are no by-products
given and the rate of recovery is from 30
seconds to 2 minutes.
The lactic acid system is also an anaerobic
energy system. Its major source of fuel is
carbohydrates in the form of blood glucose
or glycogen. It produces energy for short,
high-intensity bursts of activity lasting
approximately 1 minute at high intensity or
up to 3 minutes for moderate intensity. The
presence of hydrogen ions will eventually
halt muscle function causing fatigue. The
by-product of the system is pyruvic acid
produces lactate and hydrogen ions H+ in
the absence of oxygen. The system takes
20 minutes to 2 hours to recover and remove
lactic acid from the blood.
Fartlek, aerobic, continuous, interval and
circuit are different types of aerobic training,.
The main objective of any of these training
methods is to make the athlete’s body more
efficient at using oxygen.
Interval training involves periods of structured
work interspersed with rest periods in a set
Fartlek training involves alternating bursts of
high-intensity activity while still maintaining
the longer slower style of training servicing
both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.
Circuit training is a type of interval training
where the athlete selects different exercises
or stations to use for a set interval of time.
Continuous training involves training with no
rest. It should be taken at an intensity where
the heart rate will be in the aerobic training
zone for at least 20 minutes.
Flexibility refers to the range of motion of a
joint or group of joints.
Static stretching is a safe form of stretching
which involves holding that position for a
period of 15–30 seconds.
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
is a technique of static stretching and isometric
stretching and works with the muscle to get
used to the new length of the muscle.
Ballistic stretching is a form of dynamic
stretching involving movement and uses the
movement of the body to force it further
than its normal range of motion.
Dynamic stretching involves actively moving
parts of the body being stretched increasing
the length of the muscle.
In strength training, muscles will contract
in different ways depending on the type of
training and the method used. A muscle will
either shorten or lengthen when undergoing
a resistance program. This can be isometric,
isotonic and isokinetic contractions.
The aerobic energy system can supply energy
to the body from 2–3 minutes for a few
hours. It is used primarily during endurance
exercise. It is fueled primarily by glucose and
free fatty acids. If exercising at a low intensity
Copyright © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Summary continued
The anaerobic threshold is the point where
the onset of blood lactate accumulation
The principles of training are progressive
overload, specificity, variety, warm-up
and cool down, reversibility and training
Progressive overload involves the athlete
undertaking a training load exceeding what
the body is normally accustomed to and is
forced to operate beyond its normal range.
Specificity is exercise aimed at specific or
designated components of fitness, muscle
groups and or energy systems used in the
Reversibility occurs if training stops. Any
gains made from training will be lost at
approximately one third of the rate of
(OBLA) occurs. As a result, fatigue starts to
occur for the lactic acid energy system.
The warm-up prepares the body for activity
and minimise injury.
The cool down takes the strain off the heart
and allows the blood to be redistributed from
where it may have pooled in the extremities
of the body, such as the feet. It helps disperse
lactic acid accumulation.
Physiological adaptations that occur as a
result of training include lower resting heart
rate, increased stroke volume and increased
cardiac output.
The stroke volume is the amount of blood
The principle of variety is important to
maintain motivation and reduces boredom in
the athlete.
pumped out of the heart per beat. Cardiac
Training thresholds are indicators that the
athlete is working at the right intensity.
The target heart rate zone (training zone)
is between 60–80% of maximum heart
rate. The aerobic training threshold is 60%
of maximum heart rate and the anaerobic
threshold is 80% of maximum heart rate.
oxygen uptake, stable or unchanged lung
Copyright © 2010 McGraw-Hill Australia. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
output (CO) = stroke volume (SV) ⳯ heart
rate (HR). Other changes include increased
capacity, increased haemoglobin content,
increased hypertrophy in the muscles trained,
and increase in slow or fast twitch muscle
fibres depending on type of training program