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Map Writing with Design in Mind Exercise Map Type: World History Curriculum Map Course: 7th Social Studies UNIT NAME: Era of Global Wars Teacher Name(s): A. DeBerry, India Martin Duration (Month / Week – Week): 3rd Nine Weeks Content Noun Phrase: Descriptor Skills Measurable Verb-target-descriptor Assessments Defined Noun (Evaluation___ __) Activities/ Strategies A. Impact of WWI -Economic causes -Political causes -Major events -Major leaders: Kaiser Wilhelm II, Woodrow Wilson A1. Draw and label European maps in 1914 & present to represent the changes WWI had on the geography of Europe. A2. Analyze in writing changes in Europe’s political geography and hypothesize on the causes of these changes. A3. Define in writing the term ‘militarism’ and explain the role it plays in escalating the chances of war. A4. Construct a list in writing how and why military alliances formed before WWI and how they escalated the chances for war. A5. Explain how nationalism contributed to the outbreak of WWI in journalistic style writing and illustrating. A6. Explain in writing how imperialism contributed to the outbreak of WWI. A7. Explain in writing how and why Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination triggered WWI. A1. Comparison lists of old/present Europe; teacher evaluate A1. Teacher made assessment A1-17. Journal responses; teacher evaluated A1-17. Daily reflections; teacher evaluated A1. Label maps of Europe from two different time periods. A1. KWL chart on WWI A3. Short reading on Fleet Acts with comprehension questions. A3. Military game with analyzing sheet. A4. Country profiles and determine who are friends/enemies (alliances) A4. Pro & Con list of alliances. A5. label and color map of Balkan region to examine nationalism. A6. Read about 3 conflicts in Africa and how imperialism played a part. A7. Assassination reading, conflict scenarios to highlight ‘trigger’ point. A8. Act out a play highlighting the Schlieffen plan. A8. Analyze ‘Babes on Bayonets’ political cartoon. A9. Research famous battles of the war to make some generalizations A9-10. Examine trenches, read letters from those in a trench, watch trench battle scene from movie ‘Gallipoli’ last 6 min. RESOURCES: -InspireEd material -video clips from web -maps from web -images taken from web Standar ds A1-17 7.G.2.1 7.H.2.1 7.H.2.2 7.H.1.3 7.H.1.2 UNIT NAME: Era of Global Wars Content Noun Phrase: Descriptor Skills Measurable Verb-target-descriptor A8. Construct a graphic organizer to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Schlieffen Plan. A9. Research battles of WWI and brainstorm generalizations about the battles. A10. Explain in writing the nature and horrors of trench warfare. A11. Construct a chart that lists advantages/disadvantages, and impact that each new weapon had on the war. A12. Explain in writing why Russia pulled out and the consequences of those actions. A13. Explain in writing why the US entered WWI A14. Construct a chart that lists the intended audience, message of the image, and desired action/feeling of that audience for several propaganda images of the WWI era. A15. Explain in writing how the US entrance into the war brought an allied victory in WWI. A16. Simulate the peace treaty making process. A17. Explain in writing the major points of the Treaty of Versailles and predict the likelihood of its success in creating lasting peace. Duration (Month / Week – Week): 3rd Nine Weeks Assessments Defined Noun (Evaluation___ __) Activities/ Strategies A11. complete chart on the new weapons of the war using information sheet given, also rank them to encourage dialogue on these weapons changed how we fight. A12. Examine Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and make notations as to what that means for Russia. A13. Read about the ‘Lusitania’ and Zimmerman Note and how that spurred us to enter the war. A14. Gallery walk of propaganda posters of WWI. A15. Read selection on how US helped the allies win and dialogue. A16. Work cooperatively to create a peace treaty that is fair, equitable, and will last. A16. Examine political cartoon ‘The Crime of the Ages’ to discuss peace treaty. A17. Examine and discuss Treaty of Versailles and watch short video clip on topic. A18. Give students ‘kid version’ of 14pts, read and discuss pros/cons of this document. Standar ds UNIT NAME: Era of Global Wars Content Noun Phrase: Descriptor Skills Measurable Verb-target-descriptor Duration (Month / Week – Week): 3rd Nine Weeks Assessments Defined Noun (Evaluation___ __) Activities/ Strategies Standar ds A18. Explain in writing Wilson’s Fourteen Points and why the European powers disagreed with him. B. Interwar Years -League of Nations -Causes and impact of worldwide depression in the 1930’s -Examine events related to the rise, aggression, and human costs of dictatorial regimes in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, and Japan. -Identify major leaders: Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito -Holocaust B1. Describe in writing the costs and possible outcomes of WWI. B2. Construct a chart illustrating the ripple effects in the United States after WWI B3. Describe in writing the viewpoints of the Great Britain’s after WWI. B5. Create a graphic organizer to describe in writing the postwar mood in France and the defensive measures they took. B6. Construct a graphic organizer explaining the rise of nationalism among European colonies. B7. Analyze photos in writing of the Soviet Union during the Stalin years. B8. Describe the causes and effects of industrial expansion in Japan. B9. Describe in writing the characteristics of fascism. B10. Identify in writing problems & the appeal citizens of Italy had with Mussolini. B11. Label a timeline in writing to explain how and why Hitler and the Nazis gained power in Germany in the 1930’s. B1-14. Teacher B1. Categorize ‘cost’ cards of the war: personal, made political, psychological, and economic. assessments; B2. Read 3 newspaper articles and describe teacher what happened, how?why? and the effects of evaluated that on the US, aka ‘Great Depression’. B1-14. Daily B4. Read scenarios from Great Britain after the reflections; war and formulate viewpoints of each of them to rubric given at provide a visual of Great Britain. beg. of the yr. B5. Act out a play examining the DeGaulle plan B1-14. and Maginot’s line plan as possible military Cooperative strategies for France to prepare for possible learning attack. Compare pros/cons of each one. activities; B6. Compare and contrast The Salt March rubrics given (India’s Ghandi) to the Aba Women’s Riot in B1-14. Journal Nigeria. Compare Ghandi to MLK; Malcolm X prompts; B7. Examine photos of Russians during Stalin’s rubrics given at reign to formulate ideas of life there. Discuss beg. of year. idea of symbols (hammer and sickle for Russia) and how they are used. B8. Read 3 stories on Japan postwar-gov’t perspective, victim of Japan’s attacks (China), and citizen of Japan who benefitted from Japan’s expansion. B9. Guided notes on fascism B10. Examine notes and highlight problems Italians faced under Mussolini; his appeal too. B11. Chronology of events to examine how B. 7.H.2.1 7.E.1.1 7.C&G.1. 1 UNIT NAME: Era of Global Wars Content Noun Phrase: Descriptor Skills Measurable Verb-target-descriptor RESOURCES: -InspireEd material -video clips from web -maps from web -images taken from web B12. Explain in writing the abuses suffered by the Jews under Hitler and the Nazis. B13. Explain in writing how the Nazis used ghettos to assemble and later kill Jews. B14. Explain in writing how some people helped save the lives of the Jews. C. Impact of WWII -Economic and political causes -Major events -Major leaders: Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler. Hirohito -Pearl Harbor -Manhattan Project -League of Nations C1. Explain in writing and orally the causes of WWII C2. Determine in writing the new techniques of warfare during WWII. C3. Identify in a drawing and in a writing how the early German victories affected Great Britain and its war effort. C4. Explain in writing why the Soviet Union chose to side with Hitler; and Hitler’s double cross of Stalin. C5. Describe with an illustrating timeline the attack at Pearl Harbor and explain how it changed the world. C6. Describe orally and in writing some of America’s contributions to the Allied war effort during WWII. C7. Distinguish in writing the turning points of the war in Europe and the Pacific. Duration (Month / Week – Week): 3rd Nine Weeks Assessments Defined Noun (Evaluation___ __) Activities/ Strategies Standar ds Hitler gained power in Germany. B12. Complete an analysis of Anti-Semitism in Germany. B13-14. Read and discuss Anne Frank and her experiences. Discuss/brainstorm ways people helped save the lives of the Jews. C. Teacher C1. Examine casualties chart of WWI vs. WWII, made compare discuss what those stats tell us. assessments; C2. Categorize ‘situation cards’ of WWII and teacher have students categorize them according to evaluated. causes (political, economic, social, etc.) C. Daily C2. Play a game to understand the new reflections; techniques of warfare during WWII. rubric given C3. Use a map to shade the countries that fell to C. Cooperative the Germans and discuss and write how that learning affected Great Britain. activities; rubric C4. Project both the Allies deal and Hitler’s deal given & teacher that was given to Stalin. Brainstorm pros/cons evaluated of each deal. C4. Analyze photos of ‘Operation Barbarossa’ and the students should explain the problems the Germans faced and how those problems helped the Soviets. C5. Listen to Roosevelt’s speech ‘A Date that will live in Infamy’. Discuss C5. Using internet, primary sources, and photos/videos students should create an C. 7.H.2.1-3 7.E.1.1 7.C&G.1. 1-4, 7.H.1-3 UNIT NAME: Era of Global Wars Content Noun Phrase: Descriptor RESOURCES: -InspireEd materials -World History Text -American History text -web for video clips and sound bites. Skills Measurable Verb-target-descriptor C8. Generate in writing how island hopping and use of the atomic bomb bought an end to WWII. C9. Determine in a graphic organizer why the United Nations was created after WWII. Duration (Month / Week – Week): 3rd Nine Weeks Assessments Defined Noun (Evaluation___ __) Activities/ Strategies illustrated timeline. Gallery walks with completed timelines. C6. Rotation activity with centers to rotate to different topics on US involvement in WWII (Navajo Code Talkers, Tuskegee Airmen, Merchant Marines, Army Nurse Corps, etc.) C7. Read and discuss a brief excerpt on the Battle of Midway, D-day information with photos/video C8. Project quotes from Truman and discuss his reasoning for using the bomb. C8. Watch a video clip about the ‘Manhattan Project’; oral reading of the events leading up to and the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan. C9. List as many issues/problems one can think of that contributed to either the world wars and then list your idea. Compare problems and determine which dept. within the League of Nations would be in charge of handling the each issue. Standar ds Duration (Month / Week – Week): 3rd Nine Weeks UNIT NAME: Era of Global Wars Content Noun Phrase: Descriptor Skills Measurable Verb-target-descriptor Assessments Defined Noun (Evaluation___ __) Activities/ Strategies Standar ds Don’t forget intra-alignment coding… Map Writing with Design in Mind Exercise Map Type: World History: Curriculum Map Course: 7th Social Studies UNIT NAME: Era of Global Wars Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas) A. WWI B. Interwar Years C. WWII Teacher Name(s): A. DeBerry, India Martin Duration (Month / Week – Week): 3rd Nine Weeks Stage 1 – Desired Results Essential Question(s) / Supporting Question(s): A. What story do maps tell? A. How and why do maps change? A. How do maps reflect history and politics? A. How can war escalate? A. Are countries better off with/without forming alliances? A. How can a countries location cause conflict? A. Is war inevitable when differences arise? A. Is war ever justified? A. What can be learned from Germany’s military strategy? A. Is conflict inevitable?...desireable? A. Is trench warfare the most effective? Why/why not? A. How have the weapons from the past sped up the pace of innovation? A. What can Russia learn about their involvement and surrender in the war? A. How is the US involvement in WWI similar to other conflicts we’ve been caught up in? A. How is propaganda used today? A. How can 1 move (wrong/right) change an entire situation? A. How difficult is it to come to a peace agreement? A. Why is diplomacy important? A. Are treaties beneficial? B. How did WWI impact the world? B. How do traumatic events in our lives shape us for our future? B. What impact does scarcity have on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services? B. Can one individual or one event make a difference? B. How does the past shape the future? B. Is it okay to justify something no matter what? B. How can abuse of power be avoided? C. Does war stimulate or depress a nations/world’s economy? C. Do politics lead a nation into conflict? Can conflict be good for a nation? C. What were the causes of WWII? Content (Students will know...) Noun Phrase: Descriptor A. Impact of WWI -Economic causes -Political causes -Major events -Major leaders: Kaiser Wilhelm II, Woodrow Wilson B. Interwar Years -League of Nations -Causes and impact of worldwide depression in the 1930’s -Examine events related to the rise, aggression, and human costs of dictatorial regimes in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, and Japan. -Identify major leaders: Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito -Holocaust C. Impact of WWII -Economic and political causes Skills (Students will be able to do) Measurable Verb-target-descriptor A1. Draw and label European maps in 1914 & present to represent the changes WWI had on the geography of Europe. A2. Analyze in writing changes in Europe’s political geography and hypothesize on the causes of these changes. A3. Define in writing the term ‘militarism’ and explain the role it plays in escalating the chances of war. A4. Construct a list in writing how and why military alliances formed before WWI and how they escalated the chances for war. A5. Explain how nationalism contributed to the outbreak of WWI in journalistic style writing and illustrating. A6. Explain in writing how imperialism contributed to the outbreak of WWI. A7. Explain in writing how and why Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination triggered WWI. A8. Construct a graphic organizer to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Schlieffen Plan. A9. Research battles of WWI and brainstorm generalizations -Major events -Major leaders: Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler. Hirohito -Pearl Harbor -Manhattan Project -League of Nations about the battles. A10. Explain in writing the nature and horrors of trench warfare. A11. Construct a chart that lists advantages/disadvantages, and impact that each new weapon had on the war. A12. Explain in writing why Russia pulled out and the consequences of those actions. A13. Explain in writing why the US entered WWI A14. Construct a chart that lists the intended audience, message of the image, and desired action/feeling of that audience for several propaganda images of the WWI era. A15. Explain in writing how the US entrance into the war brought an allied victory in WWI. A16. Simulate the peace treaty making process. A17. Explain in writing the major points of the Treaty of Versailles and predict the likelihood of its success in creating lasting peace. A18. Explain in writing Wilson’s Fourteen Points and why the European powers disagreed with him. B1. Describe in writing the costs and possible outcomes of WWI. B2. Construct a chart illustrating the ripple effects in the United States after WWI B3. Describe in writing the viewpoints of the Great Britain’s after WWI. B5. Create a graphic organizer to describe in writing the postwar mood in France and the defensive measures they took. B6. Construct a graphic organizer explaining the rise of nationalism among European colonies. B7. Analyze photos in writing of the Soviet Union during the Stalin years. B8. Describe the causes and effects of industrial expansion in Japan. B9. Describe in writing the characteristics of fascism. B10. Identify in writing problems & the appeal citizens of Italy had with Mussolini. B11. Label a timeline in writing to explain how and why Hitler and the Nazis gained power in Germany in the 1930’s. B12. Explain in writing the abuses suffered by the Jews under Hitler and the Nazis. B13. Explain in writing how the Nazis used ghettos to assemble and later kill Jews. B14. Explain in writing how some people helped save the lives of the Jews. C1. Explain in writing and orally the causes of WWII C2. Determine in writing the new techniques of warfare during WWII. C3. Identify in a drawing and in a writing how the early German victories affected Great Britain and its war effort. C4. Explain in writing why the Soviet Union chose to side with Hitler; and Hitler’s double cross of Stalin. C5. Describe with an illustrating timeline the attack at Pearl Harbor and explain how it changed the world. C6. Describe orally and in writing some of America’s contributions to the Allied war effort during WWII. C7. Distinguish in writing the turning points of the war in Europe and the Pacific. C8. Generate in writing how island hopping and use of the atomic bomb bought an end to WWII. C9. Determine in a graphic organizer why the United Nations was created after WWII. Standards: Standards A1-17 7.G.2.1, 7.H.2.1, 7.H.2.2, 7.H.1.3, 7.H.1.2 B. 7.H.2.1, 7.E.1.1, 7.C&G.1.1 C. 7.H.2.1-3, 7.E.1.1, 7.C&G.1.1-4, 7.H.1-3 Stage 2 – Acceptable Evidence Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s) Assessment Evidence (Other Evidence) Defined Noun (Evaluation: _______) Defined Noun (Evaluation: _______) Teacher made tests (mc, short answer), exit tickets, Interactive notebook reflections, cooperative learning research assignments, trading card assignment assignments, oral discussion; rubrics given as needed. (enrichment opportunity); rubrics given as needed Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction Activities/Strategies Resources A1. Label maps of Europe from two different time periods. A. -textbook maps of Europe A1. KWL chart on WWI -internet map of Europe in 1914 A3. Short reading on Fleet Acts with comprehension -InspireEd military game questions. -InspireEd material A3. Military game with analyzing sheet. -video clips from web A4. Country profiles and determine who are -maps from web friends/enemies (alliances) -images taken from web A4. Pro & Con list of alliances. B.-InspireEd material A5. label and color map of Balkan region to examine -video clips from web nationalism. -maps from web A6. Read about 3 conflicts in Africa and how imperialism -images taken from web played a part. C. -InspireEd materials A7. Assassination reading, conflict scenarios to highlight -World History Text ‘trigger’ point. -American History text A8. Act out a play highlighting the Schlieffen plan. -web for video clips and sound bites. A8. Analyze ‘Babes on Bayonets’ political cartoon. A9. Research famous battles of the war to make some generalizations A9-10. Examine trenches, read letters from those in a trench, watch trench battle scene from movie ‘Gallipoli’ last 6 min. A11. complete chart on the new weapons of the war using information sheet given; also rank them to encourage dialogue on these weapons changed how we fight. A12. Examine Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and make notations as to what that means for Russia. A13. Read about the ‘Lusitania’ and Zimmerman Note and how that spurred us to enter the war. A14. Gallery walks of propaganda posters of WWI. A15. Read selection on how US helped the allies win and dialogue. A16. Work cooperatively to create a peace treaty that is fair, equitable, and will last. A16. Examine political cartoon ‘The Crime of the Ages’ to discuss peace treaty. A17. Examine and discuss Treaty of Versailles and watch short video clip on topic. A18. Give students ‘kid version’ of 14pts, read and discuss pros/cons of this document. B1. Categorize ‘cost’ cards of the war: personal, political, psychological, and economic. B2. Read 3 newspaper articles and describe what happened, how?why? and the effects of that on the US, aka ‘Great Depression’. B4. Read scenarios from Great Britain after the war and formulate viewpoints of each of them to provide a visual of Great Britain. B5. Act out a play examining the DeGaulle plan and Maginot’s line plan as possible military strategies for France to prepare for possible attack. Compare pros/cons of each one. B6. Compare and contrast The Salt March (India’s Ghandi) to the Aba Women’s Riot in Nigeria. Compare Ghandi to MLK; Malcolm X B7. Examine photos of Russians during Stalin’s reign to formulate ideas of life there. Discuss idea of symbols (hammer and sickle for Russia) and how they are used. B8. Read 3 stories on Japan postwar-gov’t perspective, victim of Japan’s attacks (China), and citizen of Japan who benefitted from Japan’s expansion. B9. Guided notes on fascism B10. Examine notes and highlight problems Italians faced under Mussolini; his appeal too. B11. Chronology of events to examine how Hitler gained power in Germany. B12. Complete an analysis of Anti-Semitism in Germany. B13-14. Read and discuss Anne Frank and her experiences. Discuss/brainstorm ways people helped save the lives of the Jews. C1. Examine casualties chart of WWI vs. WWII, compare discuss what those stats tell us. C2. Categorize ‘situation cards’ of WWII and have students categorize them according to causes (political, economic, social, etc.) C2. Play a game to understand the new techniques of warfare during WWII. C3. Use a map to shade the countries that fell to the Germans and discuss and write how that affected Great Britain. C4. Project both the Allies deal and Hitler’s deal that was given to Stalin. Brainstorm pros/cons of each deal. C4. Analyze photos of ‘Operation Barbarossa’ and the students should explain the problems the Germans faced and how those problems helped the Soviets. C5. Listen to Roosevelt’s speech ‘A Date that will live in Infamy’. Discuss C5. Using internet, primary sources, and photos/videos students should create an illustrated timeline. Gallery walks with completed timelines. C6. Rotation activity with centers to rotate to different topics on US involvement in WWII (Navajo Code Talkers, Tuskegee Airmen, Merchant Marines, Army Nurse Corps, etc.) C7. Read and discuss a brief excerpt on the Battle of Midway, D-day information with photos/video C8. Project quotes from Truman and discuss his reasoning for using the bomb. C8. Watch a video clip about the ‘Manhattan Project’; oral reading of the events leading up to and the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan. C9. List as many issues/problems one can think of that contributed to either the world wars and then list your idea. Compare problems and determine which dept. within the League of Nations would be in charge of handling the each issue. Don’t forget intra-alignment coding…