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If you would like more information on Lenoir
County in the Civil War or would like to make a
donation toward preserving the Battle of Kinston
battlefield contact Historical Preservation Group.
This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National
Park Service. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.
800-869-0032 • 252-523-2500
The Battle that Decided the
Goldsborough Expedition
Naval Engagement: Confederate artillery at Camp
Pool turned back nine Union gunboats
Result: Union victory; Union casualties: 90 dead,
478 wounded, 9 missing; Confederate casualties: 71
dead, 268 wounded, 400 taken prisoner and paroled
the next day
Confederate forces engaged: Fewer than 2,500
Union forces engaged: 11,000-12,000
Confederate Commander: Gen. Nathan “Shanks”
Union Commander: Gen. John G. Foster
Union objectives: Take Kinston, destroy the C.S.S.
Neuse at White Hall, wreck the railroad bridge at
Goldsboro and capture Wilmington
Campaign: The Goldsborough Expedition,
December 11-19, 1862
December 13-14, 1862
Battle of Kinston
About the
Begin your visit at the Kinston-Lenoir
County Visitor and Information Center at the
intersection of US 70 and US 258.
The Battle of Kinston battlefields are located in
southern Lenoir County, North Carolina, along
US 258 and on US 70 near Kinston.
Battle of Kinston
North Carolina
The Battle of
The Battle of Kinston, December 13-14, 1862
—the battle that decided the Goldsborough Expedition
By the spring of 1862, the entire North Carolina coast
except Wilmington was in Union hands. Kinston was
the Confederate first line of defense between New Bern
and Goldsboro. Confederate engineers built earthworks
on Southwest Creek along the roads coming into the
city and on the Neuse River. In December 1862, Union
Gen. John G. Foster took the initiative. He planned
to take Kinston, destroy the Confederate gunboat at
White Hall, wreck the Wilmington-Weldon railroad
bridge at Goldsboro, and capture Wilmington in one
bold stroke.
On December 11, 1862, Foster left New Bern with
10,000 infantry, 40 pieces of artillery, 640 cavalry, 200
supply wagons, and 300 African American pioneers.
Nine gunboats steamed up the Neuse River in support.
Only Gen. Nathan G. “Shanks” Evans and fewer than
2,500 Confederate soldiers at Kinston stood between
Foster and Goldsboro.
On the morning of December 13, 1862, Federal
cavalry attacked a detachment of Confederate infantry
and artillery near Woodington on the Wilmington
Road (US 258) at Southwest Creek. The Confederates
destroyed the bridge and waited behind earthworks
just north of the creek, with a swamp between them
and Foster’s forces.
rifle range and many Confederates spent a cold night,
“sleeping on their arms.”
That same day, four Union gunboats approached Camp
Pool on the Neuse River, about five miles downstream
from Jones Bridge. Low water levels had prevented
the five larger Union gunboats from reaching Camp
Pool. Now, obstructions placed in the river forced the
remaining boats into a narrow channel and the welldirected fire of the Confederate shore batteries. The
Union boats could not turn around; they could only
back out. The battle was brief but deadly. The gunboat
Allison took the brunt of the Confederate fire. The
Union steamer’s guns silenced one Confederate battery
but the rest pounded her and forced all of the Union
boats to retreat, ending the role of the navy in the battle.
In the early morning hours of December 14, the land
battle resumed. Union soldiers pushed the Confederates
northward to the final line of Kinston’s defenses.
Evans deployed his line behind earthworks south of
the Neuse River. Confederate artillery opened on the
Union infantry as they deployed on either side of the
Wilmington Road. The outnumbered Confederates
held for three desperate hours until their left flank
was overrun. At noon, Evans ordered his troops into
Kinston and Jones bridge burned. In the chaos, only
those in the center and east of the road got the word
to fall back. The rest kept fighting. Finally, they too
were forced to make for the bridge. The withdrawal
turned into a panic when they reached the burning
bridge. The Federals captured about 400 Confederates
at the bridge. Evans pulled back north of Kinston and
regrouped, ending the battle. The Union army occupied
Kinston during the night of December 14, 1862.
The next day, the Union army recrossed the river,
burned the bridge, and turned towards Goldsboro.
Foster damaged the C.S.S. Neuse at White Hall and
burned the Wilmington-Weldon railroad bridge in
Goldsboro, but he did not achieve his final objective.
Circumstances following the Confederate victory at
Fredericksburg, Virginia, forced him to abandon his plan
to attack Wilmington and retreat back to New Bern.
An undefended milldam at Hines Mill on the
Confederate right and a hastily constructed bridge
of felled trees on the Confederate left allowed Union
forces to flank the defenders. The Federals captured
a cannon and forced the Confederates to fall back.
Evans regrouped and directed a fighting withdrawal,
stubbornly giving ground until nightfall ended the
contest. The Union soldiers bivouacked just out of
The Battle of Kinston Driving Tour
Natural features played a significant role in the Battle of Kinston. As you drive the roads look at the low rolling
hills, the creeks, rivers and wetlands. Imagine this area without paved roads, with only a few wooden bridges
spanning the streams. Imagine that it is winter, the cold wind is blowing. You march, knowing a battle is coming.
You are probably excited and at least a little frightened. You think of your loved ones. Will you ever see them again?
Try to put yourself in the shoes of a young man who is far away from home for the first time—cold, scared, and
determined to do your duty. Look around you. If this landscape could talk it would tell a powerful story.
Drive approximately 6.7 miles south on US 258. Pass
Woodington School and stop at the intersection of US 258 and
Lightwood Knot Road. Note: This east-west route is part of the
Blue-Gray Scenic Byway.
On December 13, 1862, Union Gen. John G. Foster began
his assault on Kinston, turning his column north onto the
Wilmington Road (US 258). He sent cavalry to Southwest
Creek at Woodington, where they found the bridge destroyed
and the Confederates waiting behind earthworks. Foster put
his army in motion. The Battle of Kinston had begun.
3 The Terrain Becomes the Enemy
Drive north on US 258 1.9 miles, just past the Woodington
sign. Turn right on Woodington Road and travel 0.2 miles. Turn
left on Stroud Corner Road and go 0.2 miles to the Civil War
Trails® site on the left.
“I was ordered by the general to send forward two
companies as skirmishers, to examine the wood and
swamps as far as the creek, to see if a crossing were
practicable.” Col. Joshua B. Howell, 85th Pennsylvania
Foster stopped on this high ground to deploy for battle. A
swamp almost one-quarter mile wide stood between him and
the Confederates. Only the fortuitous discovery of a milldam
upstream and the African American Pioneer Corps, who built
a bridge of felled trees downstream, helped Foster overcome
the strong defensive position held by the Confederates.
4 Union Encampment
Drive back east on Stroud Corner Road 0.2 miles to the
intersection of Woodington Road. Turn left and go 0.3 miles to
the intersection of Alexander Rouse Road.
“The camp was pitched in a pleasant grove near a little
church known as Woodington.” Frank T. Robertson,
5th Massachusetts
Darkness ended the fighting. Thousands of men, horses,
mules, wagons and artillery were scattered from here to the
main road. East of the intersection, near the cemetery, stood
Woodington Meeting House; a simple frame church used by
several congregations. About 8,000 of Foster’s men spent the
night on this side of Southwest Creek. The soldiers, ordered
to sleep without fires, spent a cold, miserable night.
5 Union Assault on the Confederate Line
Proceed on Woodington Road 0.3 miles to the intersection of Bill
Stroud Road. Stop here.
“Morrison’s battery was accordingly ordered into position
on the high ground above the creek and directed to shell
the opposite woods.” Lieut. Col. Henry A. Purviance, 85th
At Southwest Creek, Foster deployed 30 guns against the
Confederates. Two guns of Battery B 3rd NY Artillery
accompanied the cavalry and fired on the Confederates
throughout the battle. The battery’s remaining four guns
deployed near here, firing 40 rounds on the Confederate
position. Twenty-four more guns of 3rd NY Artillery Battery
deployed on the center and left of the Union line.
6 Hines Mill Dam
Drive west on Bill Stroud 0.2 miles to the Intersection of US
258. Pull off the road by the stop sign. Use extreme caution.
The Old Wilmington Road ran behind the homes on the
west side of US 258. The bridge that crossed Southwest Creek
during the Civil War was just west of the current bridge.
Return to US 258. Turn left and proceed 0.2 miles to US 70.
Turn right on US 70. Go 0.4 miles to the next stoplight. Turn
right and go 0.2 miles to Wil King Memorial Park where there
is a Civil War Trails® site.
The Confederates built earthworks on both sides of the
Wilmington Road; about 1,000 feet remain here. Engineers
constructed earthworks on all of the roads leading into
Kinston. They took advantage of the terrain, building
earthworks with swamps in front of them and, where
possible, anchored on swamps. Attackers were forced to cross
the wetlands under fire or to find another way across, as part
of the Union force did here.
“As it was, it touched at least two mortal spots without
penetrating. I had no feeling, and I was suddenly hurried
away on a stretcher to the rear.” William P. DuBose,
Holcombe Legion
Continue slowly down Albrittons Road. When the earthworks end,
look to your left. You should be able to see Hines milldam. Turn
around in the driveway on your right and drive back to US 258.
8 Confederate Bivouac
Turn left on US 258 and go 2.4 miles to Will Baker Road. Stop
at Ma’s Hot Dog House, a local landmark, on the right.
“Night was approaching and this Yankee line of battle
marched up in sight of us and their artillery exchanged
a few rounds with Capt. Boyce, when they stacked
arms, built up fires and went to cooking supper.” Capt.
William H. Edwards, 17th South Carolina
On December 13, Confederate troops encamped here, with
the lead elements of Foster’s army within sight. The rest of
the Union army was south of Southwest Creek and part of
the Confederate army was near Kinston. All spent a cold,
miserable night knowing that they would fight the battle for
Kinston the next day.
The old Wilmington Road ran just behind the row of rental houses
to the south, parallel to and just east of US 258.
You are now on the far end of the Confederate line, defended
by 17th and 23rd South Carolina on December 14. They
bore the brunt of the assault as Union troops surged from the
woods in front of you, crushing the Confederate left. Gen.
Evans ordered a general retreat and the South Carolinians
joined the mass of men, horses and vehicles rushing toward
the escape route—Jones Bridge.
13 Jones Bridge
Return to US 70 and turn left, getting into the right lane. Go
0.5 miles and turn right onto US 70 business. Turn right again
just before crossing the Neuse River bridge, stopping at the Civil
War Trails site.
“We then prepared faggots of fat pine and made a fire
at the west end of the bridge from which to light our
torches at the opportune moment.” Lieut. H.F. Scaife,
Macbeth Light Artillery
Chaos reigned at Jones Bridge. As Union forces closed in
the Confederates desperately fought to hold the bridge until
their comrades were across. Foster’s artillery converged at the
river, firing canister at the Confederates on the bridge. The
Confederates retreated and Union soldiers doused the fire on
the bridge. The Battle of Kinston was over.
14 Confederate Burials
9 Battle at the Upper Trent Road
Take Will Baker Road east 2.3 miles to NC 58. Turn right on
NC 58; go 0.1 mile; just after you cross Southwest Creek pull
into the drive of Patterson Chapel on your right.
“The cavalry dismounted, deployed, and, with their
carbines, acted as a support to the Battery. Our boys
then opened on them with shell.” Sergeant J. W. Merrill,
24 Independent Battery
On December 13, while the battle raged along the
Wilmington Road, Gen. Evans sent a detachment of South
Carolina troops to man the fortifications on the Upper Trent
Road (NC 58). They destroyed the bridge and waited. The
next day, Union forces attacked, forcing the Confederates to
pull back toward Kinston. After rebuilding the bridge, the
Union soldiers joined their comrades at Kinston.
Turn right onto Business US 70, Queen Street. Proceed 0.9
miles. Turn right onto Shine Street and proceed 0.3 miles. Turn
right into Maplewood Cemetery and follow the signs to the
Confederate monument.
After the battle, Union soldiers buried the Confederate dead
where they lay, placing them side-by-side in shallow trenches.
They remained in those unmarked graves until 1881, when
the City of Kinston donated this lot and moved the remains
of 44 men to this site. Ten years later, the United Daughters
of the Confederacy erected this monument.
Ne u s e
10 Harriet’s Chapel
Mallett did not receive Evans’ order to retreat across Jones
Bridge. He and his men were trapped on this side of the
river. Believing his men had retreated, Evans ordered his
artillery to fire on Mallett’s position! The Federals later
captured Mallett and about 400 of his men.
Roa ley
Harriet’s Chapel stood about where the relocated church
building now stands—in the center of the Confederate
line. A trail and boardwalk explore the chapel’s role in the
battle and take you along the earthwork and to the gun
emplacement manned by Starr’s Battery.
The Union left was all around you. A deep swamp stood
between the Federals and Col. Peter Mallett’s North Carolina
Battalion to the north.
“An old barn-like church had also served to protect
them in some measure. It was perforated with holes of
all sizes, from that of the Minié-ball to the one caused
by the thirty-two-pound shell.” Charles Estus Hubbard,
45th Massachusetts
Cross US 258 and proceed approximately 0.2 miles down
Measley Road. Stop on the north side of the road.
Shine St.
Turn left on NC 58 and turn left on Will Baker Road. At US
258 turn right and go 2.0 miles. Stop at the Civil War Trails®
site on the right, opposite Measley Road.
11 The Union Left
Tour Route
Lig htwo
Knot Road
6 5
Woodington 3
Will Ba
Bill Stroud Road
ouse Roa
Alexander R
Woodington Road
r Rd
The driveway in front of you follows the old road that led to
Hines Mill Dam, where the 9th NJ attacked the Confederate
right flank. Foster also ordered the 23rd MA to cross here
and support the 9th NJ.
Turn right and drive north on US 258 0.4 miles, crossing
Southwest Creek. Turn left on Albrittons Road. Travel 0.3 miles
and stop on the right shoulder road. A line of earthworks is
immediately north of the road.
Queen Street
2 Foster Turns North
12 The Confederate Left
Before you begin, we recommend that you see the twelveminute film on the Battle of Kinston and look at the exhibits
on the Civil War in Lenoir County. Thank you for your
interest in our history and heritage.
The Confederate Defense at Southwest Creek
The Kinston-Lenoir County Visitor and Information Center is
located in the center of the battlefield on the southeast corner of
the intersection of US 258 and US 70.
1 Visitor and Information Center
Driving Tour Map