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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________
Earth Science semester one 2014_15
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. If the temperature of rock rises above the melting point of the minerals the rock is composed of
a. the melting point of rock decreases.
c. the minerals will evaporate.
b. the melting point of rock increases.
d. the rock will melt.
2. Which of the following is NOT a major volcanic area?
a. boundaries of tectonic plates
c. central continental plains
b. mid-ocean ridges
d. subduction zones
3. This area is both a major earthquake zone and volcano zone.
a. Pacific Ring of Volcanoes
c. Oceanic Ring of Fire
b. Pacific Ring of Fire
d. Pacific Island Arc
4. When an underwater volcano erupts, the magma cools quickly, forming
a. pillow lava.
c. fissures.
b. island arcs.
d. vents.
5. What forms on the ocean floor in a subduction zone?
a. hot spot
c. lithosphere
b. mantle plume
d. trench
6. Which of the following does NOT signal a volcanic eruption?
a. increase in thunderstorms near the volcano
b. changes in earthquake activity
c. bulging of volcano surface
d. changes in the amount and composition of volcanic gases
7. Magma that is rich in magnesium and iron is called
a. pyroclastic.
c. composite.
b. mafic.
d. felsic.
8. Magma that is rich in feldspar and silica is called
a. pyroclastic.
b. mafic.
9. Pyroclastic material less than 0.25 mm in diameter is called
a. a volcanic bomb.
c. volcanic ash.
b. a volcanic block.
d. volcanic dust.
____ 10. Composite volcanoes are also known as
a. stratovolcanoes.
b. cinder cones.
shield volcanoes.
____ 11. When the temperature of rock rises above its melting point,
a. magma will form.
c. magma will not form.
b. the melting point will increase.
d. the melting point will decrease.
Name: ________________________
____ 12. Volcanic eruptions may be signaled by
a. a change in earthquake activity.
b. a sudden weather change.
a change in wildlife behavior.
volcanic dust in the air.
____ 13. A large depression formed by the collapse of a volcanic cone is called a
a. crater.
c. pluton.
b. caldera.
d. trench.
____ 14. Volcanic ash, dust, blocks, bombs, and lapilli are all
a. felsic lava.
c. mafic lava.
b. pyroclastic materials.
d. pahoehoe.
____ 15. Which of the following is NOT a major volcano cone type?
a. cinder cone
c. shield
b. composite
d. mantle plume
____ 16. The eruption of Mount St. Helens was
a. an oceanic volcano.
b. a quiet eruption.
an explosive eruption.
a stratovolcano.
____ 17. Which of the following is NOT a tectonic setting where volcanoes form?
a. boundaries of tectonic plates
c. mid-ocean ridges
b. glacier-formed crater lakes
d. subduction zones
____ 18. When oceanic lithosphere subducts beneath oceanic lithosphere,
a. a fissure will form.
c. an island arc forms.
b. aa lava is produced.
d. more lithosphere is produced.
____ 19. Pillow lava forms
a. along a tectonic plate.
b. on a mid-ocean ridge.
below a caldera.
on a cinder cone.
____ 20. What island is cut by a fissure breaking it into two parts?
a. Japan
c. Iceland
b. Hawaii
d. Grand Cayman
____ 21. Any activity that includes the movement of magna to Earth’s surface is called
a. a vent.
c. volcanism.
b. a volcano.
d. lava.
____ 22. The three primary tectonic settings are zones near convergent and divergent tectonic plates, subduction
zones, and
a. mid-ocean ridges.
c. oceanic plates.
b. island arcs.
d. trench zones.
____ 23. A large circular depression that forms when the magma chamber below a volcano partially empties, causing
the ground above it to sink, is called a
a. crater.
c. cone.
b. caldera.
d. crust.
Name: ________________________
____ 24. Three events that might signal a volcanic eruption are changes in earthquake activity, volcano surface bulges,
a. the appearance of vents.
c. heavy thunder clouds.
b. a sulfuric odor.
d. a change in gases emitted.
____ 25. Magma or igneous rock that is rich in magnesium and iron and that is generally dark in color is called
a. felsic.
c. mafic.
b. ash.
d. pyroclastic.
____ 26. When lava cools rapidly, a crust forms on the surface of the flow. If the flow continues, the crust wrinkles
and forms volcanic rock known as
a. aa.
c. blocky lava.
b. pahoehoe.
d. lapilli.
____ 27. Rapidly cooled lava that forms on underwater volcanoes at a mid-ocean ridge is called
a. plume lava.
c. pillow lava.
b. felsic lava.
d. mafic lava.
____ 28. An area of volcanic activity far from a tectonic plate boundary is called a(n)
a. hot spot.
c. island arc.
b. cone.
d. mantle plume.
____ 29. Large plutons that can cover an area as large as 100 km 2 are called
a. dikes.
c. batholiths.
b. necks.
d. igneous.
____ 30. Magma or igneous rock that is rich in feldspar and silica and is generally light in color is called
a. mafic.
c. composite.
b. felsic.
d. cinder.
____ 31. What color are the coolest stars?
a. orange
b. blue
____ 32. Stars appear to move in the sky because
a. the sky is rotating.
b. Earth is moving.
the universe is expanding.
galaxies are forming.
____ 33. A star moving away from the Earth has a spectrum that is
a. losing its color.
c. shifted toward red.
b. shifted toward blue.
d. unchanged.
____ 34. About how many stars are visible from Earth without a telescope?
a. 6,000
c. 3 billion
b. many billions
d. a million
____ 35. Scientists determine the composition and temperature of stars
a. by sampling matter on the surface of stars.
b. by analyzing the vibrations that stars emit.
c. through magnetic testing.
d. by analyzing the spectra of the light that stars emit.
Name: ________________________
____ 36. A small, hot, extremely dense core left after a star collapses is a
a. red giant.
c. black dwarf.
b. pulsar.
d. white dwarf.
____ 37. During the main sequence stage, how is energy generated in a star’s core?
a. Hydrogen fuses into helium.
c. Helium fuses into hydrogen.
b. Carbon fuses into hydrogen.
d. Carbon fuses into oxygen.
____ 38. How long would a star with the sun’s mass stay on the main sequence?
a. a million years
c. 10 trillion years
b. a billion years
d. 10 billion years
____ 39. After its temperature rises to 10,000,000°C, a protostar becomes a star when
a. nuclear fusion ends.
c. nuclear fission begins.
b. nuclear fusion begins.
d. nuclear fission ends.
____ 40. A large, bright star whose hot core has used most of its hydrogen is a
a. nova.
c. giant.
b. supernova.
d. pulsar.
____ 41. What are binary stars?
a. stars like the sun and Earth
b. pairs of stars held motionless by gravity
c. pairs of revolving stars held together by gravity
d. stars with two poles
____ 42. What is a galaxy?
a. stars, dust, and gas bound together by gravity
b. debris, dirt, and trash bound together by gravity
c. air, gas, and rock in the universe
d. planets, moons, and stars bound together by magnetism
____ 43. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
a. elliptical
b. spherical
____ 44. What does the energy emitted by a quasar suggest?
a. that the quasar is in the next galaxy
c. the presence of main sequence stars
b. the presence of a giant black hole
d. supergiants and white dwarfs
____ 45. What is a quasar?
a. quasi-stellar radio source
b. quad-stellar radiation source
quasi-super reality source
quasi-sterile rally source
____ 46. What is a light-year?
a. the distance light travels in a year
b. the speed of light in a year
the time it takes to travel to a star
the distance to the sun
____ 47. Many astronomers believe that black dwarfs
a. are hotter than white dwarfs.
b. are more dense than white dwarfs.
are more massive than white dwarfs.
do not exist.
Name: ________________________
____ 48. What color are the hottest stars?
a. red
b. yellow
____ 49. What makes up most of the universe?
a. known elements
b. black holes
dark energy and dark matter
the dark force
____ 50. By analyzing the light that a star emits, astronomers can determine
a. the motion of a star.
b. the composition and temperature of a star.
c. the size and weight of a star.
d. the galaxy that the star belongs to.
____ 51. Circumpolar stars in the Northern Hemisphere appear to circle
a. the moon.
c. Proxima Centauri.
b. the sun.
d. Polaris.
____ 52. Objects, such a stars, moving toward an observer
a. do not display a color shift.
b. display a blue shift.
c. display a red shift.
d. display an unpredictable color shirt.
____ 53. What is apparent magnitude?
a. the brightness of a star as it appears from Earth
b. the true brightness of a star
c. the brightness of the moon as it appears from Earth
d. the numerical size of a star
____ 54. What is absolute magnitude?
a. the brightness of the moon as it appears from Earth
b. the brightness of a star as it appears from Earth
c. the true brightness of a star
d. the numerical size of a star
____ 55. What is important about Hubble’s discovery that there is a red shift in the spectra of galaxies?
a. It suggests that the universe is expanding.
b. It suggests that the universe is contracting.
c. It proves the big bang theory.
d. It suggests the existence of black holes.
____ 56. What are constellations?
a. recognizable groups of galaxies and the regions of space surrounding them
b. apparently fixed, recognizable patterns of stars and the regions of space around them
c. patterns of stars and galaxies that can be identified with color spectra
d. groups of stars that can only be distinguished with special equipment
____ 57. The observed change in the frequency of a wave when either the source or observer is moving is known as
a. parallax.
c. Doppler shift.
b. absorption spectra.
d. apparent magnitude.
Name: ________________________
____ 58. How do stars with a negative number for their apparent magnitudes compare to stars with a positive number
for their apparent magnitudes?
a. They appear brighter in the sky.
b. They appear dimmer in the sky.
c. They are older than other stars in the sky.
d. They are reddish in color.
____ 59. What can parallax be used to calculate?
a. the composition off stars based on the spectra of their starlight
b. the temperature on the surface of a star within 1,000 light-years of Earth
c. the distance to a star within 1,000 light-years of Earth
d. the distance to stars that are extremely far away
____ 60. The surface temperature of star is plotted against the star’s luminosity on the
a. Doppler effect.
c. cosmic background radiation map.
b. parallax graph.
d. H-R diagram.
____ 61. What is an irregular galaxy?
a. a galaxy with no particular shape
b. a galaxy shaped like a stretched-out football
c. a galaxy that has vast areas without stars
d. a galaxy that has high mass and is rich in dust and gas
____ 62. An elliptical galaxy
a. contains few old stars, is rich in dust and gas, and is elongated.
b. contains few old stars, has little dust and gas, and is elongated.
c. contains few young stars, has little dust and gas, and is elongated.
d. contains few young stars, is rich in dust and gas, and is elongated.
____ 63. A spiral galaxy has a nucleus of
a. dim stars, and spiral arms consisting of billions of young stars.
b. bright stars, and spiral arms consisting of billions of young stars.
c. bright stars, and spiral arms consisting of billions of old stars.
d. dim stars, and spiral arms consisting of billions of old stars.
____ 64. When the outward force due fusion and radiation balances with the inward force of gravity a star is said to be
a. parallax.
c. a nova.
b. stasis.
d. equilibrium.
____ 65. Approximately how many kilometers are there in a light-year?
a. 9.46 billion
c. 94.6 billion
b. 9.46 million
d. 9.46 trillion
____ 66. What did Hubble discover in the 1920s?
a. red shift in spectra of galaxies
b. blue shift in spectra of galaxies
the existence of black holes
the existence of giant stars
____ 67. Astronomers believe that cosmic background radiation formed
a. about a billion years ago.
c. more that a trillion years ago.
b. shortly after the big bang.
d. shortly before the big bang.
Name: ________________________
____ 68. The big bang occurred about
a. a billion years ago.
b. 14 million years ago.
5 billion years ago.
14 billion years ago.
____ 69. The temperature of cosmic background radiation is
a. almost absolute zero.
c. about 270° C.
b. above 3,000° C.
d. about 0° C.
____ 70. A rapidly spinning neutron star that emits bursts of radio and optical energy is a
a. supernova.
c. black hole.
b. red giant.
d. pulsar.
____ 71. The early oceans became salty when
a. dissolved solids were carried from land into the oceans.
b. salt dropped from the atmosphere into the oceans.
c. sea creatures left salty deposits in their remains.
d. the heavy atmosphere did not allow salt particles to dissipate.
____ 72. About 99% of all matter contained in the solar nebula now exists in
a. planets.
c. asteroids.
b. space.
d. the sun.
____ 73. Which of the following planets do scientists NOT consider a major planet?
a. Saturn
c. Pluto
b. Mercury
d. Neptune
____ 74. Small bodies that orbit planets are called
a. comets.
b. moons.
____ 75. When early Earth’s atmosphere formed, which of the following gases were lost because Earth’s gravity was
too weak?
a. oxygen and helium
c. helium and nitrogen
b. hydrogen and ozone
d. helium and hydrogen
____ 76. Who believed that planets moved in epicycles as they revolved in larger circles around Earth?
a. Aristotle
c. Newton
b. Ptolemy
d. Copernicus
____ 77. The relationship between the average distance of a planet from the sun and the planet’s orbital period is
described by the
a. law of equal areas.
c. law of ellipses.
b. law of motion.
d. law of periods.
____ 78. Who proposed a heliocentric model of the universe, in which the planets revolve at different speeds around
the sun?
a. Galileo
c. Copernicus
b. Kepler
d. Newton
____ 79. Which of the following laws describes the speed at which objects travel at different points in their orbits?
a. law of equal areas
c. law of eccentricity
b. law of ellipses
d. law of periods
Name: ________________________
____ 80. The law that describes how a planet orbits the sun is called the
a. law of orbital periods.
c. law of ellipses.
b. law of equal areas.
d. law of periods.
____ 81. Which of the following is NOT true of all the inner planets?
a. They are made of solid rock.
c. They do not have rings.
b. They are called gas giants.
d. They have impact craters.
____ 82. Mars’s volcanoes are larger than those of Earth because Mars
a. is so close to the sun.
c. has a thicker lava flow.
b. is a much older planet.
d. has no moving tectonic plates.
____ 83. Impact craters are caused by
a. solar bursts.
b. atmospheric changes.
exploding volcanoes.
collisions with objects in space.
____ 84. Which of the following planets experiences a runaway greenhouse effect?
a. Venus
c. Mars
b. Pluto
d. Earth
____ 85. The factors that contribute to Mercury’s daily temperature fluctuation of about 600°C are the planet’s slow
rotation and
a. its close proximity to the sun.
b. its dense atmosphere.
c. its heavy, rocky, waterless terrain.
d. the absence of an ozone layer to regulate temperature.
____ 86. Which of the following is NOT true of the planet Pluto?
a. It has methane icecaps.
c. It is not a gas giant.
b. It orbits the sun in an ellipse.
d. It is a large planet.
____ 87. A region of the solar system just beyond Neptune’s orbit, which contains small bodies made mostly of ice, is
a. the Kuiper belt.
c. an asteroid belt.
b. the outer atmosphere.
d. Quasar.
____ 88. Which of the following planets is similar to Uranus in terms of its size and mass?
a. Pluto
c. Saturn
b. Neptune
d. Jupiter
____ 89. Neptune’s Great Dark Spot is a(n)
a. giant canyon.
b. giant storm.
vast ocean.
area that never faces the sun.
____ 90. The least dense planet in the solar system is
a. Jupiter.
b. Neptune.
____ 91. The right combination of temperature, water, and oxygen
a. affects Neptune’s orbit.
c. supports life on Earth.
b. causes gas giants to form.
d. results in storms on Jupiter.
Name: ________________________
____ 92. Kepler’s first law states that planets orbit the sun in paths called
a. ellipses.
c. epicycles.
b. circles.
d. periods.
____ 93. Young Earth formed a core, mantle, and crust in a process called
a. layering.
c. dispersion.
b. settling.
d. differentiation.
____ 94. Early fresh water oceans became salty when
a. rainwater carried dissolved solid rock to the oceans.
b. coral reefs created a salty ocean bottom.
c. salt particles fell from the atmosphere into the oceans.
d. floods carried salty soil to the deltas and then into the oceans.
____ 95. The two inner planets most alike in size, mass, and density are
a. Mercury and Venus.
c. Venus and Earth.
b. Earth and Mars.
d. Mars and Mercury.
____ 96. Kepler’s third law describes the relationship between the average distance of a planet from the sun and the
a. orbital period.
c. gravitational pull.
b. average temperature.
d. inertia.
____ 97. Which planet has volcanic regions that may still be active?
a. Mercury
c. Saturn
b. Pluto
d. Mars
____ 98. Kepler’s second law states that equal areas are covered in equal amounts of time as an object
a. spins on its axis.
c. orbits the sun.
b. travels one light year.
d. completes an eclipse.
____ 99. Which of the following planets has the most complex ring system?
a. Neptune
c. Uranus
b. Jupiter
d. Saturn
____ 100. The early atmosphere developed when many volcanic eruptions released large amounts of gases in a process
a. lava flow.
c. combustion.
b. outgassing.
d. ozone.
____ 101. Which of the following planets has seasons like Earth’s because its axis tilts at an almost identical angle?
a. Mercury
c. Pluto
b. Venus
d. Mars
____ 102. Which of the following separates the outer planets from the inner planets?
a. the asteroid belt
c. the Kuiper belt
b. the Great Red Spot
d. a large magnetic field
____ 103. A rotating cloud of gas and dust from which Earth’s solar system formed is called a(n)
a. solar nebula.
c. solar eclipse.
b. supernova.
d. astronomical explosion.
Name: ________________________
____ 104. When the solar system formed, smaller bodies joined together through collision and the force of gravity to
form larger bodies called
a. moons.
c. planetesimals.
b. protoplanets.
d. planets.
____ 105. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is a
a. vast canyon.
b. raging storm.
frozen ocean.
massive volcano.
____ 106. The majority of Jupiter is made up of
a. nitrogen and oxygen.
b. rock and water.
helium and oxygen.
hydrogen and helium.
____ 107. Uranus’s axis
a. moves in a predictable manner.
b. is perpendicular to its plane of orbit.
is almost parallel to its plane of orbit.
flips once per orbit around the sun.
____ 108. Around the core of Earth is an iron- and magnesium-rich rock layer called the
a. atmosphere.
c. crust.
b. mantle.
d. magma.
____ 109. When fast-moving planets pass slow-moving planets in their orbits, why does it appear as though planets that
orbit more slowly than Earth are moving backward?
a. because of retrograde motion
c. because of retraction
b. because of reverse activity
d. because of reflective movement
____ 110. Planets that circle stars other than Earth’s sun are called
a. nebulas.
c. planetesimals.
b. moons.
d. exoplanets.
____ 111. The asteroid belt can be found between which two planets?
a. Earth and Mars
c. Mars and Jupiter
b. Jupiter and Saturn
d. Saturn and Uranus
____ 112. Small bodies from which planets originated during the early formation of the solar system are called
a. comets.
c. asteroids.
b. planetesimals.
d. protoplanets.
____ 113. The sun converts matter into energy in the
a. corona.
b. convective zone.
radiative zone.
____ 114. Most of the sun’s energy is a result of
a. nuclear fusion.
b. nuclear fission.
atomic reactions.
coronal mass ejection.
____ 115. When hydrogen nuclei fuse into helium nuclei
a. the nuclei die.
b. energy is released.
particles collide.
particles neutralize.
Name: ________________________
____ 116. In the sun’s radiative zone, energy moves
a. by convection.
b. by radiation.
by solar wind.
by solar ejection.
____ 117. The magnetic field of the sun’s corona
a. stops some subatomic particles.
b. stops all subatomic particles.
cannot stop any subatomic particles.
causes Earth to be polarized.
____ 118. Auroras are frequently seen
a. near the equator.
b. after solar flares.
before a sunspot cycle.
every 11 years.
____ 119. What temperature can a solar flare reach?
a. 15,000,000°C
b. 1,000,000°C
____ 120. Which of the following is NOT a solar ejection?
a. solar flare
b. coronal mass ejection
____ 121. Sunspots vary in a cycle that lasts about
a. 100,000 years.
b. 1,100 years.
110 years.
11 years.
____ 122. Strong magnetic fields on regions of the sun lead to sunspots because
a. convection slows and energy decreases.
b. convection increases and energy increases.
c. radiation slows and energy decreases.
d. radiation increases and energy increases.
____ 123. In the equation E=mc2, the letter c represents
a. the energy that is produced.
b. the mass that is converted.
the speed of light.
the distance to Earth from the sun.
____ 124. What is the hottest layer of the sun’s atmosphere called?
a. convective zone
c. radiative zone
b. corona
d. photosphere
____ 125. Energy produced in the sun’s core is the result of
a. nuclear division.
b. nuclear fission.
nuclear fusion.
nuclear fissure.
____ 126. The temperature of the sun’s core is approximately
a. 15,000,000°C.
c. 4,000°C.
b. 20,000,000°C.
d. 150,000°C.
____ 127. How do sunspots form?
a. Magnetic fields increase energy transfer in the convective zone.
b. Magnetic fields reduce energy transfer in the convective zone.
c. The radiative zone reduces energy transfer to the core.
d. The core shuts down and reduces energy transfer.
Name: ________________________
____ 128. What elements make up most of the sun’s mass?
a. carbon and oxygen
b. carbon and hydrogen
helium and nitrogen
hydrogen and helium
____ 129. Which of the following are part of the sun’s atmosphere?
a. nucleus and core
c. photosphere and chromosphere
b. radiative zone and convective zone
d. aurora and borealis
____ 130. Particles thrown off the sun’s corona that can affect Earth’s magnetic field are called
a. a coronal mass injection.
c. nuclear fusion.
b. a coronal mass ejection.
d. a sunspot.
____ 131. During nuclear fusion in the sun, which of the following occurs?
a. Atomic nuclei split apart.
b. The aurora australis appears.
c. Hydrogen nuclei combine to produce a helium nucleus.
d. A solar eclipse results.
____ 132. Einstein’s equation E = mc2 helps scientists understand the sun’s energy because the equation
a. describes nuclear fission.
b. explains how mass can be converted into huge amounts of energy.
c. describes solar flares.
d. explains a star’s specific wavelengths of light.
____ 133. Scientists break up the sun’s light into a spectrum using a device called a
a. corona.
c. positron.
b. spectrograph.
d. chromograph.
____ 134. How does the sun’s radiative zone compare with the convective zone?
a. The convective zone is hotter and closer to the sun’s core.
b. The radiative zone is cooler and closer to the sun’s core.
c. The convective zone is cooler and closer to the sun’s core.
d. The radiative zone is hotter and closer to the sun’s core.
____ 135. What is a prominence on the sun?
a. a part of the sun’s corona, a cloud of colored gas
b. a disturbance in the sun’s atmosphere; an arched, glowing cloud of gas
c. a part of the convective zone, a cool area with powerful magnetic fields
d. a magnetic disruption in the sun’s photosphere
____ 136. Which of the following are all part of the sun’s atmosphere?
a. photosphere, aurora, corona
c. photosphere, corona, chromosphere
b. chromosphere, aurora, photosphere
d. convective zone, photosphere, corona
____ 137. During fusion, a type of subatomic particle is given off called a(n)
a. atom.
c. neutrino.
b. nuclei.
d. prominence.
Name: ________________________
____ 138. One of the final products of the fusion of two hydrogen nuclei in the sun is always
a. a helium nucleus.
b. a more-massive hydrogen nucleus.
c. hydrogen protons.
d. two nuclei made up of two neutrons and one proton.
____ 139. Sudden disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field are called
a. geomagnetic storms.
c. prominences.
b. sunspots.
d. solar-activity cycles.
____ 140. What are northern lights?
a. coronas
b. prominences
solar flares
____ 141. Magnetic fields on the sun are produced by the sun’s uneven rotation and
a. the movement of sunspots on the sun’s surface.
b. the movement of gases in the corona.
c. gases in the convective zone.
d. gases in the radiation zone.
____ 142. Auroras form when charged particles from solar wind
a. react with particles in Earth’s atmosphere.
b. magnetize the Earth’s poles.
c. react with particles in Earth’s hydrosphere.
d. magnetize the sun’s atmosphere.
____ 143. A telescope that uses a set of lenses to gather and focus light from distant objects is a
a. reflecting telescope.
c. radio telescope.
b. refracting telescope.
d. space telescope.
____ 144. The universe began about
a. 10 million years ago.
b. 1 billion years ago.
____ 145. Which of the following has a visible wavelength?
a. an infrared wave
b. an X ray
14 billion years ago.
50 billion years ago.
a gamma ray
a violet wave
____ 146. Telescopes have been sent to space because ground-based telescopes
a. cannot detect invisible electromagnetic radiation.
b. cannot investigate stars.
c. experience interference from Earth’s atmosphere.
d. do not work in dry air.
____ 147. Which is NOT part of our solar system?
a. the sun
b. the Milky Way
comets and asteroids
____ 148. A constellation’s change in position over several hours is caused by
a. Earth’s revolution around the sun.
c. Earth’s rotation on its axis.
b. the tilt of Earth’s axis.
d. the movement of stars.
Name: ________________________
____ 149. The Northern Hemisphere has the most hours of daylight at the
a. vernal equinox.
c. winter solstice.
b. autumnal equinox.
d. summer solstice.
____ 150. The event which began the universe was the
a. Milky Way.
b. black hole.
big bang.
electromagnetic spectrum.