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The Explorer Quotient
Welcome to the EQ Worksheets.
Let’s bring EQ home to your business.
Specially developed with the small- to medium-sized business
in mind, the EQ Worksheets are part of the Canadian Tourism
Commission’s EQ Getting Started Toolkit and the EQ Toolkit
for Small and Medium Enterprise.
© 2009 Canadian Tourism Commission. All rights reserved.
This powerful, flexible business
intelligence can be used on its own,
or to augment what you already know
about your customers. EQ transforms
tables full of abstract demographic data
into understandable, true-to-life portraits
of your best customers—with highly
actionable insights of how to better serve
their needs.
This EQ tool is designed to assist you
in making some choices about which
Explorer Types will suit your business and
product mix. It prepares you to effectively
use the other tools like the EQ Asset
Development Guide to help you get the
most from the EQ research.
In total, this component comprises a
number of worksheets—one for each of
the best-prospect Explorer Types that the
CTC focuses on in each of its markets.
You get a one-page summary of the
research on that Explorer Type, including
quick demographic facts, social and
travel values, as well as travel behaviours.
There’s also a brief description of the kinds
of experiences the Explorer Types prefer,
plus some practical examples of how small
businesses can enhance their offerings
and marketing strategies to really get each
explorer’s attention.
Time to get started. You already know a lot
about your customers, so let’s start there.
Try this simple method to identify your target Explorer
Next, think about the future. Which Explorer Types do you
Now that you’ve zeroed in on your best Explorers, you are
Types: identify your primary markets, then go to the
think have potential to buy your experience in the next five
ready to use some of the other tools in the EQ Toolkit for
worksheets for those countries and review the Explorer
years? Repeat the same process, only write in these future
Small and Medium Enterprise:
Types. In the chart below, write the name of those Explorer
Explorer Types with a different colour of ink so you can see
Types that you think are currently using your product next
at a glance who’s your customer today and who could be
to your primary markets. In the case of Canada and US,
your customer tomorrow.
perfect experiences and itineraries to give explorers
exactly what they’re looking for.
be sure to track those Explorer Types that prefer short-haul
versus long-haul travel.
The Visitor Experience Guide helps you shape the
The Asset Development Guide takes you through the
process of finding out which explorers are the strongest
prospects for your business. The guide also outlines
Canada Short Haul
the best writing and photographic styles for each
explorer so you can tailor your brochures, website and
Canada Long Haul
other promotional materials to best attract your target
US Short Haul
The CTC’s digital library contains high-quality, rights-free
US Long Haul
images and video for use by our partners from coast to
Type, allowing you to search for photos that will speak
South Korea
coast. These images and videos are tagged by Explorer
the most clearly to your target travellers.
Free Spirits 12%
Social Samplers 11%
Free Spirits 12%
Personal History Explorers 14%
Cultural History Buffs 16%
Cultural Explorers 16%
Personal History Explorers 13%
Free Spirits 10%
Authentic Experiencers 12%
Ostentatious Travellers 10%
Cultural Explorers 13%
Authentic Experiencers 12%
Free Spirits 11%
Cultural History Buffs 12%
No-Hassle Travellers 13%
South Korea
Free Spirits 11%
Free Spirits 9%
Personal History Explorers 10%
Social Samplers 11%
Cultural History Buffs 16%
Cultural History Buffs 13%
Personal History Explorers 10%
Free Spirits 9%
Cultural Explorers 17%
Cultural History Buffs 9%
Free Spirits 11%
Cultural Explorers 14%
Authentic Experiencers 14%
Authentic Experiencers 12%
Cultural Explorers 13%
Free Spirits 11%
Authentic Experiencers 12%
Cultural Explorers 13%
Free Spirits 11%
Free Spirits 12%
Travel Values
Live for travel and like to plan the next trip as
Optimistic Individuals
soon as they finish their most recent one.
Confident about getting ahead in life and feel in
Like to be pampered while on vacation and
Untraditional Views
and shopping available.
Believe women are the superior gender in society;
Want the experiences and amenities that most
Like to do things that are unique and
spontaneous, that other travellers wouldn’t
dream of doing.
FT office/retail/service
6 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Gender Identity.
Citizens of the World
Don’t disregard what’s happening in other
countries and believe other cultures have a lot
to teach us.
Enjoy Shopping, Advertising
High Joy of Consumption and Ostentatious
Consumption make them label-conscious
necessarily feel safer travelling with other
booked their hotels for them.
Young singles, some alternative
sexual orientation
also believe in Flexible Families and Flexible
Have low security concerns, so they don’t
people or a guide, nor when a tour operator has
Household Income Highest
Have no issues adjusting to unfamiliar locations,
foods, people, and languages.
control of their financial future.
have all the food, drink, massage, romance,
others would consider to be luxuries.
Social Values
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
Marketing Tips
As with many Australians, these travellers use the
Australian Free Spirits? They are looking for luxury
internet as their tool of choice for travel research and
experiences, lots of entertainment, and a chance to
booking. Your website is the gateway to your business,
More likely to have travelled recently; prefer to visit
escape the daily grind—they’re more into spas than
so make sure that its content stresses your Free Spirit
new places on vacation.
nature and outdoor experiences.
product strengths, and that the copy uses simple
Mode of travel
little luxury touches that make them feel special without
messaging that engages their senses, stressing social
values like ostentatious consumption, the value of
women, and their total control over their personal and
accessible business centre will earn their appreciation.
entertainment experiences, luxury resorts, spas/
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Canadian hospitality, Canadian winter, combining
Train your staff to be ready to direct them to the best
business with pleasure, shopping.
local attractions, landmarks, great restaurants, and
nightlife. Also, help Free Spirits access transportation
options that allow them to be spontaneous and pack in
lots of different experiences—bike and scooter rentals,
taxi or limousine services, or shuttles.
7 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
local landmarks or vibrant city scenes full of life. Use
wireless internet connections and a well-equipped and
historical/cultural attractions, rivers/waterfalls,
Guided group tours, parks/heritage sites.
or relaxing, against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes,
Check your business amenities. These Free Spirits
to combine business with pleasure. Free in-room
Local flavours, local lifestyles, beautiful landscapes,
Help them visualize themselves using your product.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people having fun
make frequent use of the internet and are more likely
Most interested in
Less interested in
breaking your bank.
Most likely to travel within Asia-Pacific region;
wellness, unique attractions, learning/exploring,
scenery, luxury, etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
spa packages that combine pampering and relaxation or
Most likely to fly.
very likely to come to Canada in the future.
language and keywords (pampering, spa, beautiful
Enhance your spa and wellness offer. Add value-packed
financial futures.
Make them aware of your product price in Australian
dollars—it will help them understand the value of the
product relative to their own, often stronger, currency.
Social Samplers 11%
Travel Values
Feel time is limited and like to focus on the
Enjoy Risk-Taking
“must-see” attractions.
High Personal Challenge and Penchant for Risk
Love to read books and watch shows that
inspire them for their next adventure.
Feel more comfortable travelling in groups and
like to have someone to talk to at the end of
the day.
Prefer to visit sites of historical significance,
learn the local language, and experience what
it’s like to live as the locals do.
Household Income Low
Empty nesters, live on their own
8 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Want to experience what it would have been like
to live like their ancestors.
Social Values
means they have a better chance of getting
ahead in life.
Competitive Individuals
High Social Individuality means these travellers
like competition and believe it brings out the
best in people.
Untraditional Views
Believe women are the superior gender in society;
also believe in the idea of Flexible Families and
Flexible Gender Identity.
Enjoy Multiculturalism
As comfortable travelling as they are at home;
Open to different cultures and believe they have
enjoy experiencing the local cuisine.
a great deal to teach us.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
Marketing Tips
Like many Australian travellers, Social Samplers use
Australian Social Samplers? This market segment is
the internet for general travel searching. Maximize the
people-oriented with an affinity for guided group tours.
use of keywords throughout your website that reflect
Travel regularly and like to get away for more than
They are more interested in nature and culture and less
their travel and social values to ensure that the search
two weeks at a time.
interested in luxury or being active outdoors.
engines will list you prominently. Be sure to refer to
Group travel
Train your staff to put an emphasis on friendliness and
flavours, guided group tours, unique attractions,
to be ready to give advice on interesting local touring
parks/heritage sites, learning/exploring,
choices when approached.
Less interested in
Self-touring, golf, combining business
with pleasure.
9 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
groups socializing and having fun against a backdrop
of beautiful landscapes or local historical and
cultural landmarks.
at the end of the day to share experiences.
Beautiful landscapes, rivers/waterfalls, local
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people in
Build in lots of opportunities for socializing—like
places where the locals go), or getting travellers together
Most interested in
stopping in for a “cuppa” tea or coffee (particularly in
most likely to visit Canada in the future.
lifestyles, historical/cultural attractions, local
or region.
and focus on nature sightseeing and the “must-see”
Most likely to travel in an organized group.
More likely to travel to North America and Europe;
books and travel shows that feature your product
If you have a touring product, keep the pace relaxed
Use friendly messaging that stresses their travel and
social values, like individuality, the value of women,
and the sampling of culture.
Cultural Explorers 16%
Travel Values
Like to learn the local language, leave the
Live Life to the Fullest
beaten path, and explore places where most
Like to appreciate the good things in life.
tourists won’t go.
Strive for Gender Parity in the workplace; also
destination beforehand, while not being satisfied
believe in the idea of Flexible Families and Flexible
with just observing.
Gender Identity.
Live for travel and are always on the lookout
Accepting of Diverse Cultures
for information about where to travel next.
See the benefits that a mix of different cultures has
Instead of having a set itinerary, they
unfold spontaneously.
Have low security concerns, so they don’t
necessarily feel safer travelling with other
people or a guide, nor when a tour operator
has booked their hotels for them.
Professionals, some retired
Household Income High
10 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
offer, and they understand why travellers
budget accommodations.
Do not want the very best there is on
would want to stay at hostels or other
Empty nesters
Untraditional Views
Like to research the history of their chosen
prefer to go with the flow and let things
Social Values
on the community, and believe we can learn a lot
from these cultures.
Dislike Shopping
Low Joy of Consumption, while not consciously
seeking out brand name products.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
Marketing Tips
The internet is a tool of choice for travel research and
Australian Cultural Explorers? They are interested
booking. Your website is the gateway to your business,
in cultural products, particularly Aboriginal culture
so make sure that its content stresses your Cultural
Travel as much as possible, and for longer periods
and local lifestyles. Nature is a strong secondary
Explorer product strengths—and that it is written with
of time (more than two weeks at a time).
interest, with softer activities such as hiking preferred.
simple language and keywords (Canadian culture/
Accommodations that allow them to become immersed
history/lifestyles, Aboriginal, learning, unspoiled nature,
in the local culture are preferable.
hiking) that are friendly to search engines.
Group travel
Least likely to travel in an organized group.
Most likely to travel to North America and Western
Europe; very keen on visiting Canada in the future.
Enhance your emphasis on culture or history.
cultural clothing product line to its offer by partnering
and enjoying cultural or historical attractions.
with a Canadian Aboriginal designer. Or, combine
forces with an Aboriginal tourism business; Aboriginal
Local lifestyles, beautiful landscapes, local
Tourism Canada’s website lists a number of
flavours, rivers/waterfalls, historical/cultural
outstanding examples.
unique attractions, learning/exploring, parks/
pamphlets on local flora and fauna or history, maps,
outdoor adventure.
Less interested in
Guided group tours, luxury resorts, entertainment
experiences, spa/wellness, golf, major sporting
events, shopping.
Cultural Explorers love to combine learning with being
active in nature. Put resource materials (like books or
heritage sites, local flavours, self-touring,
etc.) at their disposal, for free or for purchase.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Orient your staff to local history and culture so that
they can give visitors tips on local cultural hotspots or
out of the way places only the locals know about. Help
your visitors access transportation options that allow
them to be spontaneous and pack in lots of different
experiences—bike and scooter rentals, taxi or limousine
services, or shuttles.
11 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people admiring
Most interested in
attractions, Aboriginal culture, hiking/trekking,
For example, a country inn could add an authentic
Use messaging that engages their senses, stressing
social values like the good things in life, the importance
of women, and learning from different cultures.
Make them aware of your product price in Australian
dollars—it will help them understand the value of the
product relative to their own, often stronger, currency.
Personal History Explorers 13%
Travel Values
Want to experience what it would have been
Risk Averse
like to live like their ancestors. They’re more
Low Penchant for Risk and don’t tend to adapt
interested in this than experiencing the culture
easily to the uncertainties of modern life.
as it exists today.
Like to carry out their duties and obligations
ancestors and then travel to places where they
to others before doing things for themselves.
Retired, some professionals
12 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
want immigrants to hold onto their language and
Like to keep lists to make sure they see
traditional customs.
everything they planned to see; they tend
Low Confidence in Small Business
to feel the trip is unsuccessful if they don’t
Are not willing to invest in small businesses
“check everything off.”
and don’t enjoy shopping for new products.
Don’t tend to travel in order to get a break
Don’t tend to indulge and pamper themselves
in a way they can’t back home.
Empty nesters
Don’t believe there is too much immigration and
significance over other tourist attractions.
responsibilities of home for a while.
Household Income Low
Accepting of Diverse Cultures
More interested in visiting sites of historical
from the real world, or to forget about the
Duties First
For their favourite hobbies, they like to research
can learn more about them.
Social Values
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
Marketing Tips
Family members who are Canadian residents will exert a
Australian Personal History Explorers? They are
major influence on whether the Personal History Explorer
interested in cultural and historical products that give
will visit your region. Consider incentives that draw in the
More likely to have travelled recently; like to get
them insights into their roots. Luxury isn’t high on their
local resident—he or she will be influential in choosing
away for more than 2 weeks at a time.
list, and they are part of the large number of Australians
where to go and what to do.
who come to Canada to visit and stay with friends
and relatives.
Most likely to stay with family.
As with many Australians, these travellers use the
internet as the tool of choice for travel research and
Enhance your emphasis on history or culture. For
booking. Your website is the gateway to your business,
example, if you run an attraction, consider working with
so make sure that its content stresses your Personal
a local genealogy society or museum to add interpretive
History Explorer product strengths—and that it is written
materials or tours that encourage exploration and
with simple language and keywords (Canadian history/
Most interested in
discovery around local history. A restaurant could add
culture/lifestyles, learning, unspoiled nature, hiking) that
Local lifestyles, beautiful landscapes, rivers/
framed archival photographs to its walls and feature
are friendly to search engines.
waterfalls, local flavours, historical/cultural
local cuisine on its menu.
Among those most likely to have visited Canada
as part of their most recent trip.
attractions, self-touring, unique attractions, parks/
heritage sites, learning/exploring, local flavours.
and discover destinations in their own way. Provide
and enjoying cultural or historical attractions.
them with the tools they need, like maps, checklists,
Entertainment experiences, luxury resorts, spas/
resource materials, and suggestions for renting or hiring
wellness, skiing/snowboarding, major sports
transportation, including discovering local transit.
peaceful environments.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Orient your staff to local history and culture so that
they can give visitors tips on local historical landmarks
or out-of-the-way places that only the locals know the
history about.
13 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people admiring
Less interested in
events, combining business with pleasure,
Personal History Explorers want to blaze their own trails
Use messaging that engages their senses, stressing
social values like doing things for others, diverse
cultures, and the value of immigration.
Authentic Experiencers 12%
Travel Values
Want to see vast natural settings and wonders
Control Seekers
around the globe, but they’ll also take in local
With a high degree of Personal Control, these
park scenery.
travellers Reject Authority and live according to
Like to integrate into the local culture, eat
converse with locals, and explore areas ignored
Interested in Cultural Sampling and with a Need
by tourists.
for Spontaneity, this type is always on the move.
Seek to learn all that they can about the cultures
they visit in advance of their trips.
Although affluent, these travellers prefer
Abhor commercial comforts of Western hotels,
Not overwhelmed by travel—on a life-long
journey of learning. Travel is not about escape
but personal development.
Highest post-grad
Household Income Highest retired,
highest professional
Empty nesters
14 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
their own rules.
authentic foods, learn the language to
seeking to live as authentically as the locals do.
Social Values
understated and ethical consumption.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
relative to staying in Canada. Orient your staff to provide
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a match
tips on areas to explore where tourists don’t usually go
to the interests of Canadian Authentic Experiencers? In
addition to Canada’s prime motivator—nature—they will
Longest vacations of all, preferring a week or more
search out good quality local cuisine and chances to
for vacations. Sometimes ties pleasure travel in
mingle with fellow Canadians in unique locations. They
with business.
like to keep physically active when vacationing, although
Adventure travel
Most likely to travel for specific adventures, or to
learn/explore something new.
More likely to fly to distant destinations.
(and only the locals know about).
Marketing Tips
as a primary tool for travel research and booking. Your
(mountain climbing being a notable exception). They
website is the gateway to your business, so make sure
look for authenticity in accommodations and, unlike their
that its content stresses your Authentic Experiencer
American counterparts, are open to camping.
product strengths—and that it is written with simple
language and keywords (e.g. authentic culture/history/
Enhance opportunities for sampling and learning
lifestyles, learning, unspoiled nature, fly-drive) that are
about local culture and, in doing so, differentiate your
product. For example, combine forces with a restaurant
Outdoor adventures, local lifestyles and flavours,
known to focus on local foods and offer the “100-mile”
beautiful landscapes, wildlife, historical/cultural
culinary experience, with a market trip and cooking with
attractions and landmarks, learning/exploring, self-
local personalities.
interests, and classical performing arts.
As with many Canadians, this type uses the internet
they have less interest in strenuous outdoor activities
Most interested in
touring, resorts and accommodations tied to their
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions
friendly to search engines. Authentic Experiencers
also rely on travel guides, magazines, and books for
travel research.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people connecting
Authentic Experiencers like to keep active. What are
with the place, enjoying themselves, eating authentic
some of the outdoor activities in your area they could
foods, conversing with locals, and exploring “off the
Less interested in
be doing? Package these up and tie them in with
Travel related to sports tournaments (participatory
opportunities to see local sights and absorb the local
and spectator), festivals and events, RV camping,
history. Then finish with a little bit of luxury (e.g. spa)
powered outdoor adventures (e.g. ATVs
or cultural event. This approach will attract both the
address their need for ethical consumption by talking
and snowmobiles).
short-haul market using your product for a getaway,
about any sustainability programs you have.
and the longer-haul traveller as part of a multi-point trip
or week-long vacation that offers a variety of related
events or activities.
Use messaging that addresses their values. For example,
Take advantage of value messages around domestic
travel, such as currency. Given that Canadians may be
looking for options closer to home, be sure your product
Work with event- and incentive-travel planners who are
is well presented to both short-haul and long-haul
focused on the Canadian market to offer pre- and post-
visitors. Have a getaway-style product available with
meeting packages or retreats themed around personal
further options designed for a long-haul guests coming
development or local culture, especially in beautiful
for a longer stay. The further they travel, the more they
scenic settings. If your product is near or within a major
will want to see and do.
urban centre, work with the planners to have your
15 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
beaten path.”
product included in their meeting programs.
Cultural Explorers 13%
Travel Values
Always excited about the next trip.
Fascinated by the ancient history as well as
the modern cultures of the places they visit.
Travel is a journey, not the destination, and is
best experienced with like-minded companions
who want to have fun while learning.
Household Income Middle-high
16 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Believe in modern notions of Family, Gender, and
Heterarchy. Deep interest in Cultural Sampling
Seek an authentic experience, and don’t want
Energetic Creativity
to stay in sterile, commercial hotels.
Their quests are driven by Vitality and
While cautious, these travellers are not afraid
their own courses.
High FT, professional/office
of a situation.
“tourist” schedules or destinations, but will chart
travellers easily figure out how to make the most
and Fusion.
discovery. They will not be constrained to
Risk-taking, with an Adaptive Navigation, these
Feel relaxed and free while traveling.
to venture into the unknown in pursuit of
Personal Challenge
Social Values
Spontaneity, along with a Need for Uniqueness
and Personal Creativity.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
Marketing Tips
The internet is a prime tool for travel research and
Canadian Cultural Explorers? In addition to Canada’s
booking, and particularly so with Cultural Explorers.
unparalleled natural experience, they love to become
Make sure your website’s content stresses the cultural
Take the most vacations; trips of all durations,
totally immersed in local culture, colours, and flavours
strengths of your product—and that it is written with
but especially weekend escapes.
while on holiday. Aside from walking and hiking, they
simple language and keywords (e.g. Canadian culture/
have little interest in outdoor activities. While similar in
history/lifestyles, learning, unspoiled nature, hiking)
many ways to Authentic Experiencers, their emphasis
that are friendly to search engines. Cultural Explorers
is on connecting to other people (and, through those
also rely on regional tourism sites, so be sure your
people, the place and its history). They are more likely
product is robustly presented, and tied to appropriate
than others to seek out small inns and B&Bs.
complementary travel partners.
Adventure travel
More likely to want to learn, explore something
new, and engage in the local culture.
Open to B&Bs, camping, hostels, all modes
of travel.
If you have a food service in your product mix, consider
Help them visualize themselves in the experience. Use
offering menus that have historical and cultural
inspiring imagery that focuses on people admiring the
Most interested in
significance (e.g. a full-course French-Canadian meal
destination and enjoying cultural or historical attractions.
Sampling local flavours, local lifestyles, Aboriginal
or an Aboriginal meal), or follow the “100-mile rule” for
culture, beautiful landscapes, rivers/waterfalls,
ingredients. If applicable, tie-in information about local
cultural attractions, festivals, relaxing in peaceful
farming and agriculture.
environments, self-touring.
Canadian Cultural Explorers love to relax in a peaceful
Less interested in
environment. If your product has a natural setting, point
Luxury resorts, spa/wellness experiences, golfing,
out where they can go for quiet times—like reading a
skiing/snowboarding, sports events (unless at the
book by a babbling brook, taking a picnic into an alpine
international level), guided group tours.
meadow, or simply gazing out on a beautiful scene.
Use messaging that addresses their values.
For example, use language and imagery that
presents an open rather than traditional stance.
Take advantage of value messages around travelling
domestically, such as currency. For Canadians looking
for options closer to home, be sure your product is well
presented to both short-haul and long-haul travellers.
Have a getaway-style product available with options
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
designed for guests who are interested in a longer stay
Orient your staff to local history and culture so that they
or who are coming from further afield.
can give visitors tips on hotspots or out-of-the-way
places only the locals know about. Help your Cultural
Explorers access transportation options that allow them
to be spontaneous, move like locals, and pack in lots of
different experiences—bike and scooter rentals, taxi or
limousine services, or shuttles.
17 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Free Spirits 11%
Travel Values
Life is more exotic abroad, so travel is
Upward Striving
continuous and exciting.
High Social Mobility and Entrepreneurialism inspire
Aspire to stay in the most luxurious
accommodations and venues.
Want to see all the main attractions, but do not
need to go in-depth.
Students, FT white collar
Household Income Average or above
Singles at home
18 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
and Fatalism, reflected in Acceptance of Violence.
Social Lives Rule
Want to be the centre of attention, so they’re
and Attraction to Crowds. Values Sexual
attracted to groups and shared experiences.
Permissiveness and Hedonism.
Don’t want to wait at home, constant need to
Flashy Consumers
travel. The internet is no substitute.
Their Need for Status Recognition drives
Want some structure and planning. Packages
should include planned activities.
Deterred by Time Stress, Aimlessness, Anomie
Some university
Unsure of Goals
High energy to see everything.
a strong sense of Personal Challenge.
Social Values
Craves Social Intimacy, Celebrating Passages
Aesthetics, Ostentation, and Importance of Brand.
They’re also Technophiles.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
attractions, landmarks, restaurants, and nightlife, and
make sure your team is aware of events in and around
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
your experience (including concerts, sporting events,
Canadian Free Spirits? They enjoy luxury holidays, first
class resorts, golf, skiing and spas/wellness. When
Greater number of all types of trips; more
they go somewhere, they have a list of “must-see” and
weekends; will combine business and pleasure.
“must-do” things, which will include experiencing the
local lifestyle, flavours, and vibe through entertainment
Fun events
and social adventures. Free Spirits will travel in social
Travel to spend time with friends and
groups and seek experiences that will allow them to
celebrate events.
and other entertainment). Be prepared to sell the merits
of travelling domestically, including the luxury options
in Canada.
Marketing Tips
Make sure your internet content stresses your
socialize with each other and mix with the locals. They
Free Spirit product strengths—and that it is written
like to celebrate events in exciting destinations, and
with simple language and keywords (e.g. pampering,
Travel in organized groups; stay with family/friends,
enjoy the finest they can afford (hence the mix of luxury
spa, beautiful scenery, luxury, skiing, resort, events,
in luxury hotels, or hostels.
and hostels).
entertainment, nightlife, shopping, etc.) that are friendly
Most interested in
to search engines.
Free Spirits are drawn to winter sports. If your
Sampling local flavours, local lifestyles, cities close
experience is in or near a ski resort, create appealing
to nature, playing golf, skiing/snowboarding,
packages that combine lift tickets, spas/wellness, great
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people having
entertainment experiences, attending major
après-ski and cuisine, and luxury accommodations.
fun with each other or relaxing against a backdrop of
events, sports events, shopping.
Build packages and promotions around major events
beautiful landscapes, local landmarks, or vibrant city
(especially concerts) happening in the resort, and be
or resort scenes full of life.
Less interested in
sure to offer further getaway-style options to appeal to
Self-touring, learning/exploring, Canadian
both the domestic long-haul and short-haul traveller.
hospitality, parks/heritage sites, historical/cultural
attractions, wildlife, hiking/trekking, small towns.
19 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use messaging that addresses their values.
For example, they are big on word-of-mouth
Combine forces with a complementary tourism operator
recommendations from friends and experts (guide
to put together special group packages for singles
books). How else do they know what to put on their list?
around major sporting or entertainment events, featuring
Develop ways for your customers to recommend your
first-class meals, accommodation, and transportation at
product to their friends (e.g. e-cards).
a great price.
Be sure your message clearly promotes the opportunity
Check your business amenities. Free Spirits make
for luxury experiences domestically, both as short- and
frequent use of the internet and are more likely
long-haul vacations. For example, if your product is
to combine business with pleasure. Free in-room
part of a ski resort, promote weekend or short-stay
wireless internet connections and a well-equipped and
programs along with week-long packages. Also ensure
accessible business centre will earn their appreciation.
that the activity line-up reflects the potential length of
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Train staff to be ready to direct them to the best local
stay, realizing Free Spirits will jam in more than other
types in the same time (i.e. they sleep less).
No-Hassle Travellers 13%
Travel Values
Travel mainly to get away from their everyday
Simplicity Seekers
stresses and responsibilities.
Feeling Time Stress and an Aversion to Complexity,
Want to have no worries or cares, with
everything taken care of for them
These travellers need guidance in their travels
Household Income Average
Families with children
20 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Low sense of Vitality, Spontaneity, or Impulse.
and prefer travelling in groups with others,
particularly their families.
Guided by a strong sense of Religiosity, these
Spiritual Questing travellers are looking for deeper
Drawn to the purity and serenity of open spaces.
Travel is rarely planned in advance and is more
Discriminating Consumers and Skeptical of
focused on visiting family/friends.
Business, they avoid Novelty, Ostentation,
While they want to relax, this group never loses
its cool.
Afraid of unfamiliar or threatening places.
this type reaches for stability and predictability.
Social Values
meaning in life.
Careful Shoppers
and Advertising.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
service offer. Hire staff who are comfortable with children
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
and train them to be ready to provide information as
Canadian No-Hassle Travellers? Vacations are generally
focused on family: visiting (and staying with) family or
Shorter trips, often preferring weekend getaways.
friends, or as a family getaway (e.g. a camping trip).
to “hang out” (watching videos or listening to music),
and opportunities for parents to enjoy some quiet
time together.
vacations, they do not do a lot of pre-planning; instead,
they rely on the family they are visiting to provide ideas
Stay with family, usually within driving distance.
as to what to do.
No-Hassle Travellers are drawn to all-inclusive attractions
Marketing Tips
than the internet). Make sure local families know about
near an amusement park, water park, or other child-
More interested in
your products and services. Create programs or special
friendly activity (e.g. mini-golf, country fair, etc.), consider
Nature, camping, fishing, participating in sports
offers that reward local families for recommending
combining forces with those businesses to build and
competitions, entertainment and amusement
your experience.
promote family-friendly packages.
parks, Aboriginal culture and events, farmers’
If you provide child-friendly activities, direct special offers
your No-Hassle Traveller product strengths—and
visiting family members to your experience.
Winter-oriented outdoor activities, arts and culture
resorts, pampering/spas, shopping, gardens.
that it is written with simple language and keywords
Partner with child-centric organizations in your area
(e.g. kid-friendly, all-ages, children’s programming,
(e.g., sports associations) and provide special offers
children’s menu, etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
around major events—make it easy for families
attending the event to enrich their visit.
The internet is also an important source of travel
information, so make sure that your content stresses
at local families and grandparents so that they will bring
Less interested in
Word of mouth, especially from other families, is this
type’s primary source for information (even more so
that focus on family fun. If you provide accommodations
Family, with very little actual planning.
activities, historic sites, large festivals and events,
enjoy: discovery activities for kids, a place for teens
in warm-weather locations. When it comes to their
celebrating special events is important too.
markets and fairs.
the whole family—little kids, teens, and parents—will
to do things together, primarily during the summer or
Visiting family/friends is the main reason, but
Information sources
well as assistance to parents. Build in services that
Activities are focused on children and opportunities
Family Events
Emphasize “hassle-free” and “kid-friendly” in your
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on families of all
Create an on-premises family trip resource centre.
types (e.g. single parent, multi-generational, etc.)
Include elements such as educational material or videos
having fun together or doing activities against a
about the area (Youtube can be a great source of
backdrop of nature.
videos), brochures from family-friendly area attractions,
and information on the ten best picnic spots, events,
local playgrounds, parks, etc.
Create offers and use messaging that addresses their
values. For example, as discriminating consumers they
will be price-conscious, so clearly state your price and
the value you provide.
21 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Free Spirits 9%
Travel Values
Live for travel and are planning the next trip
Driven to succeed
as soon as they get home.
Strong-minded individuals that thrive on initiative
Like to be pampered while on vacation and
Social Animals
and shopping available.
Enjoy sharing major events with others; desire
Enjoy sharing experiences and learning about
Like to put themselves in the shoes of locals
and immerse themselves in nature and culture.
No issues having to adjust to unfamiliar
locations, foods, people, and languages.
Not concerned about seeing everything as long
as they are able to take in the total experience.
Professional, manager
Household Income Highest
Married with young children,
some singles
22 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
and accomplishment.
have all the food, drink, massage, romance,
the experiences of others.
Social Values
a sense of belonging.
Citizens of the World
Thoughtful and engaged with the world
around them.
Upscale Consumers
Possess strong brand loyalties and believe that
what they buy reflects their position in society.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with others from China, this type uses the internet as
match to the interests of Chinese Free Spirits? This
a tool of choice for travel research. Your website is the
segment seeks to escape through travel and is keenly
gateway to your business, so make sure that its content
Frequent trips (most of them travelled in 2007).
interested in local flavours and lifestyles, including
stresses your Free Spirit product strengths—and
Aboriginal culture. Cities close to nature will allow
that it is written with simple language and keywords
them to take in major events and activities that reflect
(e.g. beautiful scenery, lifestyle, culture, winter activities,
Canadian traditions, such as skiing or snowboarding
etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
Most likely to travel within Asia-Pacific region.
Very likely to come to Canada in the future.
Most interested in
Local lifestyles, local flavours, Aboriginal culture,
cities close to nature, major events, safety/health,
attractions/landmarks, Canadian hospitality,
beautiful landscapes.
Less interested in
Chinese Free Spirits are drawn to Canada’s winter
resort, create appealing packages that combine
beautiful backdrops of nature and focuses on people
accommodations and meals with skiing and other
experiencing activities, local landmarks, or vibrant city
activities that highlight the unique Canadian lifestyle.
scenes. Your imagery should bring the experience to life
in a convincing way.
Combine forces with a complementary tourism
Use messaging that addresses their values. Present
major sporting, entertainment, or other special events,
your product in a way that will make them proud to be
featuring accommodation and transportation.
associated with it. Testimonials from people they admire
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions,
particularly related to the Canadian lifestyle. Train your
staff to promote Canada’s pristine nature along with
some cultural and historical experiences. Have your
team prepare to direct Chinese Free Spirits to the best
of nature and urban centres, including local attractions,
landmarks, and events.
23 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that brings together the
operation to put together special group packages for
Fishing/hunting, combining business with pleasure.
experiences. If your product is in or near a winter
could be helpful.
Social Samplers 11%
Travel Values
Need a break from ordinary life where they can
Commitment to Community
let go of inhibitions.
Feel that individual sacrifice strengthens the
Like to wander around at their own pace and
Comfortable with Destiny
know about.
Driven to succeed, but avoid unnecessary risks
Believe that vacations are important times to
Like to put themselves in the shoes of locals
and immerse themselves in both nature
and culture.
No issues having to adjust to unfamiliar
locations, foods, people, and languages.
Prefer to let their spontaneity and imagination
lead the way.
Above average
Household Income Average
Many singles, few with children
24 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
community. Tolerant and accepting of others.
discover little nooks or streets that only locals
create memories.
Social Values
because of a belief in a higher order.
Personal Experience
Imaginative and curious about the world
around them.
Spontaneous Expression
Individuality is defined by uniqueness
and perception.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
Marketing Tips
Like many Chinese travellers, Social Samplers use
Chinese Social Samplers? They have a keen interest
the internet for general travel searching. Maximize the
in both culture and nature, and enjoy absorbing local
use of keywords throughout your website that reflect
Frequent trips, shorter durations.
lifestyles, sampling local flavours, and seeing historical
their travel and social values, to ensure that the search
and cultural attractions. They are drawn to Canada’s
engines will list you prominently. Be sure to refer to
striking landscapes, unique culture and people, and
books and travel shows that feature your product
small-town hospitality. They have little interest in luxury
or region.
Most likely to travel within their home country.
Likely to visit Canada but concerned about costs.
Most interested in
or being active outdoors.
Historical/cultural attractions, beautiful landscapes,
local flavours and lifestyles, Canadian culture and
hospitality, small towns, peaceful environments,
guided group tours.
Entertainment experiences, major sporting
events, winter, outdoor adventure, fishing/hunting,
relaxed and focus on nature sightseeing and the
groups socializing and having fun, especially against a
“must-see” attractions.
backdrop of beautiful landscapes or local historical or
Use messaging that addresses their values. For
the locals go), or getting travellers together at the end
example, draw on their imagination and curiosity, or tell
of the day to share experiences, ideally in the comfort of
them about your commitment to your local community.
Train your staff to put an emphasis on friendliness, as
well as to be ready to give advice on interesting local
touring choices when approached.
25 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
cultural landmarks.
Build in lots of opportunities for socializing—like
Canadian hospitality.
kayaking/canoeing, luxury resorts, golf, spas.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people in
stopping in for tea or coffee (particularly in places where
Less interested in
If you have a touring product, keep the pace
Cultural History Buffs 13%
Travel Values
Always on the lookout for the next adventure.
Want to stand in the places where history
Want to be spontaneous and to discover things
on their own.
Enjoy sharing their experiences with small
groups or friends met during their travels.
Social Values
Control and Purpose
They like to take charge of their own lives and
believe it is important to live purposefully and
to strive to meet goals.
Empathetic and Curious
Inquisitive about the world around them and
the role they play in the grand scheme.
Individuals with Responsibility
Not interested in following someone else’s
Believe it is important to preserve the rights
schedule; like to learn things on their own.
of the individual, but also that everyone has
Not afraid to experience cultures “as they are”;
don’t need to be sheltered by five-star resorts.
a responsibility to serve the collective.
Skeptical Consumers
Do not value brand image and have little faith
in advertising.
Household Income Above average
Married without children, many
26 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
Marketing Tips
Like many Chinese travellers, Cultural History Buffs use
Chinese Cultural History Buffs? They have a keen
the internet for general travel searching. Maximize the
interest in history and are interested in experiencing the
use of keywords throughout your website that reflect
Frequent trips; likely to have travelled recently.
real culture. While Canada’s beautiful landscapes are
their travel and social values, in order to ensure that the
of interest, they are looking for more. A key part of their
search engines will list you prominently. Be sure to refer
travels will be the people they meet (locals and fellow
to books and travel shows that feature your product
travellers, but not “group travellers”) and the finding their
or region.
More likely to travel close to home. Less likely
to have visited Canada in the past.
Most interested in
own path.
Local flavours, mingling with locals, beautiful
landscapes, coastal scenery, exploring vibrant
cities close to nature, visiting protected sites,
historical and cultural attractions.
Less interested in
Entertainment experiences, guided group tours,
luxury resorts, golf, boating, hands-on learning.
them the stories of the region. Then, since they enjoy
groups socializing and having fun, especially against
spontaneity and travelling at their own pace, provide
a backdrop of beautiful landscapes or local historical
them with maps to get to those special places where
or cultural landmarks.
Use messaging that captures their values. They are
skeptical of advertising, so make sure you can back
locals and other travellers to share stories—it will give
up what you say. Testimonials from real people (and
them ideas and provide an opportunity to meet others.
recommendations from people they know) will have
And if you have or know of a great local hangout nearby,
more weight.
the area. Play to their natural curiosity and desire to
be in control.
Train your staff to put an emphasis on friendliness, as
well as to be on the ready to give advice on interesting
local sites when approached.
27 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Provide opportunities for them to come together with
suggest they stop in to find out what is happening in
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people in
history was made.
Identify and emphasize the history of your area. Tell
Personal History Explorers 10%
Travel Values
Interested in understanding how their
ancestors lived.
Little interest in acting on impulse or
Want to be able to stand in the place where
history happened and touch the relics of time.
Want to strengthen their children’s ties to
their roots.
Office/retail/service and trades
Household Income Below average
Married, more likely
to have children
28 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
passing emotions.
Find purpose and comfort in nurturing
their individuality.
Personal Control
Believe it is safer to travel with others.
Would prefer to save money where they can.
complexity and risk.
Prefer rigorous itineraries so they can
Discount Consumers
see everything.
In the hunt for the best deal, not the biggest
Need to manage their daily lives to mitigate
name brand.
Social Values
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with others from China, this type uses the internet
match to the interests of Chinese Personal History
as a tool of choice for travel research. Your website is
Explorers? They like to immerse themselves in nature,
the gateway to your business, so make sure that its
Frequent trips of short durations.
often in combination with the cultural aspect of city
content stresses your Personal History Explorer product
exploration. These Chinese travellers are keen to pursue
strengths—and that it is written with simple language
outdoor activities in the natural settings of Canada, and
and keywords (e.g. heritage, national parks, learning,
will focus on heritage sites and national parks.
culture, lifestyle, etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
Travel close to home. Few have visited Canada
before, as the visa policy is a constraint.
Most interested in
Cities close to nature, Aboriginal culture, rivers/
waterfalls, beautiful landscapes, parks/heritage
sites, Canadian festivals, Canadian culture,
outdoor adventure, Canadian winter, combining
business with pleasure.
Less interested in
Shopping, Canada’s small towns.
Enhance your emphasis on history or culture. For
a local genealogy society or museum to add interpretive
beautiful backdrops of nature and focuses on people
materials or tours that encourage exploration and
experiencing national parks, the local culture, and
discovery around local history. A restaurant could add
heritage sites. Your imagery should highlight the
framed archival photographs to its walls and feature
natural setting and bring the experience to life in
local cuisine on its menu.
a convincing way.
Chinese Personal History Explorers favour seeing
Use messaging that addresses their values, in particular
their need for control (e.g. let them see scheduled
complementary supplier if you don’t offer your own, and
itineraries) and great deals.
local community.
Check your business amenities—these Personal History
Explorers are more likely to combine business with
pleasure. Free in-room wireless internet connections
and a well-equipped and accessible business centre
will earn their appreciation.
Chinese Personal History Explorers are looking for the
best deal. Brand is less important, so focus on providing
them with a great experience at a good price.
29 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Canada via guided group tours. Partner with a
sites, but also festivals and events that showcase the
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Feature inspiring imagery that brings together the
be sure to include not only key heritage and cultural
example, if you run an attraction, consider working with
Free Spirits 9%
Travel Values
Constant travellers who travel mainly to get
away from real life, and plan at least one trip per
High Financial Security, Personal Control,
year to allow them to do this.
Adaptability to Complexity and Adaptive Navigation.
Don’t want to make travel plans or follow
Upward Striving
others’ schedules.
High Social Mobility and Entrepreneurialism.
Want to have fun and be indulgent in their travel.
Don’t want to wait at home. They have a
constant need to travel, and the internet is
no substitute.
These travellers are not afraid to venture into
the unknown. They will not be constrained to
“tourist” schedules or destinations, but will chart
their own courses.
Students or FT white collar
Household Income High
30 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Social Values
Importance of Spontaneity drives their Penchant
for Risk, Intuition and Impulse, Buying on Impulse
and Sexual Permissiveness.
Flashy Consumers
Their Need for Status Recognition drives
Aesthetics, Concern for Appearance, Joy of
Consumption, Pursuit of Novelty and Importance
of Brand.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
Free Spirits from France consider the internet the
match to the interests of French Free Spirits? In addition
tool of choice for travel research and booking. Your
to Canada’s beautiful landscapes, they enjoy luxury
website is the gateway to your business, so make
Trips are often weekend getaways. Travel to get
holidays, first-class resorts, spas/wellness, and going
sure that its content stresses your Free Spirit product
away, relax, and recharge.
to sporting events. They will want to experience the
strengths—and that it is written with simple language
local lifestyles and flavours, and are keen on outdoor
and keywords (e.g. pampering, spa, beautiful scenery,
adventure such as skiing and kayaking or canoeing.
outdoor adventure, luxury, etc.) that are friendly to
Stay at resorts and luxury/boutique hotels.
Most interested in
(e.g. your local DMO’s site) as well as your own.
resort, create appealing packages that combine
entertainment/sports events, beautiful landscapes,
lift tickets, spas/wellness, great cuisine, and luxury
cities close to nature, local flavours and lifestyles,
outdoor adventure, winter activities/scenery,
shopping, combining business and pleasure.
Less interested in
historical and cultural attractions, Aboriginal culture
hands-on learning.
product. Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people
having fun, socializing, engaging in an outdoor activity,
activities, put together a package that includes a
or relaxing, especially against a backdrop of beautiful
kayak tour.
landscapes, local landmarks, shopping, or vibrant
city scenes.
Combine forces with a complementary tourism
Use messaging that engages their senses, stressing
major sporting, entertainment, or other special events,
social values like upward mobility, spontaneity, and
and featuring first-class meals, accommodation,
concern for appearance.
Check your business amenities—Free Spirits make
use of the internet and are more likely to combine
business with pleasure. Free in-room wireless internet
connections and a well-equipped and accessible
business centre will earn their appreciation.
Help them visualize themselves experiencing your
conducive to kayaking or other summer adventure
and transportation.
accommodations. Likewise, if your resort is in a location
operation to put together special packages around
and attractions, observing wildlife, small towns,
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Train your staff to be ready to direct them to the best
local attractions, landmarks, shopping, restaurants,
and nightlife.
31 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
make sure your product is on other regional websites
adventures. If your product is in or near a ski
Luxury resorts, spas and pampering,
Guided group tours, heritage sites, parks,
search engines. They look at websites for the region so
French Free Spirits are drawn to Canada’s outdoor
Cultural Explorers 17%
Travel Values
Always excited about the next trip.
Deep desire to engage with the locals and learn
their customs and languages.
Personal Challenge
Risk-taking, with Adaptive Navigation, these
travellers easily figure how to make the most
of a situation.
Desire freedom and spontaneity.
This segment seeks an authentic experience
Believe in modern notions of Family, Gender, and
and are willing to experience uncomfortable
Heterarchy. Deep interest in Cultural Sampling and
amenities and modes of travel.
Racial Fusion.
They will not be constrained to “tourist”
Energetic Creativity
schedules or destinations, but will chart their
Pursuits are driven by Vitality and Spontaneity
own courses.
with a Need for Personal Creativity and
Social Values
While cautious, these travellers are not afraid to
venture into the unknown in pursuit of discovery.
Personal Expression.
No Desire to Impress
Low Need for Status Recognition, allowing them
University or higher
FT work, some students
to be Discount Consumers with low Importance
of Brand.
Household Income Average
Some alternative sexual
orientations; some concentrated
in Southwestern France
32 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with other French travellers, this type uses the
match to the interests of French Cultural Explorers? In
internet as a tool of choice for travel research. Your
addition to Canada’s prime motivator—nature—cultural
website is the gateway to your business, so make sure
Takes the most vacations, especially
experiences are very important to this group. They love
that its content is current, stresses your Cultural Explorer
weekend getaways.
to absorb the local flavour of their destinations, including
product strengths, and is written with simple language
local lifestyles and Aboriginal culture when they can find
and keywords (e.g. Canadian culture/history/lifestyles,
it. Observing wildlife and soft adventures like hiking and
Aboriginal, learning, unspoiled nature, hiking) that are
trekking are great options for Cultural Explorers from
friendly to search engines.
Adventure travel
More likely to want to learn, explore something
new, and engage in the local culture.
France. Self-touring is the preferred mode for exploring,
allowing them to enjoy landscapes, parks and small
Relies heavily on travel guides/books,
towns at their own pace and level of detail. The Cultural
specific websites.
Explorer will choose simple accommodation over any
For example, a country inn could add an authentic
Most interested in
cultural clothing product line to its offer by partnering
Self-touring to access local lifestyle and flavour,
with a Canadian Aboriginal designer.
Aboriginal culture/attractions, beautiful landscapes,
water, parks/heritage sites, wildlife, outdoor
feature parks and local activities.
Less interested in
group tours.
Use your seasonality calendar to note local festivals and
prime wildlife-viewing times (if applicable).
luxury resorts, pampering and spas, skiing/
snowboard, golf, kayaking/canoeing, guided
If your product offering includes small towns, ensure
you include travel routes with stops along the way that
adventure, hiking and trekking, small towns.
Entertainment, shopping, major sports events,
Enhance your emphasis on culture and local flavour.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Orient your staff to opportunities for observing Canadian
culture through people and local experiences, and
ensure staff can provide insider tips such as where local
wildlife is most commonly spotted.
33 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Feature inspiring imagery that focuses on people
admiring attractions, enjoying cultural events, and
experiencing the natural environment.
type of luxury resort.
Most likely to consider a future visit.
Use messaging that engages their senses, stressing
social values like cultural diversity, personal creativity,
and making the most of a situation.
Cultural History Buffs 9%
Travel Values
Travel is the final stage of learning all one can
Connected and Caring
about a place, time or history.
High Networking and Attraction to Crowds.
Deep desire to see history in its modern
context, engaging with locals and learning their
customs and languages.
Willing to visit “must-see” destinations as well
as more obscure ones.
Like organized/guided tours that leave the
decision-making to others.
They like to share their travel experience with
others, and strive for travel memories.
Feel that luxury detracts from authentic
Retired, professional/manager
Household Income Above average
Empty nesters; many have lived
in a foreign country
34 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Social Values
Want some structure and planning.
High Everyday Ethics, Social Responsibility,
and Civic Engagement
Believe in modern notions of Family and Gender.
Embrace Multiculturalism and Culture Sampling.
Careful Shoppers
High Discriminating Consumerism, Ethical
Consumerism and Brand Apathy.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering: are its strong points a match
Marketing Tips
As with other segments from France, this type uses
to the interests of French Cultural History Buffs? In
the internet as a tool of choice for travel research. Your
Group travel
addition to Canada’s pristine natural beauty, this group
website is the gateway to your business, so make sure
Often in groups of six or more.
seeks opportunities to experience the culture hands-
that its content is current, stresses your Cultural History
on in an effort to learn and grow. They love to absorb
Buffs product strengths, and is written with simple
the true lifestyle of their destinations, and are keen on
language and keywords (e.g. Canadian culture and/
discovering Aboriginal culture as well. These travellers
or history or lifestyles, Aboriginal, learning, unspoiled
have a preference toward guided group tours as a good
nature, etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
Adventure travel
More likely to want to learn, explore something
new, and engage in the local culture.
way to learn about the people and the history. They
More likely to fly to distant destinations. Travel in
tend to focus on simple accommodations that provide
organized groups, and are most likely to stay in
the chance to be closer to the locals and experience
hostels. Most likely to have visited Canada, and
Canadian hospitality first-hand.
likely to visit in the future.
history. Ensure your product offering includes learning-
Aboriginal culture and attractions, local lifestyles,
based tours, or collaborate with a complementary
Canadian hospitality, beautiful landscapes, rivers
operator that focuses on exploration of the local history
and waterfalls, cities close to nature, guided group
and culture.
If you have a food service in your product mix, consider
Less interested in
partnering with a local supplier to offer cooking
Entertainment, shopping, major sports events,
classes with historical and/or cultural significance
luxury resorts, pampering/spas, skiing/
(e.g. a full-course French-Canadian meal or traditional
snowboarding, golfing, fishing/hunting, relaxing
Aboriginal food).
and rejuvenating.
Review your service offer to ensure it emphasizes value
perceptions that are key to the Cultural History Buffs.
Orient your staff toward hands-on opportunities to
experience Canadian culture, and towards venues and
vehicles for learning about the history.
35 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Showcase inspiring imagery that focuses on groups
of people engaging in cultural activities, enjoying
the attractions, and experiencing the spectacular
Enhance your emphasis on learning about culture or
Most interested in
tours, hands-on learning.
natural environment.
Use messaging that engages their senses, stressing
social values like ethical consumerism, family, and
civic engagement.
Free Spirits 11%
Travel Values
Love to travel and always thinking about
Confident but Stressed
where to go next.
High Adaptability to Complexity and Personal
Prefer to travel in groups for the social aspect,
so they have others to converse with.
Deep-rooted interest in culture and history,
including their own ancestral culture. However,
they feel intellectually satiated after visiting all
the “must-sees.”
Seeking a break from the responsibilities of
home; their vacation is an excuse to relax.
FT professional/manager or
Empty nesters; many living in
eastern Germany
36 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
but strong Time Stress and low Financial Security
underline some issues.
Striving for Happiness
High Happiness and Pursuit of Novelty denotes a
driving desire to find all kinds of avenues to ensure
their lives are never dull.
Celebrate Events
High Discerning Hedonism means these travellers
seek out pleasures in life, especially for Celebrating
accommodations, nor having to adjust to
Passages and Meaningful Moments.
Careful Shoppers
High Discriminating Consumerism denotes an
Household Income High
Challenge means they are confident in their ability,
They do not mind the challenge of low-scale
local conditions.
Social Values
attention to detail, although they do feel the
Importance of Brand.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
The internet is a tool of choice for travel research and
match to the interests of German Free Spirits? In
booking, particularly for Free Spirits. Your website is the
addition to Canada’s beautiful landscapes, they enjoy
gateway to your business, so make sure that its content
Travel often, and to far-off destinations. Most likely
luxury holidays, first-class resorts, spas/wellness, and
stresses your Free Spirit product strengths—and
to visit Canada in the future.
the opportunity to engage socially and experience
that it is written with simple language and keywords
the local lifestyle. They are also keenly interested in
(e.g. pampering, spa, wellness, beautiful landscapes,
Aboriginal culture, as well as parks and heritage sites,
exploration, luxury, etc.) that are friendly to search
and are open to learning and exploring, especially as
engines. Free Spirits are likely to book online so your
part of a group tour.
site should offer a booking engine or clear directions for
Group travel
Travel in organized groups, on guided group tours
or all-inclusive packages.
Luxury accommodations
Like to be pampered; spa/wellness component
how to book. Government and bureau websites are also
German Free Spirits are drawn to Canada’s beauty, in
used, so be sure that your product offering is prominent
particular landscapes, rivers, waterfalls and parks. If
is key.
and thoroughly presented.
your offering includes a natural attraction or is near a
German Free Spirits rely on television and various forms
Most interested in
key tourist landmark, be sure to include group tours or
Aboriginal culture, local lifestyles, historical/cultural
day trips within appealing packages. Design product
of print references in their travel planning, including
attractions, landmarks, parks/heritage sites,
packages that combine these tours with spas/wellness,
books, newspaper, and magazines. Given the visual
beautiful landscapes, luxury resorts and spas,
great cuisine, and luxury accommodations in order to
appeal of Canada, be sure you have a strong collection
relaxing and rejuvenating, learning and exploring.
touch on the key interest areas of Free Spirits.
of high-quality imagery of your product offerings. This
Less interested in
will help the Free Spirits visualize themselves in the
Combine forces with a complementary tourism
Fishing and hunting, golf, winter scenery and
operation to put together special group tours that
activities, skiing/snowboarding, kayaking/
feature the opportunity to learn and explore. This could
include a focus on the Aboriginal community, historical
experience. Use inspiring imagery that focuses on
people having fun or relaxing, against a backdrop of
beautiful landscapes, local landmarks, shopping or
vibrant city scenes. Use messaging that engages their
culture, or aspects of the local lifestyle. The offering
senses, stressing social values like striving for happiness
should also feature luxury accommodation where the
and pursuit of novelty, while also catering to their time
Free Spirits will be pampered.
Be sure your service offering focuses on value
perceptions. Train your staff to be ready to direct
Free Spirits to the best local attractions, landmarks,
restaurants, and nightlife. Word of mouth is a primary
form of travel research for German Free Spirits.
37 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
and financial stresses.
Learning and exploring is a motivator of this group. Seek
out opportunities to combine your product offering with
local learning environments or learning events. Topical
components for the Free Spirits could include a range
from wellness to local culture.
Cultural Explorers 14%
Travel Values
Want an in-depth discovery of a culture’s
Confident and in Control
traditions, customs, history, and
Strong Adaptability to Complexity and Personal
natural wonders.
Control, combined with a low Fear of Violence,
Enthused travellers who are always thinking
of the next trip.
Need to get away from duties back home.
Low-maintenance travellers who do not feel
threatened while in a foreign location.
Work FT; some stay-at-home
and unemployed
Household Income Average
Some alternative sexual
orientation; some have lived in a
foreign country
38 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Driven for Self-Fulfillment
Driven by their search for Happiness, NeoRomanticism and an Interest in the Unexplained.
Embracing Other Cultures
High Willingness to Immigrate and Racial Fusion
indicate a desire for permanent connection with
based, group-tour formats will constrain these
other cultures.
Not looking to be pampered or to take on
exhibitionist behaviours.
enable their Penchant for Risk.
The superficiality and rigidity of checklistspontaneous travellers.
Social Values
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering: Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
The internet is a tool of choice for travel research
match to the interests of German Cultural Explorers?
for German Cultural Explorers. Your website is the
Their product tastes are similar to German Free Spirits
gateway to your business, so make sure that its content
Travel frequently. Some have visited Canada in
and Authentic Explorers in terms of interest in local
is current, stresses your Cultural Explorer product
the past; many are interested in a future visit.
cultural and the appeal of the landscapes and natural
strengths, and is written with simple language and
beauty of Canada. German Cultural Explorers are
keywords (e.g. unspoiled nature, wildlife and adventure,
differentiated by an interest in wildlife experiences.
hospitality, culture/history/lifestyles, aboriginal, learning,
They are interested in nature and outdoor adventure,
etc.) that are friendly to search engines. In addition to
Most interested in
even if it means roughing at times. Cultural Explorers
general searches, government and bureau websites are
Unique culture, meeting Canadians, Canadian
are keen on meeting Canadians and getting to know
also used by this group, so be sure that your product
hospitality, Aboriginal culture, local lifestyles and
them first-hand—therefore they prefer self-touring over
offering is prominent and well presented.
flavour, beautiful landscapes, rivers and waterfalls,
guided tours.
Stay in low-cost pensions, hotels or hostels.
wildlife, self-touring.
German Cultural Explorers rely on travel guidebooks as
Find out in advance when festivals and events will be
part of their travel planning. Given the visual appeal of
Less interested in
taking place in your region and promote complementary
Canada, be sure you have a strong collection of high-
Luxury/pampering/spas/wellness, major events,
aspects of your product—take advantage of the
quality imagery of your offerings. This will help Cultural
entertainment experiences, shopping, combining
German Cultural Explorer’s draw to Canadian festivals,
Explorers visualize themselves in the experience. Use
business with pleasure, skiing/snowboarding, golf,
hospitality, or cuisine.
inspiring imagery that focuses on people experiencing
guided group tours.
nature and wildlife and people engaging with each other
Enhance your emphasis on culture or history. For
locally, all using backdrops of beautiful landscapes,
example, a country inn could add an authentic cultural
landmarks, and cultural settings.
clothing product line to its offer by partnering with a
Canadian Aboriginal designer.
If you have a food service in your product mix, consider
offering menus that have historical and cultural
significance (e.g. a full-course French-Canadian meal) or
follow the “100-mile rule” for ingredients.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions:
orient your staff to talk about your product from a local’s
perspective, including tips on local hotspots or out-ofthe way places the locals frequent.
39 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Use messaging that engages their senses and stresses
their travel and social values, like an interest in the
unexplained, risk-taking, or embracing other cultures.
Authentic Experiencers 14%
Travel Values
Social Values
Driven by a need to experience a culture from
Confident, but not Ambitious
a local’s perspective; they take on customs,
Believe in their Adaptability to Complexity and
languages, and ways of life as legitimately as
Personal Control, yet they do not have a strong
they can.
sense of Personal Challenge.
They will look to gain an in-depth and
Internationalist and Inclusive
comprehensive knowledge of a destination’s
Reject National Pride for Global Consciousness,
history if it matches their interests.
holding inclusive views on gender and ethnicities.
Prefer to travel on their own; other tourists
Unconcerned about Image
stick to the beaten path and detract from the
Low Propriety, Need for Status Recognition, and
authentic experience.
Concern for Appearance mean little interest in
Locals do not live in luxury hotels and gated
impressing others.
resorts, so they have not intent to stay
Dislike Shopping
there either.
With low Joy of Consumption, they don’t buy
products to impress others.
Retired; professional/manager
Household Income Highest
Empty nesters; many have lived
in a foreign country
40 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points
Marketing Tips
Authentic Experiencers use the internet for travel
a match to the interests of German Authentic
research, and in some cases to make bookings. A
Experiencers? In addition to Canada’s greatest tourism
strong presence of your company on government
Travel often, and to far-off destinations.
draw—unspoiled nature—they seek to totally absorb the
and bureau websites is key to being considered in the
local lifestyle and prefer more authentic, down-to-earth
travel planning stages. Your website is the gateway to
experiences, uninterrupted by guided tours. German
your business, so make sure that its content stresses
Authentic Experiencers are fulfilled by immersing
your Authentic Experiencer product strengths—and
Travel sources
themselves in the local culture, and are spontaneous
that it is written with simple language and keywords
Use a wide array of sources to inspire their next
and confident enough to do this independently. In
(e.g. authentic Canadian culture/history/lifestyles,
trip, as well as for in-depth research.
addition to the local lifestyle, they are also interested in
Aboriginal, learning, unspoiled nature) that are friendly
historical and cultural attractions as well as Aboriginal
to search engines.
Least likely to stay in luxury hotels.
culture. They are not attracted to luxury resorts, spas,
Most likely to have visited.
Most interested in
or entertainment experiences.
Local lifestyles, Aboriginal culture, beautiful
landscapes, historical/cultural attractions,
landmarks, parks and heritage sites, learning and
exploring, self-touring.
Less Interested in
Luxury resorts/pampering/spas, festivals and
visualize themselves in the experience. Use inspiring
imagery that focuses on people enjoying themselves,
opportunities to go in-depth and participate in culture.
eating authentic foods, conversing with locals, and
For example, combine forces with an Aboriginal tourism
exploring “off the beaten path.”
If your business is in a small town, find out in advance
promote complementary aspects of your product. Take
and hunting, guided group tours.
advantage of the German Authentic Explorer’s desire to
experience an authentic local event and go beyond the
surface of a destination.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Train staff to serve up a hearty dose of Canadian
hospitality, and have them talk about some of
their favourite places—places where the Authentic
Experiencer will find something they otherwise wouldn’t!
41 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
ensure you have quality imagery available. Help them
for opportunities to learn and grow, try to provide
when festivals and events will be taking place and then
sporting events, entertainment experiences, fishing
The Authentic Experiencers also rely on books, so
Since German Authentic Experiencers are looking
attraction to offer authentic cuisine and story-telling.
Use messaging that stresses internationalism, as well
inclusion of genders and ethnicities.
Free Spirits 12%
Travel Values
Travel when they feel the need for a break from
Optimistic Individuals
the real world and to get away from it all.
Confident about getting ahead in life, and feel
Want to indulge and pamper themselves in a
way they can’t at home.
Like to talk about their travel day with others
who have shared similar experiences.
Live for travel and are always on the lookout for
information and ideas on where to travel next.
Like to impress friends and family with the
famous places and landmarks they have seen.
Also, like to visit places that are frequented
by celebrities.
Stay-at-home or office/
at home.
Younger, live at home
42 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Enjoy spending money to travel, and don’t like
to just leave the organizing up to their spouses.
Household Income Highest
Have no problem trying the local cuisine, even
if it’s a far stretch from what they are used to
Social Values
in control of their financial future.
Untraditional Views
Believe women are the superior gender in society,
also believe in the idea of Flexible Gender Identity.
Open to Diverse Cultures
Like to experience the customs and cultures
of other people.
Enjoy Shopping, Advertising
High Joy of Consumption and Ostentatious
Consumption make them label-conscious
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with many from Japan, this type uses the internet as
match to the interests of Japanese Free Spirits? This
a tool of choice for travel research. Your website is the
type is often younger and seeks to escape through
gateway to your business, so make sure that its content
Travel regularly; most likely to prefer travelling
travel. In addition to Canada’s beautiful landscapes,
stresses your Free Spirit product strengths—and that
someplace new.
they enjoy luxury holidays, first-class resorts, and
it is written with simple language and keywords (e.g.
shopping. Visiting famous places is a status symbol,
luxury, activity, beautiful scenery, lifestyle, culture, etc.)
so seeing major Canadian attractions and landmarks
that are friendly to search engines. Many Japanese
is a key motivator for visiting. In their quest for fun and
people access the internet via mobile phones, so check
adventure, they will enjoy winter activities and scenery,
to be sure your website is compatible.
Group travel
Most likely to travel as part of an independent
group tour.
likely as part of a ski resort stay.
Most likely to stay in resorts.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Japanese Free Spirits are drawn to Canada’s winter
Use inspiring imagery that brings together the beautiful
sports. If your offering is in or near a ski resort,
backdrops of nature with people enjoying activities,
Among those most likely to consider visiting
create appealing packages that combine luxury
local landmarks, shopping, or vibrant city scenes.
Canada in the future.
accommodations, great cuisine, lift tickets, and other
Your imagery should bring the experience to life in a
activities that highlight Canada’s winter experience.
convincing way.
Most interested in
Local flavours, rivers/waterfalls, beautiful
Japanese Free Spirits are social and keen on
Use messaging that addresses their values. For
landscapes, parks/heritage sties, historical/
experiencing a little bit of everything. If you have a
example, as label-conscious shoppers they are
cultural attractions, luxury resorts, entertainment
touring product, feature guided tours of the local tourist
interested in brand names. Or, talk-up the customs in
experiences, attractions/landmarks, cities close
hot spots or unique shopping areas in your city.
your region and how you apply them.
to nature, shopping, winter activities/scenery.
Combine forces with a complementary tourism
Travel consultants and tour operators are popular for
Less interested in
operation to put together special group packages for
both researching travel and booking. Be prepared
Golf, local lifestyles, hands-on learning, Canadian
major sporting, entertainment, or other special events,
to work with the travel trade; ensure your product is
hospitality and culture, learning/exploring.
and featuring first-class meals, accommodation,
accessible and easy to book, and that your commission
and transportation.
structure and payment policy are competitive.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions,
particularly relating to culture and lifestyle. Train your
staff to promote Canada’s pristine nature along with
some of the cultural and historical experiences. Prepare
your team to direct Japanese Free Spirits to the best of
cosmopolitan cities, attractions, landmarks, restaurants,
and nightlife.
43 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Personal History Explorers 14%
Travel Values
More interested in understanding how their
Pessimistic Individuals
ancestors lived than in experiencing the culture
Low Financial Security and little desire to
as it exists now.
advance socially.
High security concerns, so they feel more
comfortable travelling with other people or
High Social Individuality means these travellers
a guide.
like competition and believe it brings out the best
Want to experience what it’s like to live as the
Traditional Views
history of their chosen destination beforehand.
High Religiosity and highly ethical; don’t believe
Always on the lookout for information and ideas
Do not travel to get away from it all or to not
have to deal with worries and obligations
back home.
Retired, some professionals
want or expect the very best there is to offer.
44 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Comfortable adjusting to the unfamiliar, so they
don’t need the comforts of home, also don’t
Empty nesters
Do not have a desire to be pampered or have
everything taken care of for them.
Household Income Average
in people.
locals do; also like to carefully research the
on where to go on their next adventure.
Social Values
that women are the superior gender in society.
Enjoy Multiculturalism
Open to different cultures and believe they have
a great deal to teach.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering: Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with many from Japan, this type uses the internet
match to the interests of Japanese Personal History
as a tool of choice for travel research. Your website is
Explorers? They enjoy a mix of both nature and culture,
the gateway to your business, so make sure that its
Travel to a wide variety of destinations.
and will focus on heritage sites and national parks.
content stresses your Personal History Explorer product
While Canada’s beautiful landscapes are a prime
strengths—and that it is written with simple language
motivator, cultural/historical attractions are also a top
and keywords (e.g. heritage, national parks, learning,
priority. They like to travel in groups, and are happy with
culture, lifestyle, etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
a comprehensive guided tour schedule; this ensures
Many Japanese people access the internet via mobile
they will see at least a little bit of everything their
phones, so make sure your website is compatible.
Least likely to stay in resorts or with friends.
destination has to offer. While open to a quick hike at a
Group travel
Most likely to travel in groups of six or more; more
likely to travel in an organized group.
national park, they typically stay away from strenuous
Most interested in
Historical/cultural attractions, beautiful
culture, and heritage sites. Imagery should highlight
example, if you run an attraction, consider working with
the natural setting and bring the experience to life in a
a local genealogy society or museum to add interpretive
convincing way.
discovery around local history. A restaurant could add
flavours, guided group tours, hiking/trekking,
need more convincing regarding the value associated
local cuisine on its menu.
Less interested in
Luxury resorts, entertainment experiences, skiing/
complementary supplier if you don’t offer your own,
snowboarding, kayaking/canoeing, fishing/hunting.
and be sure to include not only key heritage and cultural
sites but also festivals and events that showcase the
local community.
with the trip. You can also focus on their openness to
Japanese Personal History Explorers favour seeing
Canada via guided group tours. Partner with a
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions,
particularly related to Canadian heritage and culture.
Orient your staff to local history and culture so that they
can give visitors tips on local historical landmarks.
Use messaging that addresses their values. For
example, their low financial security may mean they
framed archival photographs to its walls and feature
Canadian festivals/culture, cities close to nature,
45 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
of nature with people enjoying national parks, the local
Enhance your emphasis on history or culture. For
materials or tours that encourage exploration and
landscapes, parks and heritage sites, local
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use imagery that brings together the beautiful backdrops
outdoor activities.
Among those most likely to have visited before;
positive about intention to visit in the future.
learning about different cultures.
Travel consultants and tour operators are popular for
both researching travel and booking. Be prepared
to work with the travel trade; ensure your product is
accessible and easy to book, and that your commission
structure and payment policy are competitive.
Cultural History Buffs 16%
Travel Values
Prefer to go with the flow and let things unfold
Live Life the Fullest
spontaneously, instead of following other
Like to appreciate the good things in life.
people’s schedules.
Strive for Gender Parity in the workplace, and
off the beaten path. Also, they believe it is
believe in the ideas of Flexible Families and Flexible
enriching to be exposed to others by engaging
Gender Identity.
own environment.
46 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
on the community, and believe we can learn a lot
from these cultures.
Live for travel and tend to start thinking about
Dislike Shopping
their next adventure as soon as they get home
Low Joy of Consumption, while not consciously
from their last one.
seeking out brand name products.
Don’t want everything organized for them, nor
Comfortable adjusting to the unfamiliar, and do
not want the best there is on offer.
Younger singles
See the benefits a mix of different cultures has
linked to their favourite hobbies or topics.
or a guide.
Household Income Higher
Accepting of Diverse Cultures
Always make an effort to visit places that are
do they feel safer travelling with other people
Untraditional Views
Like to learn the local language, and get
in their customs, routines, and rituals in their
Social Values
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering: Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
Your website is the gateway to your business; make
match to the interests of Japanese Cultural History
sure its content stresses your product strengths for
Explorers? In addition to Canada’s pristine natural
this type. Use simple language and keywords (learning,
Travel as much as possible, and for the longest
beauty, this group seeks out destinations of historical
Canadian culture, Canadian hospitality, Aboriginal
periods (two or more weeks at a time).
and cultural significance. They prefer opportunities to
culture, outdoor adventure, etc.) that are friendly to
experience the local culture hands-on in an effort to
search engines. Many Japanese people access the
learn and grow. They love to absorb the true lifestyle
internet via mobile phones, so check to be sure your
of their destinations, and are keen on discovering
website is compatible.
Group travel
Least likely to travel as part of an all-inclusive
Aboriginal culture. These travellers are more likely to opt
for independent touring so that they have the freedom
Travel to the widest range of destinations,
to observe and absorb at their own pace. They tend
especially North America and Western Europe.
to focus on simple accommodation that provides the
Enhance your emphasis on learning about culture or
history. Ensure your product offering includes learning-
Most interested in
If you have food service in your product mix, consider
beautiful landscapes, cities close to nature,
partnering with a local supplier to offer cooking classes
hands-on learning.
with historical or cultural significance (e.g. a full-course
French-Canadian meal or traditional Aboriginal food).
Less interested in
Japanese Cultural History Explorers enjoy nature and
the outdoors to some extent, so if your product allows,
luxury resorts, spas.
or if you can partner with a complementary provider,
offer experiential hands-on opportunities to take-in the
natural surroundings.
Review your service offer to ensure it emphasizes value
perceptions that are key to the Cultural History Explorers.
Orient your staff toward hands-on opportunities to
experience Canadian culture, and towards venues and
47 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
the natural setting and bring the experience to life in
a convincing way.
vehicles for learning about the history.
Use messaging that addresses their values. For example,
this type is open to diversity and appreciates the good
things in life.
that focuses on exploration of the local history and culture.
Canadian hospitality, Aboriginal culture, historical/
Guided group tours, golf, entertainment, shopping,
local culture hands-on. Your imagery should highlight
based tours, or collaborate with a complementary operator
Self-touring, local flavours and lifestyles,
cultural attractions, parks and heritage sites,
backdrops of nature with people experiencing the
Canadian hospitality first-hand.
Among those most likely to consider visiting in
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that brings together the beautiful
chance to be closer to the locals and to experience
the future.
Travel consultants and tour operators are popular for
both researching travel and booking. Be prepared
to work with the travel trade; ensure your product is
accessible and easy to book, and that your commission
structure and payment policy are competitive.
Free Spirits 10%
Travel Values
Pleasure-seekers with hectic lives, they love to
Pursuit of Novelty
be pampered as much as their budgets allow
Want to do what’s new and trendy.
and to escape responsibilities for pure fun.
Interested in opportunities to meet new people,
about their next adventure, so their eyes and
socialize with friends.
Novelty-seekers, they don’t want to be
tied to an itinerary (yet they can’t resist
travel companions).
Want to make a splash and “go crazy” wherever
they go.
Nobody wants to be uncomfortable, but these
young adventurers don’t want to be coddled
with the generic and familiar—they’d rather
take a risk.
Household Income Average
Young singles
48 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Highly Social
These restless explorers are always thinking
ears are always open for travel tips and ideas.
Social Values
Want to have the most fun—not the biggest bill.
Not anxious about health and safety.
Flexible, Tolerant
Feel best in live-and-let-live environments.
Ecological and Social Responsibility
Value ecological protection, social justice.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with all Mexican travellers, this type uses the internet
match to the interests of Mexican Free Spirits? These
as a tool for general travel research. Your website is the
fun seekers are prime for unique outdoor adventure;
gateway to your business, so make sure that its content
Average five trips in the past year; mostly one
with their keen interest in skiing and snowboarding,
stresses your Free Spirit product strengths—and that
or two days, with one trip a week or longer.
Canada is a perfect choice. Given their interest in
it is written with simple language and keywords (e.g.
entertainment and local flavour, the après ski might be
fun, outdoor adventure, beauty, escape, etc.) that are
as inviting to them as the actual skiing! These younger
friendly to search engines.
Mode of travel
Above average on ships/cruises, below average
travellers will also enjoy Canada’s pristine beauty, but
on trains.
prefer to be close to a city where they can take in the
Travel consultants are often a popular choice
for information and booking, so ensure that
local flavour and the novelty of the culture.
More likely to stay with friends.
your product is attractive to the travel trade with
Free Spirits from Mexico are drawn to Canada’s
competitive commissions and accessible, convenient
outdoors, especially winter sports. If your product is
booking avenues.
Close to home, preferring Central and
in or near a ski resort, create appealing packages that
South America, as well as outdoor
combine lift tickets with fun entertainment and group
adventure destinations.
activity. As younger travellers, budgets may be limited,
so be sure to tailor packages accordingly and focus on
the fun, social, and adventure aspects.
Many sources, especially travel TV and
magazines. Influenced by stories about where
celebrities vacation.
close to nature, outdoor attractions, skiing/
Adapt your service offer to focus on information and
what’s new. Train your staff to be ready to direct these
entertainment, learning and exploring.
travellers to the best outdoor adventures and the most
Self-touring, combining business with pleasure.
49 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
a backdrop of pristine natural landscapes or vibrant
city scenes. Use messaging that stresses their travel
socializing with friends, and a “live and let live” attitude.
snowboarding, kayaking/canoeing/sailing,
Less interested in
fun, adventuring, and enjoying novel activities against
and social values, like things that are new or trendy,
adventure, novelty, and escape.
flavours, historical and cultural attractions, cities
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people having
operation to put together special group packages for
sporting events, or other special events that focus on
Beautiful landscapes, rivers and waterfalls, local
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Combine forces with a complementary tourism
singles around outdoor pursuits (including skiing), major
Most interested in
vibrant social and nightlife venues. Also, provide your
staff with events calendars so that they can give advice
on entertainment and events.
Ostentatious Travellers 10%
Travel Values
Want to share fun and new experiences
Pursuit of Novelty
with friends.
Following trends, keeping up.
Want to get away from day-to-day life to have
fun and recharge.
Love to shop—both for the experience and
Prefers for things to be arranged in advance,
as with an all-inclusive resort.
Want to attract attention wherever they
go—whether at home or on a trip.
Don’t want to spend time worrying about what
to do next—they want a plan, preferably one
they don’t have to make themselves.
Unemployed, stay-at-home
Household Income Average
Young singles
50 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Social Values
More interested in the new than the old.
the loot.
Living Virtually
Deeply engaged with popular culture through
movies, television, and video games.
Traditional Family
Though young and fun-loving, this segment is
old-fashioned when it comes to gender roles and
family models.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Marketing Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
As with other travellers from Mexico, this type uses the
the Mexican Ostentatious Traveller? They enjoy luxury
internet as a tool for travel research. Your website is the
holidays, first-class resorts, golf, entertainment and
gateway to your business, so make sure that its content
Travel relatively rarely.
spas/wellness. These Mexican travellers will choose the
stresses your Ostentatious Traveller product strengths—
flavour of the big city over small towns or the adventure
and that it is written with simple language and keywords
of the great outdoors. Their love for urban pursuits
(e.g. pampering, spa, shopping, luxury, events, etc.) that
includes sporting events and shopping, and they often
are friendly to search engines.
Mode of travel
Above average on ships/cruises. Below average
on trains and RVs. More likely to stay at resorts,
combine business with pleasure trips. Ostentatious
Travellers are interested in trophy sports such as hunting
and fishing; these are often done as part of a luxury
Below average on South America, Europe.
resort experience.
Travel consultants are often a popular choice for
information and booking, so ensure your product is
attractive to the travel trade, with competitive commissions
and accessible, convenient booking avenues. These
Ostentatious Travellers’ preferred mode of travel is
travellers rely heavily on word-of-mouth for information,
Luxury resorts, pampering and spas, golf,
through guided group tours. If you have a touring
so positive relationships with travel agents are important.
entertainment and sporting events, local flavours,
product, feature guided tours of the local tourist hot
beautiful landscapes, rivers/waterfalls, winter
spots or unique shopping areas in your city.
Most Interested in
scenery and activities, shopping, combining
business & pleasure, guided group tours.
fun, against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes or vibrant
to put together special group packages around major
city scenes full of life.
Less interested in
Aboriginal culture, local lifestyles, history and
accommodation and spas or shopping.
Work with your local retail community (if applicable), to
assemble a local shopping guide and ensure retailers
are prepared to assist the Ostentatious Travellers with
their personal shopping needs.
Check your business amenities—Ostentatious Travellers
are more likely to combine business with pleasure.
Free in-room wireless internet connections and a
well-equipped and accessible business centre will earn
their appreciation.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Train your staff to be ready to direct them to the best
local attractions, landmarks, restaurants and nightlife.
51 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
inspiring imagery that focuses on people relaxing or having
Combine forces with a complementary tourism operator
sporting or entertainment events, and featuring luxury
culture, learning exploring, self touring.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience. Use
Use messaging that stresses their travel and social values,
like traditional family values, following trends, and the love
of shopping.
Authentic Experiencers 12%
Travel Values
Interested in connecting deeply with the past,
Ethics and Sustainability
being immersed in history.
Strong Ecological Concern and Social
Want to have authentic experiences in the
place they’re visiting; mixing with locals and
experiencing the “real thing.”
Learning is a major travel motivation, so trips
Empty nesters, some live on
their own
52 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Culturally Curious
Strong Culture Sampling, open to the new.
No Showing Off
Weak on status/consumption trends, they want to
These people want to throw themselves into
learn and develop personally, not brag to others.
new experiences, not just escape their day-to-
Room to Improvise
day lives.
Strong Importance of Spontaneity, they don’t want
Want to blend in with locals and have
Travel for personal enrichment, not to show
others what hotels they can afford.
Household Income Higher
workers or hurt the environment.
will appeal.
a travelling road show.
Responsibility mean they don’t want to exploit
associated with existing personal interests
experiences of mutual exchange—more than
Social Values
Want to pursue their own interests, not follow
the leader.
every minute planned, in life or on trips.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points
Marketing Tips
Mexican travellers use the internet extensively for
a match to the interests of Mexican Authentic
travel research. Your website is the gateway to your
Experiencers? In addition to Canada’s greatest tourism
business, so make sure that its content stresses your
Short and long trips. Like to add upscale leisure
draw—unspoiled nature—they seek opportunities to
Authentic Experiencer product strengths—and that
travel around work trips.
enrich themselves by learning about different lifestyles
it is written with simple language and keywords (e.g.
and cultures. They enjoy landscapes, parks, and
authentic Canadian culture/history/lifestyles, Aboriginal
heritage sites, but are driven by the opportunity to learn
culture, learning, unspoiled nature) that are friendly
hands-on about the local lifestyle and are also interested
to search engines.
Seek places featuring particular activities,
especially outdoor or adventure experiences.
in Aboriginal culture. They are not attracted to luxury
resorts, golf, skiing, or entertainment.
Many sources, especially travel TV, newspapers,
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people
Mexican Authentic Experiencers are looking for
experiencing Canada and enjoying themselves, eating
opportunities to learn and grow. Provide them with
authentic foods, conversing with locals, and exploring
Most interested in
opportunities to go in-depth and participate hands-on
“off the beaten path.”
Local flavours and lifestyles, historical/cultural
in the culture. For example, combine forces with an
attractions, parks and heritage sites, Aboriginal
Aboriginal tourism attraction to offer authentic cuisine
culture, beautiful landscapes, rivers and waterfalls,
and story-telling.
web, and non-travel books on the destination.
learning and exploring.
If your business is in a small town, find out in advance
Less interested in
when festivals and events will be taking place and then
Luxury resorts/pampering/spas, entertainment,
promote complementary aspects of your product. Take
golf, kayaking/canoeing.
advantage of the Mexican Authentic Explorer’s desire
to experience small town charm and go beyond the
surface of a destination.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions
and clearly align with reasons to come to Canada. Train
staff to relay learning opportunities, particularly handson possibilities. Serve up a hearty dose of Canadian
hospitality, and have your staff talk about some of their
favourite places!
53 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Use messaging that speaks to their travel and social
values, like their strong ecological and social sense of
responsibility, love of spontaneity, and cultural sampling.
Travel consultants are often a popular choice for
information and booking, so ensure your product
is agent-friendly with competitive commissions and
accessible, convenient booking avenues. These
travellers rely heavily on word-of-mouth for information
so positive relationships with travel consultants
is important.
Cultural History Buffs 12%
Travel Values
Always research the history of the places they’re
Live Life the Fullest
going to visit, and enjoy putting themselves in
Like to appreciate the good things in life.
the shoes of the locals and experiencing life as
they do.
or riding their bikes on the local paths.
Gender Identity.
Prefer to go with the flow and let things
Accepting of Diverse Cultures
unfold spontaneously.
See the benefits of a mix of different cultures on
Live for travel and tend to start thinking about
Don’t want everything organized for them, and
don’t feel safer travelling with other people
or a guide.
Stay-at-home, professionals
Household Income Average
Live on their own
54 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Do not subscribe to one faith; also believe
in the ideas of Flexible Families and Flexible
from their last one.
Untraditional Views
Like to visit natural wonders, and enjoy walking
their next adventure as soon as they get home
Social Values
Comfortable adjusting to the unfamiliar, and
do not want the very best there is on offer.
the community, and believe we can learn a lot
from these cultures.
Dislike Shopping
Low Joy of Consumption, while not consciously
seeking out brand name products.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
Mexican Cultural History buffs use the internet to access
match to the interests of Mexican Cultural History Buffs?
travel information. Therefore, as the gateway to your
In addition to Canada’s prime tourism motivator—
business, your website must prominently display the
Travel as much as possible and for the longest
beautiful landscapes—they enjoy a wide range of
product strengths that appeal to this segment. Use
periods of time (two or more weeks at a time).
products, including cultural attractions, local lifestyles,
simple language and keywords (e.g. learning, Canadian
and heritage sites; they’re less likely to enjoy luxury
culture, Canadian hospitality, Aboriginal culture, outdoor
resorts and associated activities like golf, skiing, and
adventure, etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
Group travel
Least likely to travel as part of an all-inclusive
spas. They are interested in learning, self-touring and
experiencing nature (parks, wildlife viewing, etc.).
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that brings together the beautiful
For Cultural History Buffs, history is a serious hobby
backdrops of nature with people experiencing culture or
and travel is a way to add to their already considerable
heritage aspects at the same time. Your imagery should
Most interested in
knowledge of the subject. You will be surprised by the
highlight the natural setting and bring the experience to
Wide range of cultural products and attractions,
number of local experts in your community who would
life in a convincing way.
local lifestyles, Aboriginal culture, heritage sites,
be happy to lead walking tours or conduct information
beautiful landscapes, being in nature, hiking/
sessions on local history and culture, adding value to
trekking, wildlife, parks, learning/exploring,
your product offer for this explorer.
Most likely to stay in hostels.
Mexican Cultural History Buffs enjoy viewing nature
Less interested in
and being active in it. If you offer accommodations,
Luxury resorts, skiing, golf, spas/wellness, fishing/
provide ideas on great hikes or walks that feature the
hunting, entertainment, sporting events, shopping.
area’s natural heritage within an hour’s drive. Consider
partnering with another operator with complementary
services, such as eco-tourism tours.
If you have a food service in your product mix,
consider tying-in or partnering with a local supplier to
offer cooking classes with historical and/or cultural
significance (e.g. a full-course French-Canadian meal
or traditional Aboriginal food).
Adapt your service offer. Include information in staff
orientation on local history and where your visitors can
go for information, like museums, historical sites, and
cultural events.
55 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Use messaging that addresses their values. For
example, given their lack of interest in brand names,
focus on opportunities to discover the culture and talk
to local experts, not “big name” organizations.
South Korea
Free Spirits 11%
Travel Values
Constant travellers who travel mainly to
Personal Challenge
get away from their real lives, and pamper
High Personal Challenge and Risk-taking, with an
themselves the way they can’t at home.
Adaptive Navigation, these travellers easily figure
Like to be free and spontaneous and do things
that other travellers would not do.
Have fun by engaging in excessive behaviour.
Want to be the centre of attention.
Don’t want to wait at home. They have a
constant need to travel and the internet is
no substitute.
Social Values
Want to live as authentically as the locals do.
how to make the most of a situation.
Upward Striving
High Social Mobility and Entrepreneurialism.
Social Connection
Craves Social Intimacy, Celebrating Passages
and Attraction to Crowds.
Discerning, Flashy Consumers
Discerning Consumers, but Need for Status
Recognition drives Ostentatious Consumption
and Upscale Consumerism.
PT unemployed
Household Income Split between lowest
and highest
56 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with many from Korea, the internet is a tool of choice
match to the interests of South Korean Free Spirits?
for travel research. Your website is the gateway to your
In addition to being attracted to Canada’s beautiful
business, so make sure that its content stresses your
Least likely to return to past destinations.
landscapes, they want to be pampered, stay in
Free Spirit product strengths—and that it is written with
luxury, first-class resorts, and indulge in entertainment
simple language and keywords (e.g. luxury, activity,
experiences. Cities close to nature are a top preference,
beautiful scenery, shopping, entertainment, culture, etc.)
allowing them to enjoy unique Canadian shopping
that are friendly to search engines.
Adventure/fun travel
More likely to want to learn, explore something
new, and engage in the local culture. Also travel
experiences. True to the Free Spirit pursuit of fun and
to shop and for outdoor activities.
excitement, select outdoor activities such as skiing and
kayaking/canoeing will make the list of things to do,
A variety, from the luxurious to the more modest
likely as part of a resort stay.
and locally relevant.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that brings together the beautiful
backdrops of nature and vibrant city scenes with people
having fun, being pampered, and taking in adventures.
South Korean Free Spirits are drawn to spa and
Your imagery should bring the experience to life in a
Most interested in
wellness in their quest to be pampered. If your product
convincing way.
Beautiful landscapes, rivers/waterfalls, cities close
offers this, create appealing packages that combine
to nature, local flavours, luxury resorts and being
luxury accommodations, great cuisine, and spa services.
pampered, entertainment experiences, shopping,
attractions and landmarks, outdoor adventures.
a celebration, or use testimonials (if possible) to
provide status through association.
Guided group tours.
accommodations, and great meals.
While South Koreans are highly advanced in terms
of internet usage, many prefer to work with travel
Combine forces with a complementary tourism
consultants or package providers when booking travel in
operation to put together special group packages for
order to have direct contact. Be prepared to work with
major entertainment events or other special events,
the travel trade; ensure your product is accessible and
and featuring first-class meals, accommodations,
easy to book, and that your commission structure and
and transportation.
payment policy are competitive.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions,
particularly related to luxury and adventure. Train your
staff to promote Canada’s pristine nature along with the
some of the options for adventure and pampering. Have
your team ready to direct South Korean Free Spirits
to the best of cosmopolitan cities, spas, shopping,
restaurants, and nightlife.
57 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
For example, talk to how your offer is perfect for
your product is in or near to a ski resort, assemble
Less Interested in
Use messaging that addresses their values.
This type is social and seeks fun and adventure. If
packages that include lift tickets, spa services, luxury
South Korea
Personal History Explorers 10%
Travel Values
Fascinated by the ancient history as well as the
Personal Challenge
modern cultures of the places they visit.
Risk-taking, with an Adaptive Navigation, these
Deep interest in understanding their ancestry
and heritage.
Like organized/guided tours that leave the
decision-making to others, and where they
can have a chance to talk to others about their
Luxury and comfort detracts from the authentic
experiences these travellers are looking for.
Social Values
Travel is not about escape, but rather learning
about historical and modern culture and about
their own roots.
travellers easily figure out how to make the most
of a situation.
Traditionally Minded
Generally reject liberal definitions of gender roles,
family composition, and hold conventional ideals
such as Duty, Work Ethic, Conformity to Norms.
Resisting Cultural Assimilation they Search for
Roots. Important are Celebrating Passages and
Meaningful Moments.
Careful Shoppers
High Discriminating Consumerism and low
Confidence in Advertising leads them away from
Professionals or retired
impulsive purchases.
Household Income High
Empty nesters
58 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with many from Korea, this type uses the internet
match to the interests of South Korean Personal History
as a tool of choice for travel research. Your website is
Explorers? Primarily attracted to Canada’s spectacular
the gateway to your business, so make sure that its
Most likely to own a passport.
natural setting, they are driven by a keen interest in
content stresses your Personal History Explorer product
visiting cultural and historical sites and attractions. Their
strengths—and that it is written with simple language
approach is generally passive so guided group tours are
and keywords (e.g. heritage, national parks, Aboriginal
popular and allow the opportunity to take in the scenery
culture, Canadian culture, nature, etc.) that are friendly
and culture without being too active or roughing it. This
to search engines.
Adventure travel
More likely to want to learn, explore something
new, and engage in the local culture.
group is more interested in Aboriginal culture than others
Among the least inclined to travel within their own
from South Korea.
borders. Most likely to travel as part of an all-
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that brings together the beautiful
Enhance your emphasis on history or culture. For
backdrops of nature with people enjoying national parks,
example, if you run an attraction, consider working with
the local culture, and heritage sites. Your imagery should
Most interested in
a local genealogy society or museum to add interpretive
highlight the natural setting and bring the experience to
Local flavours, rivers/waterfalls, parks/heritage
materials or tours that encourage exploration and
life in a convincing way.
sites, historical/cultural attractions, cities close
discovery around local history. A restaurant could add
to nature, Aboriginal culture/attractions, beautiful
framed archival photographs to its walls and feature
landscapes, guided group tours.
local cuisine on its menu.
inclusive package.
Less interested in
Entertainment, sports events, skiing/
snowboarding, fishing/hunting, shopping,
a complementary supplier if you don’t offer your own,
outdoors adventure, small towns, combining
and be sure to include not only key scenic and heritage
business with pleasure.
sites but also festivals and events that showcase the
local community.
more comfortable if your communications are more
formal (i.e. they conform to norms).
While South Koreans are highly advanced in terms
of internet usage, many prefer to work with travel
consultants or package providers when booking travel
in order to have direct contact. Be prepared to work
with the travel trade; ensure your product is accessible
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions,
and easy to book, and that your commission structure
particularly related to Canadian heritage and culture.
and payment policy are competitive.
Orient your staff to local history and culture so that they
can give visitors tips on historical landmarks or out-ofthe-way places that only the locals know.
59 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Use messaging that addresses their values.
For example, Personal History Explorers may feel
South Korean Personal History Explorers favour
seeing Canada via guided group tours. Partner with
South Korea
Cultural History Buffs 16%
Travel Values
Plan at least one trip a year.
Deep desire to engage with the locals and learn
their customs and languages.
Desire freedom and spontaneity, so they avoid
travelling in groups.
Seek an authentic experience and are willing to
experience uncomfortable amenities and modes
of travel.
While cautious, these travellers are not afraid
to venture into the unknown in pursuit of
discovery. They will not be constrained to
“tourist” schedules or destinations, but will chart
their own courses.
some students
Household Income High
Younger singles
60 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Social Values
Upward Striving
High Social Mobility and Entrepreneurialism inspire
a strong sense of Personal Challenge.
Cultural Learning
Deep interest in learning about other cultures
through Cultural Sampling and Multiculturalism,
but not open to Racial Fusion.
Authentic Connections
High Social Intimacy and Networking, but also
high Consistent Self.
Low Confidence in Small/Big Business and
Advertising, driving them away from Buying on
Impulse and Ostentatious Consumption.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
perceptions that are key to the Cultural History Buffs.
Audit your product offering: are its strong points
Orient your staff toward hands-on opportunities to
a match to the interests of South Korean Cultural
History Buffs? In addition to Canada’s pristine natural
Short; often choose weekend getaways.
beauty, this group is interested in an active approach
experience Canadian culture, and toward venues and
vehicles for learning about the nature and culture of
your destination.
to experiencing both nature and culture. They prefer
Adventure/escape travel
opportunities to interact with the local culture hands-
More likely to want to learn, explore something
on in an effort to learn and grow. They enjoy taking
new, and engage in the local culture. Also, travel
in nature by hiking/trekking, as well as sampling local
to escape and relax.
Review your service offer to ensure it emphasizes value
Marketing Tips
As with many South Koreans, this types uses the
flavours through interaction that reveals the true
internet as a primary tool for travel research. Your
lifestyle of their destinations. These travellers are more
website is the gateway to your business, so make
Open to B&Bs, family inns, camping.
likely to opt for independent touring so they have the
sure that its content stresses your Cultural History Buff
freedom to observe and absorb at their own pace.
product strengths—and that it is written with simple
They tend to shun luxury experiences and focus on
language and keywords (e.g. learning, Canadian
simple accommodation that provides the chance to be
culture, Canadian hospitality, Aboriginal culture, outdoor
closer to the locals and experience Canadian hospitality
adventure, etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
Most interested in
Local flavours, self-touring, beautiful landscapes,
winter scenes, cities close to nature, attractions/
landmarks, parks/heritage sites, wildlife, outdoors
adventure, hands-on learning, exploring, hiking/
trekking, relaxing/rejuvenating.
Less interested in
Guided group tours, playing golf, luxury resorts/
pampering/spas, entertainment.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that brings together the beautiful
history. Ensure your product offering includes learning-
backdrops of nature with people experiencing the
based tours, or collaborate with a complementary
local culture hands-on. Your imagery should highlight
operator that focuses on exploration of the local history
the natural setting and bring the experience to life in
and culture.
a convincing way.
If your product is near a natural hot spring, focus on the
Use messaging that addresses their values. For example,
rejuvenation and invigoration aspect of your destination
they do not buy on impulse—they will want to research
by combining a visit with nature walks. This group
everything, so give them time and information to do so.
of South Koreans prioritizes well being, and relevant
programs will peak their interest.
Enhance your emphasis on learning about culture or
While South Koreans are highly advanced in terms
of internet usage, many prefer to work with travel
South Korean Cultural History Buffs enjoy nature and the
consultants or package providers when booking travel in
outdoors, so if your product allows, or if you can partner
order to have direct contact. Be prepared to work with
with a complementary provider, offer experiential hands-
the travel trade; ensure your product is accessible and
on opportunities to take in the local culture.
easy to book, and that your commission structure and
payment policy are competitive.
61 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Authentic Experiencers 12%
Travel Values
Want to see vast natural settings and wonders
Control Seekers
around the globe, but also to take in local
With a high degree of Personal Control, these
park scenery.
travellers Reject Authority and live according to
Like to integrate into the local culture, eat
converse with locals, and explore areas ignored
With an interest in Cultural Sampling and a Need
by tourists.
for Spontaneity, this type is always on the move.
Seek to learn all that they can about the cultures
they visit in advance of their trips.
Although affluent, these travellers prefer
Abhor commercial comforts of Western hotels;
Not overwhelmed by travel—on a life-long
journey of learning in which travel is not about
escape but personal development.
Highest, with post-grad
Highest retired,
highest professional
Household Income High
Empty nesters
62 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
their own rules.
authentic foods, learn the language to
seek to live as authentically as the locals do.
Social Values
understated and ethical consumption.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with many in the UK, this type uses the internet as
match to the interests of UK Authentic Experiencers? In
a tool of choice for travel research and booking. Your
addition to Canada’s greatest tourism draw—unspoiled
website is the gateway to your business, so make sure
Longest vacations of all, often a week or longer.
nature—they seek down-to-earth experiences. They
that its content stresses your Authentic Experiencer
Often follow business travel with pleasure.
enjoy landscapes and wildlife viewing and experiencing
product strengths—and that it is written with simple
local lifestyles as well as historical/cultural attractions.
language and keywords (e.g. authentic Canadian
They are not attracted to luxury, upscale sports, golf,
culture/history/lifestyles, Aboriginal culture, learning,
or skiing.
unspoiled nature) that are friendly to search engines.
Adventure travel
Most likely segment to want to travel for
specific adventures, or to learn and explore
something new.
More likely to fly to distant destinations.
parks, wildlife, historical/cultural attractions,
landmarks, learning/exploring, and self-touring.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people enjoying
themselves, eating authentic foods, conversing with
forces with an Aboriginal tourism attraction to offer
locals, and exploring “off the beaten path.”
Use messaging that speaks to their travel and social
values, stressing such elements as spontaneity, rejection
when festivals and events will be taking place and then
of authority, ethical consumption, and authenticity.
Take advantage of the Authentic Explorer’s desire
luxury resorts/experiences, spas, golfing,
to experience small town charm and go beyond the
shopping, entertainment, sports events, and
surface of a destination.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Train staff to serve up a hearty dose of Canadian
hospitality, and have them talk about some of their
favourite places!
63 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
If your experience is in a small town, find out in advance
promote complementary aspects of your product.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
depth and participate in culture. For example, combine
Less interested in
Canadian winters.
learn and grow. Provide them opportunities to go in-
authentic cuisine and story-telling.
Most interested in
Local lifestyles and flavours, beautiful landscapes,
Authentic Experiencers are looking for opportunities to
Cultural Explorers 13%
Travel Values
Always excited about the next trip.
Fascinated by the ancient history as well as the
modern cultures of the places they visit.
Travel is a journey, not the destination, and is
best experienced with like-minded companions
who enjoy to have fun while learning.
64 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Believe in modern definitions of Family, Gender,
and Heterarchy. Deep interest in Cultural Sampling
This segment seeks an authentic experience
Energetic Creativity
and doesn’t want to stay in sterile,
Their questing pursuits are driven by Vitality and
commercial hotels.
Spontaneity with a Need for Uniqueness and
While cautious, these travellers are not afraid
their own courses.
Household Income Middle-high
of a situation.
“tourist’ schedules or destinations, but will chart
High FT, professional, office
travellers easily figure how to make the most
and Fusion.
discovery. They will not be constrained to
Risk-taking, with an Adaptive Navigation, these
Feel relaxed and free while travelling.
to venture into the unknown in pursuit of
Personal Challenge
Social Values
Personal Creativity.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with many from the UK, this types uses the internet
match to the interests of UK Cultural Explorers? In
as a tool of choice for travel research and booking. Your
addition to Canada’s prime motivator—unspoiled
website is the gateway to your business, so make sure
Takes the most vacations of all durations,
nature—their product tastes are similar to Authentic
that its content is current, stresses your Cultural Explorer
but especially weekend escapes.
Experiencers, but with a definite preference for culture
product strengths, and is written with simple language
over nature. They love to absorb the local colour of
and keywords (e.g. Canadian culture/history/lifestyles,
their destinations, including local lifestyles and cuisine,
Aboriginal culture, learning, unspoiled nature, hiking,
as well as Aboriginal culture when they can find it.
etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
Adventure travel
More likely to want to learn, explore something
new, and engage in the local culture.
However, they don’t necessarily want to participate
directly in the culture, shying away from hands-on
Open to B&Bs, camping, hostels.
learning experiences. They prefer authenticity over luxury
be taking place in your region and then promote
Most interested in
complementary aspects of your product. Take
Sampling local flavours, local lifestyles, beautiful
advantage of the Cultural Explorer’s attraction to
landscapes, rivers/waterfalls, cultural attractions,
Canadian festivals, hospitality, and cuisine.
including Aboriginal culture, Canadian hospitality,
festivals, self-touring.
Enhance your emphasis on culture or history. For
example, a country inn could add an authentic cultural
Less interested in
clothing product line to its offer by partnering with a
Luxury resorts, spas/wellness, golfing, skiing/
Canadian Aboriginal designer.
snowboarding, fishing/hunting, shopping,
entertainment, major sports events,
Find out in advance when festivals and events will
If you have a food service in your product mix, consider
offering menus that have historical and cultural
hands-on learning.
significance (e.g. a full-course French-Canadian meal) or
follow the “100-mile rule” for ingredients.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Orient your staff to local history and culture so that they
can give visitors tips on local cultural hotspots or out-ofthe-way places only the locals know.
65 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people admiring
and enjoying cultural or historical attractions.
in accommodations.
Modes of travel
Use messaging that stresses social values like
creativity, spontaneity, risk-taking, and the sampling
of cultural experiences.
Free Spirits 11%
Travel Values
Life is more exotic abroad, so travel is
Upward Striving
continuous and exciting.
High Social Mobility and Entrepreneurialism inspire
Aspire to stay in the most luxurious
accommodations and venues.
Want to see all the main attractions, but do
not need to go in-depth. High energy to
see everything.
Want to be the centre of attention. Attracted to
groups and shared experiences.
Don’t want to wait at home. They have a
constant need to travel, and the internet is
no substitute.
Want some structure and planning. Packages
should include planned activities.
Some university
Students or FT white collar
Household Income Average or above
Singles at home
66 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Social Values
a strong sense of Personal Challenge.
Unsure of Goals
Deterred by Time Stress, Aimlessness, Anomie,
and Fatalism, reflected in Acceptance of Violence.
Social Lives Rule
Crave Social Intimacy, Celebrating Passages,
and Attraction to Crowds. Values Sexual
Permissiveness and Hedonism.
Flashy Consumers
Need for Status Recognition drives Aesthetics,
Ostentation, and Importance of Brand. They’re
also Technophiles.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points a
Marketing Tips
As with many from the UK, this type uses the internet
match to the interests of UK Free Spirits? In addition
as a tool of choice for travel research and booking.
to Canada’s beautiful landscapes, they enjoy luxury
Your website is the gateway to your business, so make
Greater number of all types of trips,
holidays, first-class resorts, spas/wellness, and sporting
sure that its content stresses your Free Spirit product
especially weekends.
events. They also like a game of golf or skiing, but likely
strengths—and that it is written with simple language
as part of a resort stay.
and keywords (e.g. pampering, spa, beautiful scenery,
Fun Events
Travel to spend time with friends, celebrate events.
If your product is in or near a ski resort, create appealing
Stay with friends, in luxury hotels or hostels.
Modes of travel
Most likely to fly and travel in organized groups.
luxury, etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
UK Free Spirits are drawn to Canada’s winter sports.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
packages that combine lift tickets, spas/wellness, great
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people having fun
cuisine, and luxury accommodations.
or relaxing, against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes,
local landmarks, shopping, or vibrant city scenes.
UK Free Spirits’ preferred mode of travel is through
guided group tours. If you have a touring product,
Use messaging that engages their sense of the exotic,
Most interested in
feature guided tours of the local tourist hot spots or
stressing social values like social intimacy, luxury,
Sampling local flavours, local lifestyles, cities
unique shopping areas in your city.
personal challenges, and status.
close to nature, golf, skiing/snowboarding,
entertainment, attending major events,
operation to put together special group packages for
sport events, shopping, combining business
singles around major sporting or other special events,
with pleasure.
and featuring first-class meals, accommodation,
and transportation.
Less interested in
Self-touring, learning/exploring, Canadian
Combine forces with a complementary tourism
hospitality, parks/heritage sites, historical/cultural
Check your business amenities—these Free Spirits
make frequent use of the internet and are more likely
attractions, wildlife, hiking/trekking, small towns.
to combine business with pleasure. Free in-room
wireless internet connections and a well-equipped and
accessible business centre will earn their appreciation.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Train your staff to be ready to direct them to the best
local attractions, landmarks, restaurants, and nightlife.
67 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Authentic Experiencers 12%
Travel Values
Want to see vast natural settings and wonders
Control Seekers
around the globe, but also like to take in local
With a high degree of Personal Control, these
park scenery.
travellers Reject Authority and live according to
Like to integrate into the local culture, eat
converse with locals, and explore areas ignored
With an interest in Cultural Sampling and a Need
by tourists.
for Spontaneity, this type is always on the move.
Seek to learn all that they can about the cultures
they visit in advance of their trips.
Although affluent, these travellers prefer
Abhor commercial comforts of western hotels,
Not overwhelmed by travel—on a life-long
journey of learning, so travel is not about
escape but personal development.
Highest with post-grad
Highest retired,
highest professional
Household Income High
Empty nesters
68 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
their own rules.
authentic foods, learn the language to
seeking to live as authentically as the locals do.
Social Values
understated and ethical consumption.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Are its strong points
Marketing Tips
As with many Americans, this type uses the internet as
a match to the interests of American Authentic
a tool of choice for travel research and booking. Your
Experiencers? In addition to Canada’s prime motivator—
website is the gateway to your business, so make sure
Longest vacations of all, often a week or longer.
nature in all of its splendour—they will search out good
that its content stresses your Authentic Experiencer
Often follows business travel with pleasure.
quality local cuisine and chances to mingle with the local
product strengths—and that it is written with simple
population. Apart from walking and hiking, they have
language and keywords (e.g. authentic Canadian
less interest in strenuous outdoor activities. They prefer
culture/history/lifestyles, Aboriginal culture, learning,
authenticity over luxury in accommodations, even if that
unspoiled nature, etc.) that are friendly to search
means rustic.
Adventure travel
Most likely segment to want to travel for
specific adventures, or to learn and explore
something new.
More likely to fly to distant destinations.
Most interested in
Local lifestyles, sampling local flavours, beautiful
landscapes, parks, rivers and waterfalls, wildlife,
Enhance opportunities for sampling and learning about
learning/exploring, self-touring.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people admiring
For example, combine forces with an Aboriginal tourism
the destination and enjoying themselves, eating
attraction to offer authentic cuisine and story-telling.
authentic foods, conversing with locals, and exploring
builds on their social values, stressing such elements as
spontaneity, cultural sampling, and ethical consumption.
of a destination.
Include testimonials from past customers. Research
attests to the fact that there is a huge difference in the
Work with event and incentive travel planners who are
perception of Canada as a vacation destination between
focused on the US market to offer pre- and post-
past US customers and those who haven’t been
meeting packages or retreats themed around personal
here before.
development or local culture, especially in beautiful
scenic settings.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Orient your staff to give travellers tips on areas to
explore where tourists don’t usually go (and only the
locals know!).
69 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Use messaging that engages their senses and that
Take advantage of the Authentic Experiencer’s desire
luxury resorts, spas/wellness, golfing, shopping,
promote complementary aspects of your product.
Less interested in
“off the beaten path.”
If your experience is in a small town, find out in advance
to enjoy small town charm and go beyond the surface
entertainment, sports events, Canadian winter.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
local culture, and in doing so differentiate your product.
when festivals and events will be taking place and then
historical/cultural attractions and landmarks,
Cultural Explorers 13%
Travel Values
Always excited about the next trip.
Fascinated by the ancient history as well as the
modern cultures of the places they visit.
Travel is a journey, not the destination, and it is
best experienced with like-minded companions
who enjoy having fun while learning.
70 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Believe in modern definitions of Family, Gender,
and Heterarchy. Deep interest in Cultural Sampling
This segment seeks an authentic experience
Energetic Creativity
and doesn’t want to stay in sterile,
Their questing pursuits are driven by Vitality and
commercial hotels.
Spontaneity, with a Need for Uniqueness and
While cautious, these travellers are not afraid
their own courses.
Household Income Middle-high
of a situation.
“tourist’ schedules or destinations, but will chart
High FT, professional/office
travellers easily figure how to make the most
and Fusion.
discovery. They will not be constrained to
Risk-taking, with an Adaptive Navigation, these
Feel relaxed and free while travelling.
to venture into the unknown in pursuit of
Personal Challenge
Social Values
Personal Creativity.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
Marketing Tips
As with many Americans, the internet is a tool of choice
American Cultural Explorers? In addition to Canada’s
for travel research and booking. Your website is the
prime motivator—unspoiled nature—they love to
gateway to your business, so make sure that its content
Takes the most vacations of all durations,
try local cuisine and absorb local lifestyles while on
stresses your Cultural Explorer product strengths—and
but especially weekend escapes.
holiday. They also have a higher interest than other
that it is written with simple language and keywords
US Explorer Types in Aborginal culture and becoming
(e.g. Canadian culture/history/lifestyles, Aboriginal
totally immersed in local culture, colours, and flavours.
culture, learning, unspoiled nature, hiking) that are
Aside from walking and hiking, they have little interest
friendly to search engines.
Adventure travel
More likely to want to learn, explore something
new, and engage in the local culture.
in outdoor activities. They prefer authenticity over luxury
in accommodations.
Open to B&Bs, camping, hostels.
Help them visualize themselves in the experience.
Use inspiring imagery that focuses on people
Enhance your emphasis on culture or history. For
admiring their destination and enjoying cultural or
Modes of travel
example, a country inn could add an authentic cultural
historical attractions.
clothing product line to its offer by partnering with a
Canadian Aboriginal designer.
Most interested in
Sampling local flavours, local lifestyles, beautiful
If you have a food service in your product mix, consider
landscapes, rivers/waterfalls, cultural attractions,
offering menus that have historical and cultural
including Aborginal culture, Canadian hospitality,
significance (e.g. a full-course French-Canadian meal)
festivals, self-touring.
or follow the “100-mile rule” for ingredients.
Less interested in
US Cultural Explorers love to relax in a peaceful
Luxury resorts, spas/wellness, golfing, skiing/
environment. If your product has a natural setting,
snowboarding, fishing/hunting, shopping,
point out where they can go for quiet times—like
entertainment, major events, sports events,
reading a book by a babbling brook or gazing out on
hands-on learning, guided group tours.
a beautiful scene.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Orient your staff to local history and culture so that they
can give visitors tips on local cultural hotspots or out of
the way places only the locals know. Help your visitors
access transportation options that allow them to be
spontaneous and pack in lots of different experiences—
bike and scooter rentals, taxi or limousine services,
or shuttles.
71 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Use messaging that engages their senses, stressing
social values like creativity, spontaneity, and the
importance of family.
Free Spirits 11%
Travel Values
Life is more exotic abroad, so travel is
Upward Striving
continuous and exciting.
High Social Mobility and Entrepreneurialism inspire
Aspire to stay in the most luxurious
accommodations and venues.
Want to see all the main attractions, but do not
need to go into depth with any. High energy to
see everything.
Want to be the centre of attention. Attracted to
groups and shared experiences.
Some university
Students or FT white collar
Household Income Average or above
Singles at home
72 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
Don’t want to wait at home, constant need to
travel. The internet is no substitute.
Social Values
a strong sense of Personal Challenge.
Unsure of Goals
Deterred by Time Stress, Aimlessness, Anomie
and Fatalism, reflected in Acceptance of Violence.
Social Lives Rule
Craves Social Intimacy, Celebrating Passages
and Attraction to Crowds. Sexual Permissiveness
and Hedonism.
Flashy Consumers
Need for Status Recognition drives Aesthetics,
Want some structure and planning. Packages
Ostentation, and Importance of Brand.
should include planned activities.
Travel Behaviours
Product Development Tips
Audit your product offering. Is it strong in what interests
Marketing Tips
As with many Americans, this type uses the internet
American Free Spirits? They enjoy luxury holidays,
as a tool of choice for travel research and booking.
first-class resorts, golf, and spas/wellness. These Free
Your website is the gateway to your business, so make
Greater number of all types of trips;
Spirits stand out as enjoying some outdoor activities like
sure that its content stresses your Free Spirit product
more weekends.
skiing and fishing/hunting, which might explain their high
strengths—and that it is written with simple language
interest in Canada.
and keywords (e.g. pampering, spa, beautiful scenery,
Fun Events
Travel to spend time with friends, celebrate events.
experience is in or near a ski resort, create appealing
Stay with friends, in luxury hotels, or hostels.
Modes of travel
Travel in organized groups. Most likely to fly.
luxury, etc.) that are friendly to search engines.
Free Spirits are drawn to Canada’s winter sports. If your
Help them visualize themselves in the experience. Use
packages that combine lift tickets, spas/wellness, great
inspiring imagery that focuses on people having fun or
cuisine, and luxury accommodations.
relaxing, against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes,
local landmarks, or vibrant city scenes full of life.
Free Spirits’ preferred mode of travel is through guided
group tours. If you have a touring product, feature
Use messaging that engages their senses, stressing
Most interested in
guided tours of the local tourist hot spots or unique
social values like entrepreneurism, personal challenges,
Sampling local flavours, local lifestyles, cities
shopping areas in your city.
and the celebration of important life events (such as
close to nature, golf, skiing/snowboarding,
entertainment, major events, sports events,
to put together special group packages for singles
shopping, combining business with pleasure.
around major sporting events, and featuring first-class
meals, accommodation, and transportation.
Less interested in
Self-touring, learning/exploring, Canadian
Combine forces with a complementary tourism operator
hospitality, parks/heritage sites, historical/cultural
Check your business amenities—these Free Spirits
make frequent use of the internet and are more likely
attractions, wildlife, hiking/trekking, small towns.
to combine business with pleasure. Free in-room
wireless internet connections and a well-equipped and
accessible business centre will earn their appreciation.
Adapt your service offer to increase value perceptions.
Train your staff to be ready to direct them to the best
local attractions, landmarks, restaurants, and nightlife.
73 The Explorer Quotient Worksheets
birthdays, weddings, etc.).