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Topic: Life Science
Software: Studio
Human Anatomy - Muscles
Lesson Time: 15 Minutes
The human body has over 600 muscles! In this activity, students will explore
and identify muscles, the ways in which they work, and the muscle pairs in the Key Terms:
human arm and leg.
○○ Explore the ways in which muscles move parts of the human body
○○ Identify muscle pairs in the human arm and leg
Differentiation (Δ)
○○ Group students heterogeneously to allow students with a strong command of
the English language to assist in reading or interpreting questions
○○ Enrichment: Students could research similar topics and create presentations
○○ Enrichment: Students could build a model of a key concept
Scene 1
You have over 600 muscles in your body! Your muscles work with your bones to allow you to move.
Muscles often work in pairs. For example when your biceps contract, your triceps relax.
○○ Can you find other muscle pairs in the arm and leg?
Answer Key
1. Can you find other muscle pairs in the arm and leg?
Answers will vary. Sample Answer: One of the pairs is in the leg, at the shin (tibialis) and calf
(gastrocnemius and soleus) muscles. Another pair is the quadricep (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis,
vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius) and hamstring (semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps
Human Anatomy - Muscles
Topic: Life Science
Software: Studio
Ideas for Extension
○○ (Elementary) Have students create models of the bicep and tricep muscle pairs with string, brads, and
paper templates of the muscles
○○ (Middle) Have students research the effects of microgravity on muscle development in the human body.
Students can review the following zSpace activities to enhance understanding of different gravitational
forces on other planets:
○○ “Planets - Gravitational Force” (Studio)
○○ “Gravitational Force Evidence” (Newton’s Park)
○○ “Gravitational Force” (Newton’s Park)
○○ “Gravity Investigation” (Newton’s Park)
Related Activities
1. Human Anatomy - Muscles in the Head - Studio
2. Human Anatomy - Limbs - Studio
3. Medical Bone Scans - Studio
Human Anatomy - Muscles