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Operant Conditioning Practice
Name _____________
1. Identify the behavior and its consequence.
2. As a consequence of the behavior, is something added or removed/avoided?
3. Does the consequence strengthen or weaken the behavior?
Operant Conditioning Review…Including Reinforcement Schedules:
Below are Examples or +/- Reinforcement or +/- Punishment
1. ___ +R____________ You receive a kiss for bringing your girlfriend flowers.
2. ____ -R__________ Wearing a helmet, pads, etc. to avoid a sports or recreational injury.
3. ____ +P________ You receive a detention for being tardy to class.
4. _____+P_____ Receiving a ticket for speeding in your car.
5. _____+P__________ Hurting your head when you don't duck in a low doorway.
6. _____+P__________ Jail - Being forced to live in a small smelly room.
7. _____-P__________ Teenager loses their cellphone for talking back to mom.
8. _____+R________ You get your allowance only after you complete your weekly chores.
9. _____+R________ You receive a merit raise at work for doing your job well.
10. _____-R______ Being nice to your brother to avoid super-wedgies
11. _____-R__________ Following the laws to avoid jail.
12. _____-P__________ Jail – You lost the freedom to do as you please
13. _____+P__________ Someone frowns when you tell a joke.
14. _____+R__________ Someone smiles when you tell a joke.
15. _____-R_________ Put gas in your car to avoid a break-down.
16. _____+R__________ Feeling good after working at a soup kitchen.
17. _____-R________ Ducking your head to avoid hitting it on a low doorway.
18. _____-R__________ Removing a super-wedgie to eliminate discomfort
19. _____-P__________ Repo man takes a car for failure to make loan payments.
20. _____-R__________ Studying for an exam reduces stress
21. _____+R__________ Getting pleasure from a stimulating conversation with a great colleague.
22. _____+P__________ Tasting bitter nail chemical when you try to bite your nails.
23. _____+R__________ Give your child dessert when they eat their vegetables.
24. _____-R__________ Taking out the garbage to quiet a nagging significant other.
25. _____+P__________ Snapping your wrist with a rubber band when you bite your fingernails.
26. _____+R__________ Smoking a cigarette brings a dopamine release in the brain - that good feeling
27. _____-P_________ Removing the door from bedroom hinges after child slams it in anger, taking away
your privacy.
28. _____+P__________ Having a blue-ink pen explode in your mouth while chewing on the tip.
29. _____+P__________ Getting the stink eye for being on your phone in class when you shouldn’t.
Below are examples of Fixed/Variable and Ratio/Interval Partial Reinforcement Schedules:
30. ______F#_________Getting a snack after reading every 30 pages
31. ______F#_________A hotel maid takes a 15-minute break after cleaning 10 rooms
32. ______V INT________Scratch off lottery tickets
33. ______V # _________Slot machines
34. ______V INT_________Your teacher gives pop quizzes.
35. _____ F INT__________Picking up the paper in the morning after it has been delivered at the same
time every day.
36. _____V INT__________Checking the refrigerator to see if JELL-O is ready.
37. _____V INT__________Checking the mail for a letter from a friend
38. _____V #__________A boxer has to hit his opponent a variable number of times before a knockout.
39. _____V #__________A charitable organization makes an average of 10 phone calls for every donation
it receives.
40. _____F #__________A blueberry picker receives $1 after filling three pint boxes.
41. _____F #__________A dog receives a treat after it turns around four times.
42. _____V INT__________A person plays the lottery in hopes of winning.
43. _____V INT__________A writer sells stories only occasionally.
44. _____F INT__________Metro train/bus schedule.
45. _____V INT__________Checking the clock as the end of class nears.
46. _____V INT__________A professional baseball player gets a hit approximately every third time at bat
47. _____F #__________Subway (or other frequent buyer program) rewards card: get XX stamps, get XX
48. _____F INT__________A student receives grades at the end of every semester.
49. _____V INT__________Checking cell phone for text messages when phone is on silent
50. _____F INT__________Getting a gift on your birthday (what behavior is being reinforced?)
51. _____V INT__________Checking the front porch for a newspaper when the deliverer is extremely