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(Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.)
Roots of Astronomy
Multiple Choice
1. What was the most controversial issue surrounding the nature of the Universe during the Renaissance?
a. The movement of visible galaxies
b. The origins of the Universe
c. The number of planets in the Solar System
d. The position of Earth in the Universe
e. The existence of life on planets other than Earth
2. Whose geocentric model of the Universe dominated astronomy for 2,000 years?
a. Kepler
b. Copernicus
c. Aristotle
d. Galileo
e. Ptolemy
3. Early astronomers believed that Earth did not move because they saw no ____, the apparent motion of an object
because of the motion of the observer.
a. uniform circular motion
b. archeoastronomy
c. heliocentrism
d. eccentricity
e. Parallax
4. What field of science focuses most on the connections between ancient celestial observations and such structures as the
one seen in the accompanying figure?
a. theology
b. astrology
c. archeology
d. archeoastronomy
e. archeophilosophy
5. Ptolemy tried to describe the motion of the planets by devising a small circle, called a(n) ____, which rotated around
the edge of a larger circle.
a. epicycle
b. foci
c. deferent
d. equant
e. sphere
6. What did the Greek philosopher Philolaus believe about the Universe?
a. No parallax seen of new stars means Earth is the center of the Universe.
b. Perfect heavens must be made of up spheres rotating at constant rates.
c. The most perfect geometrical form was the sphere.
d. The heavens are perfect and Earth is imperfect.
e. Earth moved around a central fire.
7. What was Eratosthenes’s mathematical contribution to the history of astronomy, even though it was incorrect?
a. He calculated the diameter of Earth by what he learned from travelers’ itineraries.
b. He estimated Earth’s revolution rate by measuring the length of shadows casted on the surface.
c. He determined that all the planets orbited Earth every 24 hrs.
d. He attempted to calculate Earth’s radius by utilizing the position of sunlight.
e. He believed all of nature was underlain by musical principles.
8. What did most Greek philosophers accept as a first principle?
a. Earth was the unmoving center of the Universe.
b. The heavens are imperfect.
c. The tetrahedron is the perfect geometric form.
d. There are only six planets in the Universe.
e. Earth travels on an elliptical orbit.
9. A well-known structure located in Britain and investigated by archeoastronomist is called _______________.
10. Most Greek philosophers believed in a(n) _______________ Universe.
11. Pythagoras proposed that all nature was underlain by musical principles, by which he meant _______________.
12. A(n) _______________is something that is held to be obviously true and needs no further examination.
13. Eratosthenes used simple geometry to determine the distance between Alexandria to Syene so that he could calculate
Short Answer
14. What was the evidence that ancient astronomers used to conclude that Earth did not move?
15. What are the two primary components of the Ptolemaic Universe model?