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Transcript of Weather---Part 1
Weather---Part 1
Water Cycle
The measure of the amount of water vapor in the air
Relative Humidity: Percentage (ratio) of the total amount compared to the maximum amount it
can hold
Measured with a PSYCHROMETER
Wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures
measured and compared...
Bigger Change in Wet bulb-lower humidity
Dew Point: Temperature where condensation begins
Above freezing---water droplets
Below Freezing--Ice Crystals
Clouds form from Condensation
Water vapor in the air forms liquid water or ice crystals
Dust and/or smoke must be present for water to form around
Cirrus Clouds
Wispy, feathery clouds
Form at high levels above 6 km---where temps are low
Mostly made of ice crystals
Cumulus Clouds
Look Fluffy and rounded like cotton
form less than 2 Kilometers above the ground (up to 18 kilometers high)
If they are not very tall---fair weather
CirroCumulus Clouds
Low Cirrus Clouds that are fluffy---indicate
--Nimbus means "rain"
These clouds have flatter tops and are associated with thunderstorms
Stratus Clouds
Clouds that form in flat layers
Cover most or all of the sky
Dull, Gray in color---produce drizzle, rain, or snow
Alto-"high"---usually Alto cumulus or alto stratus
These are mid-level clouds that are higher than regular cumulas and stratus, but lower than cirrus
Clouds near the ground
Forms when ground cools in the night
More common near bodies of water