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GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 18, NO. 11, PAGES 2121-2124, NOVEMBER 1991 ABSENCE OF LARGE SHIELD VOLCANOES AND CALDERAS ON THE MOON: CONSEQUENCE OF MAGMA TRANSPORT PHENOMENA? James W. Head III Departmentof GeologicalSciences, BrownUniversity,Providence,RI Lionel Wilson EnvironmentalScienceDivision,LancasterUniversity,Lancaster,U.K. Abstract.Large shieldvolcanoesandcalderasare not ob- km diameter and are similar to those seen on the Earth in served on the Moon. Theoretical assessments show that melt Iceland and Hawai'i (Head and Gifford, 1980). However, ascendingfrom the mantlewill stallat rheologicaltrapsor at the shallowerdensitytrapat the baseof thelow-densitylunar crust.Magma will then only reachthe surfacealongdikes thereare no knownexamplesof shieldvolcanoescomparable to the large shieldsfound on the Earth, Mars, and Venus (Guestand Murray, 1976; Head andGifford, 1980;Head et propagated fromthesedeepreservoirs, andsucheventswill be infrequentandcharacterized by very large-volumeeruptions. Theseconditionsfavor the formationof sinuousrilles, single long flows, and widespreadflow units,ratherthan abundant al., 1981; Wilhelms, 1987). The small lunar shieldvolcanoes (commonly calleddomes)havesummitpitsin the 1-3 km diameterrange(HeadandGifford,1980),butthereis little evidencefor the presenceof large circular caldera-like smalleruptionsfrom a centraledifice.The absenceof large structuressimilar to those seenon the Earth, Mars and Venus. shieldvolcanoesandcalderason the Moon is interpretedto be related to the fact that shallowneutral buoyancyzonesand magmareservoirsarenotfavoredon theMoon. Shield volcanoeswith basal diametersin excessof 50 km are commonon the Earth (Petersonand Moore, 1987), Mars Whatis theexplanation forthisobservation? Largenumbers of flowsemanating froma centralsource (Cart, 1974)andVenus(RobertsandHead, 1990;Schaber, 1991; Pike, 1978) (Figure 1). On Earth, thesefeaturesare generally builtfroma largenumber of small-volume basaltic eruptions andtheirassociated dikes.Theyarecharacterized by a broadshield-shaped topographic profilewith low flanking slopes,summitcalderas,and associated flows, and they commonly haveflankingrift zones,fromwhichadditional or associated rift zone,andtheirintrusivecomponents (dikes), are the basiccomponents thatbuild up shieldvolcanoeson Earth(Figure2). Individualflowvolumes aresmall,andflow lengths average lessthanthebasaldiameter of theedifice.Associatedsummitcalderasreflectthepresenceof shallowmag- mabodieswheremagmahasreached neutralbuoyancy to form a magmareservoir(Ryan,1987;WilsonandHead,1990). Summitand flank eruptionsand calderaformation(Ryan, EARTH flows emanate. Summit calderasalso are common on large Edifice volcanic edifices on Mars and Venus. On the Moon, about Magma stalls at neutral buoyancy Evolution of reservoir causes lateral and zone; dike eraplacement vertical eraplacement to produce reservoir. eruptions. fiftysmallshield volcanoes areobserved in thesizerange3-20 frequency hi_ahenough o• 300 Growth and numerous low-volume •1 km •Oceanic Crust / •.^•.^ •::'i•-•'•••l•...uO.y.a.n.c.y: k••" ...... i I• ('d •: :-.'............................. Venus Shield t.,•<^<^<•,<^ I::/ • ))/zone a• t ))'••••••.t: iOY:.::: I'.• MOON Lunar Mare Highestvolumedikesrea.ch surf. ace to produce • '-,' Terrestrial Shield • Martian •] Tobias Mayer Lunar Mare Domes Shield Fig. 1. Scale comparisonof edifices and depositson the Earth, Mars, Venus and the Moon. Modified from Gifford and Head (1980). Copyright1991by the AmericanGeophysical Union. ,,/ •, v v •, Dikes propagate • /... A A v Crust v L. Vtoward ^surface....• /x I I /--^L ^ A ,. ................ ;;;;.... _ :. , ß..... Fig. 2. Structureof a Hawaiian-typeshieldvolcanoon the Earth,comparedto the characteristics of crustalstructureand magmaascenton the Moon. Papernumber91GL02536 0094-8534/91/91GL-02536503.00 2121 2122 Head andWilson:Magma Transporton theMoon 1987) resultfrom changesin the volumeandexcesspressure in the reservoir.Continuedreplenishmentof the magmareservoir at the neutralbuoyancyzone,andthe subsequent lateral andverticalemplacement of smallvolumesof magmafromthe reservoirinto and onto the volcano,build up the shielduntil the magmasupplyceases.Therefore,the presenceof shield volcanoesandcalderason a planetarysurfacestronglyimplies the presenceof shallowneutralbuoyancyzonesandmagma reservoirs.The presenceof thesereservoirsinvolvesthe stalling and evolutionof magmathere,the productionof numerous eruptionsof relatively small volume and duration, and associated shallowmagmamigrationto causecalderacollapse. A wide variety of volcaniclandformshasbeenobservedin Key factorsin the formationof sinuousrilles by thermal erosionare: 1) turbulentflow, requiringhigh effusionrates andaidedby low viscosityandyieldstrength; and2) sustained flow (implying very long durationeruptionsand thusvery higheruptionvolumes)to causethecontinued downcutting to the observedrille depths.Eruptionsthat causedmany of the largesinuous rillesfoundon theMoonswere thereforeapparently characterizedby rapid effusionof low yield strength lavasfor prolongedperiodsproducingflowsof extremelyhigh volumes(in therange300-1200km3).Thesecharacteristics are in strongcontrastto typicaleruptionvolumesfor shieldrelated flows on Earth, which are much less than one km3 (Petersonand Moore, 1987), and to the volume of the largest and associated with the lunar maria, and these are illustrated and discussed in detail elsewhere (Head, 1976; Wilhelms, historiclavaflow (Laki,Iceland;about12 km3). 1987). Lava flow unitshave beendistinguished on the basisof topographic,albedo,andcolor boundaries(Wilhelms, 1987), but flow units are usuallybroad (not linear) and their sources are obscure.No examplesare known where many individual flows radiatefrom a centralsource.One of the few examples of volcanic features on the Moon. (Guest, 1971; Guest and Murray, 1976; Whitford-Stark and Head, 1977) and these could be candidatesfor shallowmagma reservoirs.The most where individual linear flows to a common significantof theseconcentrations occurin OceanusProcellarum and includethe Marius Hills area(35,000 km2), which displays20 sinuousrilles and over 100 domesand cones,and where Eratosthen- theAristarchus Plateau/Rima Prinzregion(40,000km2)which can be traced source area is in southwest Mare Imbrium There are several areas that show unusual concentrations Jan-agedflows originatefrom the basinedgeand extendinto the basin interior in three phases1200, 600, and 400 km in length.The characteristics of theseflow unitsimply higheffusionratesand large-volumeeruptions,comparableto someof those observed in the Columbia River basalts, and the units appearto be separatedin time by hundredsof millionsof years (Schaber, 1973). Meanderingchannelsknown as sinuousrilles occurprimarily in the lunar maria, andpreferentiallyalongthe edgesof the maria (Schubertet al., 1970; Murray, 1971). Rille widths rangeup to about3 km and are commonlyrelativelyconstant alongtheir course;lengthsrangefrom a few km to more than 300 km. In somecases,sinuousrilles originatein circularor elongatedepressionsand theseare sometimeslocatedin the highands adjacent to the maria. These depressionsdo not appearto have associatedflows other than the sinuousrille, and they are not characterizedby topographicbuilduptypical of a shield. Although the general morphologic similarity between sinuous rilles and terrestrial lava channels and tubes led to the interpretation that they were of similar origin, sinuousrilles are generallyan order of magnitudelarger and oftenmuchmore highly sinuousthanterrestriallava channels. The characteristicsof lunar sinuousrilles unexplainedby simple lava channel/tubemodels can be accountedfor by associatedthermal erosion (Hulme, 1973; Carr, 1973; Hulme, 1982). Thermal erosion processesseem to best explain the majority of characteristicsof larger sinuousrilles, although many lava channelsand collapsedtubes do occur and are clearlylinkedgenetically. Eruption conditionscharacteristicof large sinuousrilles can be inferredfrom their length,width, depth,andthe nature of their sourceregions.Hulme (1973) calculatedan effusion rateof 4 x 104m3/s,an eruptiondurationof aboutoneyear, anda totalvolumeof about1200km3for a 50 km longrille in the Marius Hills. Wilson and Head (1980) and Head and Wilson (1980) usedthe characteristics of sourcedepressions of sinuousrilles to developindependentevidencefor extremely high effusion rate eruptions of long duration. In their model, sourcedepressions are accountedfor by lava fountaining, very high accumulationrates,and thermalerosionof the near-ventarea duringa high-volume,long-durationeruption. is dominatedby 36 sinuousrilles (Whitford-Stark and Head, 1977). Although small domes and conesoccur, there is no evidencefor the centralizedoccurrenceof flows reflectingthe presenceandevolutionof a shallowmagmareservoir.Rather, the high concentrationof sinuousrilles suggeststhat these complexesare the sitesof multiple eruptionswith high effusionratesandlargevolumes,andthat thesecentersmay be the sourceof muchof the lava in OceanusProcellarumemplaced duringthe Imbrian andEratosthenian periods(Whitford-Stark and Head, 1977; 1980). The large-volume eruptionsapparently spreadtheir lava depositsextensivelyinto the surrounding maria,ratherthanbuildinga largelocaledifice.The lack of associatedcalderas,collapseddepressions,or sagssuggests that the sourcesof these high-volume eruptions must have beenat significantdepth.Somecratersin the sizerange20-40 km (smooth-rimmedcraters;Wilhelms and McCauley, 1971) havebeeninterpretedasvolcanicin origin(DeHon, 1971),but these types of features appear more likely to be linked to modified impact craters than to shield-like structuresor calderas(Pike, 1980; Wilhelms, 1987, p. 32-33). Considerationof the total volume of volcanic deposits emplacedduring the period of mare volcanismindicatesthat averageglobaleffusionratesduringthepeakperiodwerevery low (about 10-2 km3/a), comparableto the presentlocal averageeffusionratesfor individual terrestrialvolcanoessuch as Hawai'i and Etna (Head and Wilson, 1991). However, the characteristics of volcaniclandformsand depositsassociated with the lunarmariasuggestthatemplacement did not occuras a continuousseriesof low-volumeeruptions,but that largevolumeeruptionswith very higheffusionrateswererelatively common (e.g., sinuousrilles and the Imbrium basin Eratosthenjan-agedflows), and separatedin time. Eruptionswere oftenlocalizedalongbasinmarginsandin volcaniccomplexes, particularly in OceanusProcellarum, and may have been separatedin time by significantintervals,particularlyin the later stagesof mare emplacement.In addition,there is little evidencefor shallow magma reservoirsand repeatedsmallvolumeeruptionsthat wouldbuild up largeshieldvolcanoes. Takentogether,thesecharacteristics appearto favora styleof emplacementinvolving large batchesof magmaeruptedover shortperiodsof time from relatively deep sources,and separ- Head andWilson: Magma Transporton the Moon 2123 atedin time and spacefrom one another.Thesecharacteristics do not favor the conditions that produce shallow neutral buoyancy zones, shallow magma reservoirs,calderas, and vertical extent which is approximately double the crustal thickness,so that the positive buoyancy of the melt in the shield volcanoes. negativebuoyancyof thepart of the dikein thecrust. If the lower end of a dike staysconnectedto its melt source,two factorsact to allow magmawhich is negatively buoyantin the crustto reach the surface.The first (Solomon, 1975)involvesconsidering thenetbuoyancyof themeltin the The basic physical principles of lunar basaltic magma ascent and eruption (Wilson and Head, 1981; Head and Wilson, 1991) permit a better understanding of the implicationsof mare landformsand depositsfor the rangeof eruptionconditionsin existenceduring emplacementof the lunar maria. The key factorcontrollingwhetheror not surface mare basalteruptionscan take placeon the Moon is that the densityof the anorthositic crust(2.8 g/cm3)is significantly lessthanthedensityof themantle(3.4 g/cm3).Basalticpartial meltsproducedin the lunar mantle,havingdensitiesof about 3.2 g/cm3,are positivelybuoyantthroughoutthe mantlebut negativelybuoyantthroughoutthe crust.This meansthat the crust/mantle boundary acts as a physical (density) trap preventing the further rise of basaltic magmas as long as buoyancyalonecontrolstheir ascent(Solomon,1975). Buoyancy is certainly the major factor affecting the separationof partial meltsfrom their sourcerocks.However, partial melting is itself most commonly the result of the buoyantrise of the sourcerocksrelativeto their surroundings and their consequentadiabatic decompression.Various alternativeshavebeenproposedfor thedegreeof separation of melt and solidresiduumduringthe meltingprocess,but it is clearthat meltsrisingfrom greatenoughdepthsin the mantle are likely to do so aspartsof partiallymoltendiapiricbodies with sizesranging from hundredsof metersto kilometers.A diapirrisesat a ratedeterminedby its densitycontrastwith the surrounding rocksandthe temperature-dependent rheological propertiesof thoserocks.Heat is transferredfrom the diapir into the surroundingrocks, reducing their viscosity and increasingthe rise ratesof the diapir;however,this process commonlyleadsto the freezingof the melt componentof the diapirbeforeit approaches the surface(Marsh, 1984).The fact that the temperatureof the country rocks decreaseswith increasingproximityto the surfacemeansthatthe abilityof a diapir to rise will be rapidly reducedat somelevel in the mantle,leadingto theconceptof a rheological trapfor diapirs. Melt may still be able to reachthe surfacefrom a diapir stalledat a rheologicaltrap providedstressesaccumulatein sucha way that a dike can beginto propagateinto the overlying rocks(Sleep, 1988). This is essentiallyaccomplished by the presencein the melt of a pressurein excessof the local lithostaticpressure.This pressurearisesfrom expansionon meltingandthe differencebetweenthe compressibilities of the melt and the surroundingsolid rocks. Failure of the rocks overlying a melt body will occurwhen the excesspressureis approximately onehalf of thetensilestrengthof therocks(Tait et al., 1989). The tensilestrength(which may have a value of order 30-50 MPa, but in general is a function of the local temperatureandpressure,andpossiblyalsothe appliedstrain rate) thereforeacts to limit the largestpressuredifferential whichcanbuild up to a valueof theorderof 15-25 MPa. Dikes can propagatefrom a melt body at depth in two ways: 1) the dike growsuntil it extendscontinuously from the melt source to the surface; 2) the lower end of the dike disconnectsfrom the melt body beforethe upperend reaches the surface.In the lattercasethe dike propagatesas a separate structurewithin the countryrocks, and can only continueto rise as long as the melt within it has a net positivebuoyancy; suchdikescannotpenetratethe lunarcrustunlesstheyhavea mantle section of the dike more than counterbalances the dike, mentioned above in connection with disconnected dikes. If thepressure dueto theweightof thecolumnof magmain an open dike is lessthan the pressuredue to the weight of the surroundingcountry rocks overlying the sourcebody, the pressuredifferentialrepresentsan excesspressurewhich is availableto overcomethe wall friction involvedin driving magmathroughthedike,anda surfaceeruptioncantakeplace (Wilson and Head, 1981). This analysisassumesthat stresses in the rocks surroundingthe magma sourcebody can be approximated by lithostaticpressures, butthisis acceptable at thedepthswithin thelithosphere of interesthere. There is, however, a second factor involved in the existanceof an open dike. The pattern of stresseswhich controlsdike geometryis suchthat a finite excesspressure mustexistin the magmasourcebodyto hold the dike open againstelastic forces (Pollard, 1987). The size of this excess pressuredependson whether or not the melt in the dike is buoyant, and for the negatively buoyant case (Rubin and Pollard, 1987) it is always the case that a larger excess pressureis required to keep the dike open than the excess pressurewhich arisesfrom the magmaweightconsiderations (HeadandWilson, 1991).Thus,it is the availabilityof a high enoughstressto keep a dike open to the surfacethat is the limitingfactorin allowingsurfaceeruptions to takeplace,not theneedto supporttheweightof themagmain thedike. When the abovestresses are evaluatedfor magmasource bodiesstalledat the densitytrap at the baseof the crustor at greater depthsin the mantle (Head and Wilson, 1991), it is foundthatstresses greaterthanthe 15-25MPa limit imposed by thecountryrocktensilestrengtharerequiredif themagma sourceis deeperthan about150 km. Thus, surfaceeruptions cannotbe achievedunlessmelt canpenetrateto within 150km of the surface.As it happens, thisdepthis comparable to twice the thicknessof the lunarcrust,implyingthatdikeswhichare disconnected from melt sources will be no more common than connected dikes.Modelsof thethree-dimensional geometryof dikes(Lister,1990)canbe usedto calculatethe approximate widthsandthicknesses of dikesextendingfromdepthsof 60150 km and yield melt volumesin the range200-600 km3 (Head and Wilson, 1991). Thus, unlessa dike happensto penetratejust as far as the surface(a statisticallyunlikely circumstance), thevolumeof magmaeruptedthrougha dikeof this size is likely to be much greaterthan the volume of the dike itself. Dikes growingfrom magmabodiesstalledat the baseof the crustwill havevolumesof about20-60 km3, about 10 timeslessthan the valuescited above,but still far in excess of eruptionstypicalof terrestrialshieldvolcanoes. Largeshieldvolcanoes andcalderas areapparently absent on the Moon. The characteristics of lunar mare landforms and deposits indicatethattheaverage globaleffusionratewasvery low,butthatmanyindividualeruptions werecharacterized by high effusionratesand relativelylong durations,and were separated in timefromoneanotherby relativelylongperiods. Thesecharacteristics areconsistent with theoretical analyses of the ascentanderuptionof magmaon theMoon, whichindicate 2124 HeadandWilson:MagmaTransport ontheMoon that the low density of the lunar crust and its thickening lithosphere createbuoyancy andrheological trapswhichcause ascending magmadiapirsto stallat significantdepths(at the baseof thecrustor deeper)(Figure2). Analysisof thefactors requiredto propagatedikesfrom thesesources to the surface indicatesthat surfaceeruptions will be infrequentandof very Pike, R. J., Geometricinterpretation of lunarcraters,U.S. G. S. Prof. Paper 1046-C, C1-C177, 1980. Pollard,D. D., Elementaryfracturemechanicsappliedto the structuralinterpretationof dykes,in Mafic Dyke Swarms, editedby H. C. Halls and W. F. Fahrig,Geol. Assn.of Canada,Sp. Paper 34, 5-24, 1987. highvolume,similarto thosethoughtto beresponsible for the Roberts, K. M. and Head, J. 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