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Family Network for Deaf Children
and our deaf program
Deaf Youth Today
Deaf Youth Today
Spring (Apr 2017)
FNDC values sharing information to deaf children, families, professionals and the
communities that support them. These events, advertisements and/or articles do not
necessarily reflect the viewpoint of FNDC or offer an endorsement
Spring is in the air and summer is just around the corner. The
countdown is on until the end of the school year. Watch for our Deaf
Youth Today Summer Program brochure coming soon in May!
Spring is a time of new beginnings, but I thought I would write an
article about a topic that is generally not often talked about: Death
and background knowledge for deaf children. If this is an emotional
topic for you – just skip this front page and move into the happy
section of our newsletter.
If you have followed any of my writings over the years, you will know
that I am passionate about immersing deaf children’s minds with
tons of language; pre-teaching or filling them up with background
knowledge to enrich life experiences and maximize learning.
For hearing children, access to background information that we take
for granted is readily accessible everywhere:
listening to family members’ conversations (including the
whispers we think are private)
television, radio, overhead announcements, YouTube etc.
stranger’s conversations (eg. dr.’s offices, movie theatre lineups,
airport waiting areas)
For deaf children, they may only have some access or often no access
until it is explicitly interpreted or taught to them. Sadly, they miss out
on background knowledge and language learning. This can lead to
significant holes in background information that become even more
evident in the teenage years.
As parents of deaf and hard of hearing children and youth, we have
a responsibility to ensure our kids have a growing first (and second)
language. Giving them access to all the necessary background information allows them to be confident, well informed individuals who
feel empowered and included. Ultimately, it’s our responsibility as
parents and yes, it is a lot of work, but if we don’t do it, who will?
The topic of background knowledge and death is a subject that I am
sensitive to. I was almost 5 years old when my dad passed away. At
the time, my mom was in shock and deep grief so I was never really
told anything. Thankfully, I overheard conversations, had some basic
knowledge and was able to put together enough puzzle pieces to
understand what was happening. The whole experience was quite
overwhelming but I often think: “what if I didn’t have that background
knowledge?” As a mom, I wanted all my children, including my deaf
child to be included in family events and emotions. Death is one of
those topics. We don’t want to talk about it, but it is part of the circle
of life.
Death really is a topic that needs a lot of discussion and pre-teaching.
When a deaf child is faced with the emotions of loss, having
background knowledge helps them deal with the emotions; they
don’t become overwhelmed with not understanding the concept or
get stuck on the millions of logistical questions while others around
them are grieving. So many questions: How do you know someone
is dead? How does it happen? What is a funeral v. memorial?
Cremation? Burial? Grieving? Emotions? What to say to loved ones
after someone has died? The list is endless.
We have a large extended family, so attending funerals of distant
relatives was part of our family experience. Having our kids attend
a memorial service was a time for them to experience loss and ask
questions without it being an overly emotional experience for them.
Years later, with the very painful loss of their grandparents, our kids
were prepared to focus on grief and healing and not get lost in the
confusion of basic questions. It seemed that our deaf child had many
more questions again reminding us of the need to keep her informed
with background knowledge that her siblings had through incidental
learning and overhearing conversations.
We had some humorous moments too! When Mari was about 8 years
old we attended my Uncle George’s Memorial service. First off, Mari
had affectionately given him a sign name (from the movie, George
of the Jungle.) So his sign name was: “BEAT THE CHEST”. Well, we
arrived at the memorial service and at the front of the church was
a photo of Uncle George and two urns for ashes: one for him and
one for his wife (who had passed away a few years earlier). Mari
spotted the cremation urns, and jumped up out of the pew, pointing
and emphatically signing with a lot of facial expression: “Look! Look!
– “Uncle George was so fat they couldn’t fit him into one urn.” Even
if you didn’t know sign language – it was very evident what she just
Twitter: @FNDCandDYT
A few tips:
Don’t be afraid to talk about death and answer questions.
Begin with insects, birds, pets and work your way up to people
(depending on the maturity level of your child). Don’t leave this to
TV and movies to do your work for you as this can lead to misconceptions, lack of emotion and fear. For families in rural areas,
opportunities are all around, but for kids living in urban areas,
you may need to go out of your way to see a dead bird or have a
funeral for your pet hamster? Our family stopped at the side of
road to see a dead beaver. I know. I know. It sounds macabre
but it does help with new language, questions, discussion and a
bonding time between parents and kids to talk about facts and
that our youth group tour a funeral home to see the process a
family may go through from selecting a casket (yes we walked
through a room with many sample caskets in it), seeing the size of
a box of cremated remains, the costs (yes, still shocking!). I was 14
years old and with my friends, so we were able to nervously laugh
together. It helped diffuse some of the fear and mystery. We
experienced the process without any emotion attached. Sounds
weird, but I chalk that up as one of the best learning experiences
of my life.
Talk about your family values, traditions, your culture in respect
to death. If you have a faith experience, make sure to share that
with your child too. For some families, death is a finality and for
some the afterlife will also be a topic of discussion.
Hire an interpreter for access and inclusion. When close family
members passed away, we hired an interpreter, who stood at the
front of the Church. For distant relatives, we hired an interpreter
and sat off to the side, where the interpreter could sign discreetly.
Also, don’t forget about an interpreter for family gathering time
in the home. Often this is when memories are shared, crying,
laughing and family bonding takes place.
Talk about the pragmatics of the funeral experience. When I was
a teenager, I had the unique experience of having a pastor who
worked with families during grief. He felt that it was important
Share emotions. Share your journey of family or friends that have
passed away. How did you feel? It’s ok to cry, and crying can be an
important way for your child to see and feel your emotions.
Well, that was a somewhat heavy topic. My apologies, but I encourage you to fill your children with lots of language and background
knowledge and no topic is too tough to avoid.
Spring • 2017
More detailed Job
descriptions and
requirements are
posted on our
Apply today at
Spring • 2017
DYT Summer Camp 2017
Ages: 8-15 &
16-18 (CIT)
Ages: 5-9 & 9-12
Ages: 5-8 & 9-12
Ages: 5-8 & 9-12
Ages: 13-18
Ages: 5-8 & 9-14
Ages: 15-18
Ages: 5-8 & 9-12
Ages: 13 - 18
JULY 9 – 13
JULY 17TH – 20TH
JULY 24 – 27
AUGUST 8 – 11
Spring • 2017
FNDC is seeking sponsorship to provide personal support workers for deaf
and hard of hearing children with additional special needs.
The approximate cost per week is $500 per child, to provide the necessary one-toone support. Last summer, we needed almost $25,000.00 to provide one-one-one
workers for deaf and hard of hearing children with additional special/unique needs.
We are hoping you would consider fully or partially supporting a child for one week.
Our BC Society Registration Number is S-33351. We have been a registered Charity
since: April 1, 1998 and our Federal Registered Charity No. is 88622 5655 RR001.
Tax receipts will be issued for donations over $20.00.
We rely on donations and grants to make our summer accessible and inclusive for
all the deaf and hard of hearing children we serve.
You may donate online at or contact us by email at: [email protected]
We have donations letters available for you to share with friends, family and places
of employment that may want to donate.
Spring • 2017
Spring • 2017
Does your family need funding for Family Deaf Camp 2017?
FNDC has limited funding is available for families to assist with the costs of your Family Deaf Camp Registration Fees.
The Criteria for the funding is:
• Your family resides in British Columbia
• Your family has a deaf or hard of hearing child (school age: K to 12)
• The cost of Family Deaf Camp is more than your budget can handle
The amount available per family is up to $275.00 (registration fees for a family of four). The funding has been made available from private donations specifically for
this purpose. There is only a limited amount of funding and therefore will only be available on a first come, first served basis. Due to limited funding, priority, will be
given to families who are planning to attend Deaf Camp 2016 for the first time.
In respect to our donors, we ask that only those in true financial need apply.
If your family qualifies using the criteria above, please send an email to: [email protected]
ALL requests will be kept confidential
Spring • 2017
What Role did DYT play in my life?
From the perspective of young deaf adults
friendsfromHornby,andIamchasingmydreams.” -Bree,youngdeafadult,SocialWorkGraduateStudent
my life big time. I was able to grow as an individual and build the confidence that I can be a
leader too. Having the experience in leadership training, my perspectives changed and I felt
and families. My experiences from DYT enabled me to apply what I have learned at university
Spring • 2017
How did DYT shape the life of my deaf child? A parent’s perspective
Spring • 2017
BCDSF Drop in
BCSD South Gym
5455 Rumble St,
Burnaby, BC
Thursdays May 4-June 15, 2017
6:30 PM-8:00 PM
Free for Members
More info: email BCDSF at
[email protected]
Spring • 2017
Burnaby Public Library, in partnership with Family and Community Services and
Provincial Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services at the Ministry of Children and Family Development
Join a Deaf storyteller and a children’s librarian for stories, songs, rhymes and crafts
presented in both American Sign Language and English.
Interpreters will be present.
Free drop-in for children of all ages and abilities,
together with a parent or caregiver.
THREE SATURDAYS, 3:00 – 4:00 pm
March 25
April 22
May 27
Tommy Douglas Library is on the north side of Kingsway, just west of Edmonds Street.
Take the Millennium or Expo line to Edmonds station, or take the 106, 112, or 129 bus.
Free parking underground: enter off Arcola Street, which is off Walker Avenue.
For more information, e-mail Randi at the library ([email protected]) or
Roger Chan at Family and Community Services ([email protected]).
Follow us:
Burnaby Public Library
Spring • 2017
Inclusive Outdoor Games for Deaf Children
FNDC editor’s note: This article is from Britain. Some of the suggestions are aimed at
auditory/verbal children but can easily be adapted for signing deaf children
Posted at:
Deaf children have the potential to attain
and achieve the same as any other child,
given the right level of support. Most
teaching and learning, all the way through
the stages from EYFS, KS1 to KS2, takes
place through the main senses of sight and
sound. This presents deaf children with
particular challenges. Just as no two
children are the same, there is a
considerable variation in the levels and
types of childhood deafness. Children who
are deaf may have a permanent mild,
moderate, severe or profound hearing loss
in one or both ears, or a temporary loss of
hearing such as glue ear. They have a
diverse range of needs, including the amount and type of learning support that they need, an
understanding of the ways in which they prefer to communicate, and the type of hearing technology
they use, if any.
Whatever the level of deafness, it is essential that deaf children have access to and opportunities for
outdoor play and activities for the same reasons that children with full hearing need to get moving
outside. Regular physical activity and physical fitness are especially important in maintaining the
health and well-being of children of all ages and all abilities. Several studies have shown that deaf
children are more likely to have difficulties with balance than their peers who have full hearing. There
can be several causes to balance disorders and a balance disorder isn’t always associated with
hearing loss. However, some balance problems occur when the balance system in the inner ear does
not work properly (vestibular hypofunction). Examples include balance disorders caused by glue ear,
congenital sensorineural hearing loss, or an enlarged vestibular aqueduct (the tiny bony canal that
extends from the inner ear towards the brain).
With vestibular hypofunction, the development of a child’s balance function may be delayed so that a
baby or young child can take longer to reach developmental milestones such as sitting unsupported
or walking. An older child may find some activities such as learning to ride a bike or scooter more
difficult. A balance disorder will usually have an effect on motor performance, especially in dynamic
and sporting situations. However, because physical activities are so important for a child’s
development, good health and well-being, a balance problem cannot be allowed to stop a child from
getting involved with and being allowed to take part in physical outdoor activities. On the contrary,
there are many great outdoor activities that can help a child to improve balance and motor skills,
focusing on learning balancing techniques and improving strength and body awareness.
Spring • 2017
When teaching deaf children outdoor games and activities, good communication is absolutely key. A
child’s safety and ability to learn and participate properly will depend on their understanding of the
information and instructions given to them. Effective communication is at the heart of all learning, and
is essential for the proper social and emotional as well as physical development of all children. Even
a mild hearing loss can result in significant communication difficulties and misunderstandings.
Here are some ways in which you can make sure that deaf children can participate fully in outdoor
games in your school, and some activities to help them improve their balance:
Before you run outside, here’s how to communicate clearly and effectively during outdoor activities...
Deaf children are usually already effective at meeting their own communication needs. Some children
may have some hearing which is supplemented by hearing aids. Others may have no functional
hearing and may rely entirely on signing, such as Makaton, or lip reading, or a combination of the two.
Before your outdoor activities begin, explain to other children in your class group that a deaf child is
present and able to communicate. Show the group what to do to communicate with each other,
encourage them to work together as a group and make sure everyone in the group understands.
Teaching can sometimes be tricky outdoors as in general children will be running around having fun
and not aware that they need to be paying attention to instructions! Here are some things that you
can do to ensure proper communication where there are deaf children in the group:
Make sure that you have the full attention of all of the children before you start talking and giving
instructions. Then speak clearly and at your normal pace. If you speak slowly or exaggerate your
mouth movements, it will be harder for a deaf child who is used to lip reading to understand you.
Shouting and whispering will also make mouth patterns harder to follow.
Always make sure that a deaf child can see your face and lips when speaking. Never put
something in front of your face, or talk with your back to the group, as a child who is lip reading will
lose their communication with you as if you had just stopped talking. This is easily done when
teachers need to turn away to pick up a piece of equipment. If you have to do this, pause and only
continue speaking when you are back in the line of sight of the deaf child.
Do not stand with your back to a light source while you are communicating, as a glaring light or a
shadow cast across your face can obstruct a deaf child’s view.
Outdoors it is important to remember the range at which a child with partial hearing or hearing
technology can hear you effectively, and to try to stay within those boundaries where it is practical
to do so. You can prepare a deaf child for what is expected of them in terms of following
instructions and show them visual signs as you explain instructions.
You can set up a “stop/look” strategy which combines visual and audible signals. This could be
something like waving a coloured flag and calling out an instruction to “freeze!” Give all the
children a chance to practice this so that it becomes an instinctive reaction for them to stop, stand
still and look at you when the flag goes up.
In a similar way to the “stop/look” strategy, establish an emergency signal such as a specific
coloured flag, which you can wave to signal that the group needs to stop and assemble at a
designated place when you need to deal with an emergency situation such as an injury.
Spring • 2017
Sometimes it can work to pair a deaf child with a “hearing buddy” who the deaf child can watch to
see when an instruction has changed, and who can be responsible for helping a deaf child to
notice a new instruction. This can be beneficial for both children as the buddy learns new ways of
communicating and social and emotional responsibility.
Establish a predictable pattern of activity when you take your children outside, so that they all
become used to the routine of an outdoor games session, for example where to gather at the start
and end, some warm up exercises, where to gather for a drink of water etc. This saves a deaf
child having to follow varied routines all the time and gives them freedom to anticipate activities
Involve a deaf child’s hearing peers and have a go at teaching the whole class some key Makaton
signs (or similar signs that the deaf child is used to using) relevant to outdoor games. This will
allow them to work better as a group, be more inclusive, and teach them some important and
relevant communication skills. Encourage hearing children in the class to follow the same
principles that you are using yourself to communicate with a deaf child.
Install a Mark Making Panel such as a Chalkboard on a playground wall so that you or the children
can easily and quickly write down words or symbols that might help explain what you or they are
trying to communicate.
Consider some adaptations to improve the listening environment, for example, by reducing
background noise. Background noise can be very distracting and make it harder for a child with
partial hearing or hearing technology to hear, particularly if background noise is louder than the
speaker (and this is often the case when teaching energetic children outside!) Where feasible, try
to hold your outdoor activity sessions away from areas where there is noise from traffic. Consider
softer playground surfaces that absorb sound
rather than bounce sound as an alternative to
tarmac. Playbond is a great playground surface
that is more sound and impact absorbing, and
better at protecting children with balance problems,
who are more likely to fall, from accidents and
injuries. Have a look at some of our Playground
Surfacing for ideas.
In the Balance - great outdoor activities to help deaf
children work on their balance
Balance is an important skill to help all children progress with their gross motor skills, physical fitness
and general activities of everyday life. Good balance allows a child to participate in outdoor games
and physical activities with greater success. With better balance and coordination there is a smaller
chance that a child will stumble and suffer injury, as he or she will have better postural responses
when they are needed, such avoiding a trip or putting their hands out to protect themselves from a
fall. If a child can develop better and more controlled body movement which reduces the amount of
energy required to perform a task, they will be less likely to suffer from fatigue.
Deaf children who have simultaneous balance problems need extra encouragement and support to
help them improve their balance where they can, and/or improve their strength and body awareness.
There are some brilliant outdoor activities for children that can achieve just this. Here are some ideas
to work on both static and dynamic balance, just remember good communication! Be aware of a deaf
child’s specific needs and level of support required. As with any child, if they need it, hold their hand
for any or all of these activities until they feel confident enough to try it alone.
Spring • 2017
Jumping along a Hopscotch or similar Playground Markings requires a child to change movement
patterns quickly.
Sitting, kneeling or standing on a platform swing or suspended ladder requires varying degrees of
balance. When swinging equipment moves in unexpected ways it forces the body’s trunk to do more
work and improves core strength.
Moving over unstable surfaces such as moving bridges, or just simply beanbags on the floor, mean
the trunk has to do more work to keep upright.
Walking over balance beams, rubber tyres, and stepping stones or logs with big jumps will really
challenge a child’s balance as well as allowing them to have a lot of fun travelling across the
playground in new ways! If this is too adventurous, start off by marking a line across the ground with
chalk to make a pretend balance beam that is flush with the ground. This will help to reduce the fear
or risk of falling until the child is ready to progress onto a balance beam.
Group games such as football, netball, cricket and rounders work well for everyone and particularly
for deaf children as they have clearly defined rules. Staying in position to catch, hit, kick or throw a
ball all requires balance. Grab a bat and a ball and have some fun!
Riding a bike, trike or scooter and navigating across a playground require a child to make frequent
changes to their posture to maintain balance.
Stand on top of a bosu ball, balance board or a stool on one leg. This is challenge in itself but can you
jump and down? Before attempting this, try standing with one foot on the ground while the other foot
is resting on the stool, ball or balance board in front. You can then progress to standing on one leg or
up on a higher level. If this becomes too easy, try catching and throwing a ball to friends at the same
Have some fun on a trampoline! Jumping up and down without falling will work on balance and body
strength and it’s a great aerobic activity too! Try standing on just one leg. To make it even harder, ask
someone else to jump on the trampoline while trying to keep balanced! Trampolines are brilliant
because if you do take a tumble, it’s a gentle landing.
Once you have mastered doing all of the above, have a go with your eyes closed! Balancing with your
eyes closed is much harder than with them open.
You can be creative and change the level
of difficulty of all of these activities as your
children progress and learn to use their
muscles properly to adapt to changes in
movement and environment. Ensuring that
children are well supervised and supported
throughout all of these activities is very
important to reduce the risk of injury. Use
mats or safety surfacing where there is a
risk of falling. As children gradually build
their confidence they will be able to carry
out the activities with greater ease.
We have some great playground products
to help children work on their balance.
Spring • 2017
Spring • 2017
The Greater Vancouver Association of the Deaf
T9-1-1 Service for the Deaf
T9-1-1 provides 9-1-1 call centres and/or emergency services with the
ability to communicate with a Deaf person during an emergency, using
wireless text messaging (SMS).
A deaf person who wants to use the service must register for it with their
wireless service provider.
A compatible handset is required for this service. This can be verified with
the Deaf person’s wireless service provider.
When the Deaf persons requires 9-1-1 services, they dial 9-1-1 on their cell
phone. There is no need for them to use voice, as the 9-1-1 call taker will
receive an indicator that tells them to communicate with the caller via text
messaging. The 9-1-1 call taker then initiates text messaging with the caller
to address the emergency.
Generally, a voice plan is NOT required to call 9-1-1. However, you will need
to have a valid text messaging plan in order to use the T91-1 service. Please
consult your service provider’s Web site for information about their wireless
service plans.
For more info, see this link:
You may also be interested in two NEW “How to Make a 9-1-1 Call” videos
that were just uploaded recently: (2:09 min.)
And the ASL version: (ASL, 4:02 min.)
If you are interested in registering for the T9-1-1 service, you can register
online at For assistance, please contact
us by emailing at [email protected].
Hope this helps.
Spring • 2017
Storytelling Program
First of its kind in Canada!
a s l ASL
Parents P
Reading And
O ks for Families
A learning resource to help
increase opportunities for family
communication and family
connection, strengthening the bond
between parents and children.
Designed to support ASL/English
language development in children
aged 1 to 10 who are Deaf, hard of
hearing, or non-verbal.
Online RAPP Packs include:
• Online ASL Storybook Video
• Reading and Language Tips for Parents
• Arts and Crafts Printable Template
Spring • 2017
Initial Release of 10 Titles!
Subscribe and receive a new
ASL RAPP Pack every month!
What are people saying about ASL RAPP?
We are the parents of a hard of hearing 6 year
old girl who relies on American Sign Language to
communicate…We are very pleased to express our
strong support for the ASL RAPP program – an
invaluable resource for those with Deaf and hard
of hearing children. The RAPP program provides
structured ASL learning and guidance from ASL
experts. This combined with the high quality (tip
sheets), provides an excellent opportunity to connect
with our daughter through her mother tongue and
allows us to enhance our ASL skills on an ongoing
basis. This ultimately creates opportunities for us to
learn how to better understand and communicate
with our child.
Erin and Derek Meester, 2015
I have a 4 year old Deaf granddaughter and 7
hearing grandchildren. The RAPP program has
helped me become more comfortable signing
and has given me a fun way to share a reading
experience that includes both Deaf and hearing
grandchildren. This program is giving me more
confidence as I am still a novice signer. I love this
program and my grandchildren all enjoy the stories
and learning experience.
Dawn Adams, 2015
We help build your connection.
There is a critical shortage of resources in ASL for
families that wish to develop their ASL skills and
improve communication and engagement in their
homes. The ASL RAPP project showcases renowned
Deaf ASL storytellers and introduces families to Deaf
adults, ASL, ASL literature and child/parent activities.
We are excited about ALSO upscaling the ASL RAPP
project and reaching out to families and programs
across Ontario, and we congratulate the Ontario
Trillium Foundation for its support of this project.
Kelly MacKenzie,
Executive Director Silent Voice Canada Inc., 2015
The ASL RAPP project is highly beneficial to our
community as it contributes to family literacy,
supporting school readiness for the child, and
language/literacy development for the family as a
whole. It also serves to enhance the parent-child
relationship, something parents of children who are
Deaf or hard of hearing especially long for, as often
communication is a challenge.
Belinda Lanning,
Interim Board Chair of Ontario Hands & Voices, 2014
Heartwood House
404 McArthur Ave
Ottawa, ON K1K 1G8
Phone: 613-233-8660
Email: [email protected]
Spring • 2017
ASL Learning Resource
Available beginning October 25, 2016!
asl ASL
Reading And Parents Program
Every child loves a story.
Designed to support AS
in children
language development
af, hard of
aged 3 to 10 who are De
hearing, or language de
A learning resource to
opportunities for comm
gthening the
and connections, stren
d children.
bond between adults an
Each ASL RAPP Pack cont
• Storybook
• ASL Storybook DVD
ge Tip Sheet
• Reading and Langua
• Craft Instructions
Spring • 2017
titles to choose fr
Order ASL RAPP Packs in ndles!
or SAVE by ordering in
What are other organizations saying about ASL RAPP?
I have been encouraging several of
the families I work with to attend the
ASL RAPP sessions at ALSO. Over
this past year, I have also had the
pleasure of participating in many
of the RAPP sessions. During the
ASL storytelling, I have observed
parents learning new ASL signs and
becoming more confident in signing
stories to their children. The parents
have been able to use the RAPP
packs to practise signing the stories at
home, using the DVDs for reference.
They have also been able to use the
crafts and tip sheets to extend the
literacy experiences through creative
activities with their children. So
far the RAPP sessions have been
accessible to mainly families in the
Ottawa area, but there are Deaf and
hard of hearing children and their
families throughout Ontario who
would benefit from having access to
this wonderful literacy resource. It is
exciting that ALSO is able to upscale
the ASL RAPP project thus reaching
these families. I will definitely be
recommending the ASL packs and
web portal to my colleagues in the
Provincial Schools Branch.
We at the Bob Rumball Centre for
the Deaf fully support ALSO’s ASL
RAPP program. We are confident
that this program will complement
the services we offer and would be
very interested in purchasing the
ASL RAPP packs, participating in
information sessions, and providing
information to our families about
membership on the web portal.
Cathy McKibbin, Director of Educational
Services, The Bob Rumball Centre for the
Deaf, 2015
Deaf-Durham Services is a nonprofit organization that offers services
and educational programs to promote
self-reliance within the Deaf, deafened
and hard of hearing community.
Our aim is to promote integration
of the two communities - Deaf and
hearing, and prevent feelings of
separation and isolation. I feel the
ASL RAPP program would benefit
the families involved with our Family
Communication Program and be a
great resource to use.
Yvonne Brown, Executive Director Deaf
Durham Services, 2015
Janet Naismith, Preschool Home Visiting
Teacher Sir James Whitney School for the
Deaf, 2015
As a parent of a child who is Deaf and
as the Interim Board Chair of Ontario
Hands & Voices, I view the ASL RAPP
project as a wonderful resource for
parents and children.
Our daughter and I attended the
ASL RAPP pilot project. I found it
to be valuable in many ways: the
development of the children’s literacy
skills in both English and American
Sign Language (ASL), an opportunity
to socialize and network with other
parents and children, the chance to
create and expand on what we’ve read
and learned via crafts & games at each
session, the opportunity to review via
take-home materials and activities.
The ASL RAPP project is highly
beneficial to our community as
it contributes to family literacy,
supporting school readiness for
the child, and language/literacy
development for the family as a whole.
It also serves to enhance the parentchild relationship, something parents
of children who are Deaf or hard of
hearing especially long for, as often
communication is a challenge.
Belinda Lanning, Interim Board Chair of
Ontario Hands & Voices, 2014
ALSO is a safe and caring community learning centre
serving adults and families. ALSO has been providing free
adult and family literacy services in downtown Ottawa for
over 30 years. Working with both English stream and Deaf
stream learners, we offer literacy skill upgrading to assist
students reach their goals of obtaining work, training, and
further education. We are a registered charity and proud
to provide guidance and support enabling learners to
strengthen literacy, numeracy, and employability skills.
Heartwood House
404 McArthur Ave
Ottawa, ON K1K 1G8
Phone: 613-233-8660
Email: [email protected]
Spring • 2017
How Being Deaf Made the Difference in Space
From the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space
In the late 1950s, researchers faced many unknowns about the effects of space travel on the
human body. How would motion sickness impact the ability of astronauts to function and survive?
To better understand and manage potential dangers, they looked to the Deaf community.
The U.S. Naval School of Aviation Medicine and the newly formed National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) recruited deaf people for weightlessness, balance, and motion sickness
experiments. Researchers selected test subjects that met specific criteria. All but one of the
selected test subjects became deaf from spinal meningitis, which impacted their inner ear
physiology. This meant they could endure motion and gravitational forces that make most people
nauseous. The ability to withstand intense movement turned the so-called “labyrinthine defect”
into a valuable research asset—no matter the test of equilibrium, the deaf participants simply
never got sick.
In the late 1950s, the U.S. Naval School of Aviation Medicine and the newly formed National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) recruited deaf people for weightlessness, balance, and motion sickness
Spring • 2017
From 1958 to 1968, 11 deaf men joined the research effort
led by Dr. Ashton Graybiel from the U.S. Navy. Other deaf
people, including one woman, briefly joined the study. The
core group was known as the “Gallaudet Eleven” because
they came from Gallaudet University in Washington, DC—a
university dedicated the education of students who are
deaf. The group participated when called upon and
remained involved in the research for many years. On April
11, 2017, Gallaudet University will open Deaf Difference +
Space Survival, an exhibition that shares their story. The
exhibition is a collaboration between Gallaudet University’s
students and staff; the University’s museum; and five of the
original Gallaudet Eleven participants.
The Gallaudet Eleven provided an opportunity for
researchers to observe how the human body and mind
functions in extreme conditions. Experiments included whirling in water-filled tubs, spinning in
centrifuges while bolted into body casts, and tipping in contraptions that held their heads steady
while cameras snapped ocular photographs. Weightlessness flights, each with multiple zerogravity episodes, tested body orientation and gravitational cues. Counter-rolling of the eyes, or
lack thereof, was documented during several aerial maneuvers to record individual responses to
Researchers measured test responses in every conceivable way. Blood and urine tests, along with
blood pressure recordings and heart monitors measured physical reaction to motion and
gravitational force. Photographs tracked eye movements. Leveling devices, set and reset during
rolling and tipping, showed the perceived horizon. Deaf participants also documented their
sensations and shared perspectives with the
research team.
For 12 days, four of the test subjects lived in a
circular room rotating at 10 revolutions per
minute. They performed hours of physical and
cognitive tests per day and at night slept with
their heads to the center of the circular room
like spokes on a wheel. The rotation room, 6
meters (20 feet) in diameter, had a full
complement of test equipment and the
necessities for living—a sink, refrigerator, stove,
shower, and toilet. The room stopped its
revolutions only for delivery of supplies and for Navy researchers to enter in the morning and exit
in the evening. Tests measured the men’s ability to retain and record sequences of numbers, as
well as perform dexterity and balance exercises while spinning.
Spring • 2017
A few of the Gallaudet Eleven performed even more surprising tasks. One, for instance, rode the
Empire State Building express elevator up and down continuously for hours to see how it might
affect balance. Another had to draw his own blood while spinning in a centrifuge pod. A third
wrote his signature over and over as air was removed from the sealed testing room; he received
oxygen when his scribbles became illegible. Several rode through a violent storm with 40 knot
winds on the icy North Atlantic. It was a tumultuous voyage and, ironically, experiments on board
had to be cancelled because the research staff became motion sick. The deaf men were
unaffected and played cards. Enjoying the heave and sway of the ship, they watched a porthole as
stars outside appeared to jump up and down, left and right in the night sky.
“We were different in a way they needed.”
Harry Larson, one of the research participants, explained, “We were different in a way they
needed.” Indeed, their difference made it possible for researchers to explore human reactions to
weightless environments and extreme motion and to better understand the complexity of
entangled human sensory systems.
With a spirit of adventure and sense of patriotic duty, the Gallaudet Eleven endured physically,
cognitively, and psychologically challenging tests that most people could not. Their participation
has been a source of great personal pride, a unique contribution they could make because of, not
in spite of, a physical trait. Now, the public can share in their story of dedication and difference.
The Gallaudet Eleven
Harold Domich
Robert Greenmun
Barron Gulak
Raymond Harper
Jerald Jordan
Harry Larson
David Myers
Donald Peterson
Raymond Piper
Alvin Steele
John Zakutney
Other deaf people known to have participated for brief studies:
Pauline Register Hicks
James Bischer
All images courtesy of Gallaudet University Archives, collections of Jerald Jordan, Barron Gulak, David Myers, Harry
Larson. This guest post comes from Jean Lindquist Bergey, associate director of the Drs. John S. & Betty J.
Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center and curatorial advisor for the exhibition Deaf Difference + Space Survival at
Gallaudet University.
Spring • 2017
Spring • 2017
The Sounds of Silence
Those without sound respond to vibrations, the motion of lips, and the dance of expressive hands.
from Harvard Medical School at: by Sanjay Gulati.
Modern neurobiology suggests that the human senses are more numerous than
the five Aristotle identified. They are also less distinct; they overlap and
Lip readers like me, for example, experience seeing as hearing. My mind
creates a voice for everyone I meet. I once “heard” the high, melodic voice of a
woman until I realized that she was actually male, and the voice I had imagined
dropped an octave. On another occasion, I finally caught the word “London” on
the lips of a young scientist with whom I had been struggling to converse. The word triggered a mental filtering;
when I reassigned him a British accent and diction, he was instantly audible.
I came to lip reading relatively late. I began losing my hearing in late childhood; by early adulthood, I was deaf. And
although my musical training has stayed with me—I can play a symphony in my head or a fugue on the piano—my
perception of physical, linguistic, and social space has changed remarkably.
Perception of body language, for example, has replaced perception of intonation. And an acute awareness of
vibrations has replaced hearing through walls. We all respond to the feel of sound. Deaf people sometimes hold
balloons while dancing at parties, as the light vibrations of the balloons transmit the music’s bass line and beat.
Physical vibrations, in fact, can often be heard. Aspirated consonants produce an audible puff of air; the p in spot,
for example, as compared with that in stop. Remarkably, a puff of air felt on the back of the hand can make
listeners perceive an unaspirated consonant as aspirated.
At the same time, what I see can change what I think I hear. I learned American Sign Language as an adult, so my
mind still gives lip reading priority over signing. I can be blind to perfectly clear sign language when I see a different
word on a speaker’s lips. The more readily I can predict a speaker’s words, of course, the better I will hear them.
“Paper or plastic?” is easy to catch at the cash register. The frustrating corollary is that the most interesting
information is always the most difficult to hear—I’ll hear a joke but miss its punch line.
Despite these new perceptions, I still compose a soundtrack for life, imagining footfalls, a teakettle’s whistle, even
road noises while driving.
Spring • 2017
Listening to Reason
Real hearing exists on a continuum, from the supernormal hearing of many children and musicians, through the
many degrees of hearing impairment and deafness, to the rare cases in which hearing is entirely absent. While a
deaf person’s broken ears can seem tragic to hearing people, a nonsigning person’s inexpressive hands can seem
just as lamentable to signers.
For hearing people, the acquisition of language is effortless and its ongoing use largely unconscious. As a result, a
dividing line seems to fall somewhere at the level of being able to use the telephone and to make dinner-table
conversation; those with hearing above that line are often unkind to those with hearing below.
That attitude can sometimes soften. I serve as a consultant psychiatrist to the American School for the Deaf. In its
surrounding community of West Hartford, Connecticut, the culture has shifted toward inclusivity. Instead of
floundering in discomfort, local restaurant and store employees communicate flexibly with deaf customers, writing
on tablecloths, engaging in rudimentary sign language, and accepting some awkwardness. There, the deaf person
feels invited to belong to society. Disability does not inhere within the body, after all; it is created equally by physical
status and societal response.
Marginalization within society is a potential loss for people without hearing, yet some deaf people experience a
deficit even more profound. The most disturbing symptom among the deaf patients in my psychiatric practice, and
the focus of my research, is language dysfluency caused by language deprivation. Children learn sign languages
early, as they do spoken ones, with a nearly complete comprehension of grammar by age three. Those not
exposed to usable language by the age of four will never learn any language fluently. And a child with no exposure
by seven or eight will acquire a form of mental retardation.
Sound is not language. We know little about how our innate capacity for language allows us to transform into
linguistic beings. Even when hearing aids or cochlear implants provide some sound, children may fail to master a
language. They can be deprived of language when early intervention services are skimpy, when educational
methods fail, or when grieving parents cannot bring themselves to learn sign language. Whatever the reason, the
result is heartbreaking.
A young deaf man who had not been exposed to sign language until age nine once signed to me, “That in a you
know people me deaf same want want that you know stay family love lost communication fail.” Straining, my
interpreter and I guessed that he was saying that, for ease of communication, he would rather live in a group home
with other deaf people than with his family, whom he loved. Nonsigning observers might mistakenly believe that he
was signing fluently. Psychiatrists unfamiliar with language deprivation might misdiagnose him as psychotic or
cognitively impaired. His lack of language had shattered his life.
In less severe cases, language deprivation results in diminished fluency. Deaf adolescents may sign like children,
and their achievements as adults may be vastly compromised. Language deprivation also correlates dramatically
with aggression and self-injury. Deprived children may lash out when they can neither communicate their feelings
in words nor manage those feelings internally through language.
Lending an Ear
I had loved music and spoken language so much while growing up that I could never have predicted how I would
feel about deafness. But my experience confirms what linguists have found—that sign languages, often the most
natural forms of communication for deaf people, are the equals of spoken. My experience also confirms what
disability advocates contend: that “health” and happiness are not the same.
The hard-of-hearing me cranked my hearing aids to full volume, trained my eyes on the speaker’s mouth, and
gamely guessed at the words. The deaf me has shed hearing devices, experiences an expanded peripheral vision,
and reads the light and joyous dance of signing hands.
There are many ways to hear. One can hear a singer’s voice, pure and soaring in an auditorium. One can hear a
speaker’s animated mouth. Or one can hear a signer’s blessedly evocative hands. Metaphorically, hearing is about
attending to and understanding one another. Those with sound still have much to learn about listening to the deaf.
Sanjay Gulati, MD, is an HMS instructor in psychiatry. He serves as a child psychiatrist for both the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service at the
Cambridge Health Alliance and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program at Children’s Hospital Boston.
Spring • 2017
Dr. Deborah Chen Pichler from
Gallaudet University
is looking for FAMILIES and ASL
teachers to participate in a study
Hello! We are sign language researchers studying how
hearing people learn ASL as a second language. We know
that exposure to ASL in the home by signing parents
dramatically enhances deaf children’s chances of
developing linguistic and cognitive skills on time, so this is
the major motivation behind our project.
Many early intervention programs recognize that typical college ASL curricula are not
necessarily appropriate for what parents of young children need to learn, yet there is no
standard “family ASL curriculum” currently available. There is also very little research
documenting the many creative ways early intervention groups use for teaching ASL to
hearing parents, or the success of these methods.
As a first step to addressing these gaps, we are interviewing hearing parents with deaf
children and ASL instructors who work with these families. Interviews are informal, with
a flexible structure focusing on your personal experiences and observations, including
questions like the following:
(for parents): What made you decide to learn ASL? What aspects of the language have you
found the most intuitive, or the most difficult, to learn? How do you use ASL at home?
(for ASL instructors): What type of ASL materials do you use to teach ASL to hearing parents
of deaf children, and what works best? In what way are hearing parents different from “typical”
college aged hearing ASL learners?
Interviews can be by video chat or in person, depending on your location, and will be filmed if
you give permission. Each participating family or ASL instructor will receive $20 as
compensation for your time.
After the interview, you will be invited to optionally participate in additional activities related to
this project, to be scheduled and compensated separately. If you are interested or would like
to ask us more about this project, please contact Dr. Deborah Chen Pichler at:
[email protected] . We look forward to hearing from you!
Spring • 2017
Note: This article was edited by FNDC to only include the celebrity status and
hearing loss info.
Here's a list of 25 famous people who have not only coped with hearing loss in their lives, but excelled in their fields.
Hopefully, these people will inspire you teach you that hearing loss or any other impairment should not hold you
1. Helen Keller
Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf-blind person to
earn a bachelor of arts degree. Helen proved to the world that deaf people could all learn to communicate and that
they could survive in the hearing world. She also taught that deaf people are capable of doing things that hearing
people can do. She is one of the most famous deaf people in history and she is an idol to many deaf people in the
2. Rush Limbaugh
Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is an American entertainer, radio talk show host, writer, and conservative political
commentator. In late 2001, he acknowledged that he had gone almost completely deaf, although he continued his
show. He was able to regain much of his hearing with the help of a cochlear implant in 2001.
3. Marlee Matlin
Marlee Beth Matlin is an American actress. She won the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role for
Children of a Lesser God (1986) and is the only deaf performer to win the award. Her work in film and television has
resulted in a Golden Globe award, with two additional nominations, and four Emmy nominations. Deaf since she was
18 months old, due to illness and high fevers, she is also a prominent member of the National Association of the
4. Bill Clinton
William Jefferson 'Bill' Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. In October 1997, he
announced he was getting hearing aids, due to hearing loss attributed to his age, and his time spent as a musician in
his youth.
5. Lou Ferrigno
Lou Ferrigno with Sahil Khan
Louis Jude 'Lou' Ferrigno is an American actor, fitness trainer, and retired professional
bodybuilder. As an actor, he is best known for his title role in the television series 'The
Incredible Hulk'. Soon after he was born, Ferrigno says he believes he suffered a series
of ear infections and lost 75 to 80% of his hearing, though his condition was not
diagnosed until he was three years old. Hearing loss caused Ferrigno to be bullied by
peers during his childhood.
Spring • 2017
7. Rob Lowe
Robert Hepler 'Rob' Lowe is an American actor. The actor has been completely deaf in his right
ear due to an undiagnosed case of the mumps when he was an infant.
9. Danny Elfman
Daniel Robert "Danny" Elfman is an American composer, singer, songwriter, and record producer. In an interview,
Elfman had stated that he had significant and irreversible hearing damage as a result of his continuous exposure to
the high noise levels involved in performing in a rock band.
10. Pete Townshend
Peter Dennis Blandford "Pete" Townshend (born 19 May 1945) is an English musician, singer, songwriter, and multiinstrumentalist, best known as the lead guitarist, backing vocalist, and main songwriter, for the rock band The Who.
Townshend has hearing loss and tinnitus in both ears, believed to be because of the loud noise exposure from
performing at concerts and wearing earphones in the music studio while recording.
11. William Shatner
William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy as Captain James T Kirk and Mr. Spock
respectively from 'Star Trek'. Pic/YouTube
William Shatner is a Canadian actor, author, producer, and director. In his
seven decades of television. Shatner suffers from tinnitus, which he has
speculated might be the result of a pyrotechnical accident on set while
shooting the Star Trek episode "Arena".
12. Halle Berry
Halle Maria Berry is an American actress, film producer, and former fashion model. The actress
has an 80% hearing loss in her left ear, caused by being hit in the head by her boyfriend.
13. Thomas Edison
Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman, who has been described as
America's greatest inventor. He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around
the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting,
practical electric light bulb. Edison developed hearing problems at an early age. The cause of his deafness has been
attributed to a bout of scarlet fever during childhood and recurring untreated middle-ear infections. Around the
middle of his career, Edison attributed the hearing impairment to being struck on the ears by a train conductor when
his chemical laboratory in a boxcar caught fire and he was thrown off the train in Smiths Creek, Michigan, along with
his apparatus and chemicals. In his later years, he modified the story to say the injury occurred when the conductor,
in helping him onto a moving train, lifted him by the ears.
14. Eric Clapton
Eric Patrick Clapton, CBE, is an English rock and blues guitarist, singer, and songwriter. The musician developed
hearing loss and tinnitus in both ears as a result of years of performing at concerts.
15. Leslie Nielsen
Leslie William Nielsen was a Canadian actor, comedian, and producer. Nielsen was legally deaf and wore hearing aids
for most of his life.
Spring • 2017
16. Jane Lynch
Jane Marie Lynch is an American actress, singer, and comedian. She is best known as Sue Sylvester on Glee. The Glee
star is deaf in her right ear. While her impairment was most probably the result of a high fever as a baby, she realised
she's deaf in one ear only when she was seven years old.
William James Adams (born March 15, 1975), known professionally as (pronounced "will-eye-am"), is an
American rapper, singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, actor, musician, DJ, record producer and philanthropist. He is
best known as a founding member of the hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. suffers from tinnitus, which is
a permanent ringing in his ear that can be caused by loud noise.
18. Stephen Colbert
Stephen Tyrone Colbert is an American comedian, television host, and author. Colbert has hosted The Late Show
with Stephen Colbert, a late-night television talk show. Colbert underwent an operation as a child to repair a
severely perforated eardrum, but the surgery was a failure and left him deaf in his right ear.
19. Jodie Foster
Alicia Christian 'Jodie' Foster is an American actress and filmmaker who has worked in films and on television. Foster
has spoken about her hearing loss, and been photographed wearing a hearing aid.
20. Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg (born Caryn Elaine Johnson) is an American actress, comedian,
author and television host. Goldberg wears hearing aids in both ears and believes her
hearing loss is due to consistently listening to very loud music in the past.
21. Robert Redford
Charles Robert Redford Jr. is an American actor, director,
producer, businessman, environmentalist, and philanthropist. Redford suffered from a severe ear
infection that led to 60% hearing loss in one ear in 2013 when he insisted on performing his own
water stunts in All Is Lost.
22. Gerard Butler
Gerard James Butler is a Scottish actor who has appeared on film, stage, and television. Butler developed a 50%
hearing loss in his right ear after surgery due to a childhood ear infection. He also attributed his crooked smile to
that surgery, which left his right ear physically deformed.
23. Arnold Palmer
Arnold Daniel Palmer was an American professional golfer who is generally regarded as one of the greatest players
in the sport's history. Palmer struggled with hearing loss for years after discovering it at the age of 40. He wears a
hearing aid.
24. Chris Martin
Christopher Anthony John 'Chris' Martin is an English singer, songwriter, record producer, and
multi-instrumentalist. He is the co-founder and lead singer of the British alternative rock band
Coldplay. Martin had in an interview revealed that he had been suffering tinnitus for many
years. The musician blamed the painful ear condition on listening to loud music as a teenager.
25. Phil Collins
Philip David Charles "Phil" Collins is an English singer, songwriter, instrumentalist, record
producer and actor. (note: article didn’t talk about his hearing loss).
Spring • 2017
ASL and Deaf
Studies Program
$10 for families of 3
or more
Travel throughout the Deaf Deaf World, and join us in...
Join us for a fun-filled event
to learn about Deaf Culture,
American Sign Language, and
much more!
Wheelchair accessible
June 3rd, 2017
Spring • 2017
Vancouver Community
Broadway Campus:
Building B
1155 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5T 4V5
11:00AM 3:00PM
Spring • 2017
Spring • 2017
How to interview Deaf
job candidates using
ASL interpreters
1. Letyourjobcandidatechoosetheirinterpreterfortheinterviewandmakethearrangementsforthem
2. Youareinterviewingthecandidate,nottheinterpreter.Ifunsure,thenasktoclarify
yousoundsincorrect,definitelyaskforclarification — itmaybethatitistheinterpreterwhodoesn’tunderstandthe
Spring • 2017
3. Everythingisshared,evenwhenyousecretlywhisper
4. Planaheadandallowtimeforsetup
5. Focusonthejobcandidate,andnottheinterpreter
communicationflowwouldwork — focusonthejobcandidateandignoretheirdivertedgazewhichwillfocusonthe
6. Freshenuponawarenessofyourownunconsciousbias
7. Cantheysucceedatyourcompany?Willyourcompanycommittohavingaculturethatletsthembesuccessful?
8. InspirationPorn
Spring • 2017
This is a wonderful opportunity to earn tax free income to help cover the cost of living in
the Lower Mainland
Hello! I am Patrick and I am looking for a family/household to share their
home with me. I currently live with my parents but I feel it is time for the
next stage of my life.
I am Deaf and my first language is American Sign
Language (ASL). I also use basic English text
when needed to communicate and I am
comfortable using Facebook and iPhone
I am very social, outgoing, love children & pets,
enjoy sports and all of the recreational
opportunities Vancouver has to offer. I love to be
around people! I work part time in Vancouver, volunteer at a community
day care, and am active in Burnaby Special Olympics. I have a supportive
family and a growing personal support network through Planned Lifetime
Advocacy Network (PLAN).
Ideally, my new home share will:
◦ know ASL or be willing to learn.
◦ have easy access to SkyTrain and buses.
◦ include me as a contributing member of an active household.
◦ provide support to ensure safety, security and wellbeing.
◦ help organize my daily schedule & activities.
For more information about Patrick contact [email protected].
For contract details and responsibilities contact [email protected].
This is a Community Living B.C. (CLBC) home share contract.
Spring • 2017
Job Readiness Program
Preparing Deaf and hard of hearing adults for the workforce
Learn job search skills; resume, cover letter, and reference writing; interview
skills; personal management; problem solving; and communication skills.
This 10-month, full-time program helps Deaf and hard of hearing participants explore a
variety of work placements, career choices, job skills and training.
Courses are presented through lecture, small group discussion, assigned readings,
projects, lab activities, field experience, tours/presentations, self-study, and two six-week
work experiences.
Financial services may be available.
For more information contact Job Readiness instructor, Marcia Tanaka.
604.871.7000, ext. 7076 (voice) | [email protected]
Spring • 2017
Advantages and limitations
of speechreading
How to combine what you
see with what you hear
Contact Us
DHH is the only program in B.C.
to offer direct instruction in
sign language and/or speech to
Deaf and hard of hearing adults.
How to identify factors that affect
your ability to communicate
• You must be Deaf or hard of
hearing and 18 years or older.
How to use a variety of strategies
to communicate more effectively
• An interview with the
department head is required.
How to behave assertively in
difficult situations
Tips for stress reduction
and relaxation
VCC’s Speechreading courses
for hard of hearing adults run for
12 sessions on Monday evenings
or Tuesday afternoons. Students
must have good spoken and written
English. Family and friends are also
encouraged to enroll.
• Financial services may
be available.
Vancouver Community College
Program for
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults
Programs & Courses
for Deaf and Hard
of Hearing Adults
English Upgrading
ASL (American Sign Language)
Job Readiness Program
Room 2502B
1155 East Broadway
Vancouver, B.C.
TTY 604.871.7341
Voice 604.871.7000, ext. 7342
[email protected] •
Full-Time / Part-Time
Speechreading contact:
604.871.7348 • [email protected]
Canadian ASL
ASL videos available
English Upgrading
Job Readiness Program
Job search
ASL vocabulary
Resume writing
ASL grammar
Interview skills
ASL structure
Keeping a job
Basic computer use
Problem solving / decision making
Deaf culture and community
*Communication skills
Work / life balance
(American Sign Language)
*Communication skills
2 six-week work experiences
*Communication skills
VCC’s English Upgrading for Deaf
and hard of hearing adults provides
students with the basic English skills
to further their education or improve
their ability to find employment.
*Communication Skills
DHH students have the opportunity
to work on personal communication
skills in a one-to-one setting.
VCC’s Job Readiness Program
for Deaf and hard of hearing adults
is a 10-month, full-time certificate
program beginning in September.
VCC’s ASL for Deaf and Hard of
Hearing Adults gives Canadians
and newcomers to Canada the basic
Canadian/American Sign Language
(ASL) skills for communicating with
other people. Students learn skills
to handle school, workplace, and
social situations.
Spring • 2017
Hear Your Way to Success – A Career Panel
for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth
Hear Your Way to Success – A Career Panel for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth
Do you want to know what the process is like in seeking employment? Are you unsure when to
disclose your hearing loss? Do you want to meet other hard of hearing people who currently have
successful careers?
If your answer is yes to all of the above, come to the session on
Friday, April 28th 9:30am – 11:30am
at Burnaby Central Secondary (6011 Deer Lake Parkway, Burnaby BC).
There will be 4 hard of hearing young adults from education, health, and performance arts field to
share their stories! You will also know what your rights are in requesting workplace
To register, email [email protected]
Spring • 2017
Spring • 2017
Broadway Across Canada presents
July 23 - Sign Language Interpreted Performance
Cameron Mackintosh’s spectacular new
production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s THE
Vancouver as part of a brand new North
American Tour. Hailed by critics as “bigger
and better than ever before,” this
production boasts many exciting special
effects including the show’s legendary
chandelier, new scenic and lighting designs, new staging and choreography. The beloved story will be performed by a cast
and orchestra of 52, making this PHANTOM one of the largest productions now on tour.
Broadway Across Canada is pleased to provide Vancouver’s deaf and hard of hearing
community with the opportunity to enjoy this Broadway spectacle.
On July 23rd at 2:00pm, a limited number of discount tickets will be
available for deaf and hard of hearing audience members in a
designated seating area with a professional American Sign
Interpreting Services.
To reserve your seats at a discounted price, visit this link:
Derrick Davis and Katie Travis. Photo by Matthew Murphy
Offer expires June 30th, 2017
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Michael Albert by emailing [email protected] or
calling toll-free: 1-877-841-5296 ext 241.
Spring • 2017
Spring Swimming Lessons in Surrey with an ASL Interpreter
"Parent & Tot" (Age 4-36 months) 10 spaces
9:15-9:45 Saturdays
May 6 to June 24 (No lesson May 20)
Red Cross Preschool 1-3: Starfish/Duck/Sea Turtle, $28.75
Register for #4542199
"Preschool" (Age 3-5, independent lessons, not parent participation) 4 spaces
9:45-10:15 Saturdays
May 6 to June 24 (No lesson May 20)
Red Cross Preschool 4: Sea Otter, $58.75
Register for #4542200
Registration opens Sunday, April 9 and is first come, first serve, so register as
soon as possible to guarantee your space. You may register over the phone, or in
person. Online registration is not available at this time.
*If the course is already full, please ask to have your name put down on the waitlist. This
shows the high demand for accessible programming and could lead to increased options
in the future. Thank you!
By Phone
Call Recreation Surrey, 8:30-4:30, Monday-Friday, at 604.501.5100
In Person
Guildford Recreation Centre-Aquatics
15105 105 Avenue, Surrey (604.502.6360)
If you have any questions, or would like assistance with the registration process,
please contact [email protected]
Spring • 2017
April 11, 2017
The BC School for the Deaf provides a broad range of educational opportunities for deaf and
hard of hearing students from K–12. This inclusive educational environment offers deaf and
hard of hearing students the experience to learn with their hearing peers or in a signing
environment while enjoying the traditional values of language, culture and Deaf heritage.
As a province-wide program, it will be your responsibility to build and nurture relationships of
trust with all our stakeholders enhanced by your successful experience working with the deaf
and hard of hearing community. Your deep understanding of the unique needs of the deaf and
hard of hearing community and collaborative communication style will be crucial in this role.
Leading a collaborative team, you will support and strengthen our passion for developing the full
learning potential and positive self-identity of each of our students. Leveraging the full spectrum
of research-based learning strategies – personalized learning, technology in education and
language development, you will provide exemplary instructional leadership and the ability to
model evidence-based practices in teaching. Leading teams at both BCSD Burnaby South
Secondary and BCSD South Slope Elementary, you will be supported by a Vice-Principal who
will work alongside Principals of mainstream schools.
You hold a Master’s of Education in Deaf Education, are ASL fluent, and have training in
educational leadership, supervision of instruction or program and curriculum development.
Additionally, you are eligible for membership in the Ministry of Education Teacher Regulation
Preferably, you are also eligible for CAEDHH (Canadian Association of Educators of the Deaf
and Hard of Hearing) certification and bring a broad spectrum of deaf education experience,
demonstrated leadership ability, administrative experience and the ability to work effectively with
a leadership team. You are research-focused and a strong curriculum leader with a background
in language development and special education, including working with students who display
challenging behaviors.
Please forward a detailed resume including professional credentials, statement of educational
philosophy and a minimum of three current letters of professional reference by 4:00 pm Friday,
June 2, 2017, to Human Resources at the address below.
Human Resources
Burnaby School District
5325 Kincaid Street
Burnaby, B.C. V5G 1W2
EMAIL: [email protected]
Spring • 2017
Family Network for Deaf Children
Tax receipt name (if different from above)
COMPANY NAME (if corporate donation)
TELEPHONE # (optional)
* please provide your email so we can email you your tax receipt
Please accept my donation of:
Please designate my donation to:
FNDC (wherever needed)
DYT program (ie. personal support worker, Hornby Kids Camp, day camps)
Family Deaf Camp (sponsor a family)
In-Memory of a loved one
Donation payment method
☐ Cheque *☐
Charge card #
Yes. Please print my name in the FNDC newsletter acknowledging my donation. (amount not printed)
No. Please do not publish my name.
Can we add you to our email list for our our community updates and newsletter?
☐Yes ☐ No, thank you.
* Please make your donation payable to Family Network for Deaf Children and mail to:
Family Network for Deaf Children
PO Box 50075, South Slope RPO
Burnaby, BC V5J 5G3
w Official Charitable Registration No. 88622 5655 RR0001 w B.C. Non-Profit Society #S-33351
w Please allow 2-3 weeks for a tax receipt. w Tax receipts are issued for donations of $10 or more.
Spring • 2017
FNDC is a non-profit society (S-33351) that was founded in March, 1995 to bring
together families of deaf children in British Columbia who share common concerns.
Federal Registered Charity Number: 88622 5655 RR0001. Deaf Youth Today (DYT)
is a program administered by FNDC.
What is FNDC all about?
Family Network for Deaf Children (FNDC) is a parent run, non-profit, charitable
organization supporting families with deaf and hard of hearing children that use sign
language or are interested in learning sign language.
Even though technology and methodology have changed over the years, we seek the wisdom
of parents, professionals and Deaf/HH adults so that common themes of “access, equity
and a sense of belonging” continue to be highlighted in areas such as: social/recreation,
leadership, education, employment, general services and community involvement.
What is Deaf Youth Today?
Deaf Youth Today (DYT), is FNDC’s summer social/recreational program and is committed to providing
recreational experience and leadership opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing youth in British Columbia that use
sign language for all or part of their communication or who are interested in learning sign language.
FNDC Board of Directors
Hester Hussey....................................................Mentor, Advisor
Colleen Peterson........................................................... President
April Cowley...................................................................Director
Nicki Horton...................................................................Director
Karen Jackson.................................................................Director
Charlie Coyle..................................................................Director
Joy Santos.......................................................................Director
Gwen Wong.....................................................................Director
Laura Batista...................................................................Director
Leigh Chan......................................................................Director
The Board of Directors are parents of deaf children.
FNDC Staff
Cecelia Klassen........................................... Executive Director | [email protected]
Bella Poato.......................................... Executive Assistant | [email protected]
Jason Berube......................... Website Designer/Developer | [email protected]
FNDC...................................................................General Inquiry | [email protected]
DYT Staff
Deaf Youth Today
Scott Jeffery..................................................... DYT Coordinator | [email protected]
Terry Maloney.......................... DYT Hornby Island Coordinator | [email protected]
Andrea Maloney.......................................... DYT Registrations | [email protected]
Alayna Finley................DYT Summer Immersion Coordinator | [email protected]
Deaf Youth Today..................................................General Inquiry | [email protected]
Membership (Paid)
Membership is open to those who support
the goals of our Organization.
* Our membership is open to individuals, schools, and
organizations. Parents/guardians of deaf and hard of
hearing children are eligible to vote.
Join Our E-Mail List (for free)
Join our email list (for free) and receive:
* Our newsletter (which is published four times a year)
* Email Updates regarding upcoming workshops
and courses, children & youth programs as well as
community updates
Contact Us
Contact us below and be added to our email list
or to request a membership form:
Family Network for Deaf Children
P.O. Box 50075 South Slope RPO
Burnaby, BC V5J 5G3
604-684-1860 (voice/text message) (website) [email protected] (e-mail)