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Numerical Expression
Definition of Numerical Expression
The term “numerical” means “involving numbers” and the term “expression” means “phrase”.
A numerical expression is a mathematical phrase involving only numbers and one or more
operational symbols.
Examples of Numerical Expression: The following are some examples of numerical expressions.
4 + 20 – 7, (2 + 3) – 7, (6 × 2) ÷ 20, 5 ÷ (20 × 3), 5 × (42 + 3)
More about Numerical Expression: A numerical expression represents a particular number. For
example, the numerical expression 4 + 20 - 7 in the example above simplifies to the number 17.
Students should fold a sheet of paper into 4ths. Make 4 boxes on the front. Label each. Have the kids
brainstorm different terms for each when seeing the example shown (I have listed a few) Add as
many as necessary
4 + 10
four plus ten
ten added to four
The sum of four and ten
Nine minus five
Take five away from nine
The difference between nine and five
Seventy times four
Multiply seventy by four
The product of seventy and four
18÷ 3
Eighteen divided by three
Eighteen split into three groups
The quotient of eighteen and three
On back write exponents.
four squared
Four to the second power
Four to the second
Four raised to the second
Four raised to the second
two cubed
two to the third power
two to the third
two raised to the third
two raised to the third
Sixteen to the fourth
Sixteen to the fourth power
Sixteen raised to the fourth
Algebraic expression
Contain at least 1 variable and 1 operations
When it says “a number” you can choose what letter to represent the number. The letters that
represent a number are called variables. These are written in lower case.
If you see 3x, it means 3 times a number. The 3 is a constant. It doesn’t change.
3*x, 3(x), and 3 x also mean 3 times x. We will be using x as a variable and not a multiplication sign
when we are working on algebraic expression or solving equations.