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True or false , and explain why ?
If a country could maintain a high economic growth rate , the country would eventually
be able to satisfy everyone’s wants for goods and services .
False . Scarcity is a relative concept . As our resources and output increase , so do
our wants for goods and services .
If all the nations of the world disarmed , the international economy would collapse into a
long depression and unemployment would increase .
False . Given the limited resources and unlimited wants of people , we would find
new ways to use our resources if the world disarmed . Military expenditures are
made for defense reasons , not for economic reasons .
Money is an important economic resource .
False . Money is not a resource . If money were a resource , the country would be
better off if we made more money . If the country prints more money , the result
will be inflation . Money is a tool that serves as a medium of exchange , a store of
value , and a standard of value .
The higher the GDP , the better off all the people of the country are .
False . GDP is a measure of economic activity . The level of GDP does not measure
economic welfare or the distribution of goods and services among people .
Full employment means zero unemployment .
False . At full employment , unemployment is not zero . Frictional unemployment
( people moving from one job to another ) and structural unemployment ( people
having skills that are no longer in demand ) are always present in the economy . At
full employment cyclical unemployment is zero . Cyclical unemployment results
from changes in the business cycle .
Unanticipated inflation hurts almost everyone .
False . Debtors are helped by unanticipated inflation because the value of the
money with which they repay their debt is less than the value of the money they
borrowed . Conversely , savers and people on fixed incomes are hurt by
unanticipated inflation because they can no longer purchase the same amount of
goods and services .
The chief task of the Federal Reserve system is to insure the deposits of bank customers .
False . The Federal Reserve System chief task is to control the money supply .
Tariffs are needed to protect our standard of living from competition from cheap foreign
labor .
False . Tariffs may save jobs in a specific industry . In general , tariffs raise the
prices of goods for consumers and interfere in the efficient allocation of resources ,
thus hurting the economy as a whole . Furthermore , because of the higher prices,
employees in other industries may lose their jobs .
Measuring short – run economic growth . Answer the following questions based on the
data in the table below :
Nominal and Real GDP
Nominal GDP
Price Index
Year two
$ 5,000
Year three
$ 6,600
What is the real GDP in year two ?
What is the real GDP in year three ?
What is the real GDP per capita in year two ?
What is the real GDP per capita in year three ?
What is the rate of real output growth between years two and three ?
[ ( 4,400 - 4,000 ) / 4,000 ]
What is the rate of real output growth per capita between years two and three ?
0.82 %
$ 4,000
$ 4,400
$ 364
$ 367
10 %
[ ( 367 - 364 ) / 364 ] x 100
Which of the following are included and which are excluded in calculating GDP ?
Explain your decisions .
A monthly check received by an economics student who has been granted a
government scholarship
Excluded : Transfer payment from government to individual
A farmer’s purchase of a new tractor
Included : Current year investment
A plumber’s purchase of a two year old used truck
Excluded : Truck was not produced in the current year
Cashing a United States government bond
Excluded : A bond is not produced , it is a financial asset
The services of a mechanic in fixing the radiator on his own car
Excluded : This is a non – market activity
A Social Security check from the government to a retired store clerk
Excluded : Transfer payment
An increase in business inventories
Included : Inventory is an investment
The government’s purchase of a new submarine for the Navy
Included : Government purchase of a good
A barber’s income from cutting hair
Included : Income from services provided
Income received from the sale of Nike stock
Excluded : Stock is a financial asset
Understanding how and why GDP is counted > Answer the following questions :
Why do we only count the final retail price of a new good or service ?
To avoid double counting
Why do we not count a purely financial transaction ?
A financial transaction does not involve production of a good or service . It is
a transfer of assets
When a homeowner does home improvement work , why is the value of the labor
not counted in GDP ?
The labor does not involve a market transaction , and it is difficult to
compute the value
Decide which of the following people , or groups , are hurt or benefit from unanticipated
inflation . If you are unsure also indicate that . Provide an explanation to support you
view :
A farmer buys machinery with a fixed rate loan to be repaid over a ten year period
Benefit - Famer makes payments that are less in real terms that the loan
Your family buys a new home with an adjustable rate mortgage
Uncertain - It depends on what happens to the future interest rate relative to
the inflation rate . If the real interest rate rises , the family will be hurt
Your savings from your summer job are in a savings account paying a fixed rate of
Hurt - The return from savings will be worth less because of inflation and
the fixed rate of return
A widow lives entirely on income from fixed rate corporate bonds
Hurt - The purchasing power of the income will be less as inflation
continues to deflate the value of the dollar
The federal government has a five trillion dollar debt
Gain - The government will repay the debt with money that has less
purchasing power
A local government receives revenue mainly from fixed rate license fees it chages
Hurt - The revenue will have less purchasing power
Your friend rents an apartment with a three year lease
Gain - Rent payments will be lower in real terms
A bank has loaned millions of dollars for home mortgages at a fixed rate of
Hurt - Loan repayments will have less value or purchasing power
Parents are putting savings for their child’s education in a savings account
Uncertain - It will depend on the real rate of return relative to the inflation
** What conclusions can you draw about who is helped and hurt by unanticipated
inflation ?
Label the following situations as either ; frictional unemployment ( F ) , cyclical
unemployment ( C ) , or structural unemployment ( S )
A computer programmer is laid off because of a recession
An unemployed college graduate is looking for his first job
Advances in technology make the assembly line worker’s job obsolete
An individual refuses to work for minimum wage
A high school graduate lacks the skills necessary for a particular job
Workers are laid off when the local manufacturing plant closes
because the product made there isn’t selling
The unemployment rate and employment both go up . Ellen says that it is not possible for
both to rise at the same time . Is Ellen correct or incorrect ? Why ?
Ellen is incorrect . If more people enter the labor force and most of them do not
find jobs , both employment and unemployment will rise .
True , false , or uncertain , and explain why ? “ Gross domestic product measures the
amount of wealth in the economy . ”
False . GDP measures a stream of production or income in a particular year or
time period . Wealth includes the current value of goods and services produced in
past years .
True , false , or uncertain , and explain why ? “ If nominal GDP increase by five percent
and the price level increases by seven percent , real GDP has decreased . ”
True . Real GDP would fall by about two percent because the inflation rate is
higher than the rate of growth in nominal GDP .
True , false , or uncertain , and explain why ? “ In preparing an index of prices , it is
important that all commodities in the index be given equal weight . ”
False . Commodities should be weighted by the proportion the item represents in
people’s actual pattern , or consumption , of use . Different groups have different
consumption patterns . An index cannot capture everyone’s cost of living .
True , False , or uncertain , and explain why ? “ Frictional and structural unemployment
are two words for the same thing . ”
False . Structural unemployment occurs because people do not have the skills
necessary for the jobs available . Frictional unemployment occurs when people are
between jobs . They will find employment , but it will take time to match them with
job vacancies .
Why does unanticipated inflation help borrowers and hurt lenders ?
Borrowers pay back a fixed number of dollars , but these dollars are worth less .
This means that the purchasing power of the dollars that lenders receive is lower
than the purchasing power of the dollars in the original loan . If the loan has a
variable interest rate and inflation causes nominal interest rates to rise , the lender
will not be hurt as badly because the lender can raise the interest rate on the loan .
True , False , or uncertain , and explain why ? “ Inflation always increases when
unemployment decreases . ”
False . What makes this false is the use of the word “ always ” . While this might be
true on the average , there have been numerous examples of when it is not . The
period between 1993 and 2008 is the most recent example of an exception. Very low
unemployment coupled with very low inflation. This was achieved through the
explosion of capitalism and free trade driving down the cost of goods .
True , false , or uncertain , and explain why ? “ If the economy is at full employment , the
unemployment rate is zero . ”
False . At full employment , we will always have some amount of fractional and
structural unemployment .
True , false , or uncertain , and explain why ? “ Seasonal unemployment is a continual
worry for government because some people are out of work on a regular basis . ”
False . Seasonal workers are employed only during particular seasons such as
Christmas or harvest time . Government does not worry about this type of
unemployment because stimulating the economy usually will not have an impact on
this type of unemployment .
Answer the following questions about GDP :
A. Explain whether this statement is true , false , or uncertain : “ To ignore the
production of intermediate goods when measuring the total product of a country
means ignoring the work , the efforts , and the incomes of millions of citizens . This is
a mistake and can be corrected only by including intermediate goods production in
GDP figures . ”
False . The value of intermediate goods is captured in the value of the
final good. Thus , the effort of intermediate goods producers is not
ignored in the GDP numbers .
B. Give two reasons for using real GDP per capita as a measure of the standard of living
for a nation .
Real GDP per capita is a good measure because it gives us some idea of
the income people would have if we divided production equally among all
people . It is also a consistent measure over a long period of time , which
allows us to observe changes in the average standard of living .
C. Give two reasons why real GDP per capita is not a good measure of the standard of
living for a nation .
Real GDP per capita does not measure all of the non – market production
that goes on in households . It also does not recognize the fact that
income is not equally distributed among the nation’s citizens .
You read the headline : “ Real GDP Rises 3 % This Year ; Further Increases Likely Next
Year , Economists Say . ”
A. What does this headline mean ? Be specific .
The output of the nation , accounting for the change in the price level ,
has increased and it expected to continue to increase .
B. Why do people care about the growth of real GDP ?
It could mean more job opportunities or fewer job losses . Continued
increases in real GDP could lead to inflation .
C. What is the difference between real GDP and nominal GDP ?
The real indicator accounts for price level changes , which means it gives
a clearer picture of actual changes in output .Nominal GDP is simply
price times quantity. Nominal GDP increase could be caused by price
increases , output increases , or a combination of the two .
You read the following information about the economy :
Real GDP is up 3 % from a year ago
The unemployment rate is 4.6 %
The consumer price index is up 6 % from a year ago
The index of leading economic indicators is up for the last six months
The prime interest rate is 10 % , up from 7 % a year ago
Explain what each of these economic indicators measures and the significance of the
current data for the economy .
GDP – Output of goods and services in this economy has increased by 3
% in real terms , or accounting for price changes . This is a good growth
rate for a large economy by historic standards and indicates a stable
economy .
Unemployment – The percentage of the labor force that currently looking
for work is 4.6 % . This is a low unemployment rate by historic standards
and indicates a very strong economy
Price level – The general price level of items typically purchased by
consumers has increased 6 % over the past year . What was purchased for
$ 100. , now costs$ 106.
Leading Economic Indicators – This an index of economic variables that
used to predict the business cycle and economic conditions . In this case
the leading economic indicators has increased indicating that the
economy is in a recovery or expansionary phase of the business cycle .
Prime Interest Rate – The interest rate offered to a bank’s best customers
. The increased cost of borrowing will likely dampen / discourage
investment and business growth , and eventually lead to an economic slow
down .