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Unit 3.5 Star Evolution Notes: 3.5 STAR EVOLUTION
Name: ________ Part 3: Re-read the Part 1: Fill in the blanks during the class discussion.
Star Evolution Background
information in your
Ø “Evolve” or “Evolution” means to CHANGE.
notes. Construct
Ø All stars change into different STAGES or phases throughout their
quiz questions
using this
Ø What a star ends as depends on its MASS.
information. Write
Ø A low mass star will evolve DIFFERENTLY than a high mass star.
the questions next
to the paragraph
where the answers
can be found. Stages of Star Evolution
1. Nebula:
The BIRTH of a star.
Ø A nebula is CLOUD of dust and gas
that is not a star yet.
Ø HYDROGEN is most common
gases in a nebula.
Ø A nebula is also called a “Stellar
Nebula (the cloud) Protostars (bright spots) 2. Protostar: The material in a nebula CONDENSES and the star starts to
come together.
Ø CONDENSE means the gases that will form the star begin to collect
in the middle.
Ø The bright spots in Nebulas are PROTOSTARS will eventually
become STARS.
3. Main Sequence star:
Ø This is the stage where the star “
Ø The gravity in the core of the star is
enough that FUSION begins.
Ø Fusion powers the star and turns the
Ø The equation for fusion is: H1 + H1=
4. Giant/SuperGiant Star:
Ø Happens when the star runs out of HYDROGEN FUEL.
Ø The star INCREASES in size
Ø Small to average size stars become GIANT stars
Ø Large Mass stars become SUPERGIANT.
5. Star Destruction-Planetary Nebula OR Supernova
Once the star runs out of fuel for good it will be destroyed.
Ø A PLANETARY NEBULA is when a Giant star
begins to fall apart and the outer layer of gas float
out into space.
Ø A supernova is big EXPLOSION that happens when a Supergiant
runs out of fuel
6. End of Stars Life. (White Dwarf, Neutron Star, or Black Hole
Depending on its MASS a star will end its life as one of three things.
Ø White Dwarf: what SMALL or AVERAGE stars end as.
• White Dwarf stars are SMALL, and DIM,
but hot.
Ø Neutron Stars. what MEDIUM LARGE stars end as.
• Neutron stars emit RADIO WAVES instead of light.
Ø Black Holes: what the VERY LARGEST
stars end as.
• Black holes have so much
GRAVITY that LIGHT cannot
• Black holes may be located in the center of THE
GALAXIES and may even hold the galaxies
• We could never travel to a black hole because of
the distance, but if we could it IS possible it may
be a path to another UNIVERSE.
The Life Cycle of our Sun
Ø The sun is currently 4.6 BY old.
Ø At 10 BY of age, our sun will become a RED GIANT.
Ø Our sun will end its life as a WHITE DWARF after 13 BY.
Part 2. Re-read your notes. Highlight the most important information