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Fact Sheet (Where in the World is Georgia?)
SS8G1a – Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent and
Cardinal directions are the compass points of North (N), South (S), East (E), and West (W).
Intermediate directions are the compass points between the cardinal directions. They are: Northwest
(NW), Northeast (NE), Southwest (SW), and Southeast (SE).
Absolute location is the exact spot on the earth’s surface where a place can be found. Absolute
location is found using lines of latitude and lines of longitude. This is the system used for the Global
Positioning System (GPS).
Relative location is the location of one place in relation to another place. Example: Sam’s desk is
located to the right of Mary’s desk.
Lines of latitude are imaginary lines on the earth’s surface extending in a east-west direction. Lines of
longitude are imaginary lines on the earth’s surface extending from the North to the South Pole in a
north-south direction. Lines of latitude and longitude are used to determine absolute location on the
A sphere is a round body (such as the earth or a ball). “Hemi” means “half”. A hemisphere, therefore,
is one-half of a sphere.
The equator is an imaginary line on the earth that extends around the earth in an east-west direction
at 0 degrees latitude. The equator separates the earth into a northern hemisphere and a southern
The prime meridian is an imaginary line on the earth’s surface that extends from the North Pole to the
South Pole in a north-south direction at 0 degrees longitude. The prime meridian separates the earth
into an eastern hemisphere and a western hemisphere.
Continents are large landmasses on the earth’s surface. There are 7 continents on the earth. They
are: Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, Europe, North America, and South America.
The North American continent is the continent on which you live. The country in which you live, the
United States, is located on this continent. The United States shares a common border with two other
countries on this continent. The country located to the north of the United States is called Canada.
The country located to the south of the United States is Mexico.
A region describes an area of the earth with shared characteristics that make it different from other
areas on the earth. Regions have no set boundaries. You live in the southeastern region of the United
States. This region is also known as: The South, The Deep South; The Southeast; The Sunbelt, and the
Bible Belt.
Georgia is located in the southeastern region. Georgia shares a common border with five states and one
ocean. Tennessee borders Georgia to the north and northwest. North Carolina borders Georgia to the
north and northeast. South Carolina borders Georgia to the east. Alabama borders Georgia to the
west. Florida borders Georgia to the south. Georgia also has a common boundary with the Atlantic
Ocean to the southeast.
1. What is the name of the country in which you live? ________________________________
2. What is Georgia bordered by on the southeast? _____________________________________
3. On which continent is Georgia located? _________________________________________
4. Name the two hemispheres in which Georgia is located. ________________________________
5. Name the five states in the southeastern region with which Georgia shares a common border.
6. What separates the earth into a northern hemisphere and a southern hemisphere?
7. What separates the earth into an eastern hemisphere and a western hemisphere?
8. Gateway bank is located on Highway 27 west of the Krystal restaurant. Is this an example of
absolute location or relative location? Why?
9. Give an example of a cardinal direction. __________________________________________
10. Give two other names by which the southeastern region of the United States is known.