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Review for Electricity
1. A circuit is a closed path through which electricity travels.
2. The flow of electric charges through a circuit is called an electric current.
3. An electromagnet is made by passing an electric current through a wire that is wrapped around a metal object,
such as a nail.
4. Electric current does not pas easily through materials with high resistance.
5. When an object gains or loses electrons, it has an electric charge.
6. The attraction or repulsion between charges is called an electric force.
7. Material that conducts electrons easily is called a conductor.
8. An electric circuit is any path along which electrons can flow.
9. An insulator is a material that doesn’t carry electrons.
10. A material that resists the flow of electricity is called a resistor.
11. An electromagnet is made by passing an electric current through a wire that is wrapped around a metal object,
such as a nail.
II. Possible Questions
1. Why do electrons move through a circuit? The electrons move in a circuit because they are attracted to the
positive charge given by the protons.
2. What creates the flow of electricity in a circuit? What moves to create electricity? The electrons move towards
the protons to create electrical energy.
3. What instrument or tool could be used to open and close circuits? A switch could be used to open and close
4. When charges of the same type come together like a positive with a positive charge what will happen? What will
happen if a negative charge comes together with another negatively charged object? The charges will repel or
push away from each other.
5. When charges of opposite types such as a positive and negative charge come together, what will happen? The
charges will attract or pull on each other.
6. What instrument or tool can we use to tell if an object conducts or insulates electricity? An electric circuit can be
used to tell if an object conducts or insulates electricity.
7. If one light bulb goes out in a series circuit, what would happen to the other light bulbs in the series? The other
light bulbs will also not light up.
8. If one light bulb goes out in a parallel circuit, what would happen to the other light bulbs in the circuit? The other
light bulbs will stay lit.
9. In what type of circuit will the light bulbs be brighter? In a parallel circuit, the light bulbs will stay lit brighter
because it bulb has its own path/circuit.
10. Electricity is a source of energy. Be able to determine what it can transfer/or turn into in different electric
Example: a cell/battery in a flashlight
chemical energy
electrical energy
wall outlet to a toaster
electrical energy
light energy
thermal energy
cell/battery in an ipod
chemical energy
electrical energy
sound energy
cell/battery in a watch
chemical energy
III. Be able to explain in a simple paragraph how electrons flow in a simple circuit.
The electrons begin on the negative side of the battery. Next, the electrons will move through the wire. The electrons will continue
on their journey by moving through the silver part of the bulb which is connected to the filament. The electrons will be slowed
down by the filament. This creates friction and therefore heat and light energy are created. The electrons move to the bottom metal
part of the bulb and into the next wire. The electrons continue to move through the wires and into the positive side of the cell where
the protons are located.
IV. Be able to identify a series circuit and a parallel circuit.
series circuit
parallel circuit
V. Be able to give several examples of conductors and insulators of electricity.
gold, silver