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Santa Monica High School
Standards-Based Student Learning: Curriculum
B1: To what extent do all students participate in a rigorous, relevant, and coherent standards based
curriculum that supports the achievement of the academic-based curriculum and expected school wide
learning results?
Summary: Students at Santa Monica High School participate in a rigorous, relevant, and coherent
curriculum, which supports the achievement of the academic standards and our Student Objectives (formerly
known as ESLR’s). A challenging course of study is available to all students through a sequence of honors
and advanced placement classes and college-prep curricula across disciplines. Support in the form of weekly
collaboration time provides staff with the regular opportunities to work on curricular coherence through
systematic level articulation, vertical planning, and alignment with state standards. Staff has echoed the
sentiment that still more time for collaboration is still needed in order to enhance our curriculum even further.
While the curriculum at Samohi clearly prepares students for collegiate and work place success, our career and
technical/ business offerings have been reduced due to budget cuts. Budget cuts have also affected the
expansion of technology on campus for the purpose of enhancing instruction. In addition, many of our
students and parents remain vaguely familiar with our newly created Student Objectives. A consistent
schoolwide plan to infuse them into everything we do must be developed.
An important curricular feature here at Samohi is our House System which was created in 2004 in order to
provide a more individualized educational experience, support student transition from middle to high school
and provide more collaboration time for teachers. Most students in ninth and tenth grade are enrolled in
course taught by their “House” teachers. Over 85% of ninth graders have four of their six classes with their
House teachers. This provides opportunities for House teachers to plan interdisciplinary lessons and for the
teachers to collaborate on common strategies that work with particular struggling students. Our House system
is a hybrid system. Due to the limited number of advanced placement courses and teachers, once our students
enter eleventh and twelfth grade, most take classes across campus and across Houses.
Concerns have been raised regarding the lack of diversity in our advanced classes. While a percentage of
underrepresented students in advanced classes has increased slightly over the years, they still do not reflect the
diverse student population of Santa Monica High School. Unfortunately, the Summer Bridge Program, our
most popular program designed to increase the enrollment of minority students in advanced classes, was
eliminated due to budget cuts. Despite budget constraints, Santa Monica High School is committed to finding
ways of improving the situation.
Concerns have also been raised regarding recent enrollment patterns that include lower enrollment in some
Samohi courses particularly those in the Social Studies Department. While the number of students taking U.S.
History and World History here at Samohi has decreased the number of students taking these courses at Santa
Monica Community college and online has increased. Courses taught outside of our school are not required to
have content that at least meets California Standards and thus do not necessarily prepare them for state
mandated testing. Many students take these courses outside of Samohi in order to free up time during the
school day. Some students are unable fit to all or their needed electives into a six or seven period day. Due to
budget restraints, the number of summer school course offerings has been limited to remedial courses. The
Santa Monica Education Foundation did offer a few fee based courses this past summer.
Advancement Via Individual Determination(AVID) Curriculum
Course Catalogue
Course syllabi
Career/Technical Education Curriculum
ROP offers courses both during the school day and after school
that assist students in gaining the skills necessary for employment
and/ or basic training in many different fields of work. We offer
courses that introduce students to over fourteen different career
Course Catalogue/Master
Course Syllabi
Enrollment numbers
The AVID curriculum includes a writing curriculum, college and
career information, and strategies for success. Tutorials include
collaborative study groups, writing groups, and Socratic
seminars. Cornell note taking is stressed in all facets of the
The required AVID courses include AVID Freshman Seminar,
AVID 10, AVID 11 and AVID 12.
AVID’s only Summer School Offering is World History AVID.
Students can choose from strands like Auto Technician, Careers
in Education, Digital Design, Photography, Technical Theater,
and Marketing, among others.
English Curriculum
Santa Monica High School’s English Curriculum is literature
based and anchored by the California Content Standards and the
Advanced Placement Guidelines. All classes emphasized
reading, writing, listening, speaking and grammar. The English
Department offers a wide range of course offering designed to
meet the interest of all students.
College Prep English is available for all students in grades 9-12.
Grade 12 students can choose from English Department electives
which include African American Literature, Chicano Literature,
Shakespearian Literature, Women’s Literature, Folktales and
Mythology, Bible Literature, and California Literature.
Course Catalogue/Master
Course Syllabi
Classroom Observation
Examination of Student
Performance Data
Student Interviews
Sheltered English courses are available for students in grades 911. The Sheltered English Curriculum is based on the California
Content Standards and designed to support students who need
English Language development.
Honors English and Advanced Placement English Courses.
Honors courses are offered in grades 9 and 10. These courses
assist students in preparation for Advanced Placement courses in
grades 11 and 12. Over 50% of 11th grade students take English
Summer School Offerings include English 9 A/B, English 10
A/B, English 11 A/B, and an English 12 Elective A/B for
remediation purposes only.
ELD Curriculum
The ELD curriculum is designed to help English learners develop
language skills including basic vocabulary, listening, speaking,
and writing. Courses are offered to assist English Language
Development in English, Social Studies, Math, and Science.
English language learners are assessed and based on individual
student need, assigned to appropriate classes. Each student's
needs are unique, so each student's progress and schedule may
look different. Students are routinely assessed and transitioned
into courses intended to match their development in English.
Courses include:
English 9SE, 10SE and 11SE.
World History SE and US History SE
Geometry SE
Biology SE and Chemistry SE
Beginning ELD, Intermediate ELD
Beginning Reading
Advanced Composition
Course Catalogue
• CELDT Test Data
• CAHSEE Test Data
Immersion Curriculum
Course Catalogue
The Immersion program at Santa Monica High School is a
continuation of the dual language program that begins at the
Edison Language Academy. The high school program varies from
the elementary model in that it functions within the larger, regular
Samohi educational program. Our students add an extra class in
order to accommodate the Spanish language component.
Students are taught in both languages throughout the day. Our
Two-way bilingual immersion program strives to promote
bilingualism and biliteracy, academic achievement, and positive
cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors in all students. We offer
courses in Social Studies and Math.
Courses include:
World History IM, US History IM, Eonomics/Government IM
Algebra IM, Geometry IM, and Algebra 2 IM.
Math Curriculum
Our Math Department Curriculum is based on the California
Mathematics Framework and follows the California Content
Standards. Our Advanced Placement Courses follow the AP
guidelines as well.
A minimum of two years of mathematics was required for
graduation with two semester credits to be taken in grades 10-12.
Beginning with the class of 2007, students had to pass three (3)
years of mathematics in grades 9-12. However, students are still
encouraged to take as many math courses as possible while
attending Samohi.
For students who are not yet ready for Algebra, we offer an
Essential mathematics course. After passing Essentials, students
have the skills necessary to be successful in Algebra.
• Course Catalogue/Master
• Course Syllabi
Performance Data
• Classroom Observations
• Examination of Student Work
Our College Prep sequence includes Algebra A/B or Algebra
A/B P, Geometry A/B, Intermediate Algebra A/B, and PreCalculus A/B. These courses prepare students for admission to
the University of California and other universities. For those who
want to continue their studies in mathematics, we offer sections
of Calculus, Calculus A/B and/or B/C.
Honors and Advanced Placement courses include Geometry
HP, Algebra 2 HP, Pre-Calculus HP and Statistics AP.
Summer School Offerings are for remediation only. Typical
summer school courses include Essential A/B, Algebra A/B,
Geometry A/B and Algebra 2 A/B.
Modern and Classical Languages Curriculum
Santa Monica High School’s Modern and Classical Languages
Department follow California State Frameworks and the
California State Content Standards. Classes focus on reading,
writing, listening and speaking to help student acquire and master
their new language. Basic to Advanced courses are available in
most language.
• Course Catalogue
• Course Syllabi
Classroom Observations
AP Scores
• Examination of Student Work
Courses include:
Spanish 1-4, Spanish for Spanish speakers 1-4, Spanish 5 AP and
Spanish 6AP.
Latin 1-4
French 1-5
Japanese 1-4 and Japanese AP
Chinese 1-2
Physical Education Curriculum
Samohi’s Physical Education Curriculum follows the State
Content Standards. Students are required to take 4 semesters of
Physical Education (P.E.) during high school at Samohi. This
includes mandatory P.E. in 9th grade, then two additional
semesters of elective P.E.. Some courses found in the Performing
Arts may satisfy the P.E. requirements. They include Color
• Course Catalogue
• Course Syllabi
Student Physical Fitness Data
Classroom Observations
Arts may satisfy the P.E. requirements. They include Color
Guard, Marching Band, and in some pre-approved instances,
Independent Study.
Courses Include:
9th Grade P.E.
10th Grade Elective P.E.
Students may take a team sport for Physical Education credit also.
Team Sports are scheduled Period 6 and involve interscholastic
Our Team Sports include:
Fall: Cross Country (boys and girls), Football, Golf (girls),
Tennis (girls), Volleyball (girls), Water Polo (boys)
Winter: Basketball (boys and girls), Soccer (boys and girls),
Water Polo (girls), Wrestling
Spring: Softball (girls), Track (boys and girls), Baseball (boys),
Volleyball (boys), Golf (boys), Swimming (boys and girls),
Tennis (boys).
Summer School Offerings include Elective P.E.
Science Curriculum
The Science Curriculum is based on the California Content
Standards and the Advanced Placement Guidelines. All courses
focus on critical thinking, problem solving and real world
application. Sciences with a lab component require students to
investigate and experiment various scientific questions. A
minimum of two years of science is required for graduation.
• Course Catalogue
• Course Syllabi
CST/AP Student Performance
• Classroom Observations
• Examination of Student Work
College Prep courses include Biology, Chemistry, Design
Engineering, Marine Biology, Physics, and Physiology.
Honors Course offerings include Biology HP and Chemistry HP.
AP courses include AP Biology, AP Chemistry and AP Physics.
Health is a semester course based on the California Health
Framework. Health is only offered during the summer only and
for students who do not pass Freshman Seminar.
Summer School Offerings are for credit recovery only and
include Health, Biology and Chemistry.
Social Studies Curriculum
The Social Studies Curriculum includes courses that are based on
the California State Framework and California content Standards.
With the addition of Freshman Seminar to our Social Studies
Curriculum, students are required to take four years of Social
Studies before graduation.
All ninth grade students are required to take Freshman Seminar.
Freshman Seminar is a course designed to teach students the
skills and habits needed to be successful in high school and in
life. The Freshman Seminar curriculum came from collaboration
between Samohi Teachers, SMMUSD and the Facing History and
Ourselves organization. Students learn research skills, issue
analysis, and health awareness. Freshman Seminar also has a
Health component which meets our school and district graduation
requirement. Students who do pass Freshman Seminar must take
a Health course.
10th grade students must take World History
11th Grade Students must take U.S. History
• Course Catalogue/Master
• Course Syllabi
• DBQ anchors
• CST/AP Student Performance
• Classroom Observations
• Examination of Student Work
• Student Interviews
12th Grade Students must take Econ and/or Government
College Prep offerings include World History, U.S. History,
Economics and Government. We offer one college prep elective
– Psychology.
Advanced Placement course offerings include U.S. History AP,
Psychology AP, Economics AP and Government AP.
Summer School Offerings are for credit recovery and include
World History A/B, U.S. History A/B, Economics and
The Educational Foundation offered a fee based World History
A/B and U.S. History A/B.
Special Education Curriculum
The curriculum within the Special Education Department reflects
the curriculum taught in the core content areas. Students who are
mainstreamed into the general education classes receive support
in their classrooms and also in the resource rooms where teachers
and paraprofessionals are available to provide individualized
instruction. Accommodations include those designed to facilitate
each individual’s learning process, paraeducator support and
Tutorial classes.
Course Catalogue
Course Syllabi
CST/AP Student Performance
Classroom Observations
Examination of Student Work
IEP Documentation
Students who receive specialized academic instruction have
access to the core curriculum through plans based upon individual
learning needs as delineated in the student’s IEP. Special
Education teachers use standards-aligned textbooks and
supplemental materials as well.
Performing Arts Curriculum
Santa Monica High School has a one year Visual Performing
Arts requirement. The Performing Arts Department provides
opportunities for expression through standards-based curricula
designed to teach skills and expose students to a range of artistic
of expression.
Arts Department provides a varied course
selection that offers students of all ability levels the opportunity
to express themselves creatively through performance.
• Course Catalogue/Master
Course Syllabi
Classroom Observations
Examination of Student Work
Theater Productions
The Performing Arts Department provides a varied course
selection that offers students of all ability levels the opportunity
to express themselves creatively through performance.
Course are listed below:
Acting 1, Acting 2
Concert Choir, Madrigal Ensemble, Chamber Singers, Women’s
Chorus, and High School Chorale
• Band and Orchestra concerts
Chorale Concerts
Film Festival
Regular Participation in
regional competitions and
Student Interviews
Performance Data
Course Catalogue
Master Schedule
Course Syllabi
Classroom Observations
Examination of Student Work
District Pathway Meeting
Late Start Meeting Schedules
Department Meeting
Focus Group Meeting
Concert Band 1-3, Marching Band, Color Guard 1-4 and Wind
Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphonic Orchestra,
Concert Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra
Art Curriculum
Santa Monica High School has a one year visual Performing Arts
requirement. Our Art department provides a range of standard
based courses that give students opportunities to pursue varied
interest in the arts.
Courses are listed below:
Drawing 1-2
Photography 1-2
Art Foundations
Ceramics 1-2
AP Art
Last year’s only Summer School Offering was the Educational
Foundation’s fee based Ceramics 1 course.
It is common practice for teachers in all departments on campus
to participate in vertical planning based on student performance
data and benchmark assessments. Departments meet in teams
about once a month during late start Wednesdays to ensure that
its curriculum continues to be rigorous, coherent and relevant.
Department and grade level teams evaluate each course and its
Counselors communicate with middle school counselors from
both of our local feeder schools – Lincoln Middle School and
John Adams Middle School - to help ensure a smooth transition
to high school by all. They meet to discuss students, student
strengths and weaknesses and what course would be best.
In addition, our counselors organize a “Get to Know Samohi”
night at both of our local feeder schools. During this meeting,
counselors cover important information regarding transitioning to
Samohi. These nights consist of a presentation followed by a
question and answer session.
During the Spring months, many Special Education teachers
attend transition I.E.P.’s for eighth grade students at our local
feeder schools to help ensure that the transition to the high school
is as seamless as possible. During these meetings, students are
scheduled for classes, high school goals and expectations are
discussed, and in many instances, students get to meet their new
Teacher of Record.
Staff members are in constant contact with representatives from
Santa Monica Community College regarding how to better
prepare our students for success. Since we offer multiple S.M.C.
courses open to both high school and colleges students on our
campus and have a dual enrollment agreement for courses that
our students take there the dialogue is constant. In addition to
regular communication with S.M.C, our staff members are also in
contact with representatives from various colleges and
universities as well. They attend yearly conferences, engage in
essential dialogue regarding successful articulation, and attend
college open houses.
Many teachers in core content areas feel a need for renewed focus
on articulation with the local feeder schools. Articulation among
teachers on campus and with teachers at other sites is critical to
our students’ success. Staff members agree that, despite the
current budget crisis, resources must be allocated for release time
that allows teachers to continue this essential vertical planning
AVID, Tutorial college field
Common Assessments
Common Assessments are an important part of our curriculum at
Samohi. Core departments use the results from either Benchmark
Exams or Semester Final Exams to help guide instruction. Most
departments use Data Director to help disaggregate the results for
use in making decisions regarding what content needs reteaching, the effectiveness of certain teaching techniques and to
help with curricular planning.
The following departments use common assessments regularly:
The English Department administers common assessments in the
form of essays for all English courses. The data from these
Common Assessments is used to help adjust writing instruction
throughout the year.
Our Science Department has common assessments in the form of
semester finals in Biology P, Biology HP, Chemistry P,
Chemistry HP, and Physics.
The Social Studies Department administers common assessments
in the form of common semester finals in U.S. History and World
The Math Department administers common district-wide
assessments in the form of semester finals in Algebra I, Geometry
P, Geometry HP, Algebra II P and Algebra II HP.
The Modern and Classical Languages Department administers
common assessments in the form of semester finals in Spanish 1 4, Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1-4 and Japanese 1.
Focus Group Meeting
Department Meeting
Common Assessment Data
“House” Courses
The House System allows for increased personalization for
students in a school of 3,000. Each House has its own set of
teachers and students. For the most part, students take courses
taught by their House teachers for the first two years. This allows
more opportunities for collaboration amongst teachers and for
more opportunities for students to make curricular connections.
Master Schedule
Course Catalogue
House Meeting Summaries
Focus Group Meeting
Student Surveys
Each year the following courses are considered “House” courses:
English: English 9P, English 9HP, English 10, and English 10 HP
Social Studies: Freshman Seminar and World History
Science: Biology, Biology HP, Chemistry and Chemistry HP
Math: Algebra Essentials, Algebra, Geometry and Geometry HP
Intervention: 9th Grade Tutorial
Student Awareness of Standards and Student Objectives
Though the Samohi’s curriculum may be based on state standards
and informed by the ESLR’s, many of our students remain
unaware of the specific standards being addressed in a given
lesson and are only vaguely familiar with the ESLR’s.
Santa Monica High School
Standards-Based Student Learning: Curriculum
B2: To what extent do all students have access to the school’s entire program and assistance with a
personal learning plan to prepare them for the pursuit of their academic and career goals?
Summary: All students have personal learning plans(4-year plans) that are viewed as flexible blue prints
that allow them to meet or exceed all academic standards and results in the achievement of the Expected
School-Wide Learning Results. All parents are encouraged to be involved in their children’s academic
planning process through parent organizations and school-based meetings (group and individual). There is a
wealth of information available to students and their families for making informed choices and plans.
Students’ plans and programs are regularly revisited and changes are made reflecting a student’s current
interests, goals, and needs. Students have many resources available to them in order to assist them with career
and goals investigations.
An important curricular feature that helps to ensure access to our entire program here at Samohi is our waiver
policy. After an earlier study showed a lack of enrollment of underrepresented students in Honors and
Advanced Placement classes, our district enacted this policy to increase access to advanced level classes.
Students may enroll in Honors or Advanced courses as long as they have passed the prerequisite. Students
who do not receive a grade of ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ in the appropriate prerequisite course can request a waiver in
order to enroll. Concerns have been raised about the lack of support for students who attempt advanced
courses without the proper content foundation. Our Instructional Planning Committee has been researching
ways to provide a systematic support system for these students and those who are struggling with basic skills
during the school day.
Providing Access for All Students
Samohi has an open course policy that allows any student to take
any Honors, Advanced Placement Course that he or she is
interested in taking.
The house system provides a better support and attention for each
Course Catalogue/Master
Course Syllabi
Student Surveys
Student Interviews
Teacher surveys
Parent surveys
The athletic program offers 22 sports for student to participate in
and feel part of the schoolwide community.
Supporting Access for All Students
College Counselors help students select colleges and the
application process. They are separate from the house counselors
who help students with their courses at Santa Monica High
Course Catalogue/Master
Student Survey
Student Home Group
Parent Home Group
Students have support programs in place to help them prepare for
and undertake challenging coursework here at Samohi. They
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination): extensive
program involving college preparation. Students create and
regularly monitor and modify their learning plan to prepare them
for their academic goals
Tutoring: All teachers hold office hours and tutor their current
students. In addition, Xinachtli tutoring is provided two times per
week, staffed by UCLA tutors and peer advisors. Also, Peer
tutoring by Samohi students is offered twice a week as well.
Furthermore, Mr. Orloff, a retired math teacher, holds office
hours through the day.
Houses offer tutoring classes both during the school day, such as
POP, as well as after school programs. (Midnight Owl, Xinachtli)
ELL Program: offers sheltered classes, in core disciplines, that
use specific strategies; provides intensive English instruction so
ELL’s can have access to college prep core curriculum; yearly
testing to determine level.
ROP Program: offers courses in real world training for students
who would like to enter the job market right after graduation.
This program offers practical experience
Communication: Daily Bulletin, PA Announcements, Bilingual
(English/Spanish) Viking Voice parent newsletter.
Pinnacle: Students and parents have 24 hour on-line grade access
to help them monitor student progress and check for upcoming
Parent Groups: PTSA, AAPSSSG and ELAC hold special events
and meet monthly to strategize ways of better supporting both
parents and students.
Meetings for students who need additional interventions: Student
Study Team (SST); house intervention meetings
Open course selection for all students.
Student Interviews
Freshmen Seminar
4-year meeting
Peer Tutoring tracking
Xinatchli tracking sheets
Midnight Owl Athletic
tutoring tracking sheets
ROP Internships
Automated messages sent
to parents via telephone.
Some pre-requisites are
required for taking of
Ed Foundation classes
SAGE program
“Get Ahead” Courses are offered through the ED Foundation
4-Year Plan: Freshman Year
• Career Fair
• Freshman Seminar Course
• Bridges software
In the fall, counselors visit all Freshman Seminar classes and
make a presentation that covers what courses are needed for high
school graduation, college admissions and other vocational
opportunities. Freshman Seminar requires students to develop a
4- year plan for learning. The Bridges software program, a
college and career exploration problem, is also introduced during
freshman year. This program assists students in choosing both
college and career paths. In the spring, each advisor meets with
over one hundred and fifty families and students to make a
personal learning plan and choose courses for next year, which
includes career planning information.
4-Year Plan: Sophomore Year
10th Grade: In the fall, advisors visit World history classes and
reviews high school and college requirements once more. In the
spring, advisors meet with all of their students and families to
plan for junior year. Major topics this year include testing,
Advanced Placement classes and preparing the college resume
4 Year Plan: Junior Year
In the fall, all advisors visit English or U.S. History classes to
discuss expectations for junior year. Students are encouraged to
meet with their college counselors during the spring. In spring,
advisors meet with all juniors and help them choose classes for
senior year. Discussion topics include college, college testing,
brag sheets, letters of recommendation, choosing a college and
much more.
4 Year Plan: Senior Year
12th Grade: Advisors meet with seniors check graduation status
and grades. Student attendance is closely monitored to ensure
participation in the graduation ceremony.
Student Home Group
Focus Group Minutes
4-Year plan meeting notes
Placement Test Data
Scheduling Forms
Master Calendar
Apex online credit
• Brag Sheet
• Job Fairs
• College Fair
• SAT Prep
• College Counselor
Santa Monica High School
Standards-Based Student Learning: Curriculum
B3: To what extent are students able to meet all the requirements of graduation upon completion of
the high school program?
Summary: In the spring of 2010, 97% of Samohi students were able to meet all of the requirements of
graduation upon completion of the high school program. Upon completion of the high school program, most
students meet all graduation requirements such as meeting the state and district academic standards in all
required areas and passing the High School Exit Exam. The staff works regularly with all students to monitor
progress in meeting all requirements; additional support is provided to ensure success for all students. Students
understand these expectations. Concerns have been raised about how our lack of semester courses limit
remedial opportunities to APEX Online, summer school courses and off campus courses.
Graduation Rate
The relatively high graduation rate of Samohi students can be
attributed to a number of factors:
Student/Parent Survey
Staff Survey
Course Catalogue
Course Catalogue
Summer School Course
Teacher commitment to high expectations
Staff support of all students
Quality intervention programs and support classes
Parent and community support
A student culture which values academic achievement
Course Completion Requirements
We require 220 semester credits, which includes:
40 Credits
30 Credits
Life Science
Physical Science
20 Credits
10 Credits
10 Credits
World History, Grade 10
U.S. History, Grade 11
Econ/Government, Grade 12
30 Credits
10 Credits
10 Credits
10 Credits
10 Credits
10 Credits
20 Credits
60 Credits
Credit Recovery
Samohi offers many ways in which students can recover
credits needed for graduation. Summer school is the first
option for most of these students. Although our summer school
once offered enrichment or get a head classes, due to budget
cuts, the number of these courses has been greatly reduced.
The Educational Foundation did offer three fee based classes
this past year. Regardless, our summer school course offerings
are now almost completely limited to credit recovery.
Course Catalogue
Student Transcripts
Summer School Courses include:
APEX Online Courses – Varies
Math – Algebra A/B, Geometry A/B, Algebra II A/B
English - 9 A/B, 10 A/B, 11 A/B, 12 A/B
ELD – ELD Beg/Intermediate
Science – Biology A/B, Chemistry A/B, Health
Social Studies – World History A/B, World History Avid A/B,
U.S. History A/B, Economics and
P.E. – Elective P.E.
APEX Online Courses - Samohi offers APEX online courses
to assist students with credit recover. The UC approved online
courses can be taken during the school year or during the
summer. Students can either work on course materials at
school with a faculty advisor or on their own at home. Tests
are proctored by a credentialed staff member.
Olympic High School - Students in tenth, eleventh and twelfth
grade who are at risk and in danger of not graduating on time
can recover credits by attending our district’s alternative
school – Olympic High School. Olympic High School offers a
smaller learning environment where students can work at their
own pace in order to catch and possible return by the end of
their senior year. Most students, who are referred to Olympic,
actually stay and graduate from there.
Curricular Interventions
Connect For Success Summer Program - is a summer
intervention program that has been designed to support student
development of academic skills through engaging lessons and
real world experiences. Struggling students are chosen for this
program based on grades and CST scores. This six week
program emphasizes project based learning where students
work in groups and as individuals to solve problems that
connect them to school and the community.
9th Grade Tutorial Course – This course is design to help build
the academic and social skills necessary to be successful in
high school. This program provides academic tutoring,
mentoring and college field trips to at risk ninth graders.
Students get homework help as well.
Student Study Teams
Students get homework help as well.
Personal Opportunity Program (POP) - Success in both Math
and English are crucial to student success in both high school
and beyond. Some students may need additional supports to
close skill gaps and/or maintain a passing grade in these
courses. POP provides intensive academic support during the
school day. It is an intervention program designed and
administered for sophomores and juniors who are most “at
risk” and who are struggling with the core curriculum as
reflected by poor grades in two core courses - Math and
English. These students are scheduled into the POP class,
taught by credentialed teachers, that covers academic study
skills development (POP Studies) and specific content skills
support in both Math and English (POP Skills). Prior to
enrolling, each student and his/her parents must attend an
informational meeting and they must sign a contract regarding
Tutoring Opportunities
Peer Tutoring is individual and group tutoring by Samohi’s
best and brightest offered Mondays and Wednesday from 3:30
to 5:00pm. All students have been trained and have earned
“A’s” in the subject that they tutor. Help available for all
English, Math, Social Studies, French and English classes.
Xinatchli is a tradition here at Samohi. Xinatchli is offered
from 3:30pm to 5:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is
individual and group tutoring by top notch trained ULCA
students in English, Math, Social Studies and Science.
Library Research Assistance is available every day of the week
from 3:30pm to 5:00pm. Teachers are available in the library
after school to assist you with research for papers and projects.
Math tutoring is available before or after school by
appointment. Mr. Orloff is a math aide on our campus and is
happy to help any student who needs tutoring in math.
Young Collegians
Young Collegians is a program that provides students with an
early college experience. Students take summer coursework at
Santa Monica College and are provided with special study
sessions, technology workshops and college tours during the
school year. Young collegians began in the summer of 2008
with a cohort of 24 rising ninth graders. Eighteen of these
students remained in the program for the summer of 2009 and
currently juniors. Students were selected for participation
based on criteria similar to that of AVID.
Santa Monica High School
Standards-Based Student Learning: Curriculum
Each Department has indentified key academic
standards and uses them as a guide for its
The House System provides opportunities for
teachers to know their students well and to better
meet their learning needs.
Curricula across disciplines offer a rich and
rigorous course of study for students here at
The counseling department comprehensive college
planning procedures ensure that as many students
as possible can meet A‐G requirements.
Growth Areas
Implement schoolwide support opportunities
during the school day for struggling students in all
The lack of a systematic support for struggling
students has negatively impacted the effectiveness
of our open enrollment policy
Enrollment in advanced classes needs to better
reflect the diverse student population of Samohi
Need to expand opportunities for regular vertical
planning, cross curricular planning, and
articulation with feeder middle schools and local
colleges in order to enhance the curricular
Expand career, technical and business transition
opportunities for students
Expand access to technology on campus for the
purpose of enhancing instruction
Lack of semester courses limits course offerings to
Student Objectives need to be integrated into our