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The Structure of the
General introduction
The Cardiovascular System
• Also known as
Made up of
–The Heart
–The Blood Vessels
–The Blood
The Heart
• The heart is a muscular pump with thick walls
• It is made up of a special muscle
• It is divided up into 2 halves
• Each half contracts rhythmically.
• The right side sends
deoxygenated blood to the lungs
to get Oxygen.
• The left side sends
blood to the body.
The Blood Vessels
• The body has a range of blood vessels
 Arteries
 Arterioles
 Capillaries
 Venules
 Veins
• They carry the blood around your body to the tissues and back to the
The Blood
• Blood carries the different materials around
your body, Carries nutrients, hormones and
all other essentials.
• Blood cells make up about 45% of the blood volume.
• The other 55% is plasma
The Cardiovascular System
• The major transport system in the body
• Delivers
Oxygen to the body tissues from the lungs
Nutrients to the liver from the intestines
• Removes
Carbon Dioxide from the cells to the lungs, to be excreted
Waste products from the liver to the kidneys.
• Transports
white blood cells, antibodies and hormones to different parts of the