Download 4th Grade Hearing Lesson 3 Hearing Imparments

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Grade Hearing Lesson 3
Hearing Impairments
Lets Read our Student Issues, Page 6
“Supersonic Ears”
• The special sense of
hearing that bats use is
called echolocation
• Dolphins and whales also
use echolocation, but the
sounds they make are
much lower than the highpitched sounds that bats
• Sea lions and seals are two
other mammals that use
• Have you ever seen a dolphin in an
aquarium or a show that had its
eyes covered and yet could still find
an object in the water?
• The dolphin was using its sense of
echolocation do this!
• Of course, humans do not have the
ability to use echolocation to hear,
but our hearing is still very
important to us.
• In fact – many states (including New
Jersey) require students to have
regular hearing tests
Suppose a small child is entering kindergarten. He has
a hearing problem, or what we call a “hearing
impairment,” but no one has yet discovered it. What
problems might he have because of his hearing
• Feel left out because he can’t hear conversations
• Feel shy or insecure because of his problem
• Feel stupid when the problem is that he simply can’t hear what
the teacher is saying
• Not learning as many new words as others in the class
• Have problems making friends at school
All hearing impairments are not the
same. Some people with a hearing
problem can hear more than others.
Hearing problems can be caused by
many different things.
• Some people are only hearing impaired in one ear.
• Some people hear sounds, but are unable to make
sense of them. For example, the sounds might be like
static that you hear on your radio.
• Some people are born with a hearing impairment.
Some acquire a hearing impairment from an injury or a
• Some people are deaf, having no hearing at all.
• Some people's hearing becomes gradually worse as
they get older.
Different kinds of hearing loss
There are three different kinds of hearing loss. Let’s
work together to name those hearing losses, their
causes, and their treatment.
Conductive hearing loss
Perceptive hearing loss
Nerve or brain damage
Let’s see how we did…
Conductive hearing loss
Allergies, infections, fluid in Medicine, tubes surgery
ear, enlarged adenoids
Perceptive hearing loss
Something wrong in Organ
of Corti, pregnant mother
is sick, drugs, constant loud
Hearing aid in some cases
Nerve or brain damage
Tumor or stroke
No treatment
• People with normal hearing communicate
with each other by speaking, listening, and
watching each other’s facial expressions and
body movements.
• Do you know of any special ways in which
people with learning impairments
communicate with others?
• Reading lips
• Sign Language
Can you use American Sign
Language to Spell Your Name?