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4/1/13 Water and Other Welfare
Chapter 12
Chapter Objectives
Water Requirements of Wildlife
Overview of Water Balance and Thermoregulation
Types of Water Developments
Water Management for Wildlife
Potential Benefits of Providing Water for Wildlife
Potential Negative Impacts of Water Developments
Influence of Water Developments on Selected Wildlife Species
Special Factors
1 4/1/13 Water
—  All life processes evolved around water
—  Crucial in some form for all animals
—  Animals obtain water from 3 sources:
—  Free water
—  Preformed water in food
—  Metabolic water from oxidation of organic
compounds containing hydrogen
Water Requirements of
—  Requirements vary based on thermal load, activity patterns,
morphology, diet, metabolic processes, reproductive state, and
adaptations for water conservation
—  Determining water requirements must evaluate all sources and
should be done on free-ranging animals
—  Birds and mammals get most of their water as preformed
—  Large herbivores get most of their water annually from preformed and metabolic water
—  If pre-formed and metabolic unavailable, must have access to
free water
2 4/1/13 Overview of Water Balance
and Thermoregulation
—  Physiological mechanisms and water balance
—  Water loss in feces and urine
—  Thermoregulation
—  Evaporative heat loss in mammals
—  Evaporative heat loss in birds
—  Thermoregulation and water balance
—  Metabolic rate
—  Adaptive heterothermy
Overview of Water Balance
and Thermoregulation
—  Behavioral regulation of body temperature and
water balance
—  Diet and water balance
—  Timing of activity
—  Use of microclimates
—  Body orientation
3 4/1/13 Overview of Water Balance
and Thermoregulation
—  Morphological adaptations for thermoregulation
and water balance
—  Body size and shape
—  Pelage, plumage, and horn characteristics
Types of Water
—  Precipitation catchments
—  Guzzlers
—  Tinajas
—  Adits
—  Retention dams and sand tanks
—  Wells and windmills
—  Springs and seeps
—  Horizontal wells
—  Livestock water developments
4 4/1/13 Precipitation Catchments
5 4/1/13 Retention Dams and Sand
Water Management for
—  Liebig’s Law of the Minimum – growth determined by
scarcest resource
—  Limiting factor can put boundary on population growth
—  Often focuses on water
—  Starting in the 1940s, sportsman’s groups and agencies
started to develop water sources
—  Quail, chukar, mule deer, bighorn sheep, pronghorn
—  Widely used in arid regions
6 4/1/13 Desert Species
Water Management for
—  10 of 11 western states have water programs
—  6,000 water developments built
—  >$1 million/year spent on water developments
—  Very little follow up research on effectiveness of
water developments to impact population growth
—  May be positive and negative effects of developing
water resources
7 4/1/13 Potential Benefits of Providing
Water for Wildlife
—  Increase animal abundance
—  Increase available habitat
—  Improve habitat quality
—  Recovery and management of special status species
Potential Negative Impacts
of Water Developments
—  Increase potential for disease transmission
—  Reduced water quality
—  Increased predation rates
—  Increased competition
—  Direct mortality
—  Detrimental impacts on vegetation
8 4/1/13 Influence of Water Developments on
Selected Wildlife Species
—  Mammals
Desert bighorn sheep
Mule deer
White-tailed deer
Small mammals
Influence of Water Developments on
Selected Wildlife Species
—  Birds
—  Upland Game Birds
—  Nongame birds
—  Reptiles and Amphibians
9 4/1/13 Cover
—  Cover provides shelter and can be vegetation and
topographic features
—  Feeding, hiding, sleeping, playing, and raising
—  Can provide protection from sun, heat, cold, snow
—  Refuge cover, loafing cover, thermal cover, escape
—  Cover is complex and species specific
—  Management is challenging because of this complexity
—  Habitat management for one species can have
detrimental effects on other species
—  Human use can influence cover
—  Management of cover is management of successional
—  Not all cover management techniques have been
evaluated for impacts on populations
10 4/1/13 Special Factors
—  Special factors are used for a short period of time or
in small quantities
—  Can be grouped with food, water, and cover
—  Salt licks, mud baths, bear dens, dense shade, windswept areas in winter, lambing areas, lek areas
—  Absence of special factor will limit distribution and
habitat use by a species
—  Water and cover are essential for all wildlife species
—  Physiological, morphological, and behavioral
adaptations allow species to live in areas with limited
water availability
—  Much time and money has been allocated to water
—  Not enough research has been done on the population
impacts of water developments
—  Cover is important and species specific
—  Special factors can limit distribution