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Lesson 8
Aim: What is physical weathering?
IV. Weathering: breaking down rocks
Physical Weathering (a.k.a. mechanical weathering)
- Physical weathering breaks down rocks without changing their composition
1. Frost Action
a) When water freezes, it expands about 9 percent
b) In places where T constantly goes above and below 32°F (here!):
- water seeps into cracks in rocks, concrete, roadway
- water freezes and expands, making cracks larger
- repeats until pieces break off
c) At high altitudes: large rocks are exposed, in spring and summer
the temperature drops below freezing every night. Result: boulder
field- large areas of broken rock. If cliff: collects at bottom
d) Causes roads to warp, pushes rocks to surface each spring, creates
potholes, cracks concrete
Q: Why is it important to remove plants growing in concrete?
2. Plant Action
- Soil and water get into the cracks in rocks and concrete
- Plant seeds and spores fall into cracks, grow
- First: moss and lichen. When they die, soil more fertile.
- Then: weeds
- Roots grow, breaking rock apart
3. Pressure Unloading
- Rock deep under the crust is under pressure, creates joints (cracks)
and strain (line of weakness) in the rock.
- Pressure (weight of material above) keeps the rock from splitting
- Rock comes to the surface: due to earthquake, erosion (material
worn away: water? wind? etc.), landslide, frost action, etc.
- Sudden removal of pressure causes rock to split
V. Chemical Weathering: objects on Earth's surface react with an agent
and change into a new substances
DNQ: Why do some people fall on the sidewalk? DI
1. What are sediments?
2. What are three major ways of turning rocks into sediments?
3. Why are we interested in learning why rocks becoming sediments?
1. a) Why do the Park Department turn off water to unheated restrooms and water fountains?
b) What are some ways to winterize an unheated vacation home in Vermont?
2. Why are plants undesirable in the concrete joints or near a building?
3. What may happen if people take apart the pyramid or the stonehedge?
4. Weathering
a) What is physical weathering?
b) What is chemical weathering?
c) How do physical and chemical weathering compare?
5. a) How many seismic stations is required to locate an earthquake epicenter?
b) Explain your answer for the minimal number of seismic stations?
1. Define weathering
2. Physical Weathering
a) What is frost action?
b) How do boulder fields form?
c) Why would there be no frost action in Antarctica, even though there is
ice all year around?
d) Why are there pieces of rock at the bottom of a cliff face?
e) Why must you pull weeds out of the concrete in front of your house?
f) What is pressure unloading?