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Key words: Magnetic field, Sunspot, Polarisation, Stellar magnetism
ESOcast Episode 76: A Polarised View of
Stellar Magnetism
[Visuals start]
1. ESO telescopes are being used to search
for the subtle signs of magnetic fields in other
stars and even to map out the star spots on
their surfaces.
This information is beginning to reveal how
and why so many stars, including our own
Sun, are magnetic, and what the implications
might be for life on Earth and elsewhere in
the Universe.
ESOcast intro
2. This is the ESOcast! Cutting-edge science
and life behind the scenes of ESO, the
European Southern Observatory.
[Visuals start]
3. More than four hundred years ago, Galileo
Galilei became one of the first astronomers to
note that the Sun’s surface exhibited dark
imperfections now known as sunspots.
What Galileo did not realise at the time was
that these dark spots were a sign that the Sun
is a magnetic star.
Sunspots appear dark because, in these
regions, the strong magnetic field limits the
transportation of heat to the surface. This
process makes these locations much cooler
— and thus darker in appearance — than the
surrounding brilliant surface.
4. As sunspots develop, the magnetic field
increases in strength and complexity and
becomes increasingly tangled.
Eventually, for some sunspots, the magnetic
field snaps and, in an instant, the energy it
holds is unleashed in a brilliant and violent
Emerging as solar flares and solar storms,
this energy is sent hurtling into space.
5. When directed at Earth, this energy,
arriving in the form of a stream of charged
particles, is mostly deflected by the planet’s
own magnetic field. But some of the charged
particles get through and create beautiful
aurorae in the northern and southern polar
But beauty here can also signify danger.
Solar storms, if powerful enough, can in turn
spark geomagnetic storms on Earth capable
of destroying satellites, interfering with air
traffic communication and even crippling
power grids.
In a technological era, this threat is reason
enough to study solar magnetism.
6. The Sun is not unique in being magnetic.
Most stars in our galaxy harbour a magnetic
field of some kind.
Although we do not fully understand the
processes that create our own star’s
magnetic field other Sun-like stars are
expected to have similar properties.
However, the processes that drive magnetism
on some classes of distant stars — such as
those that are much hotter and more massive
than the Sun — may be very different.
But what is known is that solar flares and
storms can impact life on Earth in a profound
way. Measuring a star’s magnetic properties
can help astronomers to evaluate how
hospitable an orbiting planet might be for life.
7. The magnetic field of a star can be
measured through what is known as the
Zeeman effect.
Chemical elements produce narrow dark
absorption lines in the spectrum of a star.
When a magnetic field is present, these lines
split into triples (or even more complex
This splitting can be measured and used by
astronomers to gauge the strength of the
magnetic field.
But the Zeeman effect leads to an additional
effect — the starlight becomes polarised. This
polarised signal is the vital clue that can be
used by astronomers to spot the presence of
a stellar magnetic field.
ESO’s telescopes and instruments — such as
FORS on the Very Large Telescope — are
equipped to detect polarisation. They are
powerful tools with which to measure stellar
magnetic fields.
8. One of these instruments is HARPS — the
High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet
Searcher. It is located at ESO’s La Silla
Observatory in Chile.
HARPS very accurately measures the
Doppler shift of stellar spectral lines to look
for the subtle signatures of exoplanets. But
HARPS can also measure the polarisation of
spectral lines to detect stellar magnetic fields.
For some stars, this spectrograph can
measure thousands of spectral lines
simultaneously, helping to detect signals from
even the weakest magnetic fields.
9. By observing a certain star several times
while it rotates, scientists can now use these
polarisation measurements to create actual
maps of the magnetism-related starspots
present on distant stars.
Such images remain impossible to obtain
directly with large telescopes, as almost all
stars are simply too far away to be seen as
anything more than points of light.
But, thanks to the huge amount of information
contained in the polarised signals, we can
uncover a great deal about stellar magnetic
fields; revealing valuable data that would
otherwise remain hidden.
10. Astronomers have found that most stars
are magnetic, but in very different ways. So
different processes must be at work to
generate and sustain these magnetic fields.
We now know that these magnetic fields in
turn have a big impact on how stars behave
throughout their lives. They play an important
role in the complex processes of star
formation. And at the other end of stellar
lives, they are vital to explaining the bizarre
behaviour of gamma-ray bursts, pulsars and
— most extreme of all — magnetars.
Astronomers are now eagerly studying stellar
magnetic fields to assess their impact on the
habitability of rocky exoplanets around them.
A star’s magnetic field can greatly affect the
amount of radiation reaching a planet’s
surface. Intense flares on stars produce
ultraviolet radiation that is hazardous to most
forms of life: both primitive and advanced.
Magnetism has effects throughout the
Universe, from the Earth’s surface right out to
the most distant exploding stars. Polarisation
measurements help astronomers to
understand the magnetic properties of our
own star, and all the other stars in the
ESOcast is produced by ESO, the European
Southern Observatory.
ESO builds and operates a suite of the
world's most advanced ground-based
astronomical telescopes.