Download Hearing disorders of the outer ear

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Myringotomy and suction
Mastoidectomy (if infection has spread to mastoid
Complications of otitis media
Cholesteotoma: Sac-like growth due to presence of skin in the
middle ear.
Dangerous, progressive, highly erosive
Foul-smelling discharge (otorrhea)
Treatment: Surgical removal
Facial palsy: If erosion of bone occurs, facial nerve may be exposed.
Partial/Full paralysis of one side of the face.
Treatment: Surgery
Eustachian tube problems
Cause: Infections, allergies, blockage due to
overgrown adenoids, structural problems.
Consequences: Negative middle ear pressure,
retracted TM.
Audiometric findings: Mild conductive hearing
loss, normal static compliance, type C
Methods to open ET
Valsalva: Close nostrils and cheek and blow out.
Toynbee: Close nostrils and swallow
Complications of ET malfunction:
Serous effusion
Mucous otitis media
Causes: Hereditary in 70% of cases.
Progressive in nature
Higher incidence in women, adults.
Clinical manifestation: Spongy bone formation
over the stapes footplate. Footplate becomes
fixed in the oval window.
Other clinical signs
Progressive hearing loss
Difficulty hearing while chewing
Very vascular promontory, rosy glow through TM
(Schwartze sign)
Paracusis willisii: Speech easier to understand in the
presence of background noise.
Audiometric findings
Low frequency conductive hearing loss with airbone gap.
As disease progresses, hearing loss spreads to
high frequencies.
Bone conduction is affected, primarily at 2000
Hz (called Carhart’s notch).
Type As tympanogram, absent reflexes
Earlier: Surgery to free immobilized stapes footplate. Not very successful.
Fenestration (new window created in lateral semicircular canal).
Effects of fenestration: ~ 25 dB hearing loss to total hearing loss,
vertigo, tinnitus, poor word recognition scores, facial paralysis, repeated
infections of cavity
Stapes mobilization: Middle ear cavity exposed through incision in TM.
Effects: Immediate improvement in hearing, however, refixation of
stapes often occurred.
Most successful treatment: Stapedectomy. Replaced with prosthesis
Modification: Stapedotomy