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Planetary calculator
Leonor Cabral. - NUCLEO
Short Description:
The planets of our Solar System are all very different in sizes and they orbit the Sun at different
speeds and at different distances from the Sun. This activity makes students realize how big these
differences are and how important it is to choose an adequate scale for sizes, distances and
revolution periods, to represent the Solar System. With ”Eyes on the Solar System” software and a
hands-on model, students can simulate the position of the planets on the Solar System and
understand why, as seen from earth, the planets change the place in the sky throughout the night
and throughout the year.
Understand the relation between the movements of the planets as they orbit the sun and the actual
observation of the planets in the sky as seen from earth.
Fostered Skills:
Students develop:
- spatial skills, so they can put themselves not only as an observer on Earth, but also as an observer
of the Solar System;
- observational skills, being more observant
ob ervant towards everyday phenomena, specially when related
with the sky;
- investigation, communication and presentation skills.
Connection to the curriculum:
Universe - Solar System:
know and understand the movements of the planets.
Implementation of the Demonstrator:
1st learning activity - Orienting and Asking Questions
Show the following sequence of slides:
and discuss how important the use of scales is when working with models, to avoid misconceptions.
Discussion should focus on scales to use when representing the solar system. Students should be
asked to compare the relative sizes of the planets and relative distances of their orbits around the
2nd learning activity - Hypothesis generation and design
The students will come forward with scales they want to use to make a model of the Solar System.
Example of scales they might think of:
• The earth is 5 cm diameter and everything is scaled accordingly.
• The size of the Earth as unit to make a Solar System hands-on model.
• The distance of the Earth to the Sun as unit to make a Solar System hands-on model.
• The earth year as unit to make a moving Solar System hands-on model.
Note: Probably, students will not be aware that the same scale for distances and sizes is not
adequate - but you can let them come to that conclusion with their own investigation!
3rd learning activity - Planning & Investigation
“Eyes on the Solar System” is an application that explores the solar system with many useful
features. It can show a view of the solar system at any chosen date and place, and It has basic
information and links to more data on the constituents of the solar system.
After showing “Eyes on the Solar System” to the students, they can, in groups of 3, plan how to
aquire the data they need to solve the scaling they proposed and come up with a plan of their model
of the solar system.
Optional: Give a protocol to make the hands-on model
“Planetary calculator” (Educational contents on Discover the Cosmos portal)
4th learning activity - Analysis and Interpretation
Each group will analyse the data they obtained for their model of the solar system and try to
interpret how good it is.
They should conclude that, when modeling the Solar System, it is not appropriate to use the same
scale for distances and sizes.
5th learning activity - Orienting and Asking Questions
Show the following video
the following picture
Discussion should now focus on:
• Planetary movements (orbital and rotational);
• Observation of planets from earth - which planets can be seen with the naked eyes? Which is
• Do we always see the same planets each night? At any hour of the night?
• Planetary alignments (are these really special? Are there any consequences?)
6th learning activity - Hypothesis generation and design
Students should make hypotheses on which planets can be seen from earth, at what time of the year
and at which time of the night. For example:
• Venus can only be seen at sunset and sunrise .
Jupiter can never be seen transit in front of the Sun.
Mars can always be seen at night.
Mars orbital period is greater than Earth’s orbital period.
Mercury’s orbital velocity is smaller than Saturn orbital velocity.
7th learning activity - Investigation and Planning
With Eyes on the Solar System, the students, in groups of 3, can simulate an observer of the Solar
System and try to find the hypothesis answers. They can start by positioning the solar system on the
current date and see what happens throughout one year, or several years.
Optional: Use the activities from planetary calculator:
Planetary Calculator Phase3
Planetary Calculator Constellations
8th learning activity - Conclusions and Evaluation
Each group presents to the class their investigation and the conclusions to their hypothesis.
They should be able to show the rest of the classs their model of Solar System, the movement of the
planets and what can be seen on the sky on a given day.
The teacher might want to resume the discussion in order to achieve the correct representation of
the Solar System. An appropriate scaling would be: for sizes, the unit is Earth size and the Sun is not
represented, or is only parcially represented; for orbital distances from the Sun, the unit is the Earth
distance to the Sun (1 astronomical unit); the scale for the revolution period can be 1 Earth’s month.
Big Idea of Science:
Age group:
Time needed:
6 didactic hours
Equipment needed
Involved actors
Used eTool and link:
Computers (1 for 3
Teacher, students
Eyes on the solar system,
Quality Characteristics of the Demonstrator
Characteristic I
how Demonstrator follows an inquiry based approach
The demonstrator follows the steps of a basic inquiry process.
Characteristic II
how Demonstrator integrates eLearning element
“Eyes on the Solar System” is a software that allows the user to explore the solar system and real
NASA mission data. It shows a realistic view of the solar system, static or moving (at the chosen
speed), at any date and from any planet, and motion This demonstrator uses Eyes on the Solar
System for the students to explore sizes, distances and orbital movements in the Solar System.
Characteristic III
how Demonstrator follows a Big Idea of Science
The Universe is very vast – the Solar System is only a very small part of one of millions of galaxies in
the Universe.
To understand the Universe, we start by studying what is near us, the solar system. This is what can
be studied more directly, but it is the beginning to understand other planetary systems, which we
now know exist all over our galaxy and most probably in other galaxies too.
Characteristic IV
how Demonstrator is connected to a real world problem
The demonstrator allows students to understand our place In the Solar System, which is our
neighbourhood in the Universe.
Students will follow a research procedure.
Students will manipulate a model, which can encourage the students to interiorize concepts that are
more abstract and difficult to visualize.
Experiences with the Demonstrator?
• classroom
• 5 years
• 150
No quantitative results, but, in general, on answering questions about the Solar System, students
showed a better understanding of the relative sizes and movements, and not only memorization;
most students also acquired a more observant attitude towards natural phenomena.