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World History --Final Exam Review Sheet
Period 0, Monday, June 13th, 1:20 – 3:25
Period 1, Monday, June 13th, 8:08 – 10:13
1. A #2 pencils with eraser for the scantron
2. Blue or black pen for the essay
3. Your notebook (You will turn in your textbook to the check in stations in the Courtyard during the week of Finals)
4. Your completed final exam review sheet
5. Something to read or do quietly if you finish early
6. Cell phones must remain powered off for the duration of the exam period. Music players may be used
after all sections of the exam have been completed and turned in. A cell phone out at any point during the final
exam period will result in a 0 for the exam. If your cell phone is also your music player, you will not be
allowed to use it after you finish the exam.
Part I— Multiple Choice/Matching/True/False (200 points)
100 Multiple choice and true/false questions
Part II—Written Portion (50 points)
Essay prompt is on the back of this paper
Assignment (50 points)
On a separate piece of paper, complete three of the five sections of the review sheet. Choose the sections that you need
to study the most. I strongly recommend you do them all, but this is not required. This assignment is due the day of
your final at the beginning of class.
I. World War II (pages 463-483, 536-550, 558-565)
Define: Nationalism, Fascism, Aryan, Totalitarian, Manhattan Project
A. Causes of WWII – Versailles Treaty, Rise of Hitler/Mussolini, Totalitarian Expansion, Appeasement
B. Axis Powers, Allied Powers, Neutral Countries
C. Political and Military Leaders
D. Major European Events – Invasion of Poland, Fall of France, Battle of Britain, Invasion of USSR, etc.
E. Major Events in the Pacific – Pearl Harbor, Island-hopping, Hiroshima/Nagasaki, etc.
F. Wartime Conferences – Atlantic Charter, Potsdam, and Yalta
G. Map of Europe During WWII
II. The Holocaust (pages 551-556, 566-567)
Define: Genocide, Kristallnacht
A. Stages of the Holocaust – Boycott, Nuremberg Laws, Kristallnacht, Camps, etc.
B. Victims of the Holocaust – Jews, Disabled, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.
C. Resistance to the Holocaust
D. Nuremberg Trials
E. Other Examples of Genocides
III. Russia (pages 313, 315, 441-446, 473-476, 583-596, 616-622)
Define: Perestroika, Glasnost, NEP, War Communism, Cheka, Bolshevik, Collectivization, Communism,
Capitalism, The Reds, The Whites, Purges
A. Czarist Russia – Social Classes, Ivan IV, Peter, Catherine, etc.
B. Rule of Nicholas II – Key People, Bloody Sunday, 1905 Revolution, October Manifesto, etc.
C. Communist Revolution – Key People, March Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, Civil War, etc.
D. Life in the Soviet Union under Stalin – Economic Vision, Purges, etc.
E. Cold War Events and Leaders – Roots of the Cold War, Truman Doctrine, NATO, Warsaw Pact, etc.
F. Fall of the Soviet Union – Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Glasnost, Perestroika, Independence Movements, etc.
G. Map of 19th Century Russia
IV. China (pages 128, 380-393, 515-519, 709-714, 716-719)
Define: Dynastic Cycle, Kuomintang, Mandate from Heaven, Foot binding, Long March, Great Leap Forward,
Responsibility System, Tiananmen Square
A. Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism
B. Demographic Information on China – Population, Ethnicity, Rural vs. Urban, etc.
C. The Dynastic Cycle
D. Fall of the Manchu (Qing) Dynasty – Opium Wars, T’aiping Rebellion, Boxer Rebellion, etc.
E. Revolution of 1911 – Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Principles of the People
F. Time of the Warlords
G. Chinese Civil War – Mao, Chiang, Temporary Truce, Communist Revolution
H. China Under Mao – Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, Liu Ling Village, etc.
I. Deng Xiao Ping – Economic and Political Reforms, Tiananmen Square
J. Hu Jintao and Current Issues in China – Overpopulation, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.
K. Map of China
V. The Middle East (pages 433-434, 689-692, 694-695,698-699, 700-701)
Define: Arab Nationalism, Zionism, Occupied Territories, United Nations
A. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism
B. Creation of the Modern Middle East – Sykes-Picot Agreement, WWI, etc.
C. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – Leaders, UN Partition of Palestine, 1948 War, Suez Crisis, etc.
D. Iranian Revolution – Key People, Conditions Prior to the Revolution, Goals of the Revolution, etc.
E. Persian Gulf War and War in Iraq – Leaders, Objectives, Strategy, Results, etc.
F. Map of the Modern Middle East
Please note, some of the above material may be cut out of the final, it all depends upon what we get through in the next
week and a half. I will let you know what needs to crossed off (if anything) before the final.
World History 2nd Semester Essay Topics (50 points)
The following topic will be the essay prompt for your final exam. I will give a preparation sheet to help you prepare for
your essay. If you use an index card, please put your essay outline on it. You may NOT write your essay ahead of
Set up:
Following the end of World War II, the Cold War era created tension between the US and the Soviet Union; conditions for the
Communists to take power in China were created; and the formation of a Jewish state was created in the Middle East.
Evaluate the validity of the following statement:
To what extent did these events following World War II have a positive impact on our world today? To examine this
statement, you should use one of the following case study areas: Soviet Union, China or the Middle East.
To properly answer this question, you will need to:
A. Provide a historical context for WWII
B. State your position (opinion) on the topic in your thesis statement
C. Describe the pre-war situation in the areas, why the area got involved in the war, impact on the area
D. Post (After)-WWII situation in the areas, what resulted after the war
E. Long term impact of the war on the areas (current day situation)
F. What role (positive or negative) the war played on the current day situation
G. Restate your thesis and summarize your main points
You may have one 3x5 index card with anything you want on it. You may use both sides of the card. However, you may not
share cards or use a copy of anyone else's card. Duplicate cards will be considered cheating and will result in a score of
"0" for the exam. I will collect the cards after the final.
If you chose to type the content of your card and/or review sheet, you must submit it to TURNITIN.COM by the
day before your final. If you have not set up an account, please see me. If you plan to handwrite the note card and
the review sheet, you do not need to turn it into the website.