* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Vrts, (çr{-" 6rad(.- Name a Date Level L: /3 Level 2: /3 Level 3: /7 Level 4: /t Depth of Knowledge Activitv CCSS Target C: Multi-Digit Computation & Finding Common Factors & Multiples Prior Skills 1. List all the factors of 24 (4.0A.4) 2. List the first 5 multiples of o, l¿, il7, lí , ?t-.l , ,3ta (4.oA.4) I 3. Define and give an example of a prime number ;+ 4. Define and give an example of a composite number: e-X ftr{:le¡:, rc ) ; 4 ¡ ir^ rTr I r,r I7-,1\, r5 Í 5. Find the quotient: 48 + 3 = 4) (s.NBr.B.6) 3ffi Zl/ l8 ¡Ë, L) Level 1: + /3 1. Consider the equation showing the distributive property. Write the unknown value making the equation true. (6.NS.4) tø 3o 24+ 30 = 6(4+ 5 (øx Ll=].\ì Number System 6.NS,B 2. Circle all the expressions that are equivalent to 1,2*6. (6.NS.4) @z(6+ ,lrre r-, 3) = lJ+b + 4) x l'\t ç)?(Lü) "' ì ; "ì Ç x l> * U 6(2 + r) \"_._"/' 3. Using any strategy you know, solve: 5L2.32 x $4 ,X tå ¿e L1 1't? Level 1". 2: + 6.NS.3) .LZ /3 An industrial machine can make 1,2,523 crayons a day. If each box of crayons has 120 crayons in it, how many full boxes does the machine make a day? Use 7 strategy to solve. (6.NS.B.z) I e() ìaJ ä,e: )OLì "ì¿_ **iK"- t, ì fu\\ bcxes '?_ -Lì8() -*;{to 2. List all common factors of 1,2 & LB: {ë 2_ (6.NS.8.4) l)-*) \,'2.,Õrtl , to,\z lt :'7 1,2,J, |a,.,'l ,lß Zq , qY ¡ 7À (6.NS.8.4) 3. Find any three õoínmåñíúuliiples of B & 6' 8 -;7 f, ¡ åÇ,-, ?:J ¡ u , \ o, !3,, T-,{"=, Lrul, }\ G -ä þ,ï:,i,ô, j-rl r::i'1 ,3to, À, X l bq,bÕ,bb,B ':.'.,'".*; ¿ ¿-i Level 3: + 17 L. What is the greatest commoJ factor o124 & 36? 2Ll -a I , Z.u i1 , ti,i.r'3'i' ' 3t@ L:l -ñ r, 1,,', r ;Jll IZ L ,"(r, .ì, fø,9 ,lZ, \U ; ,-',L: (6.NS.8.4) Number System 6.NS.B 2. What /n 3. Z\ is the least common multiple of 6 & B? (6.NS.8.4) Í I I Use the standard algorithm to solve: L6,536 2-'ì ì Lc + 24 = ('"ñQ (6.NS.8.2) i.l "{7\ë -¡q eù I 3\ -'R\ -- t c{ z-,u ^^:ã' 2\b >\çc - -'---' f*ì v 4. African elephants are typically 1..22 times taller than Asian elephants. If an would an African elepha nt be? elephant is 9.4 feet tall, ho.w tall I tl ,l ,7-z l,\ X , 8.3) tLì *lÕc1 IC 5. A log weighing 4.56 po be made into a chair. First, the wood crafter splits the log into 3 ual ieces. He uses one piece to make the back of the chair, and one piece to make the seat of the chair. There is one iece left to make four chair (6.NS.8.2) Less" How much does each chair leg weigh? ¿ J *Í I o."' Lìlr'Jr- ({' *:l;J Ll o , t \.y -G i:c-À- I I ñ r .t5 J -- )á* ---"-' () \p o lê -¿^ a gift 6. You want tolnake with cookies and chips for the soldiers. There are 32 boxes of cogkies and 48 bags glchips. That is the sreatest number of identical sift set sets that you can prepare using all of the cookies 6reo$es* (ovr"tr":,"=ç¡.1 bz-+ 2*,4 ì Lì-ð -7 l, ?_ 3, 4, t I r4t lrqt-"ii:r l{Ø - '-) äa.n'p,z l(r qi{t {'t.r'+8 stã,?"nr 3 boXe: ..{ I {.¿'nþ\e::,, r¡rrzå kXi.r,:, .-.Ë E kr"ly.if> ul$ o lz) \[o \7q, Llv Number System 6.NS.B 7. Consider the equation showing the distributive property. Fill in the blanks that would make the equation true. (6.NS.8.4) 86+72: ( ffiUlti *:\e. #, "i l[.À]l,l \r*'.. .3bl 42t :, \,,. ,.- ',.... I i" ; ìL.. , Ll (z=t,. + tB) Level 4= + ll 1. Analyze the following set of numbers and write a generalization regarding multiples and factors of the set of numbers. (6.NS.8.4) 6&35: Fnclnrs: (¿+ :7 , - \,2,3, [¿ 35 -: \,5 ,1,,35 zl r" al¡-\ ¿-t u -.) q. 5 ã l1 Pro \ ib tvmg t f i't-rovr "o',/f I Lre\ eve -l!: Ëï ;,! f¡ I o * [YlOr is u Alia wants to buy pizzafor a p^rry.LO o ,.' J¡ I o \ ,! a br ev¿n 4rl r;!* ri*-\ tt,T ir:t lC r{! b;eCCtU î.e 35 i3 ccld " 40 to 50 eo e will be coming to the party. A large p izzafrom Paolo's Pizza Place serves 3 to 4 peo le Each large pizzafrom Paolo's Pizza Place,costs $1ry e íli']l,VrJfi :, I rI (' ì r''",' l,[-l\e ]-,-tl',\ i {'"-' / " i. t ,'iv i tt.: g t/ ì¡ Part A: Alia wants to buy enough pizza so that people will not be hungry, and wants to have the least amount of pizzaleft over. How many large pizzas should Alia buy? lZ piz:cr¡, x ¿".I 5,r."T'"J\rrfs Per t Z )ar c': þ'izzT '' i"p'. = Li$ pef.f,lt, fe.[ 1?r¿zct':; Part B If Alia buys the number of large pizzas that you determined in Part A, how much I money will she spend onpizza? I 1,5Õ l7_ X "\':!," , ;\ ¿ 1 L-..t\ I *' ! .J ì r r I '--.' i. *'*õ ,.f-. I \,_- I ("j c>- $l;x Õc} Number System 6.NS.B