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 Teacher’s key
Natural Science 1º ESO
1.- WHAT IS THE PROTOCTISTA KINGDOM? Listen to the following text and fill in the blanks:
1.1.- What are protozoa?
The main characteristics of protozoa are:
• Unicellular.
• Hetherotrops. They feed on bacteria, organic remains and other
microscopic organisms.
• They live in salt water and fresh water.
• Some are parasites, and cause illnesses.
1.- Pseudopods
2.- Protozoa
1º de ESO: The simplest living things (Solucionario)
3.- Protoctist
4.- Flagelates
5.- Diatomea
6.- Phytoplankton.
7.- Plasmodium
More activities:
1.- Describe how each group of protozoa move.
Example: Ciliates move using cilia, sporozoa not move.
2.- What do algae have in common with plants? They both make
3.- Compare protozoa and algae?
Example: Protozoa and algae live in water.
Algae are autotrophs, but protozoa are heterotrops.
b.- And now, listen to the following text and fill in the blanks:
This kingdom contains unicellular, microscopic, prokaryotic organisms.
They do not have an organized nucleus.
Bacteria belong to the Monera kingdom. They can live almost anywhere.
They sometimes form colonies, but each individual cell remains
independent. The first living things on Earth, more than 3,500 million years
ago, were probably bacteria.
1º de ESO: The simplest living things (Solucionario)
1. Label each group of bacteria by their shape:
a), c), d), g) coccus
b), e), i) bacillum
h) vibrio
f) spirillum
2.- Read the following text and answer the questions:
1º de ESO: The simplest living things (Solucionario)
A.- Find words in the text which mean the following.
1. infant: newborn
2. separated: isolated
3. contagion: infection
4. changes: perturbs
5. occupy: colonized
6. attach: adhere
B.- Correct the information in each sentence.
1. The bacterium E. coli is in the intestine before birth.
The bacterium E. coli isn’t in the intestine before birth.
2. E. coli never causes diarrhea among infants.
E. coli sometimes causes diarrhea among infants.
3. E. coli is just a commensal organism of the large intestine.
E. coli isn’t just a commensal organism of the large intestine.
4. An E. coli strain, once established, may persist only for a few days.
An E. coli strain, once established, may persist for months or years.
C.- Think and answer.
1. Who did describe first E. coli? Theodor Escherich first described E. coli
in 1885.
2. Where did he find it? He found it in the feces of newborns.
3. Can E. coli cause diarrhea in humans? Yes it can cause diarrhea in
4. How does E. coli reach the human large intestine? It’s ingested with
food or water.
5. How much time does a E. coli strain persist in our large intestine? It
can persist during months or years.
3.- Find the words in the list on the right:
1º de ESO: The simplest living things (Solucionario)
4.- A few more activities:
1.- Compare protoctists and monera. Example:
Protoctists live in water, algae are autotrophs, but Monera are
autotrophs and heterotrophs.
2.- Draw a bacteria cell and label it: cell wall, cell membrane,
For example:
3.- Compare bacteria. Complete the chart:
They feed off living They live on dead or They live on the bodies
decomposing matter.
They cause illnesses.
They transform organic
of other living things to
provide mutual benefit.
into They can be found in
the digestive system of
Some are useful.
many mammals.
1º de ESO: The simplest living things (Solucionario)
Project: Let’s discuss about viruses
Listen to the following information and try to fill in the blanks with the
words below:
Infectious agent, plants, non-bacterial pathogen, ecosystem, virology,
virions, DNA, protein coat, shapes, hundredth, light microscope.
1.- What is a virus? Small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the
living cells of an organism.
1º de ESO: The simplest living things (Solucionario)