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National Taiwan University Hospital
No. 7 Zhongshan South Rd.,Taipei 100, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-23123456
Fax: +886-2-23941181
Patron's Guide to
National Taiwan University Hospital
Patron's Guide to NTUH Patron's Guide to NTUH Patron's Guide to NTUH
Outpatient Services
2 Outpatient Service Flowchart
4 Registration
6 Outpatient Services
7 O
utpatient Health Checkups (physicals) and
Vaccination Services
10 Floor Plan of Outpatient Clinic on the 1 floor
of the Old Building
12 Floor Plan of Outpatient Clinic on the 2 floor
of the Old Building
13 Inpatient Services
13 Hospitalization Flowchart
14 Notes for Inpatients and Relevant Services Offered
18 New Building Floor Plan
19 Hospital Discharge Flowchart
20 Emergency Room (ER) Services
20 Emergency Room (ER) Service Flowchart
21 Facts about the ER
23 Thoughtful Services
27 A p p l i c a t i o n f o r D i a g n o s i s Re p o r t a n d
30 Medical Services Not Covered by NHI
35 Services to make life easier
39 Transportation
41 Geographic Location of NTUH
Outpatient Services
For first-time visiting patients
Making Follow-up Appointments
Outpatient Services
Outpatient Service Flowchart
1 Walking-in appointments (for same-day only)
2 Making appointments by phone
3 Making appointments online (through internet)
A first-time visiting patient must have a patient information form filled out at the Registration Counter
Awaiting appointment with the doctor (in the
waiting area of designated department)
1 Walking-in and making appointments in person
2 Phoning in to make an appointment
3 Making appointment online
4 Scheduling follow-up appointment(s) by the attending doctor
5 M aking online appointments by inpatients
through ward computers
6 Online appointments made through ER computers
Seeing the doctor for consultation and prescription
Making payment at the cashier's
Picking up prescribed medication at the pharmacy
on the same floor as the room where you see the
doctor earlier
End of the Process
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Laboratory Tests
1 Same-day tests
Following the direction on the test notification
sheet to go to the appropriate department or specific spot to have the tests done.
2 Tests booked at least one day ahead
Online booking:
The patient picks up the test notification online
and reports at the lab for the test on the specified
Offline booking:
The patient reports at the laboratory in person to
take the test or make a test appointment
Registration in person
For operator-assisted appointment making,
please dial (02) 23562996.
For booking same
When such appointments can be made:
pointments: Queue
To make an appointment in-advance (not the
day morning apnumbers are available as early as
the same as above for same-day appointments
same day): 8:00am to 5:00pm
5:40am, and the registration begins at 7:45am
Website for online appointment-making:
For booking same-day afternoon appoint-
Time for such appointments being made is the
to 3:00pm.
ment-making by phone.
and ends at 10:30am.
ments, the registration time lasts from 8:30am
same as above for the automated voice appoint-
For automated voice registration by phone,
please dial (02) 23567890
Some departments of NTUH have certain special registration rules.
When can such appointments be made?
in-advance appointment making (at least one
day ahead): every day from 5:00am to midnight.
Hours for same-day appointments making:
morning sessions from 8:30am to 10:00am; afternoon sessions from 8:30am to 2:30pm
For example, patients making appointments at
Departments of Neurology, Psychiatry, or Ophthal-
mology, which happen to be two years or longer
since last ones, or appointments at Juvenile Psychiatry Department in particular one year or more from
previous ones, are all regarded as first-time visiting
patients and must follow the registration procedure
for such a patient
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Outpatient Services
Regular Outpatient Service Hour
Time allocated for morning appointments:
9:00am to 12:00am
Time allocated for afternoon appointments:
1:30pm to 4:30pm
Outpatient Health Checkups
(physicals) and Vaccination Services
Health Checkups Covered by National Health
Insurance (NHI)
W h e n t o re g i s t e r :
Monday through
Same-day appointment cancellation:
F r i d a y, 8 : 0 0 a m t o
Before 9:30am for morning appointments
12:00am (for morning
Before 2:00pm for afternoon appointments
International Clinic by Special Appointment
Appointments can be made from 8:00am to
5:00pm Monday through Friday.
Outpatient Information Lines
NTUH main switchboard: (02) 23123456
Outpatient Appointments Cancellation and Rescheduling: (02) 23562996
Department inquiries: Ext. 2114
About appointment code, clinical hour, and
doctor availability: Ext. 2504 and 2505
Basic Outpatient Service Fees for Each Appointment
Registration fee: NT$100
Diagnosis fee: NT$277
Total: NT$377
Additional fees: Costs of medication and other
services will be charged separately
Patron's Guide to NTUH
sessions) and 1:00pm
to 5:00pm (for afternoon sessions); for Sat-
urday 8:00am to 12:00am (morning sessions
Where to register: at the Health Checkup
Counter of Family Medicine Department, on
the 2nd floor of the Old Building.
Subjects: people of 40 to 65 with NHI card,
who have not had a health checkup of the same
kind in the past three years, and elder people
aged 65 and above with NHI card, who have
not had a similar checkup in the last year.
Checkup reports will be ready in approx. 7
Special service
line: Ext. 2601
Outpatient Services
Outpatient Services
Items Registered at the Main Registration
Counter: Pre-nuptial
health checkup,
health checkup using
a form in English (to
be provided by the
patient), etc.
Items Registered at Health Checkup Counter of Family Medicine Department: Workrelated health checkups (not covered by NHI);
school admission health check, employment
health check, driving license health checkup,
Registration hour: Monday to Friday 8:00am
to 10:30am(for morning sessions) ; 1pm to
2:30pm(for afternoon sessions) ; Saturday
8:00am to 12:00am (for morning sessions only)
Checkup results will be ready in 7 to 10 days
Special service line: Ext. 2601
Vaccination Immunization
Types of Vaccination available: Vaccinations against influenza, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, rubella, German measles, measles,
mumps,chickenpox, tetanus, pneumonia, Japa-
Patron's Guide to NTUH
nese encephalitis, etc.
★ Preventive Vaccinations for International
Yellow fever, meningococcal, cholera, etc.
Passport and ID card required.
Vaccinations will be conducted at the Travel
Clinic of the Department of Family Medicine.
★ When should you be vaccinated: One month
prior to travel
Standard Procedure: Registering at Main
Registration Desk → Making appointment in
Dept. of Family Medicine → Paying fees at the
Cashier’s → Collecting medication if any →
Being vaccinated (in a treatment room of Dept.
of Family Medicine)
Service telephone: Ext. 7609, 7614(travel
Outpatient Services
Health Checkups Not Covered by National
Health Insurance but Paid by the Patients or
their employers
the 1st floor of the Old Building
Qingdao West Road
Children Medical Building
To Parking Lot
(Rooms 1-39, X-Ray)
6W: 3F wards
Dentistry (Rooms 40-55)
Oxygen Therapy
4F: Obstetrics
Registration and cashier
(Dentistry, Oncology)
Oncology, Ultrasound Unit
5W 1-3F wards
4W: 1-2F Rehabilitation wards
3W: 2F Psychiatric wards
Central Passage
Gongyuan Road
5E: 2-3F Wards
3E: 2F Psychiatric
Jingfu Passage
Orthopedics Nutrition Anesthesia
Basement Shops
(Cosmetic Surgery 2F)
of Medical
Oncology (Chemotherapy)
Internal medicine (Rooms 1-19)
Surgery Department Internal
Building of genetic medicine
Human appearance
Unit 2F
Laboratory Medicine Unit
(hematology, urine tests,
cardiograms, etc.)
NTUH metro
Hospital Security
(to new building)
(Rooms 1-11)
CT Room
Hall No. 7
Medical Records
Wheelchair Loan Center
Adult’s Psychiatric Clinic
Children’s Psychiatric Clinic
Changde Street
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Ultrasound Unit
Registration and
6E 1-3F Wards
Chungshan S Road
Dentistry (Rooms 56-70)
Floor Plan of Outpatient Clinic on the 1st floor
of the Old Building
Floor Plan of Outpatient Clinic on
Protection Center
and Cashier
Inpatient Services
Hospitalization Flowchart
How to complete the inpatient registration
Getting notified.
Reporting to Inpatient Service Center.
Having your height and weight measured,
and taking a number.
Waiting for the number to be called, and
then registering for inpatient services.
Going for checkups (including urine test,
ECG, Blood test, and X-Ray).
Reporting to the nursing
station of the ward.
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Inpatient Services
Floor Plan of Outpatient Clinic on the 2nd floor
of the Old Building
Floor Plan of Outpatient
Clinic on the 2nd floor of the
Old Building
Admission Procedures
Location: If your doctor has ordered a pre-
admission physical for you, you should first report to the Inpatient Services Center in the 1st
Floor Lobby of the New Hospital Building.
Outpatient Transfer: If your doctor decides
that you must be hospitalized during an outpatient visit, you should first go to Counter 20 of
should be eaten after 10pm on the eve of the checking-in day.
Grades of Room and Basic Facilities
Beds are available in the following grades:
Non-NHI beds (single and double rooms) and
NHI beds (triple rooms and rooms of more than
3 beds). Each room has a telephone, mobile
cots for patient escorts, clothing cabinets, and a
the Old Hospital Building to complete prelimi-
Note: Triple and larger rooms are not equipped
Inpatient Services Center in the New Hospital
receiving in-coming calls and calling hospital
nary admission procedures, then report to the
with telephones. Double rooms have phones for
Building for a pre-admission examination.
extensions only. They cannot be used for call-
Service hour: 8:00am to 5:00pm, and it’s yearround.
Items to Bring along by Inpatients when
checking in:
Patients are required to bring their own wash-
ing-up and other personal hygiene items, changes
of clothes (hospital gowns are not provided by
NTUH), plus bedding and other items needed by
the patient escort, if there is one.
In the case of patients who have been requested
Patron's Guide to NTUH
to abstain from food prior to admission, no food
ing outside lines. Phones in single rooms can
be used to make local calls, but cannot make
calls to numbers outside the city or to cellular
Patient Escort
A patient escort may be hired through the
hospital by the patient and stay at the hospital.
The on-going rates are: a 12-hour shift would cost
NT$1,200, and a full-day shift cost NT$2,000. Inquires about such hiring should be directed to the
nursing station of your ward.
Inpatient Services
Notes for Inpatients and Relevant
Services Offered
Regular Meals:
The hospital offers a set menu of meals
that include patient meals, plus special food
items recommended by the doctor, meals for
patient escorts, and packets of nutritional fluid.
To order these meals and beverages while
staying at the hospital, contact the nursing station or call the Department of Nutrition at ext.
Extra Fast Snacks to Order:
Apart from the regular meals, five different
hot snacks, such as fish congee, are available
in the early afternoon. Dial ext. 1510 to order.
Such orders can be placed between 1:30pm and
single rooms, four double rooms and two triple
rooms, for a total of 17 beds. Besides, there is
a hanging garden, a social room, a kitchenette,
a dining area, a game room, a massage and
hydrotherapy bathroom, a consultation room,
a grief counseling office, a Jacuzzi, and other
facilities of comforting design.
Fees: If the patient is enrolled in the national
Health Insurance, it will cover most of the fee.
How ever, the balance between the standard
NHI hospital ward subsidy and the actual costs
of the hospital bed, food and other services is
to be paid for by the patient.
Visiting Hours:
3:30pm with delivery between 2pm and 4pm
Regular Wards: during daytime everyday as
minutes after the order being placed.
only. Delivery will be made no longer than 30
Hospice & Palliative Care Services
Location: Ward 6A (in New Building)
Where are the patients of this ward from?
they are transfers from Family Medicine Palliative Clinic, other hospital wards, or ER.
Patient qualification: This unit serves patients
in the advanced stages of cancer or of terminal
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Accommodations: The ward consists of three
long as the gate of the ward is open, and it’s
Intensive Care Wards: Three times daily
starting at 11:00am, 2:00pm, and 5:00pm, respectively, and for
30 minutes each
time. It’s also yearround.
Inpatient Services
Food and Beverage Service
10F: B uddhist Meditation Hall,
Praying Room
6F: Rooftop Gardens, Health Management Center
5F: Obstetric Labor Room
Surgery rooms; Intensive Care Unit
Cultural Gallery; Dept. of Nuclear
Jin-Fu Clinic (Clinics for foreigners by special appointment); NTUH
Archive; Post Office; Inpatient Service Center; MRI Unit; Ultrasound
Unit; Cardiopulmonary Function
Lab; Angiographic Room; Cardiac
Catheter Room; Electronic Neurological Diagnostics Unit
PET center; bank; beauty salon;
shops and food street (including
Chinese, Western and Japanese
style snacks; convenience store,
gift shop, photo shop, laundry, and
medical supply store ); and Jin-Fu
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Hospital Discharge
How do I get discharged from the
The doctor diagnoses that the patient is
ready for discharge.
Getting hold of invoices compiled at the
nursing station
Having your account paid up at the cashier’s
Discharge procedures completed
Where to find the Cashier’s:
New Building: at the 1st Floor Lobby
Old Building: Cashier’s Counter on the 1st floor
Hospital Discharge Flowchart
New Building Floor Plan
New Building Floor Plan
Emergency Room (ER) Service
Facts about the ER
ER Treatment Priorities
Upon the arrival, patients will eventually be
seen and treated by doctors at the ER. However, the
priority order is not solely based on the “first come,
first served” idea, but rather in an order determined
by the above-mentioned triage procedure.
Registering and taking a number
ER Treatment Procedure
If more follow-up treatment is required, the
Being examined (based on department
patient should remain in the ER waiting area until
arrangements have been made by the nursing staff,
and one of them will then escort the patient to the
correct examination room. Such a patient should
Doctor decides what the next step will be
wait to be escorted.
ER Consultation
Paying the cashier for fees incurred and
getting a receipt.
Collect medication
If consultation with a specialist is needed for
the best interest of the patient, the ER doctor will
take sometime to make proper arrangements, and
meanwhile, patients
should stay put and
wait in the ER wait-
Procedure Completed
ER service is available 24 hours a day. The public
please uses its entrance onto Xuzhou Road.
Patron's Guide to NTUH
ing area.
Emergency Room (ER) Services
Emergency Room (ER)
Transferring to Hospital Ward
If hospitalization is needed, an ER staff mem-
Apart from being able to make a cash payment
ber will give the patient’s accompanying family
for your treatment, payment can also be made using
and make preliminary registration for hospitaliza-
mated teller machines (no upper limit for inpatient
member or friend the invoice to settle the ER fees
tion. Once these procedures are completed, these
documents should be taken over to the nursing sta-
tion of the ward the patient is going to stay. A staff
member would escort the patient to the room assigned to the patient in the hospital ward.
a bank or post office ATM card in one of our autocare, but no more than NT$3,000 a day for outpatient services).
Loan of Wheelchairs and Other
Aid Items
Each of the two en-
trances to the NTUH has
a depot of wheelchairs,
baby carriages, crutches,
walking frames, gurneys,
and trolleys that may be borrowed by patients.
Wireless Broadband
The Health Resources Center located in Block
E2 of the Old Building provides wireless broad-
band access between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday
through Friday.
Outpatient Progress-tracking
To help people save time spent on waiting for
an appointment, NTUH provides online outpatient
progress-tracking. Find the information at http://
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Thoughtful Services
Emergency Room (ER) Services
Thoughtful Services
The hospital's Information System can be ac-
The Social Services offers consultation and as-
cessed at the hospital website
sistance in applications for medical assistance or
that appears on that page, and then click "Patient In-
Service telephone line:(02) 23123456 ext. 1471 (click "Medical Services" on the tool bar
formation System." This will bring up the relevant
social benefits.
page.) On the Information System page, key in the
Medical Consultation Services
will provide you information about the medication.
should you have any questions related to seeing a
name of the medication in your prescription, and it
Customer Complaints
The Complaints Center is located on the 2nd
floor behind the elevators. Just take the elevators
located behind the murals in the 1st Floor Lobby
of the New Building. If you are dissatisfied with
You may dial the following telephone numbers
doctor or receiving treatments.
Medical information: dial Health Resources Center at (02) 23123456 ext. 2114
Pharmacology information: dial Pharmacy at (02)
23123456 ext.2965
any aspect of the treatment you have received, you
Nutritional information: dial Nutrition Center
+886-2-23562877 or fax no. +886-2-23945063 to
hours on weekdays), ext. 1510 (on weekends and
Comments and complaints can also be submitted
Hospitalization charges information: dial Medi-
can contact the Complaints Center at phone no.
at (02) 23123456 ext. 1234 (during regular office
file a complaint.
through the Internet:
1. Comments: [email protected]
2. Superintendent’s Mailbox:
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Social Services and Emergency
cal Affairs Office at (02) 23123456 ext. 5705
Thoughtful Services
Online Pharmacology Consultation
Regular diagnosis report
Application should be made after registra-
tion and examination. An ID card or passport is
required to confirm your identity. Reissuing of
Volunteer Services
NTUH has 37 groups of volunteers operating
in the outpatient, inpatient, and ER sectors of the
hospital. If you need volunteer’s assistance , please
dial the numbers below.
Outpatient: +886-2-23123456 ext. 2509
Inpatient: +886-2-23123456 ext. 2110
Emergency: +886-2-23123456 ext. 5651
the report can be requested within one year by
applying to the Applications Counter of the Old
Building or the Mail Room in the New Build-
ing. You will need to make an appointment and
file a new application if a year or longer has
elapsed since the diagnosis.
Hospitalization and ER treatment certification:
application can be made to the nursing sta-
tion by the patient or a patient’s family member. The patient's ID card or passport must be
presented for identification.
Hospital discharge certification:
a hospitalized patient is required to register
once again and make an appointment to apply.
ER patients can make such an application directly to the ER registration counter.
Time required to process the certificate:
same day service
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Application for Diagnosis Report and
Thoughtful Services
Application for Diagnosis
Report and Certificates
Application procedure:
After discharged from the hospital, the
spouse or a close relative of the deceased must
bring the ID card or passport of the deceased to
the nursing station to make an application (in
addition to his or her own ID card or passport
and a power of attorney). The original certification (in Chinese) can be taken to the first floor
of the New Building at Mail Room for the issue of an English version.
Time required for the process: Five working
Service hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday
through Friday
Service telephone: Ext. 1050
Application for a Birth Certificate
in English
Procedure: The mother must take her own
passport or ID card and the Chinese original
birth certificate (a representative must bring
along the passports or ID cards of both parents,
his or her own ID Card, and a power of attorney), to the Medical Information Management
Office on Block E1 of the Old Building to apply.
Process time required: Half a working day
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Service hours: 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday
through Friday, and 8:00am to 11:30am Saturday
Service telephone: Ext. 2465
Abstract of Medical Records and
Copy of Lab Tests
If the Patient is a local resident:
Application in person: Patient must present
his or her ID card, passport, ARC, or NHI card
at the Medical Information Management Records Office on Block E1 of the Old Building.
Application through an patient’s representative: The agent must provide the original of
either the patient's ID or passport, the agent's
ID Card, and a power of attorney.
If the Patient is overseas:
Application through an patient’s representative: On the day of application, the applicant
must fax a copy of his or her ID card or passport and a power of attorney to fax number
23141723, and the agent must present his or
her own identification.
Process time required: same day service
Service hours: 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday
through Friday; 8:00am to 11:30am Saturday
Service telephone: Ext. 2465
Application for Diagnosis Report and
Death Certificate
Checkups at the Health Management Center
Location: on 6th
Floor, New Building
Services: One-day
Health Checkup and
specialized examinations (such as preventative
cancer screening, intensive cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular disease screening and comprehensive examination)
Service hours: during office hours Monday
through Saturday
Service telephone: (02) 23562916-7
Fees: from NT$18,700
International Clinic by Special Appointment
Location: in Jingfu Outpatient
Treatment subjects: foreign
passport holders (including
overseas Chinese). Patients
must have an Alien Residence
Certificate (ARC) or valid for eign passport to make such an appointment.
Services provided: special appointments and
Patron's Guide to NTUH
self-funded hospital ization
Service telephone: (02) 23123456 ext. 5992
Basic fees: a registration fee of NT$500 and a
diagnostic fee of NT$1,500 (except psychiatry). Medication, tests, and, examinations will
be charged extra at rates designated by the fee
schedule for the International Clinic by Special
Hospitalization: Charged at rates designated
by the fee schedule for the International Clinic
by Special Appointment.
Clinical Psychology Center
Location: 2nd
Floor, Old Building
Services: Adult,
adolescent and juvenile psychological
counseling by clinical psychologists, as well as
psycho-therapy, and psychological and special
needs assessment (child potential, self-understanding)
Service telephone: (02) 23123456 ext. 6051
For first time patient: A 20-minute consultation session (including registration) charges
Medical Services Not Covered by NHI
Medical Services Not
Covered by NHI
consultation session (including registration)
charges NT$1,500
Human Appearance Center
Location: on 2nd
Floor Surgical
Block, Old Building
Services: Beauti-
cian's consultation, skin care treatments, and
cosmetic surgery
Service telephone: (02) 23562992
Fees: Registration fee NT$100; examination
fee NT$277, plus other charges
Anti-aging and Health Consultation Center
Fees: first consultation NT$2,000 (registra-
tion fee included), follow-up consultations
NT$1,500. Medication, tests, examinations and
other medical procedures are charged extra.
Sports Medicine Center
Location: Room 111, Rehabilitation Center
Block, Old Building
Registration procedure and times: Bookings
by phone only, Monday to Friday 8:00am to
Noon (for morning sessions); 1:30pm to 5pm
(for afternoon ones)
Service telephone: (02) 23123456 ext. 7564
Diagnosis and treatment for sports injuries
Assessment and correction of sports skills
Location: on 1st Floor of New Building. After
Athlete's health management
to the end of the aisle.
entering the Main Entrance, turn right and walk
Assessment of athlete's potential and sugges-
Registration procedure and times: Bookings
Measurement and improvement of athletic per-
to Noon (for morning appointments); 1:30pm
Service times: Thursday morning 9:00am to
through phone only, Monday to Friday 8:00am
to 5:00pm (for afternoon ones)
Service telephone: (02) 23123456 ext. 1608
Services: endocrine and metabolic diseases,
Patron's Guide to NTUH
and dermatology
Fees: Registration fee NT$1,300, other items
charged separately
Medical Services Not Covered by NHI
For follow-up consultations: A 40-minute
Nutritional Clinic
Location: W 3 Block of Old Building
Registration procedure and times:
1. Booking by
phone at (02)
Regular nutrition clinic:
The 1st Floor and Basement 2 areas of the New
and Old Buildings feature a variety of shops and financial services to provide
some conveniences.
Monday through Saturday (for morning ses-
Food Services
noon ones)
fered are coffee and snacks, fast foods, vegetarian
sions), Monday through Friday (for afterChildren's nutrition clinic:
Monday to Wednesday (morning sessions
Weight loss clinic (Friday morning only)
2. Walk-in appointments: 8:00am to 10:30am
(for morning sessions), 8:30am to 3:00pm
(for afternoon sessions)
3. Internet appointments:
Services: Nutritional assessment, eating plan,
food selection and preparation, special foods
and choice of nutritional supplements, and ad-
vice on nutritional needs for different stages of
Among the food and beverage services of-
foods, traditional snacks,
Japanese and Korean style
restaurants, sweets shops,
and fruit shops.
General Dry Goods
Cosmetics, infant supplies, medical supplies,
and health foods. There is also a supermarket and a
Fashion and Photo Services
There is a beauty salon, a laundry service, and
shoe shop. Photographic services are also available.
Postal and Banking Services
New Building:
Fees: first-time appointment NT$300, follow-
On the right side of the main lobby (including
tion) each
behind the coffee shop on the left hand side of
up appointments NT$200 (includes registra-
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Inside NTUH
a Post Office ATM Section). Banks are located
the lobby and in the basement (including a Tai-
Services to make life easier
Medical Services Not Covered by NHI
Services to make life easier
Old Building:
There are also ATMs located near the base of
the staircase of the B1 level of W1 Block and
on the right has side of the Jingfu Tunnel heading towards the New Building.
Parking Lots:
Emergency services including reporting fire:
Reporting a crime or a traffic accident: 110
Foreign Residents' Information Service:
Foreign Affairs Police
The charging rate is NT$50 an hour prior
Taipei City Foreign Affairs Police: (02)
charging schedule starting at NT$60 per hour
Taipei County Foreign Affairs Police: (02)
to 8:00am and after 5:00pm. An incremental
and increasing by NT$10 every hour to a maxi-
mum of NT$100 per hour between 8:00am
and 5:00pm. Patients can use their registration
receipt from the same day to obtain preferential
fees of NT$50 per hour.
Outpatient hours:
NTUH has a night curfew from 10:00pm
to 6:00am. All outside persons without a pa-
tient escort permit should leave the premises
during the curfew. A patient escort permit can
be obtained from the nursing station.
Outside NTUH
Emergency Phone Numbers
English-language Information Desk: 106
Patron's Guide to NTUH
International Desk: 100
Railway and Airline Tickets Reservation Services
Taiwan Railway Authority: http://railway.hinet.
High Speed Rail:
EZ Fleight:
Nearby Hotels:
Cosmos Hotel: (02) 23617856
Min Yi Hotel: (02) 23713451
Hotel Flowers Taipei: (02) 23123811
Huai Ning Hotel: (02) 23114811
Caesar Park Taipei: (02) 23115151
Sheraton: (02) 23215511
Services to make life easier
wan Cooperative Bank of Tai-da Branch ATM).
Royal Hotel: (02) 23111668
Our street addresses:
Heng Yang Business Center: (02) 23813811
NTUH New Building: 7 Zhongshan South
YMCA: (02) 23113201
Nearby Car Parking Lots
NTUH International Convention Center
Taiwan Democracy Memorial Park Area
Y17 Taipei Youth Activity Center
Nearby Shopping Areas
Chengzhong Market Area
From Lane 22, Section 1,
NTUH Old Building: 1 Changde Street, Taipei
Public transportations leading to
Bus lines coming from:
Muzha/Jingmei: 15, 236, 237, 251, 253, and 295
Neihu/Dazhi: 208, and 222
Wuchang Street to Yuanling
Songshan: 263, and 651
Road are located the City God
Shezi/Beitou/Shilin: 2
Steet; along Chongqing South
Temple and various financial
institutions, as well as shops selling clothing,
shoes and general goods.
Taipei Railway Station Area
Leaving the hospital from the hospital's
Nangang: 270
Xinyi: 20, 22, and Xinyi Line
Wanhua: 18
Yonghe: 5, 227, and 249
Chonghe: 208, 227, 241
back gate onto Qingdao West Road and walk-
Banqiao: 241, 243, 245, 263, 604, and 651
along the way, the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi De-
Xinzhuang: 513, and 615
ing toward the railway station, you will pass,
Sanchong/Luzhou: 261, 227, 621, and Blue 1
partment Store, many cram schools, shops sell-
Tucheng: 243, and 706
ing IT products, bookstores and restaurants.
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Road, Taipei City
Xindian: 644, 648, and Xindian Intercity Bus
Services to make life easier
Taipei Metro Lines:
1. Danshui-Xindian Line: Getting off at National
Taiwan University Hospital Station
Transportation Map of
Area Surrounding NTUH
versity Hospital Station
3. Muzha Line: Transferring to the Bannan Line at
Zhongxiao West Road
Changde Street
Jinan Road
Xuzhou Road
New Building
i Roa
on 1
d Se
National Taiwan
Memorial Park
and NTCH
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Linsen South Road
Zhongshan South Road
Chengzhong Markets
Hueining Road
Ketagalan Boulevard
Gongyuan Road
228 Peace Memorial Park
Chongqing South Road Section 1
at Taipei Main Station
Zhongxiao East Road Section 1
(Taipei Branch) Qingdao East Road
ing at Taipei Main Station and transferring to
4. Bannan Line: Transferring to either lines 1 or 2
metro station
National Health Insurance Bureau Temple
Zhongxiao Fuxing Station, and then disembarkeither lines 1 or 2
Station Taipei Main Station
2. Beitou-Nanshijiao Line: National Taiwan Uni-
Geographic Location of NTUH
Geographic Location of
Patron's Guide to NTUH
Patron's Guide to NTUH Patron's Guide to NTUH Patron's Guide to NTUH
Editing: Planning and Management Office
Patron's Guide to NTUH