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Pierson gov CH 3
Government must operate within certain bounds set by the people
best describes the concept of _____ government. 65
The government is held accountable for its actions under which of
rule of law
the following principles of government? 65-66
When there is separation of powers, power is distributed among
three _____ branches of government. 66
The legislative branch can check the judicial branch by its power
to remove judges through _____. 67
The President's power to veto an act of Congress is an example
of _____ and _____. 67
checks balances
In most cases involving ____ _____, the courts have found the
governmental actions in question to be constitutional. 69
judicial review
Which of the following was formally amended to the Constitution? prohibition of
prohibition of alcoholic beverages or balanced federal budget? 72 alcoholic beverages
Each of the four methods of formal amendment demonstrates the
principle of _____. 72
The Constitution requires proposed amendments to have greater
State support for _____ than _____. 73
ratification proposal
According to Article V of the Constitution, no amendment may
deprive a _____ of its equal representation in the Senate. 74
Once ratified, a constitutional amendment may only be changed
by another _____. 75
The Bill of Rights was added as _____ after ratification of the
Constitution. 76
The Judiciary Act of 1789 was an example of _____ change to the
Constitution. 79
Congress can effect changes to the Constitution by exercising its
many powers, adding meaning to skeletal portions of the
Constitution and passing basic _____. 79
To which branch of government fell the task of "judicial review"?
To some extent, the constitutional changes brought about by
various Presidents have circumvented the system of checks and
_____. 80
The President's Cabinet is an example of constitutional change by
_____ custom. 81
Constitutional change as a result of party practices is the use of
the _____ _____ as a "rubber stamp" for the popular vote. 81
electoral college
Which branch of the Federal government plays the largest role in
the formal amendment process?
With the words, "We the people," the Constitution establishes its
authority on the basis of popular _____.
Which of the six basic principles of the Constitution can be diluted
separation of
when the President and a majority of the members of Congress
are of the same political party?
Changes to the Constitution by means other than formal
amendment result from the _____ experiences of government.
The ability of the Constitution to endure for more than 200 years
can be accounted for because of the built-in provisions for
accommodating _____.
Created by: pierson on 2013-10-03