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Simplifying Ratios
We simplify ratios in exactly the same way we simplify fractions – find a common factor and
divide the numbers in the ratio by that factor.
Eg. Simplify 8:20
8 and 20 can both be divided by 4:
8 ÷ 4 = 2 and 20 ÷ 4 = 5
So 8:20 = 2:5
Sharing in a Given Ratio
To share in a given ratio, you have to work out how much each share is worth, then multiply
by the number of shares each person receives.
Eg. Ben and Rupert share £150 between them in the ratio 2:3. How much will they both
Total shares = 2 + 3 = 5
1 share = £150 ÷ 5 = £30
Ben: 2 shares = 2 x £30 = £60
Rupert: 3 shares = 3 x £30 = £90
To check that your answer is correct, add the answers together to ensure they add up to the
original starting value: 60 + 90 = 150
The Sutton Academy